
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | OC/Gijinka Experimental Bribe [OPEN]
[center][b][size=6]OPEN[/size][/b][/center] This is an EXPERIMENTAL BRIBE SHOP. Slots are [b]not[/b] first come, first serve. To order, fill out the form below, and I'll choose the offer(s) that appeal most to me. A slot is not guaranteed for anyone, at any price. There is no minimum offer. How much work I put into any single piece is determined by a combination of offer, how much I like the character, and how busy I am. You can check my [url=]art blog[/url] for more samples. My [url=]RLC[/url] are always open. ----------------- [center][size=6][b]General Info[/b][/size][/center] [LIST][*]All art is for personal, not-for-profit use only. You can’t make any money, in whatever currency, off the art you get here. [*]Please don't substantially alter my finished art. You can crop it and add text for icons and banners and such, but anything that actually changes the art itself isn't allowed. [*]You must have image references, even if they aren’t of your character specifically (e.g. Polyvore sets, images of clothing, whatever). I’ll also accept FR apparel names. [*]I prioritize school and cash commissions over FR stuff, so I aim for about a 2-3 week turnaround, but I may take longer. Please feel free to PM me for updates. [*]I take payment up front. [*]If the piece isn't to your liking and the error was on my part, I’ll fix it right away. However, if you ask to change something that was not in your original order form, I may charge extra. [*]I also accept gems and mixed currency offers. [*]I may consider offers of scrolls, familiars, skins/accents, and other rare items (holiday/retired items especially). Ask and I’ll let you know if I’m interested. [/LIST] ---------------------- [center][size=6][b]Samples[/b][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [More samples at my []art blog[/url], but please note that art in this shop will be experimental.] [/center]

This is an EXPERIMENTAL BRIBE SHOP. Slots are not first come, first serve.

To order, fill out the form below, and I'll choose the offer(s) that appeal most to me.

A slot is not guaranteed for anyone, at any price. There is no minimum offer. How much work I put into any single piece is determined by a combination of offer, how much I like the character, and how busy I am.

You can check my art blog for more samples. My RLC are always open.

General Info

  • All art is for personal, not-for-profit use only. You can’t make any money, in whatever currency, off the art you get here.
  • Please don't substantially alter my finished art. You can crop it and add text for icons and banners and such, but anything that actually changes the art itself isn't allowed.
  • You must have image references, even if they aren’t of your character specifically (e.g. Polyvore sets, images of clothing, whatever). I’ll also accept FR apparel names.
  • I prioritize school and cash commissions over FR stuff, so I aim for about a 2-3 week turnaround, but I may take longer. Please feel free to PM me for updates.
  • I take payment up front.
  • If the piece isn't to your liking and the error was on my part, I’ll fix it right away. However, if you ask to change something that was not in your original order form, I may charge extra.
  • I also accept gems and mixed currency offers.
  • I may consider offers of scrolls, familiars, skins/accents, and other rare items (holiday/retired items especially). Ask and I’ll let you know if I’m interested.


2s7vyb5.jpg szy68n.png

k9yq6w.png 2uif52c.png

[More samples at my art blog, but please note that art in this shop will be experimental.]
[center][size=6][b]Ordering[/b][/size][/center] You can PM me if you want a private/gift commission, or you can reply here and ping me @lostandtold. [code][b]Name:[/b] [Of the dragon/character. One character per slot, please, no couple art!] [b]Reference Image(s):[/b] [Please give me at least one good reference of the dragon/character. More is better!] [b]Dragon/Animal Traits:[/b] [Which, if any, dragon/animal traits do you want? Wings, tails, horns, genes, etc? This may mean you need to offer higher, depending on complexity — gembond wings will be harder than ears, for example. You can also request to have both a version with dragon/animal traits and a version without, at no extra charge.] [b]Notes:[/b] [This is where you tell me about your character. What kind of expression/pose you want, their personality, hobbies, things you really want/don’t want, etc.] [b]Order:[/b] [Chibi, non-chibi, or no preference.] [b]Offer:[/b] [There is no minimum.][/code] ------------------------------- [center][size=6][b]Pinglist[/b][/size][/center] Since this shop has changed to an experimental grab bag, I've cleared the pinglist. Please let me know if you'd like to be on it. ------------------------------- [center][size=6][b]Pickups[/b][/size][/center] [LIST] [*][url=]Decay[/url] [*][url=]HollowedAngel[/url] [*][url=]LadySuzume[/url] [*]Selfishly [url=]Ver. 1[/url] [url=]Ver. 2[/url] [*][url=]Xieu[/url] [*]Pikachu [url=][1][/url] [url=][2][/url] [*][url=]Selfishly[/url] [*][url=]Lucatri[/url] [/LIST]

You can PM me if you want a private/gift commission, or you can reply here and ping me @lostandtold.
[b]Name:[/b] [Of the dragon/character. One character per slot, please, no couple art!] [b]Reference Image(s):[/b] [Please give me at least one good reference of the dragon/character. More is better!] [b]Dragon/Animal Traits:[/b] [Which, if any, dragon/animal traits do you want? Wings, tails, horns, genes, etc? This may mean you need to offer higher, depending on complexity — gembond wings will be harder than ears, for example. You can also request to have both a version with dragon/animal traits and a version without, at no extra charge.] [b]Notes:[/b] [This is where you tell me about your character. What kind of expression/pose you want, their personality, hobbies, things you really want/don’t want, etc.] [b]Order:[/b] [Chibi, non-chibi, or no preference.] [b]Offer:[/b] [There is no minimum.]


