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TOPIC | Epistolary of Eidolon
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@MahuruRaji I've got my lore thread up and running! Still need to work on the graphics, but the basics are down pat.
@MahuruRaji I've got my lore thread up and running! Still need to work on the graphics, but the basics are down pat.
[center][size=2][url=]Introduction[/url] | [url=]Navigation[/url] | [url=]History[/url] | [url=]City Census[/url] | [url=]Scattered Maps[/url] | [url=]Archives[/url] | [url=]Affiliations[/url][/size][/center] ----- [quote] [center][b][font=Mistral]The colour of things best forgotten.[/font][/b] [font=Mistral]The red of flaking rust, molten gold, and spilled blood- painting the most surreal of portraits.[/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][b][font=Symbol]The colour of things best remembered.[/font][/b] [font=Symbol]The teal of verdigris stain, frozen silver, and locked caskets- erasing the most important of writings.[/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote][font=Cambria] To Silas, I'm a bit concerned. To tell you t[b]he[/b] truth, the Counci[b]l[/b] haven't been making good moves lately, and The Liberator is sailing for Blacksand Annex in two days. If this treaty is so easily broken, what will become of Crow's Den? Not your [b]p[/b]roblem, I know, but Silas- warn her if you can. I don't know where she is now, but even if it isn't [b]m[/b]y conc[b]e[/b]rn, don't we owe her...[i]someth[b]i[/b]ng[/i]? I'll be [b]m[/b]oving to another reg[b]i[/b]o[b]n[/b] next w[b]e[/b]ek. Don't try to contact me unt[b]i[/b]l I send further [b]d[/b]etails. I [b]o[/b]n[b]l[/b]y h[b]o[/b]pe we ca[b]n[/b] meet again on better terms. From Matthias. [/font][/quote] [quote][center][font=Monotype Corsiva] Dear Silas, The new batch of succulents has come in from Kaye's greenhouse! Reminded me of you, so here's a little package. Handle with care. - Fabia P.S. You should drop by sometime, we've finally gotten the trellis system up and running! [item=Corona Sempervivum][item=Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum][item=Lilac Time Sempervivum] [/font][/center][/quote] [quote] [font=Symbol]Dear Celeste, It has been a while, but I know-well, [i]presume[/i], that you still live at the windmill. I hope this letter reaches you well, in your bastion of memories. Matthias has indicated that the Council are ready to mobilize. I am but a fleeting bird in the storm, but you- you must be ready. Regards, Silas. [/quote] [quote] [center] [font=Courier New] [b]OFFICE OF THE TRIAD COUNTY REPORT OF INVESTIGATION BY COUNTY MEDIC[/b] [b]DECEDENT:[/b] Matthias Quensa [b]HOME ADDRESS:[/b] 46 Honeydew Lane, Mono District, Eidolon [b]LOCATION OF DEATH:[/b] Saltgrass Restaurant, Triad County, ~14 kliks from home. [b]TYPE OF DEATH:[/b] Violent Casualty Disease [b]Suspicious, unusual, or unnatural x[/b] Other __________________________________ [b]MARKS AND WOUNDS:[/b] Slight bruising around throat. No other signs of struggle. [b]OTHER:[/b] Serthis Poison found in body and nearby drink. [item=Powerful Serthis Poison] At time of death, decedant was wearing and in possession of: [item=Copper Glasses] Items in satchels: [item=Vial of Mysterious Toxin] [b]CAUSE OF DEATH:[/b] Unintentional ingestion of poison. [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center] [font=Monotype Corsiva] [b]? ? ? Receipt- Fabia's Flower Shop ? ? ? [/b] ITEMS: One (1) Custom Funeral Bouquet, (Spathiphyllum x10, Silvery Ivy x99) - 17kt [item=Spathiphyllum][item=Silvery Ivy] TOTAL: [s]17000 treasure[/s] Waived by manager. [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center] [font=Monotype Corsiva] Dear Silas, I'm really sorry about Matthias. I didn't know him too well, but I offer my condolences. - Fabia [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center] [font=Monotype Corsiva] Dear Silas, Glad to hear you're doing well in Eidolon! Newspapers say that The Liberator has sunk mysteriously, so I guess things have cooled off a bit. This darn city isn't in any danger, so I suppose we might as well get around to fixing the northern greenhouse. Lin and Arthur have already planned out a new crop for our unused field- Starfall Blossoms! They are really pretty, and we've only had two explosions so far. I've attached a few, (just in case some explode on the journey) and a really pretty wild rose I thought you'd appreciate. [item=Starfall Blossom][item=Purple Goo][item=Purple Goo][item=Wilting Rose] - Fabia [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center] [font=Monotype Corsiva] Hey Silas, Haven't heard from you in a while. We've finally patched up the greenhouse, as well the old brick dovecote. Only a few flowerpots were broken in the process, haha. By the way, are you planning to return next month? - Fabia [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center] [font=Monotype Corsiva] Silas, Are you planning to return at all? [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center] [font=Symbol] [s]To ?????? I don't know how to say this, but. I don't know what to do after what happened to Matthias. I mean, you didn't know him, but I figured that you sort of would, after all my dumb letters. Is that what got him caught? Letters, I mean-since, I don't someone going through letters? The Courier's Guild here is rumored to be untrustworthy- doesn't that make this itself an exercise in futility?[/s] [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [font=Mistral] Silas, Why are you in Eidolon? Matthias was killed there. It's dangerous. P.S. I don't live there anymore, but I did get your unsent letter. -C [/font] [/quote] [quote][font=Symbol]I've been thinking, lately, about urban labyrinths. Is this what this city is? Everything feels...weird. off. Like there's something hiding. ...the thing that killed Matthias? [/font] [/quote] [quote] [center] [font=Arial Black] And so begs the question- what has this young city done to warrant attention from the Alternative News community? Eidolon is barely two years old, and a thriving city in its own right- it's very newness makes it ideal for questioning. For instance, how does one build a city in such a short span of time? Yes, it has been done before, but only with immense funding, publicity, and sponsorship. Who created Eidolon? The official city records are vague and patchy, referencing an obscure council which, after research, does not seem to exist. [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center] [font=Comic Sans MS] [b]Guild of [s]Assassination[/s] Strategic Homicide[/b] Welcome to the Guild! Enclosed in your welcome package, you will find: - one (1) standard logbook* - one (1) partial map of Eidolon** - three (3) standard issue pens - one (1) complimentary keyring [s]Weapons[/s] Tools must be supplied personally. *The daily schedule explanation should be on the inside cover of your logbook. ** Eidolon is too fast-growing and complex to be completely mapped. Feel free to colour in or add to the map as you wish. [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][b][font=Mistral]You never said Goodbye[/font][/b] [font=Mistral] When you left, it wasn't as if you needed to. What's your purpose, Silas? What question don't you need anymore? [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center] [font=Courier New] [b]OFFICE OF EIDOLON REPORT OF INVESTIGATION BY EIDOLON CORONER[/b] [b]DECEDENT:[/b] Araminta Senti [b]HOME ADDRESS:[/b] 19 Polygon Square, Eidolon [b]LOCATION OF DEATH:[/b] Chimerae Avenue, Eidolon [b]TYPE OF DEATH:[/b] [b]Violent x[/b] Casualty Disease Suspicious, unusual, or unnatural Other __________________________________ [b]MARKS AND WOUNDS:[/b] Multiple cuts across throat and arms, stab wound in chest. Pearl was found shattered. [b]OTHER:[/b] At time of death, decedant was wearing and in possession of: [item=Silver Sylvan Dress] Items in pockets: [item=Ivory Comb][item=Spare Material][item=Paradise Seeds] [b]CAUSE OF DEATH:[/b] Stab wound to the back. [/font] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][font=Symbol] [s]Well. I killed her. I didn't think it'd be this frightening, but it's just a job, right? In the meantime, I will keep looking for[/s] [/center] [/quote] [quote] [font=Mistral] Silas, why? I've been watching, and I'm honestly unable to follow your thought process. She was innocent, and although we of the shadows are tricksters alike, it is unusual to resort to murder. Well, I suppose it wasn't murder if performed in such a...detached manner. I would never have thought you'd be the type to join such a guild. But that's not the point, is it? You didn't know her- and neither did I- but you've changed enough to justify these actions. Did Matthias's death change something in you? I wonder, what is it you're after? Don't answer my questions, they're not really for me. -C [/font] [/quote] [quote] [font=Mistral] Silas, This will be the last letter- I'll keep it brief. I'm returning to the council. I know you won't like this decision, but I'm doing it anyways. By the way, I think I know who you're looking for. Can't help you there, but good luck. [s]Slit her throat for me.