

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1vs1 Fighting Cocoheart on my home turf
Arabella copied Adams laugh with her own chuckle. Her nervous gaze darted away and she once again found a lock of her own hair to fiddle with. ”There was surprisingly little variety actually. Only a few different hardy and fast growing vegetables to supplement what I assume is already stocked in the kitchen.” She explained the current potato situation in a statement that got faster as it went on. Luckily Felix interrupted before she could list every species they had available.

”Wait, is-is someone hurt?” She asked with a very concerned look on her face.

Chelsea grumbled something angrily under her breath as she stepped fully into the room and locked the door behind her. The ghostly one was about to tear a hole in his arm. The sunglasses one looked like he was about to cry. Both of them were bleeding from the face. Excellent. She sighed heavily and hoped this was the worst to come. It was far too early in their mission for complications.
Her question had not been answered and she did not care enough to find out who or what was at fault here. She settled with finding out if everyone was alright.

Something about the two people moving around the room set Clement off. Watching them hurt his brain. No! Magnus hurt his brain! This was all his fault! In a fit of rage he forgot about his nausea and instability and shot up to his feet. Growling incoherently he launched himself at Magnus. He had no plan, all he wanted to do was hurt him, get revenge.

”Watch it, Glasses!” Chelsea warned and grabbed Clement just before he could reach his target. He squirmed around in her bearhug and managed to kick Magnus in the shin before she could get a better grip on him and pull him away from the poor pasty fellow.

”It wasn’t me officer! It was him, he started it!” Clement whined like a child with a new and almost unnoticeable slur to his speech. He wriggled for a moment before stopping completely and allowing Chelsea to hold him standing. Suddenly everything hurt and he closed his eyes tightly against a headache.

Chelsea glared down at the prisoner in her arms. Her face twitched with her unsavory thoughts. Whose idea was it to bring prisoners onboard? On top of that what maniacs thought it would be smart to keep them together?
Arabella copied Adams laugh with her own chuckle. Her nervous gaze darted away and she once again found a lock of her own hair to fiddle with. ”There was surprisingly little variety actually. Only a few different hardy and fast growing vegetables to supplement what I assume is already stocked in the kitchen.” She explained the current potato situation in a statement that got faster as it went on. Luckily Felix interrupted before she could list every species they had available.

”Wait, is-is someone hurt?” She asked with a very concerned look on her face.

Chelsea grumbled something angrily under her breath as she stepped fully into the room and locked the door behind her. The ghostly one was about to tear a hole in his arm. The sunglasses one looked like he was about to cry. Both of them were bleeding from the face. Excellent. She sighed heavily and hoped this was the worst to come. It was far too early in their mission for complications.
Her question had not been answered and she did not care enough to find out who or what was at fault here. She settled with finding out if everyone was alright.

Something about the two people moving around the room set Clement off. Watching them hurt his brain. No! Magnus hurt his brain! This was all his fault! In a fit of rage he forgot about his nausea and instability and shot up to his feet. Growling incoherently he launched himself at Magnus. He had no plan, all he wanted to do was hurt him, get revenge.

”Watch it, Glasses!” Chelsea warned and grabbed Clement just before he could reach his target. He squirmed around in her bearhug and managed to kick Magnus in the shin before she could get a better grip on him and pull him away from the poor pasty fellow.

”It wasn’t me officer! It was him, he started it!” Clement whined like a child with a new and almost unnoticeable slur to his speech. He wriggled for a moment before stopping completely and allowing Chelsea to hold him standing. Suddenly everything hurt and he closed his eyes tightly against a headache.

Chelsea glared down at the prisoner in her arms. Her face twitched with her unsavory thoughts. Whose idea was it to bring prisoners onboard? On top of that what maniacs thought it would be smart to keep them together?
Adam nodded, listening. While he had helped his grandma, she had taught him about all those things. His family had not approved. They thought Gardening wasn't a mens job; his grandma taught him anyway. And he was very grateful, even if he only half remembered and it rarely came up.

