Make sure to check out my [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2291616]Painterly Portraits![/url] - These are a flat 25€ each!
[b]This shop needs to be revamped! Please visit my bust shop above if you're interested in art.[/b]
[s] [/size][/b][/center]
Most recent piece first!
[b]Bust / Waist - up / Full-Body[/b]:
[b]References - (Both visual and written references are acceptable!)[/b]:
[b][i]Art pricing: [/b]
Bust: 35€
Waist-Up: 50€
Full-Body: 70€
[center][font=century gothic]
(* For couple/ group art - extra characters are 80% of the original price. )
(* Complex designs (armor/wings/detailed clothing/weapons) may warrant an extra charge.)[/center]
[size=4]You can listen to my top three examples on [url=https://soundcloud.com/jaedry]Soundcloud![/url]
Ignore all pieces with WIP in their title! They are rough drafts.
[b][i]Music pricing:[/b]
10€ - 20€ a minute depending on complexity!
Simple ( 1 instrument, possibly 2) - 10€
Average - (3 - 4 instruments) - 15€
Complex - (5 - 7 Instruments) - 20€
[center][font=century gothic][size=5] [b]Rules[/b][/size][/center]
[*]One slot, maximum two commissions!
[*]Music - I take 50% of payment on approval of the music sample, and the rest on completion.
[*]Art - I take 50% of payment on approval of the sketch and the balance on completion. I'll ask you for your PayPal address and invoice you!
[*]If you have a deadline to meet, please let me know!
[*] 15% off your total commission if you order music to go with your art or vice versa!
Make sure to check out my Painterly Portraits! - These are a flat 25€ each!
This shop needs to be revamped! Please visit my bust shop above if you're interested in art.
Most recent piece first!
[b]Bust / Waist - up / Full-Body[/b]:
[b]References - (Both visual and written references are acceptable!)[/b]:
Art pricing:
Bust: 35€
Waist-Up: 50€
Full-Body: 70€
(* For couple/ group art - extra characters are 80% of the original price. )
(* Complex designs (armor/wings/detailed clothing/weapons) may warrant an extra charge.)
You can listen to my top three examples on Soundcloud!
Ignore all pieces with WIP in their title! They are rough drafts.
Music pricing:
10€ - 20€ a minute depending on complexity!
Simple ( 1 instrument, possibly 2) - 10€
Average - (3 - 4 instruments) - 15€
Complex - (5 - 7 Instruments) - 20€
- One slot, maximum two commissions!
- Music - I take 50% of payment on approval of the music sample, and the rest on completion.
- Art - I take 50% of payment on approval of the sketch and the balance on completion. I'll ask you for your PayPal address and invoice you!
- If you have a deadline to meet, please let me know!
- 15% off your total commission if you order music to go with your art or vice versa!
Working on:
Outside work -
Outside work -
Tricki - Helcaxo
Working on:
Outside work -
Outside work -
Tricki - Helcaxo
[center][center][font=century gothic][size=5]Affiliates[/size][/center]
My banner:
My banner:
Really stunning work! Just wondering if you happen to draw dragons as well or do you only focus on humans/gijinkas :o
Really stunning work! Just wondering if you happen to draw dragons as well or do you only focus on humans/gijinkas :o
Thank you! <3 - I do draw dragons and other ferals as well! I just don't have a comprehensive example sheet set up for them yet.
If you are interested, I would be more than happy to sketch your dragon of choice for your reference! c:
Thank you! <3 - I do draw dragons and other ferals as well! I just don't have a comprehensive example sheet set up for them yet.
If you are interested, I would be more than happy to sketch your dragon of choice for your reference! c:
Oh awesome! I'd love a fullbody one of this boy here and a sketch preview would be great if you'd be willing to do that:
Character snapshot: Awe-inspiring, imposing, regal, strong aura. Born of flames and tempered by the elements, he’s an important, well respected member of the clan (the former leader and founder who united the two warring factions). Now devotes his time to cultivating his powers in seclusion (full description in bio). Feel free to take artistic license!
Other: I'd love his skincent and apparel to be included, happy to add on since I know they're pretty detailed xD
Oh awesome! I'd love a fullbody one of this boy here and a sketch preview would be great if you'd be willing to do that:

Character snapshot: Awe-inspiring, imposing, regal, strong aura. Born of flames and tempered by the elements, he’s an important, well respected member of the clan (the former leader and founder who united the two warring factions). Now devotes his time to cultivating his powers in seclusion (full description in bio). Feel free to take artistic license!
Other: I'd love his skincent and apparel to be included, happy to add on since I know they're pretty detailed xD
Kazuki looks fantastic! I love the character snapsnot you've given me; I look forward to drawing him!
The skincent is indeed a bit complicated, does $40 sound acceptable to you? (Also, quick note, I accept 50% of the payment on approval of the detailed sketch, and 50% on completion. Please let me know if this suits you! c:)
Normally, I begin with some rough poses (without much detail, just general form and atmosphere), I should be able to send you rough poses via PM within the week! (I work from rough poses > detailed sketch > line > flats > shaded - for your reference! c:)
Kazuki looks fantastic! I love the character snapsnot you've given me; I look forward to drawing him!
The skincent is indeed a bit complicated, does $40 sound acceptable to you? (Also, quick note, I accept 50% of the payment on approval of the detailed sketch, and 50% on completion. Please let me know if this suits you! c:)
Normally, I begin with some rough poses (without much detail, just general form and atmosphere), I should be able to send you rough poses via PM within the week! (I work from rough poses > detailed sketch > line > flats > shaded - for your reference! c:)
Yup that works with me, looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :)
Yup that works with me, looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :)