Welcome to Spoonful of Sugar ("SOS") Hatchery! I'm Wesley, your hostess! I'd like to give you a warm welcome! :')
Here at Spoonful of Sugar, we have many pairs to cater to the needs of a wide variety of people! Don't be afraid to ask to be on a ping list if the pair you like is on their breeding cooldown!
[img]http://dl8.glitter-graphics.net/pub/508/508608rjqzug6obp.gif[/img][b]General Ping List + Announcement Ping List:[/b]
@EllionStark (is listed on the ping lists of old pairs they haven't purchased from; should be pinged for announcements/new pairings)
Letters from Hatchlings are welcome, as are pings for grandchildren/great-grandchildren of my pairings. :)
Color Predictor - [url=http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=25,30,44,43,2,2,1,Naomi,Shadeholder]x[/url]
Shadeholders are a sub-species. You can read about them below.
[quote][i]Shadeholders are dragon skins embodied by the Shade. When a dragon dies, the Shade can reincarnate it and use the body to its own benefit. They are essentially the Shade with the ability to walk, talk, and think. They have a hive mind ultimately controlled by the first Shadeholder to ever exist - a Skydancer named Naomi. They are more intelligent in groups, but they often prefer to work alone. A Shadeholder is able to cause conflict in clans by shadetouching a dragon. If a Shadeholder causes a war to break out between clans, any dragons who are killed in the battle surrender the years of life they would have had remaining had they not died in battle to the Shadeholder who caused it. Causing conflict is how Shadeholders keep their dragon bodies youthful. Shadeholders are tricky and maniacal, and they believe that they are god-like. They refer to themselves as "Prophets of the Shade" or simply "The Prophets." It is common for Shadeholders to take after bits of their body's original owner's personality. Even with the pieces of individuality that they express, a drone Shadeholder is nothing without its hive queen.[/i][/quote]
You can read the full Shadeholders lore and learn how to become a breeder at the [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/1503191]official Shadeholders Hub[/url].
Some offspring examples:
Ping List:
@UntamedShadow @Crimsoned @TangleFeather @Kationi @shadowdrac @Eatheopean @Xemriss @AmyEnder @Maow @QueenofRedLions @Serpens @TheBestiary
Pairing will breed in a Light nest.
Color Predictor - [url=http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=10,10,41,40,1,3,1]x[/url]
Shadeholders are a sub-species. You can read about them below.
[quote][i]Shadeholders are dragon skins embodied by the Shade. When a dragon dies, the Shade can reincarnate it and use the body to its own benefit. They are essentially the Shade with the ability to walk, talk, and think. They have a hive mind ultimately controlled by the first Shadeholder to ever exist - a Skydancer named Naomi. They are more intelligent in groups, but they often prefer to work alone. A Shadeholder is able to cause conflict in clans by shadetouching a dragon. If a Shadeholder causes a war to break out between clans, any dragons who are killed in the battle surrender the years of life they would have had remaining had they not died in battle to the Shadeholder who caused it. Causing conflict is how Shadeholders keep their dragon bodies youthful. Shadeholders are tricky and maniacal, and they believe that they are god-like. They refer to themselves as "Prophets of the Shade" or simply "The Prophets." It is common for Shadeholders to take after bits of their body's original owner's personality. Even with the pieces of individuality that they express, a drone Shadeholder is nothing without its hive queen.[/i][/quote]
You can read the full Shadeholders lore and learn how to become a breeder at the [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/1503191]official Shadeholders Hub[/url].
Some offspring examples:
Ping List:
@blink182 @QueenofRedLions @Serpens @atrolock @Chomeister
[i]Cheshire and his children are the only dragons on the site with this gene and color combination.[/i]
Color Predictor - [url=http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=67,67,65,65,2,2,1,Chessy,Cat]x[/url]
Some offspring examples:
Ping List:
@Marceline @EllionStark @FoenixieFae @dinok (Nocturne) @KarmaSutra @Zhar @playerpichu @Reshiiram @KaseyMageofBlood @Aurite (spiral), @Eatheopean, @Bootleg, @tetchyblue @Zith
Color Predictor - [url=http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=32,32,2,2,31,30,1,Hatta,Tarrant Hightopp]x[/url]
Some offspring examples:
