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@ZombieBiologist [center][img][/img] ----- [font=Century][b][size=5] Hive [/size][/font][/b] ----- | Dependable | Hardy | Versatile | Intelligent | Multi-tasker | [i]"Did you need something, dear? Oh! That's the parchment I ordered, lets see...Sorry for the clutter, you can set the paper on the stone slab next to the glass Fae skull inkwell. ...Why are you looking at me like that?"[/i] Born in the Viridian Labyrinth, Hive found herself perfectly at home beneath the cluttered Sycamore trees. She always had an interest in the bark and its properties, specifically the fibers. As her curiosity grew, she began to delve into the art of making paper. It was almost like a show to watch her work, her mind buzzing like a hundred bees, Hive would work on many projects at once. Most dragons wouldn't be able to keep up with the pace but Hive was different, always able to finish everything in a timely manner. She went from just making parchment to bookbinding, finding she had a talent for creating beautiful tomes, perfect for any skilled wizard to write spells upon. She would never back down from an order, no matter how intricate or crazy the book might be. She could bind a book with metal, if that was really what the customer wanted, although the book might not be all that usable, she would still oblige. When ordering from her, one can expect her shop to be a complete mess, many colored inks spilled and sloshed on the floor, papers stuck to the ceiling and ever wrapped around her feathered wings. She was an odd one, that HIve. Unfortunately, an accident involving Beastclan creatures forced Hive to leave her home in the Viridian Labyrinth and move to the Carrion Canyon. It was awkward for her to start from scratch but as soon as she began her business in bookbinding she found that she could make her home anywhere where ink and paper was found. ----- (Sorry this is so late! hope you enjoy though! :) I absolutely love Hive's appearance!)



| Dependable | Hardy | Versatile | Intelligent | Multi-tasker |

"Did you need something, dear? Oh! That's the parchment I ordered, lets see...Sorry for the clutter, you can set the paper on the stone slab next to the glass Fae skull inkwell. ...Why are you looking at me like that?"

Born in the Viridian Labyrinth, Hive found herself perfectly at home beneath the cluttered Sycamore trees. She always had an interest in the bark and its properties, specifically the fibers. As her curiosity grew, she began to delve into the art of making paper. It was almost like a show to watch her work, her mind buzzing like a hundred bees, Hive would work on many projects at once. Most dragons wouldn't be able to keep up with the pace but Hive was different, always able to finish everything in a timely manner. She went from just making parchment to bookbinding, finding she had a talent for creating beautiful tomes, perfect for any skilled wizard to write spells upon.

She would never back down from an order, no matter how intricate or crazy the book might be. She could bind a book with metal, if that was really what the customer wanted, although the book might not be all that usable, she would still oblige. When ordering from her, one can expect her shop to be a complete mess, many colored inks spilled and sloshed on the floor, papers stuck to the ceiling and ever wrapped around her feathered wings. She was an odd one, that HIve.

Unfortunately, an accident involving Beastclan creatures forced Hive to leave her home in the Viridian Labyrinth and move to the Carrion Canyon. It was awkward for her to start from scratch but as soon as she began her business in bookbinding she found that she could make her home anywhere where ink and paper was found.

(Sorry this is so late! hope you enjoy though! :) I absolutely love Hive's appearance!)
@MoonEyedMeljah hope I did this right :p [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dirge, they said, was bad news. What kind of Plague dragon could melt as easily into the shadows as those born in the Tangled Wood? Not many dared to ask. She didn't quite care for their whispers and the rumors that surrounded her. The clan took in oddballs and dragons that didn't quite fit; she wouldn't stand out from any of them. There were, of course, the strange stares and the occasional worried glance, but it was easy to ignore them. The shadows bent to her will as easily as the Plague magic that gathered at her clawtips. Dirge didn't understand why, but she knew better than to question. Power like this was meant to be contained.
@MoonEyedMeljah hope I did this right :p


Dirge, they said, was bad news.

