[center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/a85c5df227f830159b0131ea6222d557/tumblr_orxmtsA5zz1w05q3fo1_75sq.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/27bb38b157c9bc2e96d88da122982dac/tumblr_inline_orxmsqIzRb1t7zzvf_540.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/1572800460b301b7034660f96c51f767/tumblr_inline_orxmsuxsJB1t7zzvf_540.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/ed9065705f90d67a512ab9a7f3c98ed9/tumblr_inline_orxmsxBVBW1t7zzvf_540.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/8f397fc352474a95853f0b899af8b817/tumblr_inline_orxmt5xeEj1t7zzvf_540.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/b134421c4b86e11d1a59a195c4b8a81a/tumblr_inline_orxmt8Ba1j1t7zzvf_540.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/04f729726ee8c488846d6810546cbe27/tumblr_inline_orxmtbeU8X1t7zzvf_540.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/71dcdafdc856232adee23a90423fd3b6/tumblr_inline_orxmthhh3v1t7zzvf_540.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/69ceffe4095392c197d77527d3cdf04b/tumblr_inline_orxmtl7jle1t7zzvf_540.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/67853136ae116563eb996ff1404036f5/tumblr_inline_orxmtqHyVo1t7zzvf_540.png[/img]
* [b]Please check the title to see if the shop is open[/b]
* Please pay upfront
* Please send payment through PM
* Do not send payment until I have confirmed your order
* No more than one per order
* No claiming slots
* No apparel
* No skins/accents
* Please make sure you save your adopt when it's done
[b][size=5][color=#89cdf4][u]Breeds Available:[/u][/size][/color][/b]
Coatl, Fae, Guardian, Imperial, Mirror, Nocturne, Pearlcatcher, Skydancer, Spiral, Wildclaw
* 20kT/20g base price
* 2kT/2g for each additional gene
* Glimmer and underbelly are free
[quote=Order Form:]
Dragon Image:
Bottle Color:
Payment: Treasure/Gems
Extra Notes:[/quote]
* Jaspernoir
* Madolche
* Eiyora
* miucity
* Cyrya
* Romean
* MurkyDepths
* mossyaki
* MafiaVamp
* Babs3
* Meowruff
* Stellatrix13
* Naegiri
* anternika
* WhistlewindWolf
* Maevepanda
* Drasmir
* Tarvalian
* owlfeathers
* Gothwaldo
* DarkSnowfox
* Wolvenrose
* X3X
* Evet
* FeralRookie
* GuardianDragonak
* Gibberish
* hayum
* Skyeset
* RogueWraith
* Awaas
* sacredpools
* malrinkye
* Sonii
* Ellapinky
* Aperature
* FlailingKitty
* Kalypsonite
* AquaSoars
* MerlinMausi
Please check the title to see if the shop is open
* Please pay upfront
* Please send payment through PM
* Do not send payment until I have confirmed your order
* No more than one per order
* No claiming slots
* No apparel
* No skins/accents
* Please make sure you save your adopt when it's done
Breeds Available:
Coatl, Fae, Guardian, Imperial, Mirror, Nocturne, Pearlcatcher, Skydancer, Spiral, Wildclaw
* 20kT/20g base price
* 2kT/2g for each additional gene
* Glimmer and underbelly are free
Order Form: wrote:
Dragon Image:
Bottle Color:
Payment: Treasure/Gems
Extra Notes:
* Jaspernoir
* Madolche
* Eiyora
* miucity
* Cyrya
* Romean
* MurkyDepths
* mossyaki
* MafiaVamp
* Babs3
* Meowruff
* Stellatrix13
* Naegiri
* anternika
* WhistlewindWolf
* Maevepanda
* Drasmir
* Tarvalian
* owlfeathers
* Gothwaldo
* DarkSnowfox
* Wolvenrose
* X3X
* Evet
* FeralRookie
* GuardianDragonak
* Gibberish
* hayum
* Skyeset
* RogueWraith
* Awaas
* sacredpools
* malrinkye
* Sonii
* Ellapinky
* Aperature
* FlailingKitty
* Kalypsonite
* AquaSoars
* MerlinMausi
PrincessAlyss can i be on pinglist for new breeds?
Sure, I'll let you know right away as soon as a new one is introduced!
Sure, I'll let you know right away as soon as a new one is introduced!
PrincessAlyss May I please be on the pinglist for the new breeds? ^.^
PrincessAlyss May I please be on the pinglist for the new breeds? ^.^
genes: just the crackle gene rest can just be basic
extras: can i have the lantern be lavender colored? ^^

genes: just the crackle gene rest can just be basic
extras: can i have the lantern be lavender colored? ^^
Yep, that will come to 17kT, please!
*Dragon Image:[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=14685761]
*Genes:Stone Iridescent / Obsidian Shimmer / Emerald Underbelly
*Extra: Try making it ominous looking, if you can.
[s][size=1]{You better appreciate this Perilite. I am actually wasting money on you again.}[/size][/s]
*Dragon Image:

*Genes:Stone Iridescent / Obsidian Shimmer / Emerald Underbelly
*Extra: Try making it ominous looking, if you can.
{You better appreciate this Perilite. I am actually wasting money on you again.}