

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1vs1 Fighting Cocoheart on my home turf
I was thinking Clement; Felix will make everyone into cyborg slaves to only do their jobs. This isn't foreshadowing I swear :] //
I was thinking Clement; Felix will make everyone into cyborg slaves to only do their jobs. This isn't foreshadowing I swear :] //

Lore clan × pm friendly × remember to drink water
I will attempt to start something but Clement would never throw the first punch hehe. Woah woah woah what? Felix will do what now? Color me concerned <:) //
I will attempt to start something but Clement would never throw the first punch hehe. Woah woah woah what? Felix will do what now? Color me concerned <:) //
Chelsea descended down the ladder and entered through the first bulkhead she saw. She took her time with the door, admiring the sound construction, leakproof gaskets, and brushed metal finish. This could very well be her first time in a transport vessel this new. Nearly all the planes and trucks she’s been crammed into had chipping paint, missing parts, and duct tape reinforcements. She wasn’t entirely sure if preferred this over the old.

Chelsea walked through the doorway and was greeted by the smell of fake leather. It appears she had arrived in a gym. An odd addition to a submarine but one she certainly wasn’t going to complain about. She recognized all of the machines but what drew her attention most was the pair of windows at one side of the gently curved wall. It was nearly entire submerged at the moment. Looking out she saw nothing but that expanse of blue. Light danced through the surface and shone in wavering patterns on the floor of the room. It was very pretty.

Everyone was going their own way it seemed. Arabella was a little unsure as to what she should do. She had not been given any instructions so she could probably do whatever she wanted? It would make sense to check out one of the rooms she’d be spending most of her time in. Her quarters, the grow room, or the kitchen. That’s too many options to flip a coin over so she decided to head to what was closest. The grow room it was!

Arabella lugged her bags into the small room and set them down on a comfy looking chair tucked into a desk. The room was very bright with several grow lights accompanying the normal lights built into the ceiling. Two large troughs filled with a rich dark soil took up most of the floor space. Smaller planters filled every little gap between them and the desk. Some more planters even lined the walls. All of the smaller pots were empty but the two largest were teaming with life. Whoever prepped the sun must have taken into account the grow time of their produce. It was still far too early to harvest but she could recognize the sprouts of potatoes and other root vegetables.

Clement leaned his head back to avoid Magnus’ attempt at his shades but it was already too late. He blinked at the unwanted light and frowned at his face being revealed in its entirety. The skin around one of his brown eyes was slightly swollen and discolored a splotchy purple. He was still healing from a black eye from not too long ago. Pretty much right before leaving on this trip. Maybe they chose him to leave because of how much the other prisoners hated him? Or maybe they just liked beating him up. They were always happy to do it.

“Didn’t your parole officer ever teach you manners? You don’t take what’s not yours, pal!” Clement snatched the glasses back, accidentally hitting Magnus in the face with his overzealous grab. The glasses were placed back where they belonged on the bridge of his crooked nose.
“Besides, they make you look even paler than a ghost.” He huffed with a mischievous smile. Adding insult to injury, awesome move. The best part was he thought he was being helpful and he had no idea he had nearly poked Magnus’ eye out.
Chelsea descended down the ladder and entered through the first bulkhead she saw. She took her time with the door, admiring the sound construction, leakproof gaskets, and brushed metal finish. This could very well be her first time in a transport vessel this new. Nearly all the planes and trucks she’s been crammed into had chipping paint, missing parts, and duct tape reinforcements. She wasn’t entirely sure if preferred this over the old.

Chelsea walked through the doorway and was greeted by the smell of fake leather. It appears she had arrived in a gym. An odd addition to a submarine but one she certainly wasn’t going to complain about. She recognized all of the machines but what drew her attention most was the pair of windows at one side of the gently curved wall. It was nearly entire submerged at the moment. Looking out she saw nothing but that expanse of blue. Light danced through the surface and shone in wavering patterns on the floor of the room. It was very pretty.

Everyone was going their own way it seemed. Arabella was a little unsure as to what she should do. She had not been given any instructions so she could probably do whatever she wanted? It would make sense to check out one of the rooms she’d be spending most of her time in. Her quarters, the grow room, or the kitchen. That’s too many options to flip a coin over so she decided to head to what was closest. The grow room it was!

