
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Crystalline Gala Coliseum Challenge!
[center][font=baskerville][size=5][b][u]Woodland Path[/u][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=baskerville]Time spent: 30m[/font][/center] [indent][font=baskerville][size=4]Fest drop:[/size][/font][/indent] [item=Eternal Snow]x23 [indent][font=baskerville][size=4]Notable loot:[/size][/font][/indent] [item=Minor Health Potion]x4 [item=Sakura Owl] [item=Leafy Pack]x5 [item=Janustrap]x2 [item=Regeneration] [item=Contuse] [item=Fossilize] [item=Bluefin Charger] [item=Boulder Bolt] [indent][font=baskerville][size=4]Completed by: [b]Timeout[/b][/size][/font][/indent]
Woodland Path
Time spent: 30m
Fest drop:
Eternal Snow x23
Notable loot:
Minor Health Potion x4 Sakura Owl Leafy Pack x5 Janustrap x2 Regeneration Contuse Fossilize Bluefin Charger Boulder Bolt
Completed by: Timeout
[quote][b]Training Fields[/b] [b]- Time spent:[/b] 30 min [b]- Chest drop:[/b] 0 [b] - Notable loot:[/b] [item=Eternal snow]x14 [item=Leafy pack]x2[item=Minor Health potion]x1[item=Emerald webwing]x1[/quote] [quote] [b]Woodland Path[/b] [b]- Time spent:[/b] 27 min [b]- Chest drop:[/b] [item=Runic roamer chest] [b] - Notable loot:[/b] [item=Eternal snow]x31 [item=Leafy pack]x5[item=Minor Health potion]x1[item=Bamboo phytocat]x1[item=Congeal]x1 [item=Regeneration]x1[item=Sakura owl]x1[item=Basilisk]x1 [/quote] [quote][b]Scorched Forest[/b] [b]- Time spent:[/b] 22 min [b]- Chest drop:[/b] [item=Colored ice chest] [b] - Notable loot:[/b] [item=Eternal snow]x12 [item=Zeeba]x1[item=Minor Health potion]x3[item=Death's-Head Stag]x1[item=wave slash]x1[/quote]
Training Fields

- Time spent: 30 min
- Chest drop:

- Notable loot:

Eternal Snow x14
Leafy Pack x2 Minor Health Potion x1 Emerald Webwing x1


Woodland Path

- Time spent: 27 min
- Chest drop:
Runic Roamer Chest

- Notable loot:

Eternal Snow x31
Leafy Pack x5 Minor Health Potion x1 Bamboo Phytocat x1 Congeal x1
Regeneration x1 Sakura Owl x1 Basilisk x1

Scorched Forest

- Time spent: 22 min
- Chest drop:
Colored Ice Chest

- Notable loot:

Eternal Snow x12
Zeeba x1 Minor Health Potion x3 Death's-Head Stag x1 Wave Slash x1
Ink wash brush-style art of three red and gold Wildclaws performing a dragon dance with a green Auraboa puppet, with text for Nature's Year of the Wood Dragon push.GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
[quote][b]Sandswept Delta[/b] [b]- Time spent:[/b] 30 min [b]- Chest drop:[/b] 0 [b] - Notable loot:[/b] [item=Eternal snow]x20 [item=Minor health potion]x3[item=Fishscale basket]x1[item=Crowned bonepriest]x1[item=fan scorpion]x2[item=Discipline]x1[item=Shroud]x1[item=Shock bolt]x1[item=Scholar]x1[item=Mist slash]x1 [/quote] [quote][b]Forgotten Cave[/b] [b]- Time spent:[/b] 27 min [b]- Chest drop:[/b] [b] - Notable loot:[/b] [item=Eternal snow]x26 [item=Minor Health potion]x3[item=Centaur berserker]x1[item=Unhatched arcane egg]x1[/quote] [quote] [b]Bamboo Falls[/b] [b]- Time spent:[/b] 30 min min [b]- Chest drop:[/b] [b] - Notable loot:[/b] [item=Eternal snow]x20 [item=Fishscale basket]x5 [item=Minor Health potion]x4 [item=soft lightweaver idol]x1 [item=Burlap sack]x3 [item=Blazing slash]x1[item=Raptorik warrior]x1[/quote]
Sandswept Delta