[/s] -C [/font] [/quote] [columns] [quote][center][b]???: *???:*Thank you for ordering at Dodeka takeaway!*:???*:???[/b] Here is your receipt: Stir-Fried Bean Beetles, 15kt Peach Juice, 5kt Total: 20kt[/center][/quote] [nextcol] [center] [quote] [font=Symbol][b]Shopping List[/b] [s]~ New dagger[/s] ? [s]~ Eidolon Archives Access Subscription Card[/s] ? ~ Thorough map of Eidolon (Go to Cartographer's Guild?) ~ Peppermint/Cindermint, Spearmint if latter are unavailable [s]~ Umbral Yarn [/s]? ~ Forest Field Guide [s]- New Satchel (Or sewing materials for repair...)[/s] ? [/font] [/quote] [/center][/columns] [quote] [font=Symbol]Today, I went to the Sentry Network. It's come to my attention that there are two dragons in charge of the law keeping in Eidolon. Suspiciously absent from public view- I have never heard of them before now. Nor do there seem to be photographs of either. A supposed "Commander Sosthenes" and "Commander Lenore" are the highest ranks of the abysmal lore system here. Is one of them who I am looking for...? She cannot disguise herself that well, surely. But a strange lead is better than none. [/font] [/quote] [quote][font=Symbol]I have been able to purchase access to Eidolon's main archives. Information on these mysterious individuals is obscure, but this is an apparent photo of Commander Sosthenes.[/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Symbol]It is still unknown whether he is indeed a real person, or if he is a false persona placed into obscurity. Nevertheless, it's highly unlikely that she is able to disguise herself to look completely different. To have the funds or dedication in the first place is doubtful... [/font] [/quote] [quote][font=Symbol]After further investigation, "Commander Lenore" is even more confusing than Sosthenes. Buried deep in an anecdotal relic, is this photograph.[/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Symbol]What is the meaning of a dragon burning in flames? Who are these two individuals, and did they create Eidolon? This is not leading me any closer to her. And yet, I feel as if Eidolon is shifting beneath my feet, metamorphosing, some pit of truth and lies under the glossed veneer. These photos- are they even real? The more I examine them, the more uneasiness I feel. No. No, I have to keep looking for her. [/font] [/quote] [quote][font=Symbol]You have to be here. In possession of what is unrightfully yours. I know you're still alive, Kionah. I will find you. [/font] [/quote] [quote][font=Symbol]Today, I learnt more about the mysterious engine which operates Eidolon. I met Commander Lenore. Yesterday, I asked around, found nothing. Last night, a small grey spiral knocked on my door, and asked me several questions. I answered as politely as I could having been awoken at such an hour, then asked who she was. She picked a photo from a bag slung at her side- the same photo of that spiral looking out of the flames with cold eyes. "I am not well known, so to speak. Where did you find this? Who are you?" And so, I answered, we talked for a few minutes. She was wary, noting I was employed at a certain guild. She told me to head to a certain address. I will not write it down, but out of morbid curiousity, I will indeed go there. Carefully, of course. Very. very, carefully. [/font] [/quote] [quote][font=Symbol]I... I don't know. I went to the address, and I was not harmed. But she warned me, of several things. We talked about my purpose of coming here, she told me about- well, it's almost impossible, but- Commander Lenore knew Kionah. But not in Eidolon, no, Kionah apparently disappeared after a small scuffle in a small clan. A modest takeover by someone she does not wish to name. It seems that there is someone behind all this, someone even more veiled and hidden. No matter, I am not looking for them. I'm looking for Kionah, and I'm going to take back what's rightfully Celeste's, and return it. The best thing about it is- I know where to look now. Lenore told me that she had a good idea of where she might have went. Kionah was not in Eidolon. But Kionah might be [i]further into[/i] Eidolon. Under the surface, hiding. They say that in the depths of some quarries and mines, there are sudden drops, sudden depths one must ascend to access the underground ruins. They talk of palaces, of cities, of conspiracies. Of something referred only to as a "Garden". I don't care. I'm going to find you, Kionah. I don't know Lenore's reasoning. Is she using this as a ploy to kill me? Possibly. But unlikely. Even if I'm a loose thread who knows too much, then isn't it interesting that Matthias had a few more contacts than he let on? I appreciate the help, even if it's from a ghost. Even if it's from some disconcerting spiral lady with fire tucked away under her skin. [/font] [/quote] [quote][font=Symbol]Something went horribly wrong. I'm shoving all the scrap bits of paper and random junk off my desk into a chest, and burning my other things. I'm leaving. LEAVING. Straight underground, straight to find Kionah, and then I'm getting out of here. Out of this filthy city. [/font] [/quote] [quote] DCCCIV, Silence is often the most the best response, little one. You should already know that you don't have to justify your actions, I understand very well that sometimes we have to distance from the ones we love in order to protect them. After you left, well I won't lie to you, we entered into a bad phase. For a while I couldn't even recognize the devastated face which observed me from the other side of the mirror. It's been many years since I forgot how to feel real pain and your departure woke something dark and vague deep within me. But, even then, when that sharp, invisible blade sank into my torso, even then I believed you will be fine. You always had it, you know, the enormous potential, I could always sense it. And I'm sorry I couldn't be around to help you develop and observe your progress and accomplishments. Anyway, I want you to understand that I'm very proud of you (and especially your butchering skills) and I definitely know someone who would love to read your poetry. Very sad, my dearest, but sometimes even the worst events can bring something good. I am sure that you'll manage to overcome all those struggles. Is leader's position still empty after your friend's unfortunate demise? I know it's probably not a right time to ask, but I believe you could be an amazing leader. It's in your genes. Even if you don't want that, it's alright. You are free to choose your own path, as always. I would, however, if I was on your place, stay very careful around that place. Shiniest things are always the most dangerous ones...and when you add 'disconnected' and 'obscure' to their description, that usually can't mean anything good. I trust your judgements and your instincts, but stay close to earth and don't trust anyone. Especially not those friendly looking nobles in shiny outfits, those little sweet cupcakes filled with arsenic. Machinery, you say? That does sounds intriguing, although I wouldn't shove my claws. They can snap. And a friend of mine had several bizarre nightmares about gardens...Have that in mind. Enjoy your 'vacation'. We all hope we will see each other again. Letters from us probably won't be frequent, but don't worry, we are alright. Bad people are trying to hijack some parts of our humble little home, but don't worry. Everything will be fine at the end they say. ~Till the next time. I added some things from the homeland that might be useful as some point, for nostalgia, at least [url=]E.[/url] [/quote]

