
Skins and Accents

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TOPIC | | myth's skins | fathom h robe + flowers
hello! i just got a PA for she who slaughters silence, but i do already have a copy from a PA i received a little while ago- i hope it's okay i decline this one..? ;_; sorry for the trouble OTL
hello! i just got a PA for she who slaughters silence, but i do already have a copy from a PA i received a little while ago- i hope it's okay i decline this one..? ;_; sorry for the trouble OTL
x x afrien they/she
» about me » toyhouse
» commission directory
x x x art by dovalore #82790. image links to character's toyhouse page!

whoops, sorry about that! I'm going through my reprint list and trying to update it the best I can, and I must've sent you an extra copy. Please feel free to cancel it!

whoops, sorry about that! I'm going through my reprint list and trying to update it the best I can, and I must've sent you an extra copy. Please feel free to cancel it!
uPDF3lw.pngX2PAJU7.gifg56Nt7u.png badge-1-100x100.pngRVjFQtg.png
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] Thank you again!:) She’s so pretty with this skin- just gotta find one for her husband now!!

Thank you again!:) She’s so pretty with this skin- just gotta find one for her husband now!!
@MythicalViper Hi! I'm having issues editing the sheet, I'm sorry! Could I please be added to the "the break it drowned sun" reprint pinglist, please? Thank you so much :)
@MythicalViper Hi! I'm having issues editing the sheet, I'm sorry! Could I please be added to the "the break it drowned sun" reprint pinglist, please? Thank you so much :)
• FR +8
• UK
@MythicalViper Just a heads up, I may need about two or three weeks to pick up my PAs from you ^-^" I got about 10 PAs at once after the skin system change and it'll take me a bit to get through all of them. On a side note, I picked up a new dragon not too long ago after realizing she was a perfect fit for another one of your skins: [url=][img][/img][/url]

Just a heads up, I may need about two or three weeks to pick up my PAs from you ^-^" I got about 10 PAs at once after the skin system change and it'll take me a bit to get through all of them.

On a side note, I picked up a new dragon not too long ago after realizing she was a perfect fit for another one of your skins:

jLiqsFS.png VOrlSve.pngpevm1KW.pngCsS6sbk.pngKF6sTbx.gif
Hi! I also have the same issue as PtolemyII where I have an influx of skin PAs to work on so I would like to ask for 2 or 3 relisting before I can pickup my copy of ?
Hi! I also have the same issue as PtolemyII where I have an influx of skin PAs to work on so I would like to ask for 2 or 3 relisting before I can pickup my copy of ?
Hi, I was wondering if you considered making higher coverage skincents (similar to the „he who defies ImpM series“) for SDM. I adore your style and lack skins for that type. (I cannot stop buying skins for SDF and WCM :0)
Hi, I was wondering if you considered making higher coverage skincents (similar to the „he who defies ImpM series“) for SDM. I adore your style and lack skins for that type. (I cannot stop buying skins for SDF and WCM :0)

Skin Shop

@molea AAA YOU MADE HER YOUR PFP I am so honored T^T love the matching with the paradise gene! I'm glad the skin doesn't clip too much with it XD thank you for showing me her, she's gorgeous!

@PtolemyII no worries, I know everyone's flooded now that we have been given auto reprint powers XD take your time! and what a lovely dragon! flair has always been one of my favorite genes and it works so well with the skin <3 I'm glad you were able to find the perfect dragon!

@Avouddle same as above - no worries at all! just give me a poke if I forget to relist since I'm not always checking my PAs ^^

@WhiteClover hi! I'm happy you like my art <3 admittedly I don't like the SDM base that much, so if I ever do a high coverage skin for it, it would probably be a festival entry rather than a UMA. that said, Wind dom does have a couple of foddart openings coming up so I might reconsider ^^
@molea AAA YOU MADE HER YOUR PFP I am so honored T^T love the matching with the paradise gene! I'm glad the skin doesn't clip too much with it XD thank you for showing me her, she's gorgeous!

@PtolemyII no worries, I know everyone's flooded now that we have been given auto reprint powers XD take your time! and what a lovely dragon! flair has always been one of my favorite genes and it works so well with the skin <3 I'm glad you were able to find the perfect dragon!

@Avouddle same as above - no worries at all! just give me a poke if I forget to relist since I'm not always checking my PAs ^^

@WhiteClover hi! I'm happy you like my art <3 admittedly I don't like the SDM base that much, so if I ever do a high coverage skin for it, it would probably be a festival entry rather than a UMA. that said, Wind dom does have a couple of foddart openings coming up so I might reconsider ^^
uPDF3lw.pngX2PAJU7.gifg56Nt7u.png badge-1-100x100.pngRVjFQtg.png
I wanted to show off Ilyana and her custom recolor skin. It's PERFECT and I love it so much! My friend who went in on this with me @elodea her girl looks amazing too!!! [url=][img][/img][/url] it's PERFECT THANK YOU
I wanted to show off Ilyana and her custom recolor skin. It's PERFECT and I love it so much! My friend who went in on this with me @elodea her girl looks amazing too!!!


yes!! it's so amazing i am honestly in love with the colors, they were perfect for my girl!! [url=][img][/img][/url]
yes!! it's so amazing i am honestly in love with the colors, they were perfect for my girl!!