- Time spent: 30 min
- Chest drop:

- Notable loot:

Eternal Snow x20
Minor Health Potion x3 Fishscale Basket x1 Crowned Bonepriest x1 Fan Scorpion x2 Discipline x1 Shroud x1 Shock Bolt x1 Scholar x1 Mist Slash x1

Forgotten Cave

- Time spent: 27 min
- Chest drop:

- Notable loot:

Eternal Snow x26
Minor Health Potion x3 Centaur Berserker x1 Unhatched Arcane Egg x1


Bamboo Falls

- Time spent: 30 min
- Chest drop:

- Notable loot:

Eternal Snow x20
Fishscale Basket x5 Minor Health Potion x4 Soft Lightweaver Idol x1
Burlap Sack x3 Blazing Slash x1 Raptorik Warrior x1
Ink wash brush-style art of three red and gold Wildclaws performing a dragon dance with a green Auraboa puppet, with text for Nature's Year of the Wood Dragon push.GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
[quote][b]Redrock Cove[/b] [b]- Time spent:[/b]30 min [b]- Chest drop:[/b] [b] 0 - Notable loot:[/b] [item=Eternal snow]x35 [item=minor health potion]x2[item=daydream puffer]x1[item=Barnacle-encrusted bottle]x2[/quote] [quote][b]Waterway[/b] [b]- Time spent:[/b] 30min [b]- Chest drop:[/b] [b] 0 - Notable loot:[/b] [item=Eternal snow]x33 [item=Waterway pipe]x4[item=dented iron pauldrons]x1[item=minor health potion]x1[item=Leaf bolt]x1[item=enfeeble]x1[item=grey river flight]x1[/quote] [quote] [b]Arena[/b] [b]- Time spent:[/b]1 min [b]- Chest drop:[/b] [b] [item=colored ice chest] - Notable loot:[/b] [item=Eternal snow]x1 [item=Minor health potion]x1[/quote]
Redrock Cove

- Time spent:30 min
- Chest drop:
- Notable loot:

Eternal Snow x35
Minor Health Potion x2 Daydream Puffer x1 Barnacle-Encrusted Bottle x2


- Time spent: 30min
- Chest drop:

- Notable loot:

Eternal Snow x33
Waterway Pipe x4 Dented Iron Pauldrons x1 Minor Health Potion x1 Leaf Bolt x1 Enfeeble x1 Grey River Flight x1


- Time spent:1 min
- Chest drop:
Colored Ice Chest
- Notable loot:

Eternal Snow x1
Minor Health Potion x1
Ink wash brush-style art of three red and gold Wildclaws performing a dragon dance with a green Auraboa puppet, with text for Nature's Year of the Wood Dragon push.GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
[center][size=5][b]Scorched Forest[/b][/size][/center] - [i]Time Spent:[/i] 45 Minutes - [i]Qualifying Drop:[/i] [indent][item=Eternal Snow]x50[/indent] - [i]Notable Loot:[/i] [indent][item=Augite Protector][item=Extinguished Jackalope] [item=Fiery Acuity Fragment][item=Boulder Bolt][item=Regeneration][item=Minor Health Potion]x2[/indent] [center][size=5][b]Sandswept Delta[/b][/size][/center] - [i]Time Spent:[/i] 1 Hour, 30 Minutes - [i]Qualifying Drop:[/i] [indent][item=Eternal Snow]x50[/indent] - [i]Notable Loot:[/i] [indent][item=Serthis Alchemist][item=Carmine Serthis][item=Fuiran] [item=Storm Seeker][item=Fan Scorpion]x2 [item=Minor Health Potion]x10 [item=Ward][item=Scholar][item=Eliminate] [item=Natural Acuity Fragment]x5 [item=Leaf Bolt]x3 [item=Aquatic Might Fragment]x2 [item=Enamor] [item=Dark Acuity Fragment]x2 [item=Shroud] [item=Fishscale Basket]x9[/indent]
Scorched Forest

- Time Spent: 45 Minutes

- Qualifying Drop:
Eternal Snow x50

- Notable Loot:
Augite Protector Extinguished Jackalope
Fiery Acuity Fragment Boulder Bolt Regeneration Minor Health Potion x2