The colour of things best forgotten.

The red of flaking rust,
molten gold,
and spilled blood-
painting the most surreal of portraits.
The colour of things best remembered.

The teal of verdigris stain,
frozen silver,
and locked caskets-
erasing the most important of writings.

To Silas,

I'm a bit concerned. To tell you the truth, the Council haven't been making good moves lately, and The Liberator is sailing for Blacksand Annex in two days. If this treaty is so easily broken, what will become of Crow's Den? Not your problem, I know, but Silas- warn her if you can. I don't know where she is now, but even if it isn't my concern, don't we owe her...something?

I'll be moving to another region next week. Don't try to contact me until I send further details. I only hope we can meet again on better terms.

From Matthias.

Dear Silas,

The new batch of succulents has come in from Kaye's greenhouse! Reminded me of you, so here's a little package. Handle with care.

- Fabia

P.S. You should drop by sometime, we've finally gotten the trellis system up and running!

Corona Sempervivum Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum Lilac Time Sempervivum
Dear Celeste,

It has been a while, but I know-well, presume, that you still live at the windmill. I hope this letter reaches you well, in your bastion of memories.
Matthias has indicated that the Council are ready to mobilize. I am but a fleeting bird in the storm, but you- you must be ready.

Regards, Silas.


DECEDENT: Matthias Quensa
HOME ADDRESS: 46 Honeydew Lane, Mono District, Eidolon
LOCATION OF DEATH: Saltgrass Restaurant, Triad County, ~14 kliks from home.
Suspicious, unusual, or unnatural x
Other __________________________________

MARKS AND WOUNDS: Slight bruising around throat. No other signs of struggle.

Serthis Poison found in body and nearby drink.
Powerful Serthis Poison

At time of death, decedant was wearing and in possession of:
Copper Glasses
Items in satchels:
Vial of Mysterious Toxin

CAUSE OF DEATH: Unintentional ingestion of poison.

? ? ? Receipt- Fabia's Flower Shop ? ? ?
One (1) Custom Funeral Bouquet, (Spathiphyllum x10, Silvery Ivy x99) - 17kt
Spathiphyllum Silvery Ivy
TOTAL: 17000 treasure Waived by manager.

Dear Silas,

I'm really sorry about Matthias. I didn't know him too well, but I offer my condolences.

