
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Winter Egg Trade!
[img][/img] Do you like throwing pretty dragons on a nest and seeing what happens? Then this is the event for you! In this Egg Trade, participants will nest a pair of winter-themed dragons. (By winter-themed, we mean snow falling, hot cocoa, peppermint, winter holidays, anything that reminds you of winter!) Every nest is asked to donate two eggs, if possible; those who get three or more are encouraged to donate more to make up for lamentable one-egg nests. You are also welcome to donate and not get any eggs in return. We will be nesting the winter pairs on [b]January 15[/b]. This way, they will hatch on [b]January 20th[/b]. Holiday pairs welcomed! [url=]Here is the Sign-Up Form[/url]! You’re encouraged not to use established breeding pairs for this. The babies should be surprise bundles of joy. If you need to, grab a nice-looking fodder dragon or two off the AH! Every egg that gets nested for this swap will be assigned a number via RNG. [url=]The Egg Tracking Spreadsheet [/url]is where all of that information will be stored and visible for everyone to see. Once all the nests are down, swap partners will be assigned. Once the nests hatch, it’s time to swap! Send your hatchlings to your assigned partner! The spreadsheets are open for you to find where to send the bundles of joy. Should there be communications issues or other errors, contact the event staff (@Hexi, @Valikor, or @schaadenfreude) and we will sort things out. [b]IMPORTANT[/b]: Please keep the nesting date and hatch date in mind! If you know you’re going to be away from the site, please let us know so we can work something out! Special thanks to @Tyeth for the graphics!

Do you like throwing pretty dragons on a nest and seeing what happens? Then this is the event for you!

In this Egg Trade, participants will nest a pair of winter-themed dragons. (By winter-themed, we mean snow falling, hot cocoa, peppermint, winter holidays, anything that reminds you of winter!) Every nest is asked to donate two eggs, if possible; those who get three or more are encouraged to donate more to make up for lamentable one-egg nests. You are also welcome to donate and not get any eggs in return.

We will be nesting the winter pairs on January 15. This way, they will hatch on January 20th. Holiday pairs welcomed!

Here is the Sign-Up Form!

You’re encouraged not to use established breeding pairs for this. The babies should be surprise bundles of joy. If you need to, grab a nice-looking fodder dragon or two off the AH!

Every egg that gets nested for this swap will be assigned a number via RNG. The Egg Tracking Spreadsheet is where all of that information will be stored and visible for everyone to see. Once all the nests are down, swap partners will be assigned.

Once the nests hatch, it’s time to swap! Send your hatchlings to your assigned partner! The spreadsheets are open for you to find where to send the bundles of joy. Should there be communications issues or other errors, contact the event staff (@Hexi, @Valikor, or @schaadenfreude) and we will sort things out.

IMPORTANT: Please keep the nesting date and hatch date in mind! If you know you’re going to be away from the site, please let us know so we can work something out!

Special thanks to @Tyeth for the graphics!

@00Riku00 @Abborrzza @acorn781 @AlonaKnight @Ambitious @annadandelion @Aoji @ArtisticDragonn @AuraBurn @Bain @c1anddsaddict @CatkinStarchild @Ceresvoid @Cheshly @Chisp @chocoapple @CloudlessPlanet @Cosi @CuriousLoli @Draketeeth @Dreamwidow @Eialyne @EmeraldJubilee @Ezliana @FaithSoulpyre @gypsywildflower @idlewildly @IndecisiveOCD @Irva @JadeJewels @Juliamon @Kaeliyah @KairyuDee @KalynaAnne @Kiradog234 @Kweh @lissard @LostHero @Madsparkz @melisont @MoonLuxray @Morare @Morifinde @MythicalMemeLord @nickadee @Oceanas @Pallida @Pufferheart @Rattz @RedWillia @Renmei @SatanicFlames @schaadenfreude @ScreamingBeans @Selki @SilverPlayer @SleepingCactus @snowytetra @Sonora @SonyaAxel @strangefrontier @SummerMiko @TacoCrunchies @TheOddDucky @Unownsender @vergeoflove @wannabeElf @WaNoMatsuri @WhiteRiver @Whimzica @YearlyToast @Zitora

Note: The pinglist is based on past participants. If you no longer wish to be on the pinglist or would like to be added in future Egg Trades, please let me know.

@00Riku00 @Abborrzza @acorn781 @AlonaKnight @Ambitious @annadandelion @Aoji @ArtisticDragonn @AuraBurn @Bain @c1anddsaddict @CatkinStarchild @Ceresvoid @Cheshly @Chisp @chocoapple @CloudlessPlanet @Cosi @CuriousLoli @Draketeeth @Dreamwidow @Eialyne @EmeraldJubilee @Ezliana @FaithSoulpyre @gypsywildflower @idlewildly @IndecisiveOCD @Irva @JadeJewels @Juliamon @Kaeliyah @KairyuDee @KalynaAnne @Kiradog234 @Kweh @lissard @LostHero @Madsparkz @melisont @MoonLuxray @Morare @Morifinde @MythicalMemeLord @nickadee @Oceanas @Pallida @Pufferheart @Rattz @RedWillia @Renmei @SatanicFlames @schaadenfreude @ScreamingBeans @Selki @SilverPlayer @SleepingCactus @snowytetra @Sonora @SonyaAxel @strangefrontier @SummerMiko @TacoCrunchies @TheOddDucky @Unownsender @vergeoflove @wannabeElf @WaNoMatsuri @WhiteRiver @Whimzica @YearlyToast @Zitora

Note: The pinglist is based on past participants. If you no longer wish to be on the pinglist or would like to be added in future Egg Trades, please let me know.
I would like to get off sorry
I would like to get off sorry
I will be participating! I won’t be getting my eggs/pairs until around Christmas though, simply to save space.
I will be participating! I won’t be getting my eggs/pairs until around Christmas though, simply to save space.
vjFLC.gif she/her
+2 FR time
forever rambling
Two winter pairs go! Frosted windows/berries in snow and glacier pairs! [center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] [img][/img] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
Two winter pairs go! Frosted windows/berries in snow and glacier pairs!

my 4 pairs are happy to join this lovely event

my 4 pairs are happy to join this lovely event