Sandswept Delta

- Time Spent: 1 Hour, 30 Minutes

- Qualifying Drop:
Eternal Snow x50

- Notable Loot:
Serthis Alchemist Carmine Serthis Fuiran
Storm Seeker Fan Scorpion x2
Minor Health Potion x10 Ward Scholar Eliminate
Natural Acuity Fragment x5 Leaf Bolt x3 Aquatic Might Fragment x2 Enamor
Dark Acuity Fragment x2 Shroud
Fishscale Basket x9
Demesne, s before n || Avatar || Dragon Sales || CrimQuest || Coli Grinder

A cropped image of the Hall of Armor Scene. There is a long hall lined with sets of armor modeled after Coatl dragons on the left and Guardian dragons on the right. Sunlight streams in from windows on the left side.
[b]Redrock Cove[/b] [indent] - Time spent: 10m - Chest drop: [item=Aurora Machinery Chest] - Notable loot: 10x[item=Eternal Snow][item=Barnacle-Encrusted Bottle][item=Might Fragment][/indent]
Redrock Cove
- Time spent: 10m
- Chest drop:
Aurora Machinery Chest
- Notable loot:
10x Eternal Snow Barnacle-Encrusted Bottle Might Fragment
[b]Forgotten Cave[/b] [indent] - Mode: Hard - Time spent: ~5 minutes - Chest drop: [item=Colored Ice Chest] - Notable loot: [item=Eternal Snow]x3 [/indent]
Forgotten Cave
- Mode: Hard
- Time spent: ~5 minutes
- Chest drop:
Colored Ice Chest
- Notable loot:
Eternal Snow x3
She/They | FR +2

G1 collector and (occasional) artist. Feel free to ping or message me for whatever reason!
@Mediscoot i turned ultra lazy and stopped doing the challenge
so i think i just won't be doing it
can i stop participating or something?
@Mediscoot i turned ultra lazy and stopped doing the challenge
so i think i just won't be doing it
can i stop participating or something?
Glowbug she/her
actual spore creature
avatar dragon
[b]Bamboo Falls[/b] [indent]- Mode: Hard - Time Spent: ~45 minutes - Chest drop: [item=Frostbitten Fugitive Chest] - Notable loot: [item=Eternal Snow]x24[item=Burlap Sack]x3[item=Minor Health Potion]x3[item=Blazing Slash][item=Raptorik Warrior][item=Magical Acuity Fragment][item=Veteran’s Eye Scar][item=Fishscale Basket]x7[item=Red-Breasted Hainu][item=Bloodscale Shoulder Guards][item=Hainu][item=Earthen Might Fragment][item=Regeneration] [/indent]
Bamboo Falls
- Mode: Hard
- Time Spent: ~45 minutes
- Chest drop:
Frostbitten Fugitive Chest
- Notable loot:
Eternal Snow x24 Burlap Sack x3 Minor Health Potion x3 Blazing Slash Raptorik Warrior Magical Acuity Fragment Fishscale Basket x7 Red-Breasted Hainu Bloodscale Shoulder Guards Hainu Earthen Might Fragment Regeneration
She/They | FR +2

G1 collector and (occasional) artist. Feel free to ping or message me for whatever reason!
[center][url=]<[/url] | [url=]>[/url] [font=Gabriola][size=7][color=lightskyblue][u]Bamboo Falls[/u][/color][/font][/size] Time spent: 48 Minutes Finishing Drop: [item=Earthen Acuity Fragment][item=Discipline][item=Aquatic Might Fragment][item=Mist Slash][item=Glass Hybrid Fragment] [item=Eternal Snow] x30 Notable Loot: [item=Burlap Sack] x2 [item=Fungalhoof Crate][item=Broken Penny Jar][item=Fishscale Basket]x7 [item=Minor Health Potion][/center]
< | >
Bamboo Falls
Time spent: 48 Minutes
Finishing Drop: Earthen Acuity Fragment Discipline Aquatic Might Fragment Mist Slash Glass Hybrid Fragment
Eternal Snow x30
Notable Loot: Burlap Sack x2
Fungalhoof Crate Broken Penny Jar Fishscale Basket x7
Minor Health Potion
The Hatchery Masterlist