

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Noot Snoots from Xenon - [pinglist]
[center]!someday there will be a cool image here! ~*chibi-ish fullbody dargrons for the distinguished adopter*~ hooooooi there everyone! i'm xenon, and i'm very excited to be posting about a BRAND NEW FEATURE coming right to you! it's been ages since i last did any art, and i figured - hey! why not flex those muscles by coming up with an adoptable base i can use to illustrate some fine dragons? and why not start off with the finest dragon of them all - the noble and pointy [b]Ridgeback[/b]?? so here i am! selling ridgebacks! [img][/img] [img][/img] here we have a very default male and female, showing off the good stuff to anyone who might be interested! for the time being, i'm only gonna be offering snoots, but for further details keep an eye on this space :D [center][b]SPECIAL DEALS[/b][/center] none at the moment!
!someday there will be a cool image here!
~*chibi-ish fullbody dargrons for the distinguished adopter*~

hooooooi there everyone! i'm xenon, and i'm very excited to be posting about a BRAND NEW FEATURE coming right to you! it's been ages since i last did any art, and i figured - hey! why not flex those muscles by coming up with an adoptable base i can use to illustrate some fine dragons? and why not start off with the finest dragon of them all - the noble and pointy Ridgeback??

so here i am! selling ridgebacks!
here we have a very default male and female, showing off the good stuff to anyone who might be interested!

for the time being, i'm only gonna be offering snoots, but for further details keep an eye on this space :D
none at the moment!
[b]Prices and Ordering[/b] [i]someday i'll make this all look nice - hey maybe if you wanna help me with that it can be a bribe for a snoot, eeeeeyeyyyhhh? eeeeeeeehhhhyyyyyyy????[/i] due to time and wrist related issues, i'm only going to be offering skins/apparel for [b]USD BRIBES[/b]. sorry! ok but some small apparel or accents might be okay for a small gem/treasure additional cost - if you're wondering, just ask! i'm thinking little things, like teardrop jewelry, scars, emblems, that sort of business. unless otherwise stated, small items like this will be [b]5kT/6g[/b] each. i use a 1:800 gem:treasure ratio. the [u]base price for all snoots is [b]80kT/100g[/b][/u]! [LIST=1] [*]basic/iridescent/shimmer/underbelly/glimmer/stained are all free [*]when unlocked: crystal, facet, petals, butterfly, poison, toxin, spinner, and skink are [b]+10kT/12g[/b] each! [*]all other unlocked genes are [b]+5kT/6g[/b] each! [/LIST] as a freebie, all snoots will come with a 100x100 icon you can use in your signature, if you want it. why yes i can be bribed, thanks for asking :D for bribes, i generally am looking for USD - a normal adopt will probably run around ~$5, all genes included. if you want apparel or skins/accents, i'm also open to doing them for USD - the price will vary with complexity, of course! i might be up to item bribes as well, if you have something you think i might like, just ask. i like to think i'm pretty friendly and approachable |D another thing i am open to in terms of bribes are changes to appearance - missing limbs, different sized horns, that sort of thing! again, this is a case of asking. to unlock a gene, the base price for [b]tier 1 genes (more expensive) is 25kT/30g[/b], and [b]15kT/18g for all others[/b]. [quote=Unlocked Genes] [columns] [size=4][b]Primary:[/b][/size] Basic^ Iridescent^ Bar Clown Petals* Speckle Poison* [color=FFF3D6]OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[/color] [nextcol] [size=4][b]Secondary:[/b][/size] Basic^ Shimmer^ Facet* Stripes Peregrine Butterfly* Freckle Toxin* [color=FFF3D6]OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[/color] [nextcol] [size=4][b]Tertiary:[/b][/size] Basic^ Stained^ Glimmer^ Crackle Thylacine [color=FFF3D6]OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[/color] [/columns] ^=no additional cost *=10kT/12g all others=5kT/6g [/quote] IF you have interest in sponsoring a future breed, hit me up - i don't have a solid idea on price for that, so ask and we can work out something! :> [center][b]ORDERING[/b][/center] To order, please reply with the following: [quote]Dragon's name: Link to image: Genes: Anything extra?: Which direction should they face? Total price: Pinglist?[/quote] once i have confirmed your slot with you, please go ahead and send your payment - your snoot will be finished ASAP, as i intend on only opening slots when i have a dedicated chunk of time i can use to work on them. snoots will be delivered in the thread! prices might change as i go, i'm just trying to figure out a good pricepoint for work that goes in vs interest |D i know ridgebacks aren't the most poooopular breed, but there don't seem to be many adopts for them out there, so here's hoping someone wants to give them some love!
Prices and Ordering
someday i'll make this all look nice - hey maybe if you wanna help me with that it can be a bribe for a snoot, eeeeeyeyyyhhh? eeeeeeeehhhhyyyyyyy????

due to time and wrist related issues, i'm only going to be offering skins/apparel for USD BRIBES. sorry!