What kind of Plague dragon could melt as easily into the shadows as those born in the Tangled Wood?

Not many dared to ask.

She didn't quite care for their whispers and the rumors that surrounded her. The clan took in oddballs and dragons that didn't quite fit; she wouldn't stand out from any of them. There were, of course, the strange stares and the occasional worried glance, but it was easy to ignore them.

The shadows bent to her will as easily as the Plague magic that gathered at her clawtips. Dirge didn't understand why, but she knew better than to question.

Power like this was meant to be contained.
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@[url=]shanncrafter[/url] Doing one for Chronos, if you don't mind. [img][/img] If there ever was a Nocturne more suited for the heat of the Fire Flight, look no further than to Chronos, former smith in the Fire flight before he ended up transferring to Plague. Now, Chronos here has a secret. Much like his namesake, he has something to do with time, something that caused him to leave his home in the Fire Flight for the Rotrock Rim, where he now spends his days forging weapons and other tools for his Clanmates, lucky that they found him useful in such a regard. Luckier still, that the clan leaders didn't look at him in terror when he accidentally went from talking with them to a different side of the lair all at once, surprising the hatchling he nearly stepped on. It's this thing he can do, manipulate time to travel to another place, but the thing is, as Chronos only really discovered that power accidentally after getting hit with a bout of something from the Baldwin's Brew, and has had trouble controlling it ever since. In fact, one could say that Chronos can't really control it. But hey, do him a favor, and don't mention it. Allow him to live in the anonymity of his forge at the center of the Clan's lair, preferring that to the commotion of his fellow comrades, although, there are a few he doesn't mind socializing with, so long as they don't drop him the moment he accidentally appears somewhere else when he should be having a conversation on what other material or tool is needed by the Clan. And for the love of the Plaguebringer, don't touch the bandana.

Doing one for Chronos, if you don't mind.


If there ever was a Nocturne more suited for the heat of the Fire Flight, look no further than to Chronos, former smith in the Fire flight before he ended up transferring to Plague. Now, Chronos here has a secret. Much like his namesake, he has something to do with time, something that caused him to leave his home in the Fire Flight for the Rotrock Rim, where he now spends his days forging weapons and other tools for his Clanmates, lucky that they found him useful in such a regard.

Luckier still, that the clan leaders didn't look at him in terror when he accidentally went from talking with them to a different side of the lair all at once, surprising the hatchling he nearly stepped on. It's this thing he can do, manipulate time to travel to another place, but the thing is, as Chronos only really discovered that power accidentally after getting hit with a bout of something from the Baldwin's Brew, and has had trouble controlling it ever since. In fact, one could say that Chronos can't really control it.

But hey, do him a favor, and don't mention it. Allow him to live in the anonymity of his forge at the center of the Clan's lair, preferring that to the commotion of his fellow comrades, although, there are a few he doesn't mind socializing with, so long as they don't drop him the moment he accidentally appears somewhere else when he should be having a conversation on what other material or tool is needed by the Clan.

And for the love of the Plaguebringer, don't touch the bandana.

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] If you need something hacked, overidden, or fixed, Contagion is the dragon to go to. Their technical prowess has made them many enemies within other clans, which is why they've decided to go into hiding within this small clan. They're naturally intelligent, and is very charismatic, both of which come in handy within their chosen profession. They are regarded with suspicion and curiosity by the rest of the clan. With good reason, there are rumors that Contagion has destroyed entire clans with robot armies.