- Fabia

Dear Silas,

Glad to hear you're doing well in Eidolon!
Newspapers say that The Liberator has sunk mysteriously, so I guess things have cooled off a bit. This darn city isn't in any danger, so I suppose we might as well get around to fixing the northern greenhouse.
Lin and Arthur have already planned out a new crop for our unused field- Starfall Blossoms! They are really pretty, and we've only had two explosions so far.

I've attached a few, (just in case some explode on the journey) and a really pretty wild rose I thought you'd appreciate.

Starfall Blossom Purple Goo Purple Goo Wilting Rose

- Fabia

Hey Silas,

Haven't heard from you in a while. We've finally patched up the greenhouse, as well the old brick dovecote. Only a few flowerpots were broken in the process, haha.

By the way, are you planning to return next month?

- Fabia


Are you planning to return at all?


To ??????

I don't know how to say this, but. I don't know what to do after what happened to Matthias. I mean, you didn't know him, but I figured that you sort of would, after all my dumb letters. Is that what got him caught? Letters, I mean-since, I don't someone going through letters? The Courier's Guild here is rumored to be untrustworthy- doesn't that make this itself an exercise in futility?



Why are you in Eidolon?
Matthias was killed there. It's dangerous.

P.S. I don't live there anymore, but I did get your unsent letter.

I've been thinking, lately, about urban labyrinths. Is this what this city is? Everything feels...weird. off. Like there's something hiding.

...the thing that killed Matthias?

And so begs the question- what has this young city done to warrant attention from the Alternative News community? Eidolon is barely two years old, and a thriving city in its own right- it's very newness makes it ideal for questioning.

For instance, how does one build a city in such a short span of time? Yes, it has been done before, but only with immense funding, publicity, and sponsorship. Who created Eidolon? The official city records are vague and patchy, referencing an obscure council which, after research, does not seem to exist.

Guild of Assassination Strategic Homicide

Welcome to the Guild! Enclosed in your welcome package, you will find:

- one (1) standard logbook*
- one (1) partial map of Eidolon**
- three (3) standard issue pens
- one (1) complimentary keyring

Weapons Tools must be supplied personally.

*The daily schedule explanation should be on the inside cover of your logbook.
** Eidolon is too fast-growing and complex to be completely mapped. Feel free to colour in or add to the map as you wish.

You never said Goodbye

When you left,
it wasn't as if
you needed to.
What's your purpose,
What question
don't you need anymore?


DECEDENT: Araminta Senti
HOME ADDRESS: 19 Polygon Square, Eidolon
LOCATION OF DEATH: Chimerae Avenue, Eidolon
Violent x
Suspicious, unusual, or unnatural
Other __________________________________

MARKS AND WOUNDS: Multiple cuts across throat and arms, stab wound in chest. Pearl was found shattered.

At time of death, decedant was wearing and in possession of:
Silver Sylvan Dress
Items in pockets:
Ivory Comb Spare Material Paradise Seeds

CAUSE OF DEATH: Stab wound to the back.

Well. I killed her.
I didn't think it'd be this frightening, but it's just a job, right?
In the meantime, I will keep looking for


Silas, why?

I've been watching, and I'm honestly unable to follow your thought process.

She was innocent, and although we of the shadows are tricksters alike, it is unusual to resort to murder.
Well, I suppose it wasn't murder if performed in such a...detached manner. I would never have thought you'd be the type to join such a guild. But that's not the point, is it? You didn't know her- and neither did I- but you've changed enough to justify these actions. Did Matthias's death change something in you?
I wonder, what is it you're after?

Don't answer my questions, they're not really for me.



This will be the last letter- I'll keep it brief.
I'm returning to the council.
I know you won't like this decision, but I'm doing it anyways.
By the way, I think I know who you're looking for. Can't help you there, but good luck.
Slit her throat for me.

???: *???:*Thank you for ordering at Dodeka takeaway!*:???*:???
Here is your receipt:

Stir-Fried Bean Beetles, 15kt
Peach Juice, 5kt

Total: 20kt
Shopping List
~ New dagger ?
~ Eidolon Archives Access Subscription Card ?
~ Thorough map of Eidolon (Go to Cartographer's Guild?)
~ Peppermint/Cindermint, Spearmint if latter are unavailable
~ Umbral Yarn ?
~ Forest Field Guide
- New Satchel (Or sewing materials for repair...) ?
Today, I went to the Sentry Network. It's come to my attention that there are two dragons in charge of the law keeping in Eidolon. Suspiciously absent from public view- I have never heard of them before now. Nor do there seem to be photographs of either.
A supposed "Commander Sosthenes" and "Commander Lenore" are the highest ranks of the abysmal lore system here.
Is one of them who I am looking for...?
She cannot disguise herself that well, surely. But a strange lead is better than none.
I have been able to purchase access to Eidolon's main archives. Information on these mysterious individuals is obscure, but this is an apparent photo of Commander Sosthenes.
It is still unknown whether he is indeed a real person, or if he is a false persona placed into obscurity. Nevertheless, it's highly unlikely that she is able to disguise herself to look completely different. To have the funds or dedication in the first place is doubtful...
After further investigation, "Commander Lenore" is even more confusing than Sosthenes. Buried deep in an anecdotal relic, is this photograph.
What is the meaning of a dragon burning in flames? Who are these two individuals, and did they create Eidolon? This is not leading me any closer to her. And yet, I feel as if Eidolon is shifting beneath my feet, metamorphosing, some pit of truth and lies under the glossed veneer.
These photos- are they even real? The more I examine them, the more uneasiness I feel.
No, I have to keep looking for her.
You have to be here. In possession of what is unrightfully yours.

I know you're still alive, Kionah. I will find you.
Today, I learnt more about the mysterious engine which operates Eidolon. I met Commander Lenore.

Yesterday, I asked around, found nothing. Last night, a small grey spiral knocked on my door, and asked me several questions. I answered as politely as I could having been awoken at such an hour, then asked who she was.