ok but some small apparel or accents might be okay for a small gem/treasure additional cost - if you're wondering, just ask! i'm thinking little things, like teardrop jewelry, scars, emblems, that sort of business. unless otherwise stated, small items like this will be 5kT/6g each.

i use a 1:800 gem:treasure ratio.

the base price for all snoots is 80kT/100g!
  1. basic/iridescent/shimmer/underbelly/glimmer/stained are all free
  2. when unlocked: crystal, facet, petals, butterfly, poison, toxin, spinner, and skink are +10kT/12g each!
  3. all other unlocked genes are +5kT/6g each!

as a freebie, all snoots will come with a 100x100 icon you can use in your signature, if you want it.

why yes i can be bribed, thanks for asking :D for bribes, i generally am looking for USD - a normal adopt will probably run around ~$5, all genes included. if you want apparel or skins/accents, i'm also open to doing them for USD - the price will vary with complexity, of course! i might be up to item bribes as well, if you have something you think i might like, just ask. i like to think i'm pretty friendly and approachable |D another thing i am open to in terms of bribes are changes to appearance - missing limbs, different sized horns, that sort of thing! again, this is a case of asking.

to unlock a gene, the base price for tier 1 genes (more expensive) is 25kT/30g, and 15kT/18g for all others.
Unlocked Genes wrote:


^=no additional cost
all others=5kT/6g

IF you have interest in sponsoring a future breed, hit me up - i don't have a solid idea on price for that, so ask and we can work out something! :>

To order, please reply with the following:
Dragon's name:
Link to image:
Anything extra?:
Which direction should they face?
Total price:

once i have confirmed your slot with you, please go ahead and send your payment - your snoot will be finished ASAP, as i intend on only opening slots when i have a dedicated chunk of time i can use to work on them. snoots will be delivered in the thread!

prices might change as i go, i'm just trying to figure out a good pricepoint for work that goes in vs interest |D i know ridgebacks aren't the most poooopular breed, but there don't seem to be many adopts for them out there, so here's hoping someone wants to give them some love!
Current slots
1. Reochi
2. cynderplayer
3. BloodyBunny
4. cthlh - payment received
5. StygianForm - payment received

Orders on hold

please only request 1 dragon at a time, for right now! thank you!!!!

Current slots
1. Reochi
2. cynderplayer
3. BloodyBunny
4. cthlh - payment received
5. StygianForm - payment received

Orders on hold

please only request 1 dragon at a time, for right now! thank you!!!!

[b]Previously arted snoots - links to full-size images[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Affiliate adoptables![/b] ~[url=]Sleepytroll's Ridgeback Adopts[/url]~
Previously arted snoots - links to full-size images

Affiliate adoptables!

~Sleepytroll's Ridgeback Adopts~
aaand that's it for now - feel free to post! :D
aaand that's it for now - feel free to post! :D
@xenontrioxide Dragon's name: Nico Link to image: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Genes: Bar/Facet/Basic Anything extra?: Could you use the female base for her? Which direction should they face? right Total price: 80kt

Dragon's name: Nico
Link to image:

Genes: Bar/Facet/Basic
Anything extra?: Could you use the female base for her?
Which direction should they face? right
Total price: 80kt

can do!! i will get right to work on her tomorrow!

can do!! i will get right to work on her tomorrow!
@xenontrioxide [quote=xenontrioxide][i]someday i'll make this all look nice - hey maybe if you wanna help me with that it can be a bribe for a snoot, eeeeeyeyyyhhh? eeeeeeeehhhhyyyyyyy????[/i][/quote] I totally can make this a fancy-fancy like for you! Could I get two dragons done for it?(both all unsponsored genes) Or maybe just one plus a little apparel?
xenontrioxide wrote:
someday i'll make this all look nice - hey maybe if you wanna help me with that it can be a bribe for a snoot, eeeeeyeyyyhhh? eeeeeeeehhhhyyyyyyy????
I totally can make this a fancy-fancy like for you! Could I get two dragons done for it?(both all unsponsored genes) Or maybe just one plus a little apparel?
@xenontrioxide [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Skolas [b]Link to image:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Genes:[/b] Petals, Peregrine and Stained [b]Anything extra?:[/b] He currently lacks Stained but the correct scry is in his bio [b]Which direction should they face?[/b] Right [b]Total price:[/b] 100g edit; forgot to ping :x

Dragon's name: Skolas
Link to image: 27320995_350.png
Genes: Petals, Peregrine and Stained
Anything extra?: He currently lacks Stained but the correct scry is in his bio
Which direction should they face? Right
Total price: 100g

edit; forgot to ping :x
I'd like to reserve one slot, please! I'm on mobile now but I'll fill in the form as soon as I'm back home in a couple of hours:3
I'd like to reserve one slot, please! I'm on mobile now but I'll fill in the form as soon as I'm back home in a couple of hours:3