Sent in payment but waiting on the CRs. Would you mind including the accent too? The accent's just the color on the wings and frill so they aren't so bare.
Sent in payment but waiting on the CRs. Would you mind including the accent too? The accent's just the color on the wings and frill so they aren't so bare.
@Eascity (FOX)
ID: 95762
Your dragon's ID: 8739632
Your dragon's photo:
Anything else:
This is my friend's dragon, foxlover19
Eascity (FOX)
ID: 95762
Your dragon's ID: 8739632
Your dragon's photo:

Anything else:
This is my friend's dragon, foxlover19
Please send your dragons to the acceptors!
(If you have sent the dragon. Just tell me;3)
Please send your dragons to the acceptors!
(If you have sent the dragon. Just tell me;3)
Here are all yer adopts! Thanks for supporting Lightning :D
I've sent the dragons for the first two, and i'll send the rest for this fae tomorrow.
I've sent the dragons for the first two, and i'll send the rest for this fae tomorrow.
Hmm I think I'll go for his accent! Thanks a lot, I'll send the fodder over now C;
Hmm I think I'll go for his accent! Thanks a lot, I'll send the fodder over now C;
@TeenyTinyDragon Aw, they're adorable! Could I sign up for one more adopt?
I would like to have this lady done as a snake, with her apparel (wizard hat and deep sea bulb) included. How many levels would that be?
TeenyTinyDragon Aw, they're adorable! Could I sign up for one more adopt?
I would like to have this lady done as a snake, with her apparel (wizard hat and deep sea bulb) included. How many levels would that be?

I can do both apparel for 3 more levels each, but they will be quite small since the snake doesn't have a lot of head room -- is that ok?
I can do both apparel for 3 more levels each, but they will be quite small since the snake doesn't have a lot of head room -- is that ok?
Looking for
- "runic prince" or "runic king" accent
- Sand/Oilslick/Obsidian Light Wildclaw - can you breed this?
