

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Dragon Count Number
I'm not the best person so write a suggestion so if anyone has a simpler way of wording this, go for it!

First of all, i love seeing the achievement count coming back beneath the bestiary count in the right upper corner. I missed it and it warms this little completionist's heart. But, turns out i really liked having my dragon number there too. It's so useful to know when I'm buying a ton of fodder, when I'm approaching a full lair just by seeing the number and remembering what my lair can hold. Currently the only way to do that is going to lair and either scrolling to the bottom or going in edit mode, or alternatively going to clan profile to look at the icon there. Definitely not as handy!

I'm not a website designer so who knows where the little icon should go, or if it could just be the number of dragons in brackets in the side bar next to Dragon Lair. Or maybe put an icon above the energy bar?

Ideas are welcome!
I'm not the best person so write a suggestion so if anyone has a simpler way of wording this, go for it!

First of all, i love seeing the achievement count coming back beneath the bestiary count in the right upper corner. I missed it and it warms this little completionist's heart. But, turns out i really liked having my dragon number there too. It's so useful to know when I'm buying a ton of fodder, when I'm approaching a full lair just by seeing the number and remembering what my lair can hold. Currently the only way to do that is going to lair and either scrolling to the bottom or going in edit mode, or alternatively going to clan profile to look at the icon there. Definitely not as handy!

I'm not a website designer so who knows where the little icon should go, or if it could just be the number of dragons in brackets in the side bar next to Dragon Lair. Or maybe put an icon above the energy bar?

Ideas are welcome!
@Yews they/them
My favourite dragon
Arcane Battlestone Bank
Arcane Food Bank
01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01101101 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101110 01110101 01110100
ssecretssFRT +10
i think we need to be able to customize what we want up there - i couldn't care less about people's beastiary numbers tbh, i'd rather see my dragon count up there instead
i think we need to be able to customize what we want up there - i couldn't care less about people's beastiary numbers tbh, i'd rather see my dragon count up there instead
41328.png -
cillian || adult || he/they
Candy Coated Dragons
adopts: obelisk | aether
Agreed with the idea of being able to customize what we see. I don't care what my achievement points are at, I don't care what yours are at, and I certainly don't need to see what either Beastiary number is at either. What I do need is to see the number of dragons I have in my lair at a glance when I'm accepting nest requests. ;_;
Agreed with the idea of being able to customize what we see. I don't care what my achievement points are at, I don't care what yours are at, and I certainly don't need to see what either Beastiary number is at either. What I do need is to see the number of dragons I have in my lair at a glance when I'm accepting nest requests. ;_;
As previously support returne dragon counter.
And maybe even put achivment in bar below with it's own notifications.

Make rectangle with name and other wider to gave space put achivments near msg icon.
As previously support returne dragon counter.
And maybe even put achivment in bar below with it's own notifications.

Make rectangle with name and other wider to gave space put achivments near msg icon.

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support replacing either the bestiary count or achievement count with dragons. i find it inconvenient too when i'm buying fodder. it's a lot more pertinent to gameplay than familiars or achieves and should be more easily visible imo.
support replacing either the bestiary count or achievement count with dragons. i find it inconvenient too when i'm buying fodder. it's a lot more pertinent to gameplay than familiars or achieves and should be more easily visible imo.
9121892.png xxxxx
Yes, I would like to see the dragon count number again.

No, I don't want to nerf the bestiary number

Yes, I would like to see the dragon count number again.

No, I don't want to nerf the bestiary number

Yeah I had no idea how often I used that to get to my lair. Apparently it was a lot. I have no idea how to get there now.

I miss it.
Yeah I had no idea how often I used that to get to my lair. Apparently it was a lot. I have no idea how to get there now.

I miss it.
Cheerful Chime Almedha | share project
Lore Starts Here (WIP)
I collect Pulsing Relics!
candle-smol.png ____

I thought maybe it was a bug when that disappeared. Turns out it wasn't. Also turns out that I use that a ton and didn't realize it until it was gone. I'd love to have it back.

I'm in favor of switching out the achievement counter for the dragon count. If achievements updated automatically, seeing my achievement counter would be interesting; but since it's manual, I don't need to know that number unless I'm going in to check it. Of course, I don't really need the bestiary either, so I'd be fine with swapping that one out, instead.

I thought maybe it was a bug when that disappeared. Turns out it wasn't. Also turns out that I use that a ton and didn't realize it until it was gone. I'd love to have it back.

I'm in favor of switching out the achievement counter for the dragon count. If achievements updated automatically, seeing my achievement counter would be interesting; but since it's manual, I don't need to know that number unless I'm going in to check it. Of course, I don't really need the bestiary either, so I'd be fine with swapping that one out, instead.

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Seeking these skins:
Support. The dragon count is definitely much much more important to me than achievements or bestiary counts. I'd also love to see it come back a bit improved so instead of needing to remember how many spaces you have and figure out what's left, give a hover text that tells you something like "lair:25/60 den: 56/100" when looking at that [emoji=wing size=1]81 icon. So you know the exact state of your account without having to go dig up that info from multiple places.
Support. The dragon count is definitely much much more important to me than achievements or bestiary counts.

I'd also love to see it come back a bit improved so instead of needing to remember how many spaces you have and figure out what's left, give a hover text that tells you something like "lair:25/60 den: 56/100" when looking at that 81 icon. So you know the exact state of your account without having to go dig up that info from multiple places.
I sorta wish I could have them all visible, somehow. I wish they all could fit. Like others above, turns out I use those links way more than the sidebar.
I sorta wish I could have them all visible, somehow. I wish they all could fit. Like others above, turns out I use those links way more than the sidebar.
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If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?