She picked a photo from a bag slung at her side- the same photo of that spiral looking out of the flames with cold eyes. "I am not well known, so to speak. Where did you find this? Who are you?" And so, I answered, we talked for a few minutes. She was wary, noting I was employed at a certain guild.

She told me to head to a certain address. I will not write it down, but out of morbid curiousity, I will indeed go there. Carefully, of course. Very. very, carefully.

I don't know. I went to the address, and I was not harmed. But she warned me, of several things. We talked about my purpose of coming here, she told me about- well, it's almost impossible, but-

Commander Lenore knew Kionah. But not in Eidolon, no, Kionah apparently disappeared after a small scuffle in a small clan. A modest takeover by someone she does not wish to name. It seems that there is someone behind all this, someone even more veiled and hidden.

No matter, I am not looking for them. I'm looking for Kionah, and I'm going to take back what's rightfully Celeste's, and return it. The best thing about it is- I know where to look now.

Lenore told me that she had a good idea of where she might have went. Kionah was not in Eidolon. But Kionah might be further into Eidolon. Under the surface, hiding. They say that in the depths of some quarries and mines, there are sudden drops, sudden depths one must ascend to access the underground ruins. They talk of palaces, of cities, of conspiracies. Of something referred only to as a "Garden".

I don't care. I'm going to find you, Kionah.

I don't know Lenore's reasoning. Is she using this as a ploy to kill me? Possibly. But unlikely.

Even if I'm a loose thread who knows too much, then isn't it interesting that Matthias had a few more contacts than he let on? I appreciate the help, even if it's from a ghost. Even if it's from some disconcerting spiral lady with fire tucked away under her skin.
Something went horribly wrong. I'm shoving all the scrap bits of paper and random junk off my desk into a chest, and burning my other things. I'm leaving. LEAVING. Straight underground, straight to find Kionah, and then I'm getting out of here.

Out of this filthy city.

Silence is often the most the best response, little one. You should already know that you don't have to justify your actions, I understand very well that sometimes we have to distance from the ones we love in order to protect them.

After you left, well I won't lie to you, we entered into a bad phase. For a while I couldn't even recognize the devastated face which observed me from the other side of the mirror. It's been many years since I forgot how to feel real pain and your departure woke something dark and vague deep within me. But, even then, when that sharp, invisible blade sank into my torso, even then I believed you will be fine. You always had it, you know, the enormous potential, I could always sense it. And I'm sorry I couldn't be around to help you develop and observe your progress and accomplishments. Anyway, I want you to understand that I'm very proud of you (and especially your butchering skills) and I definitely know someone who would love to read your poetry.

Very sad, my dearest, but sometimes even the worst events can bring something good. I am sure that you'll manage to overcome all those struggles. Is leader's position still empty after your friend's unfortunate demise? I know it's probably not a right time to ask, but I believe you could be an amazing leader. It's in your genes.

Even if you don't want that, it's alright. You are free to choose your own path, as always. I would, however, if I was on your place, stay very careful around that place. Shiniest things are always the most dangerous ones...and when you add 'disconnected' and 'obscure' to their description, that usually can't mean anything good. I trust your judgements and your instincts, but stay close to earth and don't trust anyone. Especially not those friendly looking nobles in shiny outfits, those little sweet cupcakes filled with arsenic.

Machinery, you say? That does sounds intriguing, although I wouldn't shove my claws. They can snap. And a friend of mine had several bizarre nightmares about gardens...Have that in mind.

Enjoy your 'vacation'. We all hope we will see each other again. Letters from us probably won't be frequent, but don't worry, we are alright. Bad people are trying to hijack some parts of our humble little home, but don't worry. Everything will be fine at the end they say.

~Till the next time. I added some things from the homeland that might be useful as some point, for nostalgia, at least
@Quintillion OML, i'm loving this so far :0 Also nice alliterations on the title (admittingly I had to google Epistolary, but hey another word to add to the vocab which is always awesome :D)

Everything is just so mysterious~ I love it o 3o
Also, those letters and snippets in quotes are just so awesome??? I'm loving the little cryptic looks into the lore of the character that way, it's really smart. I love writing and receiving letters between dragons and this is just a really clever way to do it :'0 I might give that try for character development exercises if you're okei with that?

Oh, btw let me know if you want me to delete this post! I know some people like to keep these comment free~ but just wanted to acknowledge the ping and such.
@Quintillion OML, i'm loving this so far :0 Also nice alliterations on the title (admittingly I had to google Epistolary, but hey another word to add to the vocab which is always awesome :D)

Everything is just so mysterious~ I love it o 3o
Also, those letters and snippets in quotes are just so awesome??? I'm loving the little cryptic looks into the lore of the character that way, it's really smart. I love writing and receiving letters between dragons and this is just a really clever way to do it :'0 I might give that try for character development exercises if you're okei with that?

Oh, btw let me know if you want me to delete this post! I know some people like to keep these comment free~ but just wanted to acknowledge the ping and such.
2675f041d3bf3ccbf48b41d2a46168b98f349af9.png || mahu | 23 | she/her | +17 FR time ||
art shop - clan directory - chronicles
@MahuruRaji I'll reply to your other comment here as well:

Feel free to ping/PM me when you've finalized your dragon information/etc, and I'll see if I can't write up a short story to add to the lore. :D The choice of image you used in your affiliations thing is fine, I like it very much!

Yeah, I'm totally cool with receiving and writing back letters! I don't RP often, but this is a fun exercise. Feel free to send one whenever you'd like and I'll do my best to answer in-character.

Leave your reply, it's fine! I don't mind getting comments since I have an archives section.
@MahuruRaji I'll reply to your other comment here as well:

Feel free to ping/PM me when you've finalized your dragon information/etc, and I'll see if I can't write up a short story to add to the lore. :D The choice of image you used in your affiliations thing is fine, I like it very much!

