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@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie [center]Day 15: The First Nest [item=intact stone relic] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] "By the breezes, it's happening! It's really happening!" Tsisia screamed happily and whirled around the lake. They all made camp by this lake, seemingly out of place in such a large forest. Lupu was off somewhere, probably getting more yarn; Naseiss was showing the growing Wildclaw how to use the telescope. And she was showing the newest addition to the family around: a Spiral much like herself. But this small one seemed to be burrowing around the lake before they all got there, and didn't want any such help. Still, there was plenty to be excited about. Tsisia flew around the perimeter, and landed squarely on the surefire crystal of an Arcane nest. And no one noticed the nest at first. Once Naseiss saw it, they wanted to see if it was really a nest. It seemed too good to be true. The two eggs, as a result of that test, levitated in the lone nest. And what good luck! Not only were more dragons joining this little clan, but now the first descendants were to hatch in just a matter of a few days. Tsisia, startled, remembered the time. She and Naseiss traded shifts to get food for the new dragons and the soon to be hatchlings. Lupu, out of nowhere, burst out of a clearing and tumbled down into the lake cavern. He grabbed his knitting needles and new yarn and pulled himself up, cursing under his breath. Then, he spotted the nest. ----- Day 16: [item=potato onion] Short update today. Team's level 7, so I'm recovering what I spent on Eliminates. Keaton's gonna see some action once the whole nest bit is cleared up. And no, I don't know the coin flips until the day of the hatching, so we'll see how that goes on the 4th.
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie

Day 15: The First Nest


"By the breezes, it's happening! It's really happening!" Tsisia screamed happily and whirled around the lake. They all made camp by this lake, seemingly out of place in such a large forest. Lupu was off somewhere, probably getting more yarn; Naseiss was showing the growing Wildclaw how to use the telescope. And she was showing the newest addition to the family around: a Spiral much like herself. But this small one seemed to be burrowing around the lake before they all got there, and didn't want any such help.

Still, there was plenty to be excited about. Tsisia flew around the perimeter, and landed squarely on the surefire crystal of an Arcane nest. And no one noticed the nest at first. Once Naseiss saw it, they wanted to see if it was really a nest. It seemed too good to be true. The two eggs, as a result of that test, levitated in the lone nest.

And what good luck! Not only were more dragons joining this little clan, but now the first descendants were to hatch in just a matter of a few days. Tsisia, startled, remembered the time. She and Naseiss traded shifts to get food for the new dragons and the soon to be hatchlings.

Lupu, out of nowhere, burst out of a clearing and tumbled down into the lake cavern. He grabbed his knitting needles and new yarn and pulled himself up, cursing under his breath. Then, he spotted the nest.

Day 16:
Potato Onion

Short update today. Team's level 7, so I'm recovering what I spent on Eliminates. Keaton's gonna see some action once the whole nest bit is cleared up.

