

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Duduri's Mini Dragon Adopts
[center][b][size=6] CLOSED [/size][/b][/center] [center][b]I'll make all your favorite babies into these cute minis[/b][/center] Any breed, any gene, any color, any eye type; just post your dragons and I'll work on them as soon as i can. [s]skins and accents coming soon[/s] [quote=Rules] - My artwork is all © myself. - My artwork may not be copied, reproduced, traced, edited, referenced, used or uploaded in any way without my written permission. - My artwork may not be used for commercial purpose/reselling/making any profit without my written permission. - All of my commissions will have my signature. - I do not allow my art to be altered in ways other than cropping it for personal use without my permission. If you want to heavily modify my art, please contact me first. - You can ask me directly to modify your commission in any way, after I already posted it. Minor changes will be free. Big changes (i.e.: genes, colours, species, [s]skins and accents[/s]) will require additional fees. - You can ask for any change in the order itself, like different sizes, mirroring or other, they will all be free of charge. - Commissioners are allowed to repost their paid-for artwork on other sites, use it and/or alter it in any way they desire as long as they don’t claim it as their own, my signature is still on it and/or I’m credited. - Those who receive any type of free art from me of their characters have the same rights and obligations as commissioners. - Please don’t repost my art without my permission or especially without credits/signature. If possible, link to this forum post. - Payment can be sent when I'll post the commission, if you send the payment right when you request a commission, be aware that you might have to wait a while. However, I will accept the payment through CR only after posting your commission, as I think it's more fair towards all of you. - Commissions will most likely be posted in batches containing the whole order or more than one order, if they're small. - Everyone asking to be in the ping list will be added, even if I don't answer directly to the post.[/quote] [size=6][b]Price:[/b] 1 Mini = 10.000 [img][/img] [i]or[/i] 12 [img][/img][/size] [b]Waitlist:[/b] [LIST] [*][b]Orders[/b] - [i]Friedphish, chouki, Mobian, Saraceaser, DelTacoisBetter, Wraith296, Kipuka, CorpseKid, Friedphish, Kalerien, ImagineIf, pinwheelviper[/i] [*][b]Queue ping[/b] - [i]Fukase, Burnes, Chou, Sunbyrd, Lesen, BrightIce, SheerCold, Northwyrm, MadameKQ, Zerologist, russmond, mothscale, porifra, RuHyang, Rafflesie, Leafstar17, X3X, GrimmXMalkin, owlfeathers, Danchou, galaxied, Jeana, Kaial, Youmeanies, Sonii, Cuivienen, Oppabo, dragoninmywagon, Dreamcoyote, CrazyPineapple, Snowki, hayum, Dragondust36O, mrgbmommy, After, Kanagawa, Giu, Skyeset, ErinNarcissa, nonaline, MitraSunshine, Muxie, Dathomir, MawkishMuse, VeiledOverdose, Riaga, pinwheelviper, Spriggan, Balam, MaplesHaiku, Arinyl, QueenKatoe, PheonixPonder, Ihaveafamily, AX400, Pukepup, threepigeons, silverein, flyingskies, Wraith296, Prasiolite, Jadepillar[/i] [*][b]Skin Ping[/b] - [i]ElysianJewels, Bootleg, Youmeanies, QueenKatoe[/i] [*][b]Finished[/b] - [s]Selki, dudodo, Babs3, AdeleneDawner, MYOHO, MeiOrchid, Otter112233, nonaline, Cuivienen, nm8426, Sunbyrd, Emberglo, JaggedBobcat, cnicht, sphygmic, RoadkillJack, HereBeeDragons, Hakary, Bayhound, Volker, DeathTheAshen, Above, Otter112233, BrittIsntSane, Cuivienen, Hexerin, TropicalDiamonds, Reptilia, Cyans, Jaspernoir, WyrmMother, tysm, loststarship, Ivylight, VeiledOverdose, NerraVostra, JaggedBobcat, HSoup, DragonFilms, Bootleg, Oblivii, Pukepup, BrightIce, Wraith296, Ziegler, Zemo, Gibberish, MoonSun18[/s] [/LIST] [center][b]Bases:[/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Examples:[/b][/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [/center] Edit: updated rules

I'll make all your favorite babies into these cute minis
Any breed, any gene, any color, any eye type; just post your dragons and I'll work on them as soon as i can. skins and accents coming soon

Rules wrote:
- My artwork is all © myself.
- My artwork may not be copied, reproduced, traced, edited, referenced, used or uploaded in any way without my written permission.
- My artwork may not be used for commercial purpose/reselling/making any profit without my written permission.
- All of my commissions will have my signature.
- I do not allow my art to be altered in ways other than cropping it for personal use without my permission. If you want to heavily modify my art, please contact me first.
- You can ask me directly to modify your commission in any way, after I already posted it. Minor changes will be free. Big changes (i.e.: genes, colours, species, skins and accents) will require additional fees.
- You can ask for any change in the order itself, like different sizes, mirroring or other, they will all be free of charge.
- Commissioners are allowed to repost their paid-for artwork on other sites, use it and/or alter it in any way they desire as long as they don’t claim it as their own, my signature is still on it and/or I’m credited.
- Those who receive any type of free art from me of their characters have the same rights and obligations as commissioners.
- Please don’t repost my art without my permission or especially without credits/signature. If possible, link to this forum post.
- Payment can be sent when I'll post the commission, if you send the payment right when you request a commission, be aware that you might have to wait a while. However, I will accept the payment through CR only after posting your commission, as I think it's more fair towards all of you.
- Commissions will most likely be posted in batches containing the whole order or more than one order, if they're small.
- Everyone asking to be in the ping list will be added, even if I don't answer directly to the post.