Arabella lugged her bags into the small room and set them down on a comfy looking chair tucked into a desk. The room was very bright with several grow lights accompanying the normal lights built into the ceiling. Two large troughs filled with a rich dark soil took up most of the floor space. Smaller planters filled every little gap between them and the desk. Some more planters even lined the walls. All of the smaller pots were empty but the two largest were teaming with life. Whoever prepped the sun must have taken into account the grow time of their produce. It was still far too early to harvest but she could recognize the sprouts of potatoes and other root vegetables.

Clement leaned his head back to avoid Magnus’ attempt at his shades but it was already too late. He blinked at the unwanted light and frowned at his face being revealed in its entirety. The skin around one of his brown eyes was slightly swollen and discolored a splotchy purple. He was still healing from a black eye from not too long ago. Pretty much right before leaving on this trip. Maybe they chose him to leave because of how much the other prisoners hated him? Or maybe they just liked beating him up. They were always happy to do it.

“Didn’t your parole officer ever teach you manners? You don’t take what’s not yours, pal!” Clement snatched the glasses back, accidentally hitting Magnus in the face with his overzealous grab. The glasses were placed back where they belonged on the bridge of his crooked nose.
“Besides, they make you look even paler than a ghost.” He huffed with a mischievous smile. Adding insult to injury, awesome move. The best part was he thought he was being helpful and he had no idea he had nearly poked Magnus’ eye out.
Adam's plan was to go the helm to immediately begin the expedition! He passed the gym and looked inside. "Chelsea, can you go check on the prisoners?" He asked the woman. "Maks they they haven't er-" he waved a hand in that rooms direction. "-haven't killed eachother. Please and thank you."

He turned to leave, not paying attention to the giant window. The man had a ship to run. "I must be off now!" He stated to the wall.
The woman did not scare him! She did not! And not regretting running away! Not at all. Leaving his family was the best thing he could ask for.

"First captain to explore the rest of Llychi 9ZW ocean." He said to himself, smiling happily. He was going to be famous!


Felix heard talking but ignored it. She walked into the helm and began to prepare. Getting ready to dive, she went to the inter coms.

"Captain Adam please come to the helm. Captain, to helm. Thank you."

She wondered about calling the Botanisnt, but decided agasint it. The woman was probably busy with the garden room and it wasn't in her job description. Neither was it Chelsea's. But Felix couldn't do it herself; and she wanted to teach him. The other two were welcome to join her. But she doubt they would.

All the machines were in perfect condition; she hoped that it would stay that way.

The windows to the ocean were beautiful. For a moment, Felix simply stood and stared at the blue abyss in front of her. She walked up to it and put a hand to the glass.

A strange octopus creature wafted past the submarine and she stepped back, mildly embarrassed. She got back to work immediately.

Magnus was used to people being bruised and beaten; it just didn't get noticed by him.
He growled at the man, giving him an angry look and starting to shake in fury. But he did basically steal them so...
He growled again, giving the man an angry grimace. He made lazy movements to get up, more of a warning. How was he to say "hey, don't punch me in the face, please?"
He opened his mouth to say that; but immediately closed it.
"Dont touch me again or I'll kill you." He mouthed slowly, forcing himself to relax.

Staring at Clement for a second, he huffed loudly, pointed to the tap, and made a shooing motion. Then turned his back to him, feeling like he did a good imitation attempt. A fight wouldn't be good but he had to teach the man to leave him alone!. Maybe his roommate would understand.
He closed his eyes and tried to relax; this submarine trip wouldn't be fun, so he would try to be in his little bubble and ignore everyone.

"Captain Adam please come to the helm. Captain, to helm. Thank you."

That intercom was quiet and whistled into the room from the halls. He ignored that too.
Adam's plan was to go the helm to immediately begin the expedition! He passed the gym and looked inside. "Chelsea, can you go check on the prisoners?" He asked the woman. "Maks they they haven't er-" he waved a hand in that rooms direction. "-haven't killed eachother. Please and thank you."

He turned to leave, not paying attention to the giant window. The man had a ship to run. "I must be off now!" He stated to the wall.
The woman did not scare him! She did not! And not regretting running away! Not at all. Leaving his family was the best thing he could ask for.

"First captain to explore the rest of Llychi 9ZW ocean." He said to himself, smiling happily. He was going to be famous!


Felix heard talking but ignored it. She walked into the helm and began to prepare. Getting ready to dive, she went to the inter coms.

"Captain Adam please come to the helm. Captain, to helm. Thank you."