"I'm very glad your here!" He said, genuine. "Only the very best gardener and chef on this submarine! I'm sure there's lots of cool plants. We need a good chef for these next few months."
He wished he could of gotten a biologist too, but he had taken a few courses for that to be a bit more prepared.

When Felix showed up, he closed his mouth and nodded. "I hereby declare Felix as assitant guard! Now, go. I got the ship!" He stated.


Felix looked back at the cameras and didn't see Chelsea; so she must of left or went inside. She pressed the pagers button on her shirt and spoke into it. Every pager on board that was turned on could hear her.

"Do you require backup Chelsea? Felix. I have a med kit. Over."
Then it occurred to her... did the guard even have one?

"Arabella, watch cameras. Adam, steer ship." She said, looking at them both. The red emergency kit in hand, she strode away. Just what was happening now?! Would she have to hand cuff one of the prisoners to one of the medbay beds? That would be a horrible introduction.


Magnus dully watched the woman close the door, swallowing his laughter. Where was he going to go? In the vents or something? Chelsea could see the scars on his neck; some were burns, but most were scratches.

His eyes were still on the door when Clement got up and tried to fight Magnus.

Quickly, he tried to back up-into the door- but he got kicked. He gave a grunt and focused on the other prisoner, trying to ignore his own pain

Feeling remorse- and glad no one else had gotten kicked- he looked at Clements head. He'd have to fix it. Healing wasn't a strong suit of his; then remembered he was in shock.

He hadn't met to hurt the kid; what he did made him no better than the ones who muted him; Magnus looked at the ground in shame, gripping his scratched right arm painfully.

The look on the woman's face usually met he was going to get punished, so that didn't help. But he wouldn't apologize until Clement would first! The man was warned, dammit! Magnus's face remained neutral.
Adam nodded, listening. While he had helped his grandma, she had taught him about all those things. His family had not approved. They thought Gardening wasn't a mens job; his grandma taught him anyway. And he was very grateful, even if he only half remembered and it rarely came up.

"I'm very glad your here!" He said, genuine. "Only the very best gardener and chef on this submarine! I'm sure there's lots of cool plants. We need a good chef for these next few months."
He wished he could of gotten a biologist too, but he had taken a few courses for that to be a bit more prepared.

When Felix showed up, he closed his mouth and nodded. "I hereby declare Felix as assitant guard! Now, go. I got the ship!" He stated.


Felix looked back at the cameras and didn't see Chelsea; so she must of left or went inside. She pressed the pagers button on her shirt and spoke into it. Every pager on board that was turned on could hear her.

"Do you require backup Chelsea? Felix. I have a med kit. Over."
Then it occurred to her... did the guard even have one?

"Arabella, watch cameras. Adam, steer ship." She said, looking at them both. The red emergency kit in hand, she strode away. Just what was happening now?! Would she have to hand cuff one of the prisoners to one of the medbay beds? That would be a horrible introduction.


Magnus dully watched the woman close the door, swallowing his laughter. Where was he going to go? In the vents or something? Chelsea could see the scars on his neck; some were burns, but most were scratches.

His eyes were still on the door when Clement got up and tried to fight Magnus.

Quickly, he tried to back up-into the door- but he got kicked. He gave a grunt and focused on the other prisoner, trying to ignore his own pain

Feeling remorse- and glad no one else had gotten kicked- he looked at Clements head. He'd have to fix it. Healing wasn't a strong suit of his; then remembered he was in shock.

He hadn't met to hurt the kid; what he did made him no better than the ones who muted him; Magnus looked at the ground in shame, gripping his scratched right arm painfully.

The look on the woman's face usually met he was going to get punished, so that didn't help. But he wouldn't apologize until Clement would first! The man was warned, dammit! Magnus's face remained neutral.

Lore clan × pm friendly × remember to drink water
Arabella felt her face blush with another uncomfortable wave of embarrassment. She hated compliments. She never knew how to react!
”Thank you but I’m…” She stopped herself from claiming not to be good at either of her jobs. She was good at both and it’d be rude to say her captain was lying. ”Thank you.” She finished meekly.

When Felix gave her a job she nodded. Quickly she took the opportunity to flee the awkward conversation she had created in favor of starring at the array of monitors by the helm.