If you need something hacked, overidden, or fixed, Contagion is the dragon to go to. Their technical prowess has made them many enemies within other clans, which is why they've decided to go into hiding within this small clan.
They're naturally intelligent, and is very charismatic, both of which come in handy within their chosen profession. They are regarded with suspicion and curiosity by the rest of the clan. With good reason, there are rumors that Contagion has destroyed entire clans with robot armies.
@soleilnova also is Hearthstone a reference to the magnus chase series hmmmmmm [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Demeter is surprisingly wonderful at growing things despite being an Earth dragon. One could argue, of course, that it was because both Earth and Nature had roots intertwined so deep with each other that those born of the Earth or of Nature could wield both element with ease, but Demeter didn't very much care. She liked growing things, and she was good at it. That was how she saw things. It was simple and straight forward. She would keep growing her herbs and plants till she died, though she knew that Persephone would take over once she was gone. The Starfall Isles was a poor substitute for the Viridian Labyrinth or Dragonhome, Demeter would think, but deep down inside (past the pride and slight haughtiness) she knew that the Nova Caverns was the best home she'd ever had. And Demeter intended to keep it that way.
also is Hearthstone a reference to the magnus chase series hmmmmmm


Demeter is surprisingly wonderful at growing things despite being an Earth dragon. One could argue, of course, that it was because both Earth and Nature had roots intertwined so deep with each other that those born of the Earth or of Nature could wield both element with ease, but Demeter didn't very much care.

She liked growing things, and she was good at it.

That was how she saw things. It was simple and straight forward. She would keep growing her herbs and plants till she died, though she knew that Persephone would take over once she was gone.

The Starfall Isles was a poor substitute for the Viridian Labyrinth or Dragonhome, Demeter would think, but deep down inside (past the pride and slight haughtiness) she knew that the Nova Caverns was the best home she'd ever had.

And Demeter intended to keep it that way.
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@shanncrafter [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A dragon scorned many a time within her long life, Dysnomia is not only the epitome of a dragon hailing from the Flamecaller's Forge, but a fearless anarchist who does as she pleases. Though she is of the fire element, she is as cold as ice with little interest in others. Dear Dysnomia is also known for her fiery temper, being seen causing massive fires just to blow off steam on more than one occasion. Unlike most Snappers, Dysnomia travels alone and has no interest in knowledge. When she encounters other Snappers, she adamantly refuses to join their troupe, calling it a waste of time. But of course, her heart wasn't always encased in a mass of magma. During her travels within the Shadowbinder's territory, she met an unnamed Fae whom she mated with. However, tragedy would soon befall the pair and their clutch, as the Fae's clan had sent him and their hatchlings off to the Shadowbinder. Dysnomia, knowing full well that being exalted was considered an honor, still felt a bitter hate towards the dark deity that soon grew into a loathing for almost any dragon that seemed to cross her path. [s]Hopefully this is alright![/s]


A dragon scorned many a time within her long life, Dysnomia is not only the epitome of a dragon hailing from the Flamecaller's Forge, but a fearless anarchist who does as she pleases. Though she is of the fire element, she is as cold as ice with little interest in others. Dear Dysnomia is also known for her fiery temper, being seen causing massive fires just to blow off steam on more than one occasion.

Unlike most Snappers, Dysnomia travels alone and has no interest in knowledge. When she encounters other Snappers, she adamantly refuses to join their troupe, calling it a waste of time.

But of course, her heart wasn't always encased in a mass of magma. During her travels within the Shadowbinder's territory, she met an unnamed Fae whom she mated with. However, tragedy would soon befall the pair and their clutch, as the Fae's clan had sent him and their hatchlings off to the Shadowbinder. Dysnomia, knowing full well that being exalted was considered an honor, still felt a bitter hate towards the dark deity that soon grew into a loathing for almost any dragon that seemed to cross her path.

