
Skins and Accents

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TOPIC | Neon Knights Detailing - HIATUS
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Last day to place orders down!

Umbra Charter LDP:

Last day to place orders down!

Umbra Charter LDP:

[quote][sub][sub][sub]@LumberCzar @Novrre @Hasufel @Wrath @Rosoidela @KaichouKai @corvidesque @Lomon @Chraze @Angilian @CoffeeClaws @Zerobotic @Laeyein @Raivus @Solcie @MineralTownNPC @Xemriss @umbers @butcherbaby @Odile @Reveurs @Askesis @foxshapedshadows @Helixstorm @Harribel @LilyRaven @cartel @Lyka @Toyhouse @KaichouKai @ThistleProse @Iralla @Maeve @Kunikida @FableSky @bonivich @Voltaic @Crim @stovokor @Goldlake @MoonChyld @Tahoma @KayJay @DarkAngelsBlood1 @Redsparrow @Vrtra @cosmoslost @ArcaneHierophant @Guardy @Toska @takatsuki @LXIX @observergirl @Meyoline @cherie @GlitchyOddy @BeingOfSalt @Avmire @starsystems @exp @MoonflowerPlayz @Kaynara @Digi @capretto @Vinuxe @jemjam @Skyleidge @AimaElsecaller @twistedflyte @chaoticstars @Katalist @Redwinterafr @eosu @Sidya @RoyalSorceress @Askesis @Veelociraptor @Basileia @bumblebree14 @walleye @Niraven [/sub][/quote] General Shop Update! [center][img][/img][/center] These past few weeks have been a bit wild [emoji=guardian scared size=1][emoji=veilspun scared size=1] We were intended on attempting to do a final sweep of releases of the Zodiac, what we were not ready for was the back-to-back heck of updates, from the Undertides, to the cycling items, all while so close to Rockbreaker's. With that, let's face it, we're ready for NotN more than anything aren't we? With that said, we're pushing back these releases into January, so that a) we all can focus on NotN, Secret Santa, and whatever holiday events are currently in swing, and b) give our poor wallets a break. This will also allow us both to start preparing other skins in the process. [emoji=crescent moon 1 size=1] There are leftover copies of our Snap skins, along with a spare copy of Blessings of Scorpio for anyone that does want to pick those up! So if you missed Umbra, Starlight, and Lite Charter, there is at least one copy of each available. There are hot links to their listings on the shop front! However, if you are curious to what we have coming down the pipeline, here's a couple of previews- [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [s]i know it's a lot of mechanical skins and this is just what sketches I have going on, Urza is a wild deck of cards that flicks a Blue Eyes White Dragon just to surprise for surprise sake[/s] [center][size=5]In the meantime, travel safely, and have fun this holiday season! May your drops in Night of the Nocturne be healthy! [emoji=snowflake size=1] [emoji=guardian winking size=2] [emoji=heart size=1] [emoji=veilspun winking size=2] [emoji=snowflake size=1]

General Shop Update!

These past few weeks have been a bit wild

We were intended on attempting to do a final sweep of releases of the Zodiac, what we were not ready for was the back-to-back heck of updates, from the Undertides, to the cycling items, all while so close to Rockbreaker's. With that, let's face it, we're ready for NotN more than anything aren't we?

With that said, we're pushing back these releases into January, so that a) we all can focus on NotN, Secret Santa, and whatever holiday events are currently in swing, and b) give our poor wallets a break. This will also allow us both to start preparing other skins in the process.

There are leftover copies of our Snap skins, along with a spare copy of Blessings of Scorpio for anyone that does want to pick those up! So if you missed Umbra, Starlight, and Lite Charter, there is at least one copy of each available. There are hot links to their listings on the shop front!

However, if you are curious to what we have coming down the pipeline, here's a couple of previews-


i know it's a lot of mechanical skins and this is just what sketches I have going on, Urza is a wild deck of cards that flicks a Blue Eyes White Dragon just to surprise for surprise sake
In the meantime, travel safely, and have fun this holiday season! May your drops in Night of the Nocturne be healthy!
[quote name="Industry" date="2022-12-07 21:03:29" ] With that said, we're pushing back these releases into January, so that a) we all can focus on NotN, Secret Santa, and whatever holiday events are currently in swing, and b) give our poor wallets a break. This will also allow us both to start preparing other skins in the process. [/quote] THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU From the bottom of my heart, and the depths of my wallet THANK YOU
Industry wrote on 2022-12-07 21:03:29:
With that said, we're pushing back these releases into January, so that a) we all can focus on NotN, Secret Santa, and whatever holiday events are currently in swing, and b) give our poor wallets a break. This will also allow us both to start preparing other skins in the process.