Chelsea sighed heavily or groaned in annoyance. It was a little hard to discern between the two noises. She was thankful the scarier looking prisoner was being completely neutral and incredibly quiet about all this.

”Careful with that arm. I don’t want to drag you both to the med bay.” She said to Magnus as she carefully helped Clement back to a sitting position. “Carefully” was a strong word. She sort of just dropped him and let gravity do the work.

”My arms are fine.” Clement slurred, incorrectly assuming Chelsea was speaking to him. She ignored him completely in favor of the quiet voice emanating from her person. She dug around in another one of her many pockets for her pager which she clipped awkwardly to her watch to make it easier to use.

”Everything’s under control but Glasses is… not doing too hot. Medkit would be appreciated. Snow White could also use a bandaid or two. Over Chelsea spoke concisely into her wrist. After that she positioned herself between the two prisoners to better prevent another outburst. Everything looked pretty good though. Both men seemed to be pretending the other didn’t exist.
Arabella felt her face blush with another uncomfortable wave of embarrassment. She hated compliments. She never knew how to react!
”Thank you but I’m…” She stopped herself from claiming not to be good at either of her jobs. She was good at both and it’d be rude to say her captain was lying. ”Thank you.” She finished meekly.

When Felix gave her a job she nodded. Quickly she took the opportunity to flee the awkward conversation she had created in favor of starring at the array of monitors by the helm.

Chelsea sighed heavily or groaned in annoyance. It was a little hard to discern between the two noises. She was thankful the scarier looking prisoner was being completely neutral and incredibly quiet about all this.

”Careful with that arm. I don’t want to drag you both to the med bay.” She said to Magnus as she carefully helped Clement back to a sitting position. “Carefully” was a strong word. She sort of just dropped him and let gravity do the work.

”My arms are fine.” Clement slurred, incorrectly assuming Chelsea was speaking to him. She ignored him completely in favor of the quiet voice emanating from her person. She dug around in another one of her many pockets for her pager which she clipped awkwardly to her watch to make it easier to use.

”Everything’s under control but Glasses is… not doing too hot. Medkit would be appreciated. Snow White could also use a bandaid or two. Over Chelsea spoke concisely into her wrist. After that she positioned herself between the two prisoners to better prevent another outburst. Everything looked pretty good though. Both men seemed to be pretending the other didn’t exist.
Adam nodded at Arabella and began to pilot the vehicle. "Alright... yeah, I told them prisoners were a stupid but no..." He mumbled under his breath, frowning as he worked. The sonar didn't have anything show up, so that was good.

When he told Arabella that it would be months, that was probably a lie. It was probably going to be a few years. He was sure she knew!
He nodded at her encouragingly and worked. "If they need help, go after them. But bring a weapon."


Magnus blinked slowly. He had to get in control of himself! He went to the bed and rested agasint it, scratching lightly at his arm. The woman had talked into a pager; so that must mean getting out of the way would be beneficial. Noticing Clements new slurring voice made him wince.

He looked at the woman than back at the door. No one here shared names apparently. So he wouldn't either. It said his name on the nametag

Getting the right ingredients for the healing recipe would be useful. And a pen would be nice. Plus a paper. But there was no way they would let him out. And there was zero chances he would tell anyone about his magic. The two ladies weren't mages. That had is pros and cons.

"I'll write my side later. He mouthed to the woman, not really looking at anything. No thoughts of escaping; this room was fine to him.

When they left, he would do some exercise. That always helped.

Felix stopped and looked inside the prisoners cell to see the situation. She opened the door and nodded to Chelsea. "Alright, come on." The med kit was in her hand. "I'm splitting the two of you up." She stated, eyeing the tall man in case he tried to escape. If he was, he was good at lying.

Felix was strong, and muscular from working at the docks her whole life. So she would be pretty hard to get past.
Adam nodded at Arabella and began to pilot the vehicle. "Alright... yeah, I told them prisoners were a stupid but no..." He mumbled under his breath, frowning as he worked. The sonar didn't have anything show up, so that was good.