And no, I don't know the coin flips until the day of the hatching, so we'll see how that goes on the 4th.
Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie [center]Special Update: Found[/center] ----- "We already have other kids to take care of! [i]What were you thinking?[/i]" Radha perked up. There wasn't much of anything in the Starwood Strand at this time of night, aside from the usual glowing buds. At least screaming meant dragons. Or maybe centaurs, but centaurs usually wouldn't scream in Draconic. Looking down to see if the device was still recording the path, Radha continued, now moving toward the source of the screams. No one on the council was concerned enough to go looking for it, but this was a decent chance of finding it. The screaming continued, becoming increasingly loud and...worried, in tone? They weren't sure. Screaming sounded all the same to them, usually. They'd have to ask someone with more know-how in that department when they got back to the Spire. More voices broke out screaming; there was a clan all the way out here? This wasn't the safest part of the forest. And everyone in these parts heard horror stories about the lake. It was close now. [i]Oh. There's a clan in the lake. Why.[/i] Their thoughts passed quickly. There were two different dragons, maybe three? Was there a fourth dragon too? What kind of clan would live in that irradiated lake...? "Where did you even find that nest, anyway?" It was the voice of the first dragon to scream. [i]Okay that's definitely it.[/i] The thought came before they had a chance to think it over more. Radha bolted towards the ruinous lake, with a fierce certainty that the council would find rather impulsive. They came to the edge of the cliff, looking down to the lake. "There it is," they said, shutting off the recording device in the process. The dragons in the lake basin jumped. ----- [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center] They looked down at the pitch black Nocturne and cyan Spiral. A young Wildclaw was kicking rocks off to the side of them. Off in the middle of the basin stood a spectacularly large and peculiar telescope. And underneath that telescope... "R-radha?" Naseiss shakily pulled themself from underneath the telescope. The other dragons turned to them, presumably confused. At least, Radha hoped it was confusion. Faces weren't easy to make out. They waved. "What are you d-doing here?" Naseiss continued. Radha flew down, perching on the crystal nest. "One of our nests disappeared," they said, hoping this group of dragons wouldn't be offended by their complete lack of tone. "It's here. It makes sense it's with you, Naseiss." The group of dragons exchanged glances. Well, the Spiral exchanged a glance with Naseiss. That other Nocturne, the pitch black one, stared fixedly on them. "Who are you?" asked the black Nocturne. It sounded vaguely like a challenge. Maybe. Radha just stared back, refusing to answer the inquiry. Naseiss made to explain, but the other Nocturne cut them off. "You can't just swoop in and not say who you are!" Then he plowed through both Naseiss and the Spiral, growling, and leaned in dangerously close to Radha's face. No one even saw the flick. Lupu came crashing down to the ground, and everyone around them panicked. It was one way to get names without dealing with pleasantries. Only Ceyrn and Morgan ever seemed to appreciate it. As the Spiral, Tsisia, helped pick up Lupu from the ground, they answered: "I'm Radha. Leader of the Spire Ward." "It would do you well to not get in a stranger's face," they added. Lupu, in retaliation, began screaming again. Screaming about [i]how nests can't just go teleporting off to random places[/i] and [i]why there's already too many kids[/i] wasn't doing him any more favors. They stared unimpressed, frills twitching only to get out their impatience without having to engage. But then Lupu did something entirely unexpected. His voice switched. "I mean, what if these kids end up going into some part of the woods and end up swallowed by a monster or what if they drown or what if they get killed by some high and mighty dragon on the coast?!" Lupu stopped only for air, seemingly obvious to the fact that he changed voices. Naseiss and Tsisia were definitely taken aback. There was no mistaking that. "Because some nest from some clan just [i]decided[/i] to show up here!" He finished normally. Radha broke the silence. "Who did you mimic, just now?" Their question garnered a muttered response, one that they could just barely hear. "Well, I think your mother was extremely well informed." The addition came without thinking, and Radha silently flicked a sign of regret. Everyone turned to them again. "I'll let my clan know I've located this nest," Radha said. It wasn't the right thing to say, not at all. There wasn't time to beat themself over it now. They had to keep going on that point. "If anything out of the ordinary happens, let us know." They turned to Naseiss. "You still know where to find us?" Naseiss nodded affirmatively almost immediately. That was a good sign. They flew off the perch, onto the top of the basin. But they couldn't just leave it at that. Turning to say one last thing, they saw four pairs of eyes, all of different flights, on them. "You're welcome any time, too." And with that and a small smile, they flew off. ----- Day 17: [item=venomspite invader] Keaton is level 4. I trained him up with Solana and Argider. My normal dragons don't play by the Nuzlocke rules, but Keaton does. Argider got beat up [i]badly[/i] in the process, but that's a story for another day. As I stated yesterday, I don't actually know the result of the coin flip of the nested hatchlings until the day of the hatching. I hope leaving it open like this will make it a little more suspenseful.
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie

Special Update: Found

"We already have other kids to take care of! What were you thinking?"

Radha perked up. There wasn't much of anything in the Starwood Strand at this time of night, aside from the usual glowing buds. At least screaming meant dragons. Or maybe centaurs, but centaurs usually wouldn't scream in Draconic. Looking down to see if the device was still recording the path, Radha continued, now moving toward the source of the screams.

No one on the council was concerned enough to go looking for it, but this was a decent chance of finding it. The screaming continued, becoming increasingly loud and...worried, in tone? They weren't sure. Screaming sounded all the same to them, usually. They'd have to ask someone with more know-how in that department when they got back to the Spire.

More voices broke out screaming; there was a clan all the way out here? This wasn't the safest part of the forest. And everyone in these parts heard horror stories about the lake. It was close now. Oh. There's a clan in the lake. Why. Their thoughts passed quickly. There were two different dragons, maybe three? Was there a fourth dragon too? What kind of clan would live in that irradiated lake...?

"Where did you even find that nest, anyway?" It was the voice of the first dragon to scream.

Okay that's definitely it. The thought came before they had a chance to think it over more. Radha bolted towards the ruinous lake, with a fierce certainty that the council would find rather impulsive. They came to the edge of the cliff, looking down to the lake.

"There it is," they said, shutting off the recording device in the process. The dragons in the lake basin jumped.

