*fixing banner*

1. This thread is for dragon sales only! Go here for the main thread. (*link coming soon)
2. If you have a split pair (Noc and Imp, for example), you are not eligible to use our ping lists; they're for Noc pairs only. However, you may use the appropriate ping lists for the babies that come out as Nocs.
3. Do not repost any of your sales. If no one was interested in them the first time, then no one is likely to buy the next time. Look at your prices, colors, and genes. Goldenrod/violet/orange speckle/seraph/crackle is unlikely to sell!
4. Only members may post their sales and use the ping lists. Please do not use our pinglists outside of this thread.
5. Try not to ping people multiple times! Cross-check the pinglists you use and make sure to only ping someone once. Multiple pings can be annoying.
6. If your hatchlings don’t sell, please don’t act passive-aggressive on the thread about it. Sometimes no one is interested in your dragons, and that’s okay. See rule #2!
7. Don’t try to guilt trip people into buying your dragons. This includes messages such as “I don’t want to exalt these dragons, please save them!” or anything along that vein. If you have to resort to these tactics to sell your dragons, don’t sell them here.
8. If someone buys a dragon from you, it is no longer yours. You cannot control what other people do with their dragons, and you will be barred from using our sales thread if we receive complaints of nasty messages involving dragons you sold. The only exception to this rule is if it was bought/named to directly harass you, in which case, send the admins a message through Contact Us!. It’s against Flight Rising’s rules on Harassment.