When he told Arabella that it would be months, that was probably a lie. It was probably going to be a few years. He was sure she knew!
He nodded at her encouragingly and worked. "If they need help, go after them. But bring a weapon."


Magnus blinked slowly. He had to get in control of himself! He went to the bed and rested agasint it, scratching lightly at his arm. The woman had talked into a pager; so that must mean getting out of the way would be beneficial. Noticing Clements new slurring voice made him wince.

He looked at the woman than back at the door. No one here shared names apparently. So he wouldn't either. It said his name on the nametag

Getting the right ingredients for the healing recipe would be useful. And a pen would be nice. Plus a paper. But there was no way they would let him out. And there was zero chances he would tell anyone about his magic. The two ladies weren't mages. That had is pros and cons.

"I'll write my side later. He mouthed to the woman, not really looking at anything. No thoughts of escaping; this room was fine to him.

When they left, he would do some exercise. That always helped.

Felix stopped and looked inside the prisoners cell to see the situation. She opened the door and nodded to Chelsea. "Alright, come on." The med kit was in her hand. "I'm splitting the two of you up." She stated, eyeing the tall man in case he tried to escape. If he was, he was good at lying.

Felix was strong, and muscular from working at the docks her whole life. So she would be pretty hard to get past.

Lore clan × pm friendly × remember to drink water
”You really think it could get that bad?” Arabella questioned as she leaned in to get a better look at the footage from the cell. It looked fine to her. Everyone was, you know, not hurting each other.

”Save it, Ghost. You’re already locked up.” Chelsea said to Magnus with a slight chuckle. She noticed his name tag and made a mental note to stop calling him Ghost. Ghost fit pretty well though.

”I can take him to the med bay.” She offered after hearing that Felix wanted to split them up. It was a very good idea. She wasn’t entirely sure if they needed to crack open the med kit or if the kid could wait until they were in the correct room. He wasn't bleeding out or anything.

Clement tried to stand up again to prove he was fine. He managed to get to his feet but he was certain he wouldn’t stay upright if he tried to walk. Chelsea stood close by with her arms out. He couldn’t tell if she was like that to stop him from running or to catch him if he falls. He gave her a slight smile to prove his innocence incase it was the former.

Despite the fact that he’d been listening to Chelsea talk to her he had yet to notice that Felix was there.
”You really think it could get that bad?” Arabella questioned as she leaned in to get a better look at the footage from the cell. It looked fine to her. Everyone was, you know, not hurting each other.

”Save it, Ghost. You’re already locked up.” Chelsea said to Magnus with a slight chuckle. She noticed his name tag and made a mental note to stop calling him Ghost. Ghost fit pretty well though.

”I can take him to the med bay.” She offered after hearing that Felix wanted to split them up. It was a very good idea. She wasn’t entirely sure if they needed to crack open the med kit or if the kid could wait until they were in the correct room. He wasn't bleeding out or anything.

Clement tried to stand up again to prove he was fine. He managed to get to his feet but he was certain he wouldn’t stay upright if he tried to walk. Chelsea stood close by with her arms out. He couldn’t tell if she was like that to stop him from running or to catch him if he falls. He gave her a slight smile to prove his innocence incase it was the former.

Despite the fact that he’d been listening to Chelsea talk to her he had yet to notice that Felix was there.
Adam nodded solemnly. "One of them has been in prison for a long time. The other one is a trouble maker apparently. I told them, multiple times, that it was a bad idea! But no. Nope!" Sighing, he shook his head. "They were basically free." He kept working on piloting the machine; it bumped a few times, made some hiccups, but overall it went pretty well.

They were already half way to the main destination. The small light house stop. After that, there would be a few pit stops but that was end of civilization.


Felix gave a sharp nod to Chelsea's comment. "I'll come with you." She was watching Magnus suspiciously, making sure he wasn't going to hurt anyone or run.

This morning, she had watched Adam try to convince the guards they had the wrong submarine, then try to bribe them to not bring the prisoners on board. It hadn't worked twice.