Yeah, I'm totally cool with receiving and writing back letters! I don't RP often, but this is a fun exercise. Feel free to send one whenever you'd like and I'll do my best to answer in-character.

Leave your reply, it's fine! I don't mind getting comments since I have an archives section.

Okei will do!! I'd be keen to read that! Also probably link it on the Sect Directory :0
(Ah and I'm glad you like it!)

Oow awesome, I already have a few ideas, I'm thinking I might write up some letters my scholar sends back to the Sect about her findings and just general updates so they know shes okei, if you'd like me to send those to you as well just to read? As well some letters actually addressed to your dragons ^^ (An no worries! Rp can be a time sink, just small little things are fine~)

Okei will do!! I'd be keen to read that! Also probably link it on the Sect Directory :0
(Ah and I'm glad you like it!)

Oow awesome, I already have a few ideas, I'm thinking I might write up some letters my scholar sends back to the Sect about her findings and just general updates so they know shes okei, if you'd like me to send those to you as well just to read? As well some letters actually addressed to your dragons ^^ (An no worries! Rp can be a time sink, just small little things are fine~)
2675f041d3bf3ccbf48b41d2a46168b98f349af9.png || mahu | 23 | she/her | +17 FR time ||
art shop - clan directory - chronicles
@MahuruRaji I don't mind either of those at all! I'd really be interested in your scholar's reports and such. ...I really like reading fictional documentation and in-character essays, but not school subject-related ones for some reason lol (>v<);;

(I also actually love dragon letters but don't really participate often because of lack of opportunity.)
@MahuruRaji I don't mind either of those at all! I'd really be interested in your scholar's reports and such. ...I really like reading fictional documentation and in-character essays, but not school subject-related ones for some reason lol (>v<);;

(I also actually love dragon letters but don't really participate often because of lack of opportunity.)
[center][size=2][url=]Introduction[/url] | [url=]Navigation[/url] | [url=]History[/url] | [url=]City Census[/url] | [url=]Scattered Maps[/url] | [url=]Archives[/url] | [url=]Affiliations[/url][/size][/center] ----- [center] [item=Solar Flame Candles] [b]Light and Shadows[/b][/center] She'd had it all, once. A tricky, clever, beautiful young pearlcatcher who'd caught the attention of a clan on the Windswept Plateau. Sairlyn and Rosaline were charmed by her sweet words and beauty. They appointed her as an advisor, and she reveled in it, perhaps taking more luxuries than she should have. Glittering cloaks and fine food, evenings making conversation in silken tents, social gatherings by candlelight. It didn't really matter if a few pieces of treasure and a handful of gems went missing from the vault now and again. It doesn't hurt anyone. She's a Shadow dragon at heart, despite her golden exterior, and she knows that right and wrong aren't as simple as black and white, or even grey. In this myriad of colours, who was anyone to judge her methods? She shuts her eyes and sighs as she reclines on wine-stained cushions. She remembers. ----- She'd been a spymaster, once, in a chattering, coaxing, court of nobles, serving the young princess. The world was all hers, a tapestry of gilded cloth and rich perfume. Of course, to be given the title of a spymaster would be a death sentence of sorts; it didn't matter if the hilt was inlaid with silver and nacre- a knife in your back was a knife in your back. She was painted as an entertainer, a showy, pretty lady of the court. The nobles loved her, showering her with gifts and compliments. She was like a pet to them, until she and her employer tried to overthrow the king. They failed. They fled. [size=2](But only [i]she[/i] escaped.)[/size] ----- She didn't know where her princess was now. Perhaps dead, a corpse at the bottom of the Leviathan Trench. Her weak excuse of a brother? Maybe thrown into a lava pit. She didn't care. She really didn't. It had happened a while ago. It was ridiculous- completely ridiculous, that she kept seeing pieces of them wherever she went. Their illegitimate eyes in the pale green ones of Rosaline, the feathery silhouette of her in Niajarn, it was- ridiculous. But that wasn't the point. The point was that she'd fallen before, and had gotten back to the top. She was safe, she told herself. If only that were true.

Solar Flame Candles
Light and Shadows

She'd had it all, once. A tricky, clever, beautiful young pearlcatcher who'd caught the attention of a clan on the Windswept Plateau. Sairlyn and Rosaline were charmed by her sweet words and beauty. They appointed her as an advisor, and she reveled in it, perhaps taking more luxuries than she should have.

Glittering cloaks and fine food, evenings making conversation in silken tents, social gatherings by candlelight. It didn't really matter if a few pieces of treasure and a handful of gems went missing from the vault now and again. It doesn't hurt anyone.

She's a Shadow dragon at heart, despite her golden exterior, and she knows that right and wrong aren't as simple as black and white, or even grey. In this myriad of colours, who was anyone to judge her methods?

She shuts her eyes and sighs as she reclines on wine-stained cushions. She remembers.

She'd been a spymaster, once, in a chattering, coaxing, court of nobles, serving the young princess. The world was all hers, a tapestry of gilded cloth and rich perfume. Of course, to be given the title of a spymaster would be a death sentence of sorts; it didn't matter if the hilt was inlaid with silver and nacre- a knife in your back was a knife in your back.

She was painted as an entertainer, a showy, pretty lady of the court. The nobles loved her, showering her with gifts and compliments. She was like a pet to them, until she and her employer tried to overthrow the king.

They failed.

They fled.

(But only she escaped.)

She didn't know where her princess was now. Perhaps dead, a corpse at the bottom of the Leviathan Trench. Her weak excuse of a brother? Maybe thrown into a lava pit. She didn't care. She really didn't. It had happened a while ago.

It was ridiculous- completely ridiculous, that she kept seeing pieces of them wherever she went. Their illegitimate eyes in the pale green ones of Rosaline, the feathery silhouette of her in Niajarn, it was- ridiculous.