Hopefully this is alright!
output-onlinepngtools.pngI refuse...
[center] @TheWhiteTigerGod [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=7][font=Times New Roman]Litavis[/font][/size] [font=Cambria] All of Litavis' life, she felt she had no purpose. She was just a boring black Guardian, hardly appealing to the eye, with no skills in hunting or fighting. She kept to herself and truly believed that her life would be a boring cycle of gathering food and watching eggs. Until one day, she was struck by a powerful bolt of lightning. The surge of energy and electricity could have ended her life right there, but something truly remarkable happened instead. She survived the incident with a few circuit-shaped scars to tell the tale. For a while after the strike, everything returned to normal. She went back to her tasks of gathering and egg watching. Her life was just as boring as before, until one day, an enemy clan came and attacked her own. Put on the spot in front of a vicious dragon much larger and more powerful than herself, her only option was to try to fight back. When she lashed back out with a hit that would have normally left a measly scratch, her scars began to glow a bright electric blue, and a surge of energy blew the enemy back with a crackle of static and energy. Nowadays, her clanmates see her as much more than the boring gatherer who always remained silent. She is seen as a powerful and mysterious force who protects her clan with powerful electric magic. [/center] [Next person, could you maybe stick to my 2nd and 3rd page? Most of my 1st page dragons have bios, I'm just not done writing them. ^^]



All of Litavis' life, she felt she had no purpose.
She was just a boring black Guardian, hardly appealing to the eye, with no skills in hunting or fighting.
She kept to herself and truly believed that her life would be a boring cycle of gathering food and watching eggs.

Until one day, she was struck by a powerful bolt of lightning.

The surge of energy and electricity could have ended her life right there, but something truly remarkable happened instead. She survived the incident with a few circuit-shaped scars to tell the tale.

For a while after the strike, everything returned to normal. She went back to her tasks of gathering and egg watching. Her life was just as boring as before, until one day, an enemy clan came and attacked her own.

Put on the spot in front of a vicious dragon much larger and more powerful than herself, her only option was to try to fight back. When she lashed back out with a hit that would have normally left a measly scratch, her scars began to glow a bright electric blue, and a surge of energy blew the enemy back with a crackle of static and energy.

Nowadays, her clanmates see her as much more than the boring gatherer who always remained silent. She is seen as a powerful and mysterious force who protects her clan with powerful electric magic.

[Next person, could you maybe stick to my 2nd and 3rd page? Most of my 1st page dragons have bios, I'm just not done writing them. ^^]
WY9f4vu.jpg ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎ Ollie/Johnny - 21, he/they
‏‏‎ ‎ TIRED (college student)
‏‏‎ ‎ FR player since 2015
@[url=]sp00kyartie[/url] For Amaterasu. [img][/img] Some say she was borne of the sun and stars, created specifically to acknowledge their brilliance in the only way that could be captured on a dragon--through the crystalline appearance of her scales. In sunlight, Amaterasu is nearly blinding, her vibrant frame like a tiny flaming star of her own as she darts among the clouds high above her home in the Crystalspine Reaches. Thanks to the little orb on her head, the magics here, more powerful than she ever sensed in the Lightning clan, seem to almost fill her on a constant basis, leaving some of the Clan to wonder if she was touched by the Arcanist himself. However, if one were to ask Amaterasu how she got her coloring, or why her magic seems so powerful here, she will not answer. Not only is Amaterasu a silent entity by choice, finding little use for words, she herself cannot speak. Having this since birth, she's had to find a different way to communicate. Luckily, the Clan is accommodating, and another helped her learn to communicate in a way that the others would understand, allowing her to make friends with others and mediate in conflicts where the leaders are unwanted presences. Still, Amaterasu's strict role in the clan is not one of mediation. No, because of her coloring and her fascination with the skies above their heads, she is the navigator, charting plans for new destinations, reaching and mapping new areas, and, most of all, interpreting the stars for potential storms and ways to use them as guiding lights, for lack of a better word. It is here that she finds herself most content, this dedicated worker who, most of the time, is content with flying so long that she wears herself down to bone. Yet, this almost tireless entity will keep going, flying higher and higher, until she can reach for what she's seeking.

For Amaterasu.


Some say she was borne of the sun and stars, created specifically to acknowledge their brilliance in the only way that could be captured on a dragon--through the crystalline appearance of her scales. In sunlight, Amaterasu is nearly blinding, her vibrant frame like a tiny flaming star of her own as she darts among the clouds high above her home in the Crystalspine Reaches. Thanks to the little orb on her head, the magics here, more powerful than she ever sensed in the Lightning clan, seem to almost fill her on a constant basis, leaving some of the Clan to wonder if she was touched by the Arcanist himself.