She knew everything about them that she could grab; blood type, favorite food, how long they've been in prison. She did that with everyone.
She figured Ghost was a fitting name; that one was clouded in mystery. Clement was a little easier to research, with his guards happy to yap.
Whoever these men were, the prisons were very happy to get rid of them. She had theories why. "I am basically a doctor." That was stretching the truth a bit. But it didn't matter right now.

"This man can't drive." Felix said, reflexively relaxing for the bump that just happened.

Magnus watched Felix with a curious gaze. Was she the captain? She certainly seemed like it. But that other guy, the annoying one, had called himself captain. So something weird was going on.
He grunted at Chelsea then nodded, impatiently waiting for them to leave him alone. The kid had better be okay, otherwise, he would be upset.

He tensed up and grabbed the bed for support; the weird sailing was unnatural and very new. It only solidified the fact he was on this stupid boat. Slowly, he heard sound in the distance but ignored it.


(Is it cool if Clements guards were really talkative? I can say She bribed both for info but Magnus's guards didn't budge)

(Look at the art!! I am demanding you to. It's in Adam's stupid book)
Adam nodded solemnly. "One of them has been in prison for a long time. The other one is a trouble maker apparently. I told them, multiple times, that it was a bad idea! But no. Nope!" Sighing, he shook his head. "They were basically free." He kept working on piloting the machine; it bumped a few times, made some hiccups, but overall it went pretty well.

They were already half way to the main destination. The small light house stop. After that, there would be a few pit stops but that was end of civilization.


Felix gave a sharp nod to Chelsea's comment. "I'll come with you." She was watching Magnus suspiciously, making sure he wasn't going to hurt anyone or run.

This morning, she had watched Adam try to convince the guards they had the wrong submarine, then try to bribe them to not bring the prisoners on board. It hadn't worked twice.

She knew everything about them that she could grab; blood type, favorite food, how long they've been in prison. She did that with everyone.
She figured Ghost was a fitting name; that one was clouded in mystery. Clement was a little easier to research, with his guards happy to yap.
Whoever these men were, the prisons were very happy to get rid of them. She had theories why. "I am basically a doctor." That was stretching the truth a bit. But it didn't matter right now.

"This man can't drive." Felix said, reflexively relaxing for the bump that just happened.

Magnus watched Felix with a curious gaze. Was she the captain? She certainly seemed like it. But that other guy, the annoying one, had called himself captain. So something weird was going on.
He grunted at Chelsea then nodded, impatiently waiting for them to leave him alone. The kid had better be okay, otherwise, he would be upset.

He tensed up and grabbed the bed for support; the weird sailing was unnatural and very new. It only solidified the fact he was on this stupid boat. Slowly, he heard sound in the distance but ignored it.


(Is it cool if Clements guards were really talkative? I can say She bribed both for info but Magnus's guards didn't budge)

(Look at the art!! I am demanding you to. It's in Adam's stupid book)

Lore clan × pm friendly × remember to drink water
”That does sound awful.” Arabella grimaced at the descriptions of the prisoners. The first one he mentioned sounded particularly bad. In prison for a long time? They must have done something really bad. She really wasn’t looking forward to meeting them.
”This mission must be pretty dangerous if they thought it necessary to have them come along.” She spoke with a nervous chuckle.

Clement lost his footing with Adam’s subpar piloting. Luckily Chelsea had prepared for this and managed to grab him under the arms before he could fall to the ground.
”Y-y-yeah! He can’t drive!” Clement helped play up how bad of a driver Adam was in an attempt to disguise his wobbly-ness.

Chelsea sighed heavily at the man once again in her arms.
”Right…” She dug around in her amazingly useful cargo pants and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. She snapped them around Clements wrists and urged him to start walking.

”Is that really necessary?” He mumbled.

”Was it necessary for you and Ghost to be here?” Chelsea answered rhetorically. ”Get walking.” She gave a slight nod to Felix as well to communicate that she heading out. Hopefully the other would follow suit or better yet lead the way, she had no idea where she was going.

”Behave!” She called out to Magnus as she opened the door and pushed Clement through it.

(Oh absolutely! I was thinking I’d write descriptions from guards for him and something similar for Chelsea. What specifically did you want to know, to kick things off?)

