This is Shark, one of my favorite dragons that I own and my goal is to make him look as much like the ocean as possible, but I'm extremely broke and can't afford anything. Besides I'm having trouble with the whole oceans apparel, though I did find a nice accent. But it's expensive. Wondering if you guys knew of any ocean like apparel or had any extra that you didn't need, it'll mean the world to me.
TOPIC | Ocean Dragon
[i]This is Shark, one of my favorite dragons that I own and my goal is to make him look as much like the ocean as possible, but I'm extremely broke and can't afford anything. Besides I'm having trouble with the whole oceans apparel, though I did find a nice accent. But it's expensive. Wondering if you guys knew of any ocean like apparel or had any extra that you didn't need, it'll mean the world to me.[/i]
This is Shark, one of my favorite dragons that I own and my goal is to make him look as much like the ocean as possible, but I'm extremely broke and can't afford anything. Besides I'm having trouble with the whole oceans apparel, though I did find a nice accent. But it's expensive. Wondering if you guys knew of any ocean like apparel or had any extra that you didn't need, it'll mean the world to me.
@CelenaWolf He's pretty! I love that thylacine.
If you're willing to splash out (heh) a little, [item= warmwater wanderers] would look great on him.
And sylvan anklets and bracelets look a little bit like fins, imo. There's also some piratey apparel, but I think that's really expensive because it's cycled out :(
If it helps at all, here's how I've dressed my oceany themed dragon up:
@CelenaWolf He's pretty! I love that thylacine.
If you're willing to splash out (heh) a little, would look great on him.
And sylvan anklets and bracelets look a little bit like fins, imo. There's also some piratey apparel, but I think that's really expensive because it's cycled out :(
If it helps at all, here's how I've dressed my oceany themed dragon up:
If you're willing to splash out (heh) a little, would look great on him.
And sylvan anklets and bracelets look a little bit like fins, imo. There's also some piratey apparel, but I think that's really expensive because it's cycled out :(
If it helps at all, here's how I've dressed my oceany themed dragon up:
Check out my lazy excuse of a hatchery!
Thank you, that is a great example of what he can use. Lol I made him Australian too.
Thank you, that is a great example of what he can use. Lol I made him Australian too.
@CelenaWolf my Nehir here is based around an ocean theme, I just kind of went for lots of blues and things from Wavecrest [url=]
[s]ps: ur Shark bean is so beautiful [/s]
@CelenaWolf my Nehir here is based around an ocean theme, I just kind of went for lots of blues and things from Wavecrest
ps: ur Shark bean is so beautiful
uh oh! g1 obsession alert
Here are a few of my ocean themed dragons, if they help you in terms of inspiration?
For your boy I would say remove the mask, give him the warmwater wanderers, sapphire feathered wings, sapphire tail feathers, perhaps the battlescale armor set or a set of celadon silks. Edit: also the sylvan apparel can look very aquatic if paired with the right apparel.
Here are a few of my ocean themed dragons, if they help you in terms of inspiration?
For your boy I would say remove the mask, give him the warmwater wanderers, sapphire feathered wings, sapphire tail feathers, perhaps the battlescale armor set or a set of celadon silks. Edit: also the sylvan apparel can look very aquatic if paired with the right apparel.
For your boy I would say remove the mask, give him the warmwater wanderers, sapphire feathered wings, sapphire tail feathers, perhaps the battlescale armor set or a set of celadon silks. Edit: also the sylvan apparel can look very aquatic if paired with the right apparel.
Multigaze and Permababy collector.
Browse the lair and let me know what you think.
Browse the lair and let me know what you think.
@CelenaWolf Here's a couple of my water themed imps, to help, perhaps. :)
I'll also echo the sylvan apparel idea, since it has a watery type color, or either the sapphire feathered wings @Koneko mentioned. Also, the wavespun feathered set comes to mind as well. The warmwater wanderers are a great addition to any water dragon, and are much cheaper an option than the thresher flatfins right now. :)
@CelenaWolf Here's a couple of my water themed imps, to help, perhaps. :)
I'll also echo the sylvan apparel idea, since it has a watery type color, or either the sapphire feathered wings @Koneko mentioned. Also, the wavespun feathered set comes to mind as well. The warmwater wanderers are a great addition to any water dragon, and are much cheaper an option than the thresher flatfins right now. :)
I'll also echo the sylvan apparel idea, since it has a watery type color, or either the sapphire feathered wings @Koneko mentioned. Also, the wavespun feathered set comes to mind as well. The warmwater wanderers are a great addition to any water dragon, and are much cheaper an option than the thresher flatfins right now. :)