1 Mini = 10.000 e2MP0vS.png or 12 S7g5Sqe.png

  • Orders - Friedphish, chouki, Mobian, Saraceaser, DelTacoisBetter, Wraith296, Kipuka, CorpseKid, Friedphish, Kalerien, ImagineIf, pinwheelviper
  • Queue ping - Fukase, Burnes, Chou, Sunbyrd, Lesen, BrightIce, SheerCold, Northwyrm, MadameKQ, Zerologist, russmond, mothscale, porifra, RuHyang, Rafflesie, Leafstar17, X3X, GrimmXMalkin, owlfeathers, Danchou, galaxied, Jeana, Kaial, Youmeanies, Sonii, Cuivienen, Oppabo, dragoninmywagon, Dreamcoyote, CrazyPineapple, Snowki, hayum, Dragondust36O, mrgbmommy, After, Kanagawa, Giu, Skyeset, ErinNarcissa, nonaline, MitraSunshine, Muxie, Dathomir, MawkishMuse, VeiledOverdose, Riaga, pinwheelviper, Spriggan, Balam, MaplesHaiku, Arinyl, QueenKatoe, PheonixPonder, Ihaveafamily, AX400, Pukepup, threepigeons, silverein, flyingskies, Wraith296, Prasiolite, Jadepillar
  • Skin Ping - ElysianJewels, Bootleg, Youmeanies, QueenKatoe
  • Finished - Selki, dudodo, Babs3, AdeleneDawner, MYOHO, MeiOrchid, Otter112233, nonaline, Cuivienen, nm8426, Sunbyrd, Emberglo, JaggedBobcat, cnicht, sphygmic, RoadkillJack, HereBeeDragons, Hakary, Bayhound, Volker, DeathTheAshen, Above, Otter112233, BrittIsntSane, Cuivienen, Hexerin, TropicalDiamonds, Reptilia, Cyans, Jaspernoir, WyrmMother, tysm, loststarship, Ivylight, VeiledOverdose, NerraVostra, JaggedBobcat, HSoup, DragonFilms, Bootleg, Oblivii, Pukepup, BrightIce, Wraith296, Ziegler, Zemo, Gibberish, MoonSun18

Edit: updated rules
[center][b]GALLERY[/b][/center] [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center]
sorry if you wanted to claim more posts! if that's the case, i'll delete this. @duduri Could I order this girl? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [Img][/img] I do have one question, though: you did mean 10k, right? :p 10,000t and 50g aren't really equivalent!
sorry if you wanted to claim more posts! if that's the case, i'll delete this.


Could I order this girl?



I do have one question, though: you did mean 10k, right? :p 10,000t and 50g aren't really equivalent!
I'm interested too - but I also want to wait and make sure your payment prices are correct regarding the treasure/gem ratio :) Also, will we be getting the larger image, or the very miniature one?
I'm interested too - but I also want to wait and make sure your payment prices are correct regarding the treasure/gem ratio :) Also, will we be getting the larger image, or the very miniature one?
h5IOxf5.gif bay
> lore
> wishlist
> scatters
> hatchery
@Duduri Ill take a few! [img][/img] [img][/img]

Ill take a few!


@Duduri Yeah, I'm seconding that that you probably want to check your treasure/gem ratio. If these really are 10k a pop I want a bunch of 'em, though. (If they're more ping me anyway, I still want a few, they're cute.)
@Duduri Yeah, I'm seconding that that you probably want to check your treasure/gem ratio. If these really are 10k a pop I want a bunch of 'em, though. (If they're more ping me anyway, I still want a few, they're cute.)
We're made of rock, but we're the biggest softies of all. XIvT0rs.png
@Duduri could I get a slot? for this boy,thank you! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Duduri could I get a slot?
for this boy,thank you!


@Duduri could you do my 2 ladies and 1 boy please :3 [url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url]

could you do my 2 ladies and 1 boy please :3



@Duduri I want to check your prices too. Please ping me when you answer about them, thank you!
@Duduri I want to check your prices too. Please ping me when you answer about them, thank you!
dudodo, they/them · FR+16 X1VSFh3.png
Langs. X1VSFh3.png lzRYCPv.png qPkymz7.png

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@Selki @Bayhound @AdeleneDawner @dudodo
Yes it seems i forgot to change some numbers while writing the post.
Yes they are 10k T each, which if i'm not wrong should be around 11-12 gems (according to the 1:850 ratio)
I'll quickly fix and start to work on your requests!

Also to answer to @Bayhound, you will get the bigger one, the small ones are just automatically resized to fit the forum dimensions ^^ (if you right click and choose "open image in a new tab" you should see them all full sized!)
@Selki @Bayhound @AdeleneDawner @dudodo
Yes it seems i forgot to change some numbers while writing the post.
Yes they are 10k T each, which if i'm not wrong should be around 11-12 gems (according to the 1:850 ratio)
I'll quickly fix and start to work on your requests!

Also to answer to @Bayhound, you will get the bigger one, the small ones are just automatically resized to fit the forum dimensions ^^ (if you right click and choose "open image in a new tab" you should see them all full sized!)