They looked down at the pitch black Nocturne and cyan Spiral. A young Wildclaw was kicking rocks off to the side of them. Off in the middle of the basin stood a spectacularly large and peculiar telescope. And underneath that telescope...

"R-radha?" Naseiss shakily pulled themself from underneath the telescope. The other dragons turned to them, presumably confused. At least, Radha hoped it was confusion. Faces weren't easy to make out. They waved. "What are you d-doing here?" Naseiss continued.

Radha flew down, perching on the crystal nest. "One of our nests disappeared," they said, hoping this group of dragons wouldn't be offended by their complete lack of tone. "It's here. It makes sense it's with you, Naseiss."

The group of dragons exchanged glances. Well, the Spiral exchanged a glance with Naseiss. That other Nocturne, the pitch black one, stared fixedly on them. "Who are you?" asked the black Nocturne. It sounded vaguely like a challenge. Maybe. Radha just stared back, refusing to answer the inquiry.

Naseiss made to explain, but the other Nocturne cut them off. "You can't just swoop in and not say who you are!" Then he plowed through both Naseiss and the Spiral, growling, and leaned in dangerously close to Radha's face.

No one even saw the flick. Lupu came crashing down to the ground, and everyone around them panicked. It was one way to get names without dealing with pleasantries. Only Ceyrn and Morgan ever seemed to appreciate it. As the Spiral, Tsisia, helped pick up Lupu from the ground, they answered: "I'm Radha. Leader of the Spire Ward."

"It would do you well to not get in a stranger's face," they added. Lupu, in retaliation, began screaming again. Screaming about how nests can't just go teleporting off to random places and why there's already too many kids wasn't doing him any more favors. They stared unimpressed, frills twitching only to get out their impatience without having to engage. But then Lupu did something entirely unexpected. His voice switched.

"I mean, what if these kids end up going into some part of the woods and end up swallowed by a monster or what if they drown or what if they get killed by some high and mighty dragon on the coast?!" Lupu stopped only for air, seemingly obvious to the fact that he changed voices. Naseiss and Tsisia were definitely taken aback. There was no mistaking that. "Because some nest from some clan just decided to show up here!" He finished normally.

Radha broke the silence. "Who did you mimic, just now?" Their question garnered a muttered response, one that they could just barely hear. "Well, I think your mother was extremely well informed." The addition came without thinking, and Radha silently flicked a sign of regret. Everyone turned to them again.

"I'll let my clan know I've located this nest," Radha said. It wasn't the right thing to say, not at all. There wasn't time to beat themself over it now. They had to keep going on that point. "If anything out of the ordinary happens, let us know."

They turned to Naseiss. "You still know where to find us?" Naseiss nodded affirmatively almost immediately. That was a good sign. They flew off the perch, onto the top of the basin. But they couldn't just leave it at that. Turning to say one last thing, they saw four pairs of eyes, all of different flights, on them.

"You're welcome any time, too." And with that and a small smile, they flew off.

Day 17: Venomspite Invader

Keaton is level 4. I trained him up with Solana and Argider. My normal dragons don't play by the Nuzlocke rules, but Keaton does. Argider got beat up badly in the process, but that's a story for another day.

As I stated yesterday, I don't actually know the result of the coin flip of the nested hatchlings until the day of the hatching. I hope leaving it open like this will make it a little more suspenseful.
Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
Day 18: [item=striped earwig] Trained Keaton solo today. I don't think I'm ever doing that again.
Day 18: Striped Earwig

Trained Keaton solo today. I don't think I'm ever doing that again.
Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie Day 19: [item=gold filigree boots] Not that I have the treasure to gene anyone or breed another pair or anything. [img][/img] [i]no.[/i]
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie

Day 19: Gold Filigree Boots
Not that I have the treasure to gene anyone or breed another pair or anything.


Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png


@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie

Let's just say the next writing update is gonna be...big. I have several essays due by the end of this week, so I might not get to posting the update for a while.

Basically, I'm gonna take any materials I get this week and do trinket rules for them until I have time to give you the update y'all deserve.

@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie

Let's just say the next writing update is gonna be...big. I have several essays due by the end of this week, so I might not get to posting the update for a while.

Basically, I'm gonna take any materials I get this week and do trinket rules for them until I have time to give you the update y'all deserve.

Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie Days 20-24 [item=onyx][item=Bleached peacekeeping headband][item=faded canvas scrap][item=ornate iron bracelet][item=berserker] No death streak. Updated Radha and Janus' bios completely. Look at all the treasure I don't have for geneing anyone...
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie

Days 20-24

Onyx Bleached Peacekeeping Headband Faded Canvas Scrap Ornate Iron Bracelet Berserker

No death streak. Updated Radha and Janus' bios completely. Look at all the treasure I don't have for geneing anyone...
Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
[center]@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie Day 19: The Abomination[/center] ----- [i]Sometimes, eggs can be fickle.[/i] They frowned at the thought. It was something their baba had mentioned before they left the Spire. Was this long of a wait for hatchlings to hatch what ey meant? It didn't make sense. They pondered the thought further, taking quick looks at the star charts. Their eyes bulged. It looked like the stars weren't lining up properly with the change in seasons. But that could be the cloud cover, or the location; they still hadn't adjusted all the charts to the lake yet. Minute by minute, the absence of claws and cries started to get to Naseiss' head. When dawn started on the horizon, a low hum of panic began. The three adults began to argue, with Tsisia insisting on staying up in case the nest hatched while the others were sleeping. Elliania emerged from the ground just in front of the nest, disturbed by the commotion. Keaton tripped over Elliania mid-run, and skidded to the ground. Sy grabbed Elliania and bolted towards the arguing adults. Their screeches cut through the argument as Keaton nearly barreled over Lupu. Tsisia and Naseiss picked him up while Elliania and Keaton began to fight. And then, everything shattered. [center][img][/img][/center] A noise like the all the tension of a difficult day coming out in a single scream came from the crystals supporting the nest. The two eggs disintegrated, shells plummetting to the ground piece by piece. All three adults screamed. Tsisia and Lupu made for the nest. Naseiss collapsed. Then the nest screeched its death throes, and disappeared. ----- [i]"CLEAR THE NESTING GROUNDS!"[/i] [center][img][/img][/center] The Guardian charged down the halls, and would have barreled down everyone in her way, were it not dawn. Some dragons poked their heads out of their rooms, groggy and bleary eyed. Others shouted across the Spire to keep the noise down. But she couldn't. Something got into the nest room. Something was [i]wrong[/i]. She turned down the corner and ran straight into the nesting cavern. Four nests were scattered in the far corners of the cavern. The one egg that was due to hatch today was, mercifully, healthy and safe. Then she froze. In the center of the nesting grounds, the fifth nest had returned. The crystal supports were jagged, sprouting in every direction. The grass inside mess of decaying and mutating crystal was brown and dying as well. Nothing glowed. It looked as though the nest was slowly imploding. Then, she spotted something. In the middle of the nest were shattered eggs. And whatever took those eggs, was beginning to spread. She screamed again, hoping someone would hear her instructions and evacuate the lair. There was no time to say anything else. Her charge was in danger. ----- [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center] Naseiss picked themself up and walked over to Tsisia and Lupu. Tears streamed down their face. They came up to Tsisia and hugged her; she started sobbing even more. A glance at Lupu showed he didn't have anything to say for the moment, either. [i]I just hope everyone back home knows what's going on,[/i] they thought. The nest probably went back to the Spire. There was nothing anyone here could do about it now. Keaton and Elliania approached the adults; the latter also joined Naseiss in a group hug. "This is my fault," Tsisia muttered between sobs. Elliania curled around her, making the hug even tighter. Naseiss looked at their mate, mouth agape. Everyone fell quiet, aside from the normal sounds of crying. They pulled their claws out of Elliania's hug, looking to hold Tsisia's instead. First, they had to wipe their face. "It's not your fault, Tsi," Naseiss said, reaching to hold claws with Tsisia. They were batted aside. "We did everything we were supposed to do," they continued. Tsisia looked at them, eyes still welling with tears. "Got scared. Sorry." Naseiss whirled, not expecting the sound of Keaton's shaky voice. "Keaton, you need to say something before you do something like that again, okay?" They looked at the young Wildclaw kicking pebbles around; aside from that, sy looked sheepish. "I-i know you have trouble with words sometimes, so maybe just a little screech might work too?" Keaton nodded, and walked away. Lupu cleared his throat and looked at Tsisia and Naseiss. "Do you want me to go find Radha?" he asked, shaking. "D-do you want to?" Naseiss asked. "I-i think they know what's going on..." Lupu looked shocked. "Are you sure?" At this, Naseiss nodded profusely. Tsisia began to stop crying. "I'm sorry-" He paused, and started looking anywhere that wasn't directly at the mates. "I don't want you to go if you don't want to." The couple wordlessly nodded. Naseiss pointed to the general direction, and mouthed a "thank you." Lupu didn't appear to see it before he took off. Some time later, Tsisia choked back another round of tears. "We didn't even get to see what they looked like." They looked up and went over to Tsisia. It was the last thing either dragon said before they both fell asleep. ----- Day 25: [item=scroll case]
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie

Day 19: The Abomination

Sometimes, eggs can be fickle. They frowned at the thought. It was something their baba had mentioned before they left the Spire. Was this long of a wait for hatchlings to hatch what ey meant? It didn't make sense. They pondered the thought further, taking quick looks at the star charts. Their eyes bulged. It looked like the stars weren't lining up properly with the change in seasons. But that could be the cloud cover, or the location; they still hadn't adjusted all the charts to the lake yet. Minute by minute, the absence of claws and cries started to get to Naseiss' head.