However, if one were to ask Amaterasu how she got her coloring, or why her magic seems so powerful here, she will not answer. Not only is Amaterasu a silent entity by choice, finding little use for words, she herself cannot speak. Having this since birth, she's had to find a different way to communicate. Luckily, the Clan is accommodating, and another helped her learn to communicate in a way that the others would understand, allowing her to make friends with others and mediate in conflicts where the leaders are unwanted presences.

Still, Amaterasu's strict role in the clan is not one of mediation. No, because of her coloring and her fascination with the skies above their heads, she is the navigator, charting plans for new destinations, reaching and mapping new areas, and, most of all, interpreting the stars for potential storms and ways to use them as guiding lights, for lack of a better word. It is here that she finds herself most content, this dedicated worker who, most of the time, is content with flying so long that she wears herself down to bone. Yet, this almost tireless entity will keep going, flying higher and higher, until she can reach for what she's seeking.
@NightmaricScream [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Quake, quite simply to put it, quakes. She's worried about her mother. In fact, her mother's speechlessness has kept her constantly worried. Screech tried teaching her how to read her mothers signs, but Quake just... quakes. Looking at her mother brings all her worry to the forefront... rendering her incapable of movement.... other than quaking. The meetings make her feel even worse. She loves her mother... but her mother just isn't capable of giving the TLC Quake wanted as a hatchling... and Quake's also incapable of reciprocating, no matter how she tries. Screech's the awkward link between them... one that's fragile at most.[/i] Man, I don't know... your lore's so deep and connected... I tried.


Quake, quite simply to put it, quakes. She's worried about her mother. In fact, her mother's speechlessness has kept her constantly worried. Screech tried teaching her how to read her mothers signs, but Quake just... quakes. Looking at her mother brings all her worry to the forefront... rendering her incapable of movement.... other than quaking. The meetings make her feel even worse. She loves her mother... but her mother just isn't capable of giving the TLC Quake wanted as a hatchling... and Quake's also incapable of reciprocating, no matter how she tries. Screech's the awkward link between them... one that's fragile at most.

Man, I don't know... your lore's so deep and connected... I tried.
Stay awesome, everyone!

1 Dragon for Sale!

PS: For Dragon Share Forums, do not include dragons AFTER Brenna (Skydancer on Page 5). Thanks!
@SayMrrp this...was a really long time ago. I had to google it to find it again :p [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Meiguang doesn't quite seem to understand the finer aspects of subtlety. I mean, sure, she does know when to be discreet, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to make herself [i]heard[/i]. There are times when you should speak up and times when you should know better than to say anything, and Meiguang....well. Lets just say she speaks up practically [i]all [/i]the time. But that's alright. She'll give your opinion a voice and some sway in the council. If injustice is in the air, she just keep talking until it vaporizes. She can't stand it when dragons are left behind, and will do whatever it takes to make sure that everyone in the clan is happy and healthy. Yes, even if it means shouting 'good morning' from the rooftops and screeching 'good night' before she retires to bed. There are worst things than speaking your mind. Hope that this is okay :)
@SayMrrp this...was a really long time ago. I had to google it to find it again :p


Meiguang doesn't quite seem to understand the finer aspects of subtlety.

I mean, sure, she does know when to be discreet, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to make herself heard. There are times when you should speak up and times when you should know better than to say anything, and Meiguang....well.

Lets just say she speaks up practically all the time.

But that's alright. She'll give your opinion a voice and some sway in the council. If injustice is in the air, she just keep talking until it vaporizes. She can't stand it when dragons are left behind, and will do whatever it takes to make sure that everyone in the clan is happy and healthy.

Yes, even if it means shouting 'good morning' from the rooftops and screeching 'good night' before she retires to bed.

There are worst things than speaking your mind.

Hope that this is okay :)
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