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Day 4: [item=Grey Basalt] No writing today. Too tired, not enough spoons
Day 4:
Grey Basalt

No writing today. Too tired, not enough spoons
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@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus Day 5: [item=skunk] Once these dorks hit level 4, they all got so much better. Naseiss missed all of twice, Lupu wasn't a crit magnet for once, and everything just went infinitely smoother. Haven't stepped foot into Woodland Path yet. They're all at level 5. They were just steamrolling the Fields and I didn't wanna stop them. I still need to get Lupu a Dark Slash but otherwise I'm good on stones.
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus

Day 5:

Once these dorks hit level 4, they all got so much better. Naseiss missed all of twice, Lupu wasn't a crit magnet for once, and everything just went infinitely smoother. Haven't stepped foot into Woodland Path yet. They're all at level 5. They were just steamrolling the Fields and I didn't wanna stop them.

I still need to get Lupu a Dark Slash but otherwise I'm good on stones.
Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
Phew, that's a relief.
Phew, that's a relief.
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus Day 6/7: Set Upon In The Woods [item=Steelhound Core][item=Scholar] ----- [img][/img] "Hey everyone! We're back from the woods to give a report!" [img][/img] "W-we're all still alive, if anyone's wondering..." [img][/img] "All of ussssss but my painting, that is." [img][/img] "Your painting? Are you messing with us?" [img][/img] "If I didn't know any better, I'd sssssssay you were the one messing with me." [img][/img] "Lupu, i-it's fine. I kept healing like I was supposed to-" [img][/img] "[i]Don't make excuses for her![/i] She refused your healing multiple times and I had to pick up after you so she wouldn't die!" [img][/img] "Yeahhhh, keep telling yourself that."
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus
Day 6/7: Set Upon In The Woods Steelhound Core Scholar

16683617p.png "Hey everyone! We're back from the woods to give a report!"

16192590p.png "W-we're all still alive, if anyone's wondering..."

16394522p.png "All of ussssss but my painting, that is."

16683617p.png "Your painting? Are you messing with us?"

16394522p.png "If I didn't know any better, I'd sssssssay you were the one messing with me."

16192590p.png "Lupu, i-it's fine. I kept healing like I was supposed to-"

16394522p.png "Don't make excuses for her! She refused your healing multiple times and I had to pick up after you so she wouldn't die!"

16683617p.png "Yeahhhh, keep telling yourself that."
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Poor Naseiss. Dx
Poor Naseiss. Dx

No one came remotely close to dying, but keeping up enough breath for Aid and then not having it when we need it...not the best feeling in the world.

I had to use a couple potions. Those Basilisks need to chill. I don't think I'll be leaving Woodland Path until I can get Eliminates; Scorched Forest is a nightmare no matter how you're doing it.

No one came remotely close to dying, but keeping up enough breath for Aid and then not having it when we need it...not the best feeling in the world.

I had to use a couple potions. Those Basilisks need to chill. I don't think I'll be leaving Woodland Path until I can get Eliminates; Scorched Forest is a nightmare no matter how you're doing it.
Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
Updates up to Day 10: [item=Chimera Fangs][item=Blue Bandit][item=Wavespun Cloth] I've been working on a surprisingly difficult essay this week and haven't had time to write. Team's at level 6. In unrelated Pinklocke news, I'm breeding Avalanche and Sabeen if anyone likes red range coatls and wildclaws. I'll try to update tomorrow.
Updates up to Day 10:

Chimera Fangs Blue Bandit Wavespun Cloth

I've been working on a surprisingly difficult essay this week and haven't had time to write. Team's at level 6. In unrelated Pinklocke news, I'm breeding Avalanche and Sabeen if anyone likes red range coatls and wildclaws.

I'll try to update tomorrow.
Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
Could I be added to the pinglist please? @Istoki
Could I be added to the pinglist please? @Istoki
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie [center]Day 11/12: Blaze [item=hippogriff][item=shale sliver][/center] ----- [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center] Everyone was gone. The leader, the warriors, even the scientists were missing. The note said an expedition to new territory, but what need did such a small clan have to go exploring? And at a bad time like this, too! Naturally, Mara wrangled herself into the expedition as soon as she could. And why wouldn't she? The gems the expedition team kept bringing back in were spectacular, and it had been so long since she got in a tussle. So she snuck out when the leader wasn't looking to see what all the fuss was about. It wasn't at all like the battles she shared before the B team split. The trainers barely even spoke to each other. As if laughing was supposed to be battle tactics! She didn't know what they were going on about. And the enemies here were much stronger than anything she'd seen before. In the midst of their attacks, she sneezed, sending a billowing flame into the battlefield. The Hawksbill, in turn, slammed her straight out of what was considered the arena. ----- [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center] "Wake up, wake up! We need to move!" Lupu noticed first. As the others woke up from the cuddle puddle-[i]and since when did they get all snuggly with each other?[/i] Lupu scrambled, collecting the paint, needles, and supplies from the ground. He didn't know where they would go or how they would get out of here, just that it needed to happen and it needed to happen fast. "Wh-what's going on...?" Naseiss asked groggily, trying to untangle themself from Tsisia only to find that she wasn't snuggling anymore. They looked bleary-eyed at the other dragons. Why were they grabbing everything all of a sudden? Tsisia was saying something but they couldn't make out the words. "Can't you see the big honkin' fire?" Lupu growled. And sure enough, it got Naseiss out of their sleep induced fatigue enough for them to realize the fire was getting closer, too. He didn't have time to say anything else; dismantling the telescope to take with took the wind out of him, not that he'd ever admit to it. And as soon as everything was ready to transport, they flew as far as they could. There was no telling whether or not the fire stopped. Smoke still billowed through the air. He grabbed Naseiss at one point to tell them to stop screaming and keep flying. Then, all of a sudden, Lupu fell out of the air and into a lake. Tsisia caught up first, dragging him out of the water. When he came to, he'd have scars on his legs and no more supplies to make them any prettier. He'd learn why all his supplies were ruined in the lake, and why his legs were so scarred up. And then he'd learn that reason had a name. [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center]
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie
Day 11/12: Blaze Hippogriff Shale Sliver