When dawn started on the horizon, a low hum of panic began. The three adults began to argue, with Tsisia insisting on staying up in case the nest hatched while the others were sleeping. Elliania emerged from the ground just in front of the nest, disturbed by the commotion. Keaton tripped over Elliania mid-run, and skidded to the ground. Sy grabbed Elliania and bolted towards the arguing adults. Their screeches cut through the argument as Keaton nearly barreled over Lupu. Tsisia and Naseiss picked him up while Elliania and Keaton began to fight.

And then, everything shattered.

A noise like the all the tension of a difficult day coming out in a single scream came from the crystals supporting the nest. The two eggs disintegrated, shells plummetting to the ground piece by piece. All three adults screamed. Tsisia and Lupu made for the nest. Naseiss collapsed.

Then the nest screeched its death throes, and disappeared.


The Guardian charged down the halls, and would have barreled down everyone in her way, were it not dawn. Some dragons poked their heads out of their rooms, groggy and bleary eyed. Others shouted across the Spire to keep the noise down. But she couldn't. Something got into the nest room. Something was wrong. She turned down the corner and ran straight into the nesting cavern. Four nests were scattered in the far corners of the cavern. The one egg that was due to hatch today was, mercifully, healthy and safe. Then she froze.

In the center of the nesting grounds, the fifth nest had returned. The crystal supports were jagged, sprouting in every direction. The grass inside mess of decaying and mutating crystal was brown and dying as well. Nothing glowed. It looked as though the nest was slowly imploding. Then, she spotted something. In the middle of the nest were shattered eggs. And whatever took those eggs, was beginning to spread. She screamed again, hoping someone would hear her instructions and evacuate the lair.

There was no time to say anything else. Her charge was in danger.

Naseiss picked themself up and walked over to Tsisia and Lupu. Tears streamed down their face. They came up to Tsisia and hugged her; she started sobbing even more. A glance at Lupu showed he didn't have anything to say for the moment, either. I just hope everyone back home knows what's going on, they thought. The nest probably went back to the Spire. There was nothing anyone here could do about it now. Keaton and Elliania approached the adults; the latter also joined Naseiss in a group hug.

"This is my fault," Tsisia muttered between sobs. Elliania curled around her, making the hug even tighter. Naseiss looked at their mate, mouth agape. Everyone fell quiet, aside from the normal sounds of crying. They pulled their claws out of Elliania's hug, looking to hold Tsisia's instead. First, they had to wipe their face.

"It's not your fault, Tsi," Naseiss said, reaching to hold claws with Tsisia. They were batted aside. "We did everything we were supposed to do," they continued. Tsisia looked at them, eyes still welling with tears.

"Got scared. Sorry."

Naseiss whirled, not expecting the sound of Keaton's shaky voice. "Keaton, you need to say something before you do something like that again, okay?" They looked at the young Wildclaw kicking pebbles around; aside from that, sy looked sheepish. "I-i know you have trouble with words sometimes, so maybe just a little screech might work too?" Keaton nodded, and walked away.

Lupu cleared his throat and looked at Tsisia and Naseiss. "Do you want me to go find Radha?" he asked, shaking.

"D-do you want to?" Naseiss asked. "I-i think they know what's going on..."

Lupu looked shocked. "Are you sure?" At this, Naseiss nodded profusely. Tsisia began to stop crying. "I'm sorry-" He paused, and started looking anywhere that wasn't directly at the mates. "I don't want you to go if you don't want to." The couple wordlessly nodded. Naseiss pointed to the general direction, and mouthed a "thank you." Lupu didn't appear to see it before he took off.

Some time later, Tsisia choked back another round of tears. "We didn't even get to see what they looked like." They looked up and went over to Tsisia. It was the last thing either dragon said before they both fell asleep.

Day 25: Scroll Case
Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png

D: !!!!!
Ohhhh fudge.

D: !!!!!
Ohhhh fudge.