From the bottom of my heart, and the depths of my wallet

[BSJ 2024] Main Hub[BSJ 2024] Out-of-Flight Raffle
[BSJ 2024] Illuminarti[BSJ 2024] Public Buy

Aussie | she/her

Activity | Projects | UMAs
Farming Notes
Pretty Fodder

Perfect gif xD Thanks for the update/head's up!
Perfect gif xD Thanks for the update/head's up!
Just wanted to say, excellent art, and didn't expect The Magnus Archives to have fandragon content! Keep up the good work!

Additionally... I've been meaning to start making accents and skins at some point... if you wish to spare some advice, I'd be grateful. Either way Merry Christmas!!
Just wanted to say, excellent art, and didn't expect The Magnus Archives to have fandragon content! Keep up the good work!

Additionally... I've been meaning to start making accents and skins at some point... if you wish to spare some advice, I'd be grateful. Either way Merry Christmas!!
hnnnnngh added myself to the pinglist for whenever it may possibly be reprinted, but i am willing to pay extra for a copy rn if that's doable :') if not totally ok, i am just obsessed with this skin ahhhhhhhhhhhh
hnnnnngh added myself to the pinglist for whenever it may possibly be reprinted, but i am willing to pay extra for a copy rn if that's doable :') if not totally ok, i am just obsessed with this skin ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Noted! Right now we're finishing up the Zodiac (we took a longer break than expected, whoops) and gonna release the last of the series in a big batch. After that, since this'll carry into February, we're gonna dual-run Aquarius and Pisces before trickling into our monthly schedule. We'll be pinging when those windows are available!

Noted! Right now we're finishing up the Zodiac (we took a longer break than expected, whoops) and gonna release the last of the series in a big batch. After that, since this'll carry into February, we're gonna dual-run Aquarius and Pisces before trickling into our monthly schedule. We'll be pinging when those windows are available!
[img][/img] me @ flight rising user industry