(Oo silly book is really coming along! Just a heads up though- I found that font very hard to read oof)

(Also I had a thought today- have you seen or played subnautica? What do you think about ancient underwater hyper smart aliens?)
”That does sound awful.” Arabella grimaced at the descriptions of the prisoners. The first one he mentioned sounded particularly bad. In prison for a long time? They must have done something really bad. She really wasn’t looking forward to meeting them.
”This mission must be pretty dangerous if they thought it necessary to have them come along.” She spoke with a nervous chuckle.

Clement lost his footing with Adam’s subpar piloting. Luckily Chelsea had prepared for this and managed to grab him under the arms before he could fall to the ground.
”Y-y-yeah! He can’t drive!” Clement helped play up how bad of a driver Adam was in an attempt to disguise his wobbly-ness.

Chelsea sighed heavily at the man once again in her arms.
”Right…” She dug around in her amazingly useful cargo pants and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. She snapped them around Clements wrists and urged him to start walking.

”Is that really necessary?” He mumbled.

”Was it necessary for you and Ghost to be here?” Chelsea answered rhetorically. ”Get walking.” She gave a slight nod to Felix as well to communicate that she heading out. Hopefully the other would follow suit or better yet lead the way, she had no idea where she was going.

”Behave!” She called out to Magnus as she opened the door and pushed Clement through it.

(Oh absolutely! I was thinking I’d write descriptions from guards for him and something similar for Chelsea. What specifically did you want to know, to kick things off?)

(Oo silly book is really coming along! Just a heads up though- I found that font very hard to read oof)

(Also I had a thought today- have you seen or played subnautica? What do you think about ancient underwater hyper smart aliens?)
Adam gave a shrug as he piloted the machine, occasionally glancing over his shoulder. "Agreed. I believe it was about money, really. Not that im agasint that, but for this mission, I think, having two willing workers would be nicer to work with. I respect their decision. It gave us more money on the budget, too! Which means this submarineis the best of the best!" Adam said truthfully.
He saw a weird fish in the window but it disappeared quickly; they were in well tread open waters, where every submarine nowadays stayed. The "safer" lakes, were what they were called.

Felix looked at Magnus, giving him a neutral look. The man just gave her innocent looks. She had dealt with multiple prisoners in the past; this was a regular occurrence in almost every submarine nowadays. There had been protest, humanitarian's and such, but she tried not to care. Being on a ship was the most important thing to her. Many prisoners eventually became one with the crew. She still talked with a few to this very day. Still, there was something uncomfortable about the whole thing. But who was she to complain about extra helping hands? No, she certainly wasn't going to.

When Chelsea and Clement went into the hallway, she gently closed the door and locked it. "The med kit will work. Let's bring 'im to the med bay, then I must go back upstairs. For all our safety." She said, quickly taking the lead and going quickly to the med bay.

When she made it to the corner, she stopped and waited for the two.


Magnus nodded at the two and walked deeper inside the cell. Then they closed the door and he finally relaxed. They didn't try touch him! That made him very happy. Slowly, he began to pace back and forth. Trying to relax was hard for him.
He yawned and realized he hasn't slept in a long time. Did the hyper sleep count? Sighing, he kept pacing. He hated this ship, and hated the people who put him here. Taking a look at the door, he snarled and went back to pacing.

The strange sound increased as the ship continued, and getting harder to ignore. Still, he didn't mind it. It was better then silence. Anything was better than solitary confinement. Pacing was good. It helped him relax, to ignore everything. To ignore how these ******** put him on here, and how they slept soundly at night. He paced.

(I was thinking important things! Allergies, whether they like getting their nails done, their crimes, if their mages- she was told they weren't-, their previous jobs, if they have trades, where they grew up, any relatives, whether they smoke, idk, shes BORING)

(Yes! Aliens are awesome and hyper smart aliens sound EVEN BETTER. I would love for alien ruins to be all around. I want to add abomination sirens that take dead humans and use them as puppets to collect more humans.)

(The little booklet is all in times new roman! Adam is a very fancy man, who's stuck in the eighteen hundreds- early nineteen hundreds. I got more pictures!)