But that wasn't the point. The point was that she'd fallen before, and had gotten back to the top. She was safe, she told herself.

If only that were true.
[center][size=2][url=]Introduction[/url] | [url=]Navigation[/url] | [url=]History[/url] | [url=]City Census[/url] | [url=]Scattered Maps[/url] | [url=]Archives[/url] | [url=]Affiliations[/url][/size][/center] ----- [center][item=rusted chain] [b]Gifts and Misgivings[/b][/center] This particular sinkhole was small and overgrown- but it was a sanctuary. When she needed to escape Linton's accusing eyes and confused questions, she left without a word to the miniature garden she'd discovered. At first, she simply lounged in a pile of foliage, watching the sunlight flicker through the bamboo, noting the butterflies and birdsong filtering throughout the glade. As time passed though, she'd explore a little- discover the crumbled remains of a well, a little stone bench hidden in shrubbery. Hesitantly, she began to clear out weeds, and water the saplings. She used some of the treasure from Meredith's pay to get materials and seedlings. She crafted a small gazebo, strung with wild roses. She crafted the type of fortress akin to the innocuous lace, bones, and luxury she'd lost a bit of faith in. She was pondering this, lying draped in the gazebo, heavy book about taxidermy propped in her claws. The worst part about it all was that she [i]knew[/i], but couldn't do anything about it. It didn't matter, though. It really didn't matter- "Nice place you've got here," a voice said. She flicked her ears to hear Sosthenes distangling himself from a rosebush. "How did you find this place?" she asked accusingly. "I was curious where you were disappearing off to," he replied smoothly. "May I sit?" "No." He sighed, and gestured to the greenery enveloping them. "Did you do this all by yourself?" "...yes." "Why?" Lenore shrugged. "I guess because [i]I value my privacy.[/i]" He ignored her previous comment and sat down on the other side of the gazebo. "I came here to ask you something, actually." "Oh? Do tell." "Should I bother trying to be your friend?" She started in surprise. "Probably not. Why do you ask that?" He shrugged. "Working for Meredith cuts me off from others. I like company, and she's not one to amuse me on such trivial matters. Yet it's likely you or I would meet an untimely death as her plans unfold. So I ask you: is it worth it?" Lenore considered it for a moment. "I doubt I'll be the one to meet an untimely death. So really, I should be asking you that." "What makes you think you're unbeatable?" "I have gifts. I'm strong. What are you, loverboy? Infatuated with our employer?" She gave a sarcastic laugh. "I'm not- not any more, at least." he snapped. "So I can choose to be an emotionless vessel, or I can retain some sense of compassion by being friends." "You're too softhearted to be a vessel," she scoffed, "As am I. So let's be 'friends', hm? Is that what you want?" "I..." "Listen," she said, "I'm going to give you something to keep you alive. Don't question it, lest I regret this generosity." She removed the loops of string and bones from her wings. "Wear this. Maybe it'll help you survive the storm she's brewing. Maybe not." "And what about you?" "I have enough embers burning into my skin and fabric over my eyes as it is. Good luck."

Rusted Chain
Gifts and Misgivings

This particular sinkhole was small and overgrown- but it was a sanctuary. When she needed to escape Linton's accusing eyes and confused questions, she left without a word to the miniature garden she'd discovered.

At first, she simply lounged in a pile of foliage, watching the sunlight flicker through the bamboo, noting the butterflies and birdsong filtering throughout the glade. As time passed though, she'd explore a little- discover the crumbled remains of a well, a little stone bench hidden in shrubbery. Hesitantly, she began to clear out weeds, and water the saplings.

She used some of the treasure from Meredith's pay to get materials and seedlings. She crafted a small gazebo, strung with wild roses. She crafted the type of fortress akin to the innocuous lace, bones, and luxury she'd lost a bit of faith in.

She was pondering this, lying draped in the gazebo, heavy book about taxidermy propped in her claws. The worst part about it all was that she knew, but couldn't do anything about it. It didn't matter, though. It really didn't matter-

"Nice place you've got here," a voice said. She flicked her ears to hear Sosthenes distangling himself from a rosebush.
"How did you find this place?" she asked accusingly.
"I was curious where you were disappearing off to," he replied smoothly. "May I sit?"

He sighed, and gestured to the greenery enveloping them. "Did you do this all by yourself?"
Lenore shrugged. "I guess because I value my privacy."
He ignored her previous comment and sat down on the other side of the gazebo. "I came here to ask you something, actually."
"Oh? Do tell."
"Should I bother trying to be your friend?"

She started in surprise. "Probably not. Why do you ask that?" He shrugged. "Working for Meredith cuts me off from others. I like company, and she's not one to amuse me on such trivial matters. Yet it's likely you or I would meet an untimely death as her plans unfold. So I ask you: is it worth it?"

Lenore considered it for a moment. "I doubt I'll be the one to meet an untimely death. So really, I should be asking you that."
"What makes you think you're unbeatable?"
"I have gifts. I'm strong. What are you, loverboy? Infatuated with our employer?"
She gave a sarcastic laugh.
"I'm not- not any more, at least." he snapped.
"So I can choose to be an emotionless vessel, or I can retain some sense of compassion by being friends."
"You're too softhearted to be a vessel," she scoffed, "As am I. So let's be 'friends', hm? Is that what you want?"
"Listen," she said, "I'm going to give you something to keep you alive. Don't question it, lest I regret this generosity."