me @ flight rising user industry
Slammed myself down on the Leo zodiac reprint list. :')
Slammed myself down on the Leo zodiac reprint list. :')
[quote][sub][sub][sub][sub]@LumberCzar @Novrre @Hasufel @Wrath @Rosoidela @KaichouKai @corvidesque @Lomon @Chraze @Angilian @CoffeeClaws @Zerobotic @Laeyein @Raivus @Solcie @MineralTownNPC @Xemriss @umbers @butcherbaby @Odile @Reveurs @Askesis @foxshapedshadows @Helixstorm @Harribel @LilyRaven @cartel @Lyka @Toyhouse @KaichouKai @ThistleProse @Iralla @Maeve @Kunikida @FableSky @bonivich @Voltaic @Crim @stovokor @Goldlake @MoonChyld @Tahoma @KayJay @DarkAngelsBlood1 @Redsparrow @Vrtra @cosmoslost @ArcaneHierophant @Guardy @Toska @takatsuki @LXIX @observergirl @Meyoline @cherie @GlitchyOddy @BeingOfSalt @Avmire @starsystems @exp @MoonflowerPlayz @Kaynara @Digi @capretto @Vinuxe @jemjam @Skyleidge @AimaElsecaller @twistedflyte @chaoticstars @Katalist @Redwinterafr @eosu @Sidya @RoyalSorceress @Askesis @Veelociraptor @Basileia @bumblebree14 @walleye @Niraven @angemagica @AstralEventide @galyxies @jerma985 @ViolentViolet77 @Renarin @Empyrean @Renarin @Pulse @Squeak @kiwis @Tymbs @iicaaruus @vabam @SpiritX @MoonzzZ[/quote] [center]Hey guys, long time no speak! This is a general update post that'll feature the following- 1. New Pinglists 2. Zodiac Skin status 3. New Sign-up Method Let's catch up shall we? We got a LOT to cover! [img][/img] Yeah, where HAVE we been? Life has been busy, a lot of changes in our lives. We were doing quite a bit, paired with the massive Zodiac project, along with other things that grabbed our attention, we flickered into a burnout stage. We've been on off and on, but running the shop was put on hold because of outside life influences. We do apologize for vanishing, but we're slowly getting into the swing of things again. [b]...Now what?[/b] As it stands right now, we're going to shift to making more public custom skins, while adding in some public unlimited runs here and there. We have a lot of ideas, but planning for bigger releases does take quite a bit. That brings us to the new pinglist system. [pinglist=15391] This list will ping people that are interested in most things we do. If you're on here, you will be pinged for everything [u]*except* public customs.[/u] [pinglist=15392] This list will be used *exclusively* for public customs. We will be doing either 5-print or 10-print. 5-prints will be 5kG a piece, where as a 10-print will be 2kG a piece. These will also include recolor options for those public customs. Now, I WAS originally putting into our new sheet a Last Day Pinglist, and then staff gave us a nifty tool to help with that~ [img][/img] [sub][s]no you're not imagining things this is just an image example[/s][/sub] We will now be including a new pinglist that refreshes after every public unlimited run. Are you're interested in a skin, but don't want to sign up right away? You can click this button! You'll be pinged on the last day to order before the list is deleted and refreshed. Let's face it, we forget, and with so many artists, festivals, and breeds, sometimes it's nice to have that reminder. This pinglist can also act as a reminder for when payment is about due for the skins you want. But we'll get to that in a minute. Let's see... ----- [img][/img] Right, the Zodiac skins- We did have most of them done, and we were getting ambitious with trying to release five of them, at once. We haven't forgotten about them, but admittedly we're probably not going to do a large project like that again. At least one THAT big. We have sets in mind, but they will be much smaller. With what we have, we'll be releasing the ones that are finished soon, and will dot in the remaining ones before their respective months arrive. But, it will be slow. With that said, for the time being there is a pinglist for *every* Zodiac, and one to be used to be pinged for all of them- [pinglist=15419] [pinglist=15407][pinglist=15408][pinglist=15409][pinglist=15410][pinglist=15411][pinglist=15412][pinglist=15413][pinglist=15414][pinglist=15415][pinglist=15416][pinglist=15417][pinglist=15418] These lists will be used to ping at the start of each month. While we're not sure how long we will run these pinglists, this is an option for those that are waiting for a particular one. We will also add these to the Shelved/Archived post at the shop front so that you may add/remove yourself easily. We are also aware that some people signed up *specifically* for these and not our general, we'll be pinging them respectively. ----- [u][b]New Method of Signing Up for Skins[/b][/u] We're going to try something, and if it causes more problems than what was taken into consideration, we'll revert back. A few others have started doing this as well, so we're gonna give it a swing. Pretty much, we will be using pinglists to sign up for skins. Our spreadsheet will be retired. How will sign-ups work? 1. The General Pinglist (and GASP) will be pinged when new skins are up for sign-ups 2. Each skin for that time will have its own pinglist. Choose what skins you want, and subscribe to that pinglist. 3. The time frame for these skins is for how long we will have those pinglists open. Once time is up, the pinglists will be removed. 4. With these pinglist, *everyone* signed up on these will be notified that payment is due with instructions on how to send your funds. 5. We then can send skins out in bigger batches. Not to mention if all goes well with the new skin submission process, these batches can be sent in and out quickly. Now, *WHY* are we doing this? To start, while Google Sheets is good and handy, it has its problems. Sometimes people slot their name on top of others, sometimes it doesn't work for all users and requires manual entry from the shop owners. Sometimes even the sheet breaks. It allows ourselves and you to not have to click additional buttons, accidentally make a typo when singing up, and venture off Flight Rising for something so simple. Second, you are guaranteed a slot unless you remove yourself, or unless somehow Flight Rising breaks. You are more than welcome to have us verify that you were successfully added. We do predict there might be a case or two where you're not sure if you've signed up, whether it is lag or otherwise. So don't be afraid to ask us to double check if you were added in. If you're really not sure, we'll look into having a read-only list available so you can see if your sign up was successful Third, not everyone has the funds up front, but you still want to sign up for it knowing you'll have the funds ready. This allows you to not be stressed about having funds on hand and prepared for when a run is suddenly full. Additionally if you want a reminder of when payment is going to be called, our Last Day Ping list will be up so that you can get that reminder ahead of time! You can also use that moment to pull yourself off the pinglist if you decide you don't want the skin anymore before we close for printing. Lastly, and admittedly, it's easier for ourselves the shop owners. A lot of our time is setting up the sheets and ensuring they are able to function properly without any headaches for us your yourselves. Sheets has been very useful, but this allows for cleaner management of the shop, while still providing you with easier control. This also helps us keep everything in one place, mostly. ------ We do apologize for the long post, but we figured it was only fair to reach back out in this manner to those that have been enthusiasts for our work. We thank you for your time and attention, we also hope that you all are doing alright in life, and may you stay healthy and safe as always. As a treat, we do have some skins coming up to kick things off, here's a small preview of what's inbound~ [img][/img]
Hey guys, long time no speak! This is a general update post that'll feature the following-
1. New Pinglists
2. Zodiac Skin status
3. New Sign-up Method

Let's catch up shall we? We got a LOT to cover!


Yeah, where HAVE we been?