(Kinda want to say Magnus is missing is right hands middle finger. I'll stop changing things so much!) Nvm. Okay that's the last of it!

Funkei. This is in the rp
Adam gave a shrug as he piloted the machine, occasionally glancing over his shoulder. "Agreed. I believe it was about money, really. Not that im agasint that, but for this mission, I think, having two willing workers would be nicer to work with. I respect their decision. It gave us more money on the budget, too! Which means this submarineis the best of the best!" Adam said truthfully.
He saw a weird fish in the window but it disappeared quickly; they were in well tread open waters, where every submarine nowadays stayed. The "safer" lakes, were what they were called.

Felix looked at Magnus, giving him a neutral look. The man just gave her innocent looks. She had dealt with multiple prisoners in the past; this was a regular occurrence in almost every submarine nowadays. There had been protest, humanitarian's and such, but she tried not to care. Being on a ship was the most important thing to her. Many prisoners eventually became one with the crew. She still talked with a few to this very day. Still, there was something uncomfortable about the whole thing. But who was she to complain about extra helping hands? No, she certainly wasn't going to.

When Chelsea and Clement went into the hallway, she gently closed the door and locked it. "The med kit will work. Let's bring 'im to the med bay, then I must go back upstairs. For all our safety." She said, quickly taking the lead and going quickly to the med bay.

When she made it to the corner, she stopped and waited for the two.


Magnus nodded at the two and walked deeper inside the cell. Then they closed the door and he finally relaxed. They didn't try touch him! That made him very happy. Slowly, he began to pace back and forth. Trying to relax was hard for him.
He yawned and realized he hasn't slept in a long time. Did the hyper sleep count? Sighing, he kept pacing. He hated this ship, and hated the people who put him here. Taking a look at the door, he snarled and went back to pacing.

The strange sound increased as the ship continued, and getting harder to ignore. Still, he didn't mind it. It was better then silence. Anything was better than solitary confinement. Pacing was good. It helped him relax, to ignore everything. To ignore how these ******** put him on here, and how they slept soundly at night. He paced.

(I was thinking important things! Allergies, whether they like getting their nails done, their crimes, if their mages- she was told they weren't-, their previous jobs, if they have trades, where they grew up, any relatives, whether they smoke, idk, shes BORING)

(Yes! Aliens are awesome and hyper smart aliens sound EVEN BETTER. I would love for alien ruins to be all around. I want to add abomination sirens that take dead humans and use them as puppets to collect more humans.)

(The little booklet is all in times new roman! Adam is a very fancy man, who's stuck in the eighteen hundreds- early nineteen hundreds. I got more pictures!)

(Kinda want to say Magnus is missing is right hands middle finger. I'll stop changing things so much!) Nvm. Okay that's the last of it!

Funkei. This is in the rp

Lore clan × pm friendly × remember to drink water
(I thank you for enduring my absence. This weekend I hope to curb stomp my illness so I may comfortably wear my glasses again and write without dying. Until then I come bearing a gift.)
Clement prison file thing link
It’s not listed but:
- He would love to get his nails done
- He is not nor is he related to any mages
- He does not smoke
(I tried to make something for Chelsea too but it did not happen. Clement took way too long as is and Chelsea hurt my brain lol)
(I thank you for enduring my absence. This weekend I hope to curb stomp my illness so I may comfortably wear my glasses again and write without dying. Until then I come bearing a gift.)
Clement prison file thing link
It’s not listed but:
- He would love to get his nails done
- He is not nor is he related to any mages
- He does not smoke
(I tried to make something for Chelsea too but it did not happen. Clement took way too long as is and Chelsea hurt my brain lol)
Thank you! It's okay. I got sick but it was wayyy weaker and I'm getting better. Get back in bed! Get better! I might not even rp this weekend. Or just hide in fiction. 50/50 chance. It's all good!)
Thank you! It's okay. I got sick but it was wayyy weaker and I'm getting better. Get back in bed! Get better! I might not even rp this weekend. Or just hide in fiction. 50/50 chance. It's all good!)

Lore clan × pm friendly × remember to drink water