She removed the loops of string and bones from her wings. "Wear this. Maybe it'll help you survive the storm she's brewing. Maybe not."
"And what about you?"
"I have enough embers burning into my skin and fabric over my eyes as it is. Good luck."
[center][size=2][url=]Introduction[/url] | [url=]Navigation[/url] | [url=]History[/url] | [url=]City Census[/url] | [url=]Scattered Maps[/url] | [url=]Archives[/url] | [url=]Affiliations[/url][/size][/center] ----- [center][b]Exchange for Departure[/b] [img][/img] [/center] ----- Harper had known of Arkady, but he ignored the eccentric merchant as his time as Leader- as you do when you’re trying to plan for yet [i]another[/i] lair expansion- and never really talked to him. Oh well, he was bound to run into the disconcerting spiral eventually. “Eventually”, it turned out, was after he’d renounced his title and flown into the breeze, trying to get away from all the noise. He alighted clumsily on a mossy stump in one of the hundreds of little sinkholes on the peninsula. He was exhausted from the flight, buffeted by winds flying in the opposite direction. It was as if they were mocking him, trying to drive him back to the clan. He groaned, and flopped onto the nearby grass. He’d tried his best, he really had. ----- “Well well,” said a quiet, silvery voice, “What a lovely coincidence. It seems that a certain and only Former Clan Leader has arrived just in time for a conversation.” Harper bolted upright as Arkady fluttered overhead and descended into the grass. “Of course, perhaps things are just fated to be,” he continued, while Harper looked on in confusion, “For I have just the thing-” “I’m not really interested,” Harper broke in flatly. “Listen, here is a jar of coconut candy that can heal all heartbreak. Here is a bottle of shrinking violet perfume for reliving your favourite memories. And here is an enchanted cutlass-” “[i]-Please[/i],” snapped Harper as best as he could, “I am not interested in buying superstition.” “But of course,” said Arkady agreeably, “You don’t want or need any of those.” “Please go away.” ‘Now, you are understandably quite upset. But here is a thing you [i]will[/i] be needing in a few days.” Arkady pulled out a flap of paper with a flourish. “Yes, yes,” said Harper, “It’s a ticket to serve the Deities. I know. I don’t need one.” Arkady frowned. “You’ll want this,” he insisted, “When the Queen takes over.” Harper made a mental note of the spiral’s delusions. “That’s nice. Please go away.” The spiral sighed. “Look, all I need from you is your most meaningless love. It’s a good deal! I hear interns at the Cloudsong emporium get free coffee refills-” “I don’t care. What do you mean by “love”?” “Your meaningless love for Rosaline. It’s not even for me, I just need to bottle it up for a reduction of remorse. You won’t need it where you’re going.” “...What?” “I’m not supposed to tell you more, not that I know the details myself. It’ll happen. In twenty and one days, it will happen. Without this, you’ll be found, forced to stay in camp, and there goes your chances of finding it.” “Finding what?” “A reason for living.” “Look, I...will you go away if I agree to buy this?” “Probably.” “Alright. Fine. I agree.” A flash of light, and the spiral was gone. There was no trace of him, except for the laminated paper clutched in Harper’s claws and a faint feeling of dismay.

Exchange for Departure


Harper had known of Arkady, but he ignored the eccentric merchant as his time as Leader- as you do when you’re trying to plan for yet another lair expansion- and never really talked to him. Oh well, he was bound to run into the disconcerting spiral eventually.

“Eventually”, it turned out, was after he’d renounced his title and flown into the breeze, trying to get away from all the noise. He alighted clumsily on a mossy stump in one of the hundreds of little sinkholes on the peninsula. He was exhausted from the flight, buffeted by winds flying in the opposite direction. It was as if they were mocking him, trying to drive him back to the clan. He groaned, and flopped onto the nearby grass.

He’d tried his best, he really had.

“Well well,” said a quiet, silvery voice, “What a lovely coincidence. It seems that a certain and only Former Clan Leader has arrived just in time for a conversation.” Harper bolted upright as Arkady fluttered overhead and descended into the grass. “Of course, perhaps things are just fated to be,” he continued, while Harper looked on in confusion, “For I have just the thing-”
“I’m not really interested,” Harper broke in flatly.

“Listen, here is a jar of coconut candy that can heal all heartbreak. Here is a bottle of shrinking violet perfume for reliving your favourite memories. And here is an enchanted cutlass-”
-Please,” snapped Harper as best as he could, “I am not interested in buying superstition.”
“But of course,” said Arkady agreeably, “You don’t want or need any of those.”
“Please go away.”
‘Now, you are understandably quite upset. But here is a thing you will be needing in a few days.” Arkady pulled out a flap of paper with a flourish.
“Yes, yes,” said Harper, “It’s a ticket to serve the Deities. I know. I don’t need one.”
Arkady frowned. “You’ll want this,” he insisted, “When the Queen takes over.”
Harper made a mental note of the spiral’s delusions. “That’s nice. Please go away.”
The spiral sighed. “Look, all I need from you is your most meaningless love. It’s a good deal! I hear interns at the Cloudsong emporium get free coffee refills-”
“I don’t care. What do you mean by “love”?”
“Your meaningless love for Rosaline. It’s not even for me, I just need to bottle it up for a reduction of remorse. You won’t need it where you’re going.”
“I’m not supposed to tell you more, not that I know the details myself. It’ll happen. In twenty and one days, it will happen. Without this, you’ll be found, forced to stay in camp, and there goes your chances of finding it.”
“Finding what?”
“A reason for living.”
“Look, I...will you go away if I agree to buy this?”
“Alright. Fine. I agree.”

A flash of light, and the spiral was gone. There was no trace of him, except for the laminated paper clutched in Harper’s claws and a faint feeling of dismay.
:0c Not sure how long I'll keep this layout for but. [img][/img] [center][color=transparent]texttofilloutspacesome[size=2]..[/size][/color] [color=black][font=century gothic][size=5]F R A G M E N T[/size] [img][/img] [font=cambria][size=3.5] THIS IS BUT ONE PART OF A WHOLE IT IS LOST AND BROKEN BUT NOT WITHOUT UTILITY [/font][/size] [img][/img] [color=transparent]texttofilloutspacefillout[/color][/center]
:0c Not sure how long I'll keep this layout for but.






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