She wondered about calling the Botanisnt, but decided agasint it. The woman was probably busy with the garden room and it wasn't in her job description. Neither was it Chelsea's. But Felix couldn't do it herself; and she wanted to teach him. The other two were welcome to join her. But she doubt they would.

All the machines were in perfect condition; she hoped that it would stay that way.

The windows to the ocean were beautiful. For a moment, Felix simply stood and stared at the blue abyss in front of her. She walked up to it and put a hand to the glass.

A strange octopus creature wafted past the submarine and she stepped back, mildly embarrassed. She got back to work immediately.

Magnus was used to people being bruised and beaten; it just didn't get noticed by him.
He growled at the man, giving him an angry look and starting to shake in fury. But he did basically steal them so...
He growled again, giving the man an angry grimace. He made lazy movements to get up, more of a warning. How was he to say "hey, don't punch me in the face, please?"
He opened his mouth to say that; but immediately closed it.
"Dont touch me again or I'll kill you." He mouthed slowly, forcing himself to relax.

Staring at Clement for a second, he huffed loudly, pointed to the tap, and made a shooing motion. Then turned his back to him, feeling like he did a good imitation attempt. A fight wouldn't be good but he had to teach the man to leave him alone!. Maybe his roommate would understand.
He closed his eyes and tried to relax; this submarine trip wouldn't be fun, so he would try to be in his little bubble and ignore everyone.

"Captain Adam please come to the helm. Captain, to helm. Thank you."

That intercom was quiet and whistled into the room from the halls. He ignored that too.

Lore clan × pm friendly × remember to drink water
Chelsea turned her head away from the blue outside and looked at Adam. This time she had no problems with the command given. It was her job to make sure everyone was safe anyway. She nodded firmly.

”On it.” She said. As she headed to the door she crushed out the remains of the cigarette and tossed it into a little trash bin by the bulkhead. She continued out like this behavior didn’t put the ship at risk of combusting in the future.

Where would the prisoners be? The lowest level made sense. She slid down the ladder with her bag still over her back. She figured her quarters would be down lower as well.

Arabella spent a little while making sure everything was in order in the grow room.

Clement took a quick step back when he noticed just how angry Magnus was becoming. It was never his intention to start something but he refused to leave this guy alone. They need to become friends!

”Don't touch me again or I’ll kill you.” Clement deciphered what Magnus was trying to say as he mouthed the words. His eyes went wide behind the glasses. No, no, he wouldn’t really do that.

”You need to lighten up! You don’t make friends with that kind of talk.” Clement said as he closed the little bit of space he had put between them earlier. At the same time Magnus turned his back to him and he frowned. Welp, time to test if that threat was empty or not!

”Hey, whatcha sleeping for? I’m not boring you am I?” He chuckled. Bravely, Clement reached out and tapped him on the arm a few times. He would continue to tap Magnus until he got a reaction out of it.
Chelsea turned her head away from the blue outside and looked at Adam. This time she had no problems with the command given. It was her job to make sure everyone was safe anyway. She nodded firmly.

”On it.” She said. As she headed to the door she crushed out the remains of the cigarette and tossed it into a little trash bin by the bulkhead. She continued out like this behavior didn’t put the ship at risk of combusting in the future.

Where would the prisoners be? The lowest level made sense. She slid down the ladder with her bag still over her back. She figured her quarters would be down lower as well.

Arabella spent a little while making sure everything was in order in the grow room.

Clement took a quick step back when he noticed just how angry Magnus was becoming. It was never his intention to start something but he refused to leave this guy alone. They need to become friends!

”Don't touch me again or I’ll kill you.” Clement deciphered what Magnus was trying to say as he mouthed the words. His eyes went wide behind the glasses. No, no, he wouldn’t really do that.

”You need to lighten up! You don’t make friends with that kind of talk.” Clement said as he closed the little bit of space he had put between them earlier. At the same time Magnus turned his back to him and he frowned. Welp, time to test if that threat was empty or not!

”Hey, whatcha sleeping for? I’m not boring you am I?” He chuckled. Bravely, Clement reached out and tapped him on the arm a few times. He would continue to tap Magnus until he got a reaction out of it.
Adam relaxed when she said she would do her job, and visibly sighed when she was gone. "Alright."He walked for a bit, passing Arabella's Botanist room.

Peeking inside, he looked around. "This looks like my grandma's garden."He stated outloud.
"Its just inside." That made him smile. That garden was only full of good memories. "Sorry-" he nodded to her and turned to go to the helm. How could he forget?! He needed to go!