Everyone was gone. The leader, the warriors, even the scientists were missing. The note said an expedition to new territory, but what need did such a small clan have to go exploring? And at a bad time like this, too!

Naturally, Mara wrangled herself into the expedition as soon as she could. And why wouldn't she? The gems the expedition team kept bringing back in were spectacular, and it had been so long since she got in a tussle. So she snuck out when the leader wasn't looking to see what all the fuss was about.

It wasn't at all like the battles she shared before the B team split. The trainers barely even spoke to each other. As if laughing was supposed to be battle tactics! She didn't know what they were going on about. And the enemies here were much stronger than anything she'd seen before. In the midst of their attacks, she sneezed, sending a billowing flame into the battlefield.

The Hawksbill, in turn, slammed her straight out of what was considered the arena.

"Wake up, wake up! We need to move!"

Lupu noticed first. As the others woke up from the cuddle puddle-and since when did they get all snuggly with each other? Lupu scrambled, collecting the paint, needles, and supplies from the ground. He didn't know where they would go or how they would get out of here, just that it needed to happen and it needed to happen fast.

"Wh-what's going on...?" Naseiss asked groggily, trying to untangle themself from Tsisia only to find that she wasn't snuggling anymore. They looked bleary-eyed at the other dragons. Why were they grabbing everything all of a sudden? Tsisia was saying something but they couldn't make out the words.

"Can't you see the big honkin' fire?" Lupu growled. And sure enough, it got Naseiss out of their sleep induced fatigue enough for them to realize the fire was getting closer, too. He didn't have time to say anything else; dismantling the telescope to take with took the wind out of him, not that he'd ever admit to it.

And as soon as everything was ready to transport, they flew as far as they could. There was no telling whether or not the fire stopped. Smoke still billowed through the air. He grabbed Naseiss at one point to tell them to stop screaming and keep flying. Then, all of a sudden, Lupu fell out of the air and into a lake. Tsisia caught up first, dragging him out of the water.

When he came to, he'd have scars on his legs and no more supplies to make them any prettier. He'd learn why all his supplies were ruined in the lake, and why his legs were so scarred up.

And then he'd learn that reason had a name.
Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie Day 13/14, Housekeeping Update: [item=fungalhoof qiriq][item=owlcat journal] Rolled a 7 for the newest member so I've got a second noodle now. Her name's Elliania and she's a cutie. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'll be updating the rules as of this post so if I have any fodder that matches the species for a familiar roll, that dragon can be up for grabs as the newest arrival to the 'locke. I'm gonna be real with y'all, I'm kinda sick of Lightning dragons at this point. *looks wearily at Icarus and Kaede* For my trinket drop, I'll be updating someone's bio (or just fixing Janus' and Elliania's to match the format). Today is Day 15 and I got a material drop. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get in a writing update today. Naseiss and Tsisia are nesting now that they're both off cooldown, so that'll probably be a good chunk of the update...
@sykotikkytten @Oncamimus @Cadomarie

Day 13/14, Housekeeping Update:

Fungalhoof Qiriq Owlcat Journal

Rolled a 7 for the newest member so I've got a second noodle now. Her name's Elliania and she's a cutie.


I'll be updating the rules as of this post so if I have any fodder that matches the species for a familiar roll, that dragon can be up for grabs as the newest arrival to the 'locke. I'm gonna be real with y'all, I'm kinda sick of Lightning dragons at this point. *looks wearily at Icarus and Kaede*

For my trinket drop, I'll be updating someone's bio (or just fixing Janus' and Elliania's to match the format).

Today is Day 15 and I got a material drop. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get in a writing update today. Naseiss and Tsisia are nesting now that they're both off cooldown, so that'll probably be a good chunk of the update...
Dom-Shop-Link.png?rlkey=ts1tscej29cs0kt4g6wt9c37d&dl=0.png 1428_150px_istoki_by_miirshroom-dbzlzj5.png Lore-Thread-Link.png?rlkey=clnaiehtq32jzyvwmgq07ek0n&dl=0.png
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