Life has been busy, a lot of changes in our lives. We were doing quite a bit, paired with the massive Zodiac project, along with other things that grabbed our attention, we flickered into a burnout stage. We've been on off and on, but running the shop was put on hold because of outside life influences. We do apologize for vanishing, but we're slowly getting into the swing of things again.

...Now what?

As it stands right now, we're going to shift to making more public custom skins, while adding in some public unlimited runs here and there. We have a lot of ideas, but planning for bigger releases does take quite a bit.

That brings us to the new pinglist system.

This list will ping people that are interested in most things we do. If you're on here, you will be pinged for everything *except* public customs.

This list will be used *exclusively* for public customs. We will be doing either 5-print or 10-print. 5-prints will be 5kG a piece, where as a 10-print will be 2kG a piece. These will also include recolor options for those public customs.

Now, I WAS originally putting into our new sheet a Last Day Pinglist, and then staff gave us a nifty tool to help with that~

no you're not imagining things this is just an image example

We will now be including a new pinglist that refreshes after every public unlimited run. Are you're interested in a skin, but don't want to sign up right away? You can click this button! You'll be pinged on the last day to order before the list is deleted and refreshed. Let's face it, we forget, and with so many artists, festivals, and breeds, sometimes it's nice to have that reminder.

This pinglist can also act as a reminder for when payment is about due for the skins you want. But we'll get to that in a minute. Let's see...

Right, the Zodiac skins-

We did have most of them done, and we were getting ambitious with trying to release five of them, at once. We haven't forgotten about them, but admittedly we're probably not going to do a large project like that again. At least one THAT big. We have sets in mind, but they will be much smaller. With what we have, we'll be releasing the ones that are finished soon, and will dot in the remaining ones before their respective months arrive. But, it will be slow.

With that said, for the time being there is a pinglist for *every* Zodiac, and one to be used to be pinged for all of them-

These lists will be used to ping at the start of each month. While we're not sure how long we will run these pinglists, this is an option for those that are waiting for a particular one. We will also add these to the Shelved/Archived post at the shop front so that you may add/remove yourself easily. We are also aware that some people signed up *specifically* for these and not our general, we'll be pinging them respectively.

New Method of Signing Up for Skins

We're going to try something, and if it causes more problems than what was taken into consideration, we'll revert back. A few others have started doing this as well, so we're gonna give it a swing.

Pretty much, we will be using pinglists to sign up for skins. Our spreadsheet will be retired.

How will sign-ups work?

1. The General Pinglist (and GASP) will be pinged when new skins are up for sign-ups
2. Each skin for that time will have its own pinglist. Choose what skins you want, and subscribe to that pinglist.
3. The time frame for these skins is for how long we will have those pinglists open. Once time is up, the pinglists will be removed.
4. With these pinglist, *everyone* signed up on these will be notified that payment is due with instructions on how to send your funds.
5. We then can send skins out in bigger batches. Not to mention if all goes well with the new skin submission process, these batches can be sent in and out quickly.

Now, *WHY* are we doing this?

To start, while Google Sheets is good and handy, it has its problems. Sometimes people slot their name on top of others, sometimes it doesn't work for all users and requires manual entry from the shop owners. Sometimes even the sheet breaks. It allows ourselves and you to not have to click additional buttons, accidentally make a typo when singing up, and venture off Flight Rising for something so simple.

Second, you are guaranteed a slot unless you remove yourself, or unless somehow Flight Rising breaks. You are more than welcome to have us verify that you were successfully added. We do predict there might be a case or two where you're not sure if you've signed up, whether it is lag or otherwise. So don't be afraid to ask us to double check if you were added in. If you're really not sure, we'll look into having a read-only list available so you can see if your sign up was successful

Third, not everyone has the funds up front, but you still want to sign up for it knowing you'll have the funds ready. This allows you to not be stressed about having funds on hand and prepared for when a run is suddenly full. Additionally if you want a reminder of when payment is going to be called, our Last Day Ping list will be up so that you can get that reminder ahead of time! You can also use that moment to pull yourself off the pinglist if you decide you don't want the skin anymore before we close for printing.

Lastly, and admittedly, it's easier for ourselves the shop owners. A lot of our time is setting up the sheets and ensuring they are able to function properly without any headaches for us your yourselves. Sheets has been very useful, but this allows for cleaner management of the shop, while still providing you with easier control. This also helps us keep everything in one place, mostly.

We do apologize for the long post, but we figured it was only fair to reach back out in this manner to those that have been enthusiasts for our work.

We thank you for your time and attention, we also hope that you all are doing alright in life, and may you stay healthy and safe as always.

As a treat, we do have some skins coming up to kick things off, here's a small preview of what's inbound~

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