Since this shop has changed to an experimental grab bag, I've cleared the pinglist. Please let me know if you'd like to be on it.


@lostandtold Oooh, this is cute! :D Please let me know when this opens, I might try to snatch the grab bag slot (how much treasure would you look for?)
@lostandtold Oooh, this is cute! :D Please let me know when this opens, I might try to snatch the grab bag slot (how much treasure would you look for?)
*Insert imaginary signature here*
I love commissions/buying art with treasure and gems~ :)
ezimba16234165761100.gif*Rendered by @LostSoulsWeep
@BBSMJ Thank you! I'm open now -- I just had to tweak my posts real quick.

For the grab bag, it's really however much you want to offer, since I'll be drawing for that based on my whims. I know that's not very helpful, but I hesitate to give exact price ranges, since the grab bag slot is for me to noodle around. Sorry!
@BBSMJ Thank you! I'm open now -- I just had to tweak my posts real quick.

For the grab bag, it's really however much you want to offer, since I'll be drawing for that based on my whims. I know that's not very helpful, but I hesitate to give exact price ranges, since the grab bag slot is for me to noodle around. Sorry!
@lostandtold It's ok! ^.^ May I grab a tiny chibi then? c: It's normally a full body colored chibi, right? For 150k?
@lostandtold It's ok! ^.^ May I grab a tiny chibi then? c: It's normally a full body colored chibi, right? For 150k?
*Insert imaginary signature here*
I love commissions/buying art with treasure and gems~ :)
ezimba16234165761100.gif*Rendered by @LostSoulsWeep
AAAaa chibi slot please!
He's an OC if that's okay. I have a designed Dragon gijinka if you're only interested in FR-related things.

Name: Regon Tyer
Reference Image(s): All refs and images here! There are several folders with clothing examples and his instruments.
Dragon/Animal Traits: No animal traits
Notes: It'd be really cool if you could draw him with a guitar of some sort, he's a musician and often likes to rock out. He's pretty friendly so an excited face or something is cool. Or a smirk. Casual clothing is cool, feel free to go crazy and pick whatever outfit you like most!
Order: Tiny Chibi
Offer: 250kt? With the added guitar. Let me know if you want more.

Thanks so much, you have adorable art!
AAAaa chibi slot please!
He's an OC if that's okay. I have a designed Dragon gijinka if you're only interested in FR-related things.

Name: Regon Tyer
Reference Image(s): All refs and images here! There are several folders with clothing examples and his instruments.
Dragon/Animal Traits: No animal traits
Notes: It'd be really cool if you could draw him with a guitar of some sort, he's a musician and often likes to rock out. He's pretty friendly so an excited face or something is cool. Or a smirk. Casual clothing is cool, feel free to go crazy and pick whatever outfit you like most!
Order: Tiny Chibi
Offer: 250kt? With the added guitar. Let me know if you want more.

Thanks so much, you have adorable art!
[s][b]Name:[/b] Lutona/Luto Cambell (after marriage. c: ) [b]Reference Image(s):[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (Her reference is in her description.) [b]Dragon/Animal Traits:[/b] None, please. c: [b]Notes:[/b] Luto is an insecure, anxious girl. She always viewed herself negatively until later in her story. She can be generous when she has the courage to even look someone in the eyes. She's frail, thin and pale. [u]She actually does have glass shards sticking out of her head[/u], being part of the "Sea of Death." Some people normally mistake it as a normal ribbon. [u]I'd love if she had a dress based off of her previous apparel; Moonglow Thorns.[/u] She has a whip that looks like these thorns, but they don't need to be added. [u]Luto does have a lovely, shy smile. :)[/u] I'd love if you added that. [b]Order:[/b] Tiny Chibi. [b]Offer:[/b] 155k? I could go higher, if needed. I could even offer a Frigid Sash, if you're interested.[/s]
Name: Lutona/Luto Cambell (after marriage. c: )
Reference Image(s):
(Her reference is in her description.)

Dragon/Animal Traits: None, please. c:
Notes: Luto is an insecure, anxious girl. She always viewed herself negatively until later in her story. She can be generous when she has the courage to even look someone in the eyes. She's frail, thin and pale. She actually does have glass shards sticking out of her head, being part of the "Sea of Death." Some people normally mistake it as a normal ribbon. I'd love if she had a dress based off of her previous apparel; Moonglow Thorns. She has a whip that looks like these thorns, but they don't need to be added. Luto does have a lovely, shy smile. :) I'd love if you added that.
Order: Tiny Chibi.
Offer: 155k? I could go higher, if needed. I could even offer a Frigid Sash, if you're interested.
*Insert imaginary signature here*
I love commissions/buying art with treasure and gems~ :)
ezimba16234165761100.gif*Rendered by @LostSoulsWeep
@Decay @BBSMJ Both considered, thank you! I'll probably pick in..1-3 days, maybe?
@Decay @BBSMJ Both considered, thank you! I'll probably pick in..1-3 days, maybe?
Knocking this back up real quick~
Knocking this back up real quick~
Aaand again
Aaand again