[b]Recommendation for these babies:[/b] White Top Hat and Pretty Aqua Neck Bow
Ping List:
@Eatheopean, @Bootleg, @QueenofRedLions (Skydancer), @Zith, @Everglades
This pairing will be bred in a [b]Plague[/b] nest.
Color Predictor - [url=http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=64,64,63,61,61,60,1,Agony,Hatchet]x[/url]
Ceritifed official Plague sub-species "Skinless" breeding pair.
[quote]It is rumored that long ago, Skinless stripped the flesh from their lean bodies of their own volition, as a message to the rest of dragonkind that they were invulnerable to pain, and could not be frightened by threat of violence. It has since become an inherent trait. Despite the horrifying appearance of the the Skinless, rest assured that they are not in discomfort. The exposed nerve endings of muscular and connective tissues are far less sensitive. Their surface vessels release rivulets of fresh blood, which help to cleanse dirt and bacteria amassed in a typical day. This emission is constant and accumulates as a tacky, clotted substance which covers them like a protective layer. They will avoid water at all costs, as washing away the bloody coating will leave them vulnerable to native infections.[/quote]
Some offspring examples:
Ping List:
@Devlyn (mirror) @Tognu @EllionStark, @QueenofRedLions (mirror) @princesspoobah (mirror) @Krystallos
Color Predictor - [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/link?url=http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=10,10,60,2,3,2,1,Booth,Brennan]x[/url]
Some offspring examples:
Ping List:
@Lutielle, @BlueSpectre (esp coral secondary; write bio/lore for their baby c:)
Will breed in an Arcane or a Lightning nest for lore purposes.
The mother has since been given Spines, so the babies will definitely come with a tertiary gene.
Color Predictor - [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=outbound&loc=http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=43,43,54,32,61,29,1,Jera,Summanus]x[/url]
Some offspring examples:
They also have oranges, yellows, and reds in their range!
[b]Recommendation for these babies:[/b] Steampunk apparel
Ping List:
@Eatheopean @QueenofRedLions @tetchyblue @Crescental
Will breed in an Ice nest.
Color Predictor - [url=http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=28,27,20,22,3,2,1,Skyrunner,Fuyuko]x[/url]
Some offspring examples:
Ping List:
@Neapolitan @Maow @QueenofRedLions (Nocturne) @tetchyblue @Crescental
Pairing will breed in an Ice nest.
Color Predictor - [url=http://orig13.deviantart.net/2030/f/2015/206/5/0/download__2__by_wesleydog-d92rcyt.png]x[/url]
Some offspring examples:
Ping List:
@QueenofRedLions @Bunnyhop627 @tetchyblue @kirrochan @Crescental
Credits -
Background of Agony x Flesh's Card - [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/Black-Background-3-77018653]sjunod @ DA[/url]
Background of Cheshire Cat's Card - [url=http://darkcrea.deviantart.com/art/Alice-s-Wonderland-PR-BRG-402553150]DarkCrea @ DA[/url]; card by [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/Playing-Cards-208422264]Shadowelement-stock @ DA[/url]
Background of Bones' Card - [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/Premade60-stock-427520443]pranile @ DA[/url]
Spoonful of sugar gif - [url=http://www.glitter-graphics.com/users/chibiville]chibiville @ glitter-graphics.com[/url]
Background of Our Icy Hearts' Card - [url=http://starscoldnight.deviantart.com/art/Frozen-chair-V-premade-BG-267633815]starscoldnight @ DA[/url]
Background of Evil Among Us's Card - [url=http://indigodeep.deviantart.com/art/Abandoned-medieval-village-245829807]indigodeep @ DA[/url]
Background of Secondhand Smoke's Card - [url=http://l-a-addams-art.deviantart.com/art/premade-fantasy-background-pure-fantasy-391212018]L-A-Addams-Art @ DA[/url]
Background of Priests of Steampunk's Card - [url=http://frozenstocks.deviantart.com/art/Steampunk-Age-Background-469970897]frozenstocks @ DA[/url]
Welcome to Spoonful of Sugar ("SOS") Hatchery! I'm Wesley, your hostess! I'd like to give you a warm welcome! :')
Here at Spoonful of Sugar, we have many pairs to cater to the needs of a wide variety of people! Don't be afraid to ask to be on a ping list if the pair you like is on their breeding cooldown!
General Ping List + Announcement Ping List:
EllionStark (is listed on the ping lists of old pairs they haven't purchased from; should be pinged for announcements/new pairings)
Letters from Hatchlings are welcome, as are pings for grandchildren/great-grandchildren of my pairings. :)

