
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Give a Ripcurrent, Get a Ripcurrent!
You've all seen these games before but here you'll get a beautiful ripcurrent hatchling or dragon, for sure!

  • All dragons in this thread must be ripple/current. Third gene can be ANYTHING.
  • Ping the user above you along with the dragon you're giving away and send it to that user. (All dragons must be given; not sold, and not traded unless previously worked out; 1 treasure in the crossroads only(although no one will jump down your throat if you accidentally type '2' or something))
  • If you simply commenting please post your reply with brackets or parenthesis
  • If you don't like what you receive, no problem! you can send it back into the swap, sell, or exalt it. It's your dragon now.
  • The dragon/s you send will be total property of the person you send them to, you can ask not to exalt, but selling or trading again may or may not be inevitable depending on who you're gifting the dragon to and what it is.
  • All breeds are welcome!
  • Have fun!
You've all seen these games before but here you'll get a beautiful ripcurrent hatchling or dragon, for sure!

  • All dragons in this thread must be ripple/current. Third gene can be ANYTHING.
  • Ping the user above you along with the dragon you're giving away and send it to that user. (All dragons must be given; not sold, and not traded unless previously worked out; 1 treasure in the crossroads only(although no one will jump down your throat if you accidentally type '2' or something))
  • If you simply commenting please post your reply with brackets or parenthesis
  • If you don't like what you receive, no problem! you can send it back into the swap, sell, or exalt it. It's your dragon now.
  • The dragon/s you send will be total property of the person you send them to, you can ask not to exalt, but selling or trading again may or may not be inevitable depending on who you're gifting the dragon to and what it is.
  • All breeds are welcome!
  • Have fun!
yESS @CatalystDragons [url=] [img][/img] [/url]


@ShenziSixaxis [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

@CatalystDragons [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

@Ursahyperdrive [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

[just casually bumping because i love ripcurrents]
[just casually bumping because i love ripcurrents]
[and another bump from me]
[and another bump from me]
@aouba [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