Color Predictor -
Shadeholders are a sub-species. You can read about them below.
Shadeholders are dragon skins embodied by the Shade. When a dragon dies, the Shade can reincarnate it and use the body to its own benefit. They are essentially the Shade with the ability to walk, talk, and think. They have a hive mind ultimately controlled by the first Shadeholder to ever exist - a Skydancer named Naomi. They are more intelligent in groups, but they often prefer to work alone. A Shadeholder is able to cause conflict in clans by shadetouching a dragon. If a Shadeholder causes a war to break out between clans, any dragons who are killed in the battle surrender the years of life they would have had remaining had they not died in battle to the Shadeholder who caused it. Causing conflict is how Shadeholders keep their dragon bodies youthful. Shadeholders are tricky and maniacal, and they believe that they are god-like. They refer to themselves as "Prophets of the Shade" or simply "The Prophets." It is common for Shadeholders to take after bits of their body's original owner's personality. Even with the pieces of individuality that they express, a drone Shadeholder is nothing without its hive queen.
You can read the full Shadeholders lore and learn how to become a breeder at the
official Shadeholders Hub.
Some offspring examples:

Ping List:
UntamedShadow @
Crimsoned @
TangleFeather @
Kationi @
shadowdrac @
Eatheopean @
Xemriss @
AmyEnder @
Maow @
QueenofRedLions @
Serpens @

Pairing will breed in a Light nest.
Color Predictor -
Shadeholders are a sub-species. You can read about them below.
Shadeholders are dragon skins embodied by the Shade. When a dragon dies, the Shade can reincarnate it and use the body to its own benefit. They are essentially the Shade with the ability to walk, talk, and think. They have a hive mind ultimately controlled by the first Shadeholder to ever exist - a Skydancer named Naomi. They are more intelligent in groups, but they often prefer to work alone. A Shadeholder is able to cause conflict in clans by shadetouching a dragon. If a Shadeholder causes a war to break out between clans, any dragons who are killed in the battle surrender the years of life they would have had remaining had they not died in battle to the Shadeholder who caused it. Causing conflict is how Shadeholders keep their dragon bodies youthful. Shadeholders are tricky and maniacal, and they believe that they are god-like. They refer to themselves as "Prophets of the Shade" or simply "The Prophets." It is common for Shadeholders to take after bits of their body's original owner's personality. Even with the pieces of individuality that they express, a drone Shadeholder is nothing without its hive queen.
You can read the full Shadeholders lore and learn how to become a breeder at the
official Shadeholders Hub.
Some offspring examples:

Ping List:
blink182 @
QueenofRedLions @
Serpens @
atrolock @

Cheshire and his children are the only dragons on the site with this gene and color combination.
Color Predictor -
Some offspring examples:

Ping List:
Marceline @
EllionStark @
FoenixieFae @
dinok (Nocturne) @
KarmaSutra @
Zhar @
playerpichu @
Reshiiram @
KaseyMageofBlood @
Aurite (spiral), @
Eatheopean, @
Bootleg, @
tetchyblue @

Color Predictor -
Some offspring examples:

Recommendation for these babies: White Top Hat and Pretty Aqua Neck Bow
Ping List:
Eatheopean, @
Bootleg, @
QueenofRedLions (Skydancer), @
Zith, @

This pairing will be bred in a
Plague nest.
Color Predictor -

Ceritifed official Plague sub-species "Skinless" breeding pair.
It is rumored that long ago, Skinless stripped the flesh from their lean bodies of their own volition, as a message to the rest of dragonkind that they were invulnerable to pain, and could not be frightened by threat of violence. It has since become an inherent trait. Despite the horrifying appearance of the the Skinless, rest assured that they are not in discomfort. The exposed nerve endings of muscular and connective tissues are far less sensitive. Their surface vessels release rivulets of fresh blood, which help to cleanse dirt and bacteria amassed in a typical day. This emission is constant and accumulates as a tacky, clotted substance which covers them like a protective layer. They will avoid water at all costs, as washing away the bloody coating will leave them vulnerable to native infections.
Some offspring examples:

Ping List:
Devlyn (mirror) @
Tognu @
EllionStark, @
QueenofRedLions (mirror) @
princesspoobah (mirror) @

Color Predictor -
Some offspring examples:

Ping List:
Lutielle, @
BlueSpectre (esp coral secondary; write bio/lore for their baby c:)

Will breed in an Arcane or a Lightning nest for lore purposes.
The mother has since been given Spines, so the babies will definitely come with a tertiary gene.
Color Predictor -
Some offspring examples:

They also have oranges, yellows, and reds in their range!
Recommendation for these babies: Steampunk apparel
Ping List:
Eatheopean @
QueenofRedLions @
tetchyblue @

Will breed in an Ice nest.
Color Predictor -
Some offspring examples:

Ping List:
Neapolitan @
Maow @
QueenofRedLions (Nocturne) @
tetchyblue @

Pairing will breed in an Ice nest.
Color Predictor -
Some offspring examples:

Ping List:
QueenofRedLions @
Bunnyhop627 @
tetchyblue @
kirrochan @

Credits -
Background of Agony x Flesh's Card -
sjunod @ DA
Background of Cheshire Cat's Card -
DarkCrea @ DA; card by
Shadowelement-stock @ DA
Background of Bones' Card -
pranile @ DA
Spoonful of sugar gif -
chibiville @ glitter-graphics.com
Background of Our Icy Hearts' Card -
starscoldnight @ DA
Background of Evil Among Us's Card -
indigodeep @ DA
Background of Secondhand Smoke's Card -
L-A-Addams-Art @ DA
Background of Priests of Steampunk's Card -
frozenstocks @ DA
Can you ping me for your cryface nocturnes?
Can you ping me for your cryface nocturnes?
Thorbjorn Absolutely :) Thanks for your interest!
Thorbjorn Absolutely :) Thanks for your interest!
My couple had 3 beautiful Cryface female Nocs :) They are listed for 25k in the AH each!
My couple had 3 beautiful Cryface female Nocs :) They are listed for 25k in the AH each!



There were two cupcake spirals born this time around!
XXY Crimson/Crimson/Maize, Female, Bar/Current/Underbelly, 10,000 treasure
XXY Crimson/Crimson/Maize, Male, Bar/Stripes/Underbelly, 10,000 treasure
There were two cupcake spirals born this time around!
XXY Crimson/Crimson/Maize, Female, Bar/Current/Underbelly, 10,000 treasure

XXY Crimson/Crimson/Maize, Male, Bar/Stripes/Underbelly, 10,000 treasure

Ooohh!! Perfect! I shall purchase the female~ Thank you!
Ooohh!! Perfect! I shall purchase the female~ Thank you!
wesleydog Ooh, what beautiful nocs! Could I take the first female?
wesleydog Ooh, what beautiful nocs! Could I take the first female?
Thank you so much; you certainly may! Let me send that CR! :)
Thank you so much; you certainly may! Let me send that CR! :)
wesleydog can i be put on the pinglist for a spiral from red velvet cupcakes?
wesleydog can i be put on the pinglist for a spiral from red velvet cupcakes?
redfish Of course! Thanks for your interest! :')
redfish Of course! Thanks for your interest! :')