Felix impatiently began to move the submarine on her own and it lowered slowly into the water, pulling away from the dock.

"Please be aware, we are moving now." She paged in a calm tone.


Magnus thought he was doing fine thank you very much. Maybe the other man was just bored; he didn't see the worry or the concerned step back.

In response to Clements concerned words, he gave a grunt and put his head on his hands, looking outside the small cloudy window in the door.

He made a shooing motion towards his weird roommates.

In response to Clements tappings-
The world slowed down for a few seconds and nothing felt right.

Gasping for air, he HAD TO MAKE IT STOP- everything hurt-

Immediately, he whipped around and raising his left foot, jerked it hard out wards in a quick motion. With all the energy he had, he tried to get rid of whoever was doing that. There was only panic and fear in his face; this wasn't a planned kick, he didn't even know if it hit Clement or not. That didn't matter to him anyway.

Quickly, he lunged himself towards the entrance door, fully planning on getting out. Unfortunately, he hit the heavy door face first.
For a full second, he forgot where he was. Then, remembering that HE MIGHT OF HURT HIS ROOMMATE, he shook his head and turned around, dreading what he might find.

(Idk if it's a locked door to the hallway, or jail bars and then locked door.)
(Me: dammit Magnus why can't you fight… wait! Ideas!)
(Has Clements skull been broken? I hope not, I like him. Magnus is also very weak and underweight, he has almost no strength anymore))
Adam relaxed when she said she would do her job, and visibly sighed when she was gone. "Alright."He walked for a bit, passing Arabella's Botanist room.

Peeking inside, he looked around. "This looks like my grandma's garden."He stated outloud.
"Its just inside." That made him smile. That garden was only full of good memories. "Sorry-" he nodded to her and turned to go to the helm. How could he forget?! He needed to go!


Felix impatiently began to move the submarine on her own and it lowered slowly into the water, pulling away from the dock.

"Please be aware, we are moving now." She paged in a calm tone.


Magnus thought he was doing fine thank you very much. Maybe the other man was just bored; he didn't see the worry or the concerned step back.

In response to Clements concerned words, he gave a grunt and put his head on his hands, looking outside the small cloudy window in the door.

He made a shooing motion towards his weird roommates.

In response to Clements tappings-
The world slowed down for a few seconds and nothing felt right.

Gasping for air, he HAD TO MAKE IT STOP- everything hurt-

Immediately, he whipped around and raising his left foot, jerked it hard out wards in a quick motion. With all the energy he had, he tried to get rid of whoever was doing that. There was only panic and fear in his face; this wasn't a planned kick, he didn't even know if it hit Clement or not. That didn't matter to him anyway.

Quickly, he lunged himself towards the entrance door, fully planning on getting out. Unfortunately, he hit the heavy door face first.
For a full second, he forgot where he was. Then, remembering that HE MIGHT OF HURT HIS ROOMMATE, he shook his head and turned around, dreading what he might find.

(Idk if it's a locked door to the hallway, or jail bars and then locked door.)
(Me: dammit Magnus why can't you fight… wait! Ideas!)
(Has Clements skull been broken? I hope not, I like him. Magnus is also very weak and underweight, he has almost no strength anymore))

Lore clan × pm friendly × remember to drink water
I’m imagining a bulkhead like the rest of the doors but with a lil window and a heavy duty lock//
Are we talking broken in the past or right now? I love the idea of him having broken nearly all of his bones at one time or another. Skull included!//
I’m imagining a bulkhead like the rest of the doors but with a lil window and a heavy duty lock//
Are we talking broken in the past or right now? I love the idea of him having broken nearly all of his bones at one time or another. Skull included!//
That's perfect!/ no iwsu3s with that//

Yes to both. I don't want msgnus to hurt Clement tho, but Clement can hurt Magnus. I want them to be friends//
That's perfect!/ no iwsu3s with that//

Yes to both. I don't want msgnus to hurt Clement tho, but Clement can hurt Magnus. I want them to be friends//

Lore clan × pm friendly × remember to drink water
Arabella jumped a little at the sound of Adam’s voice. She smiled shyly at him as a bit of embarrassed pink gently washed over her cheeks. She opens her mouth to inquire about the garden he mentioned but before she could say anything he had already dipped away from the door. Briefly she considered staying put but decided she would rather see what stealing the sun was like. Quietly she followed after him.

”Your- Your grandma was a gardener?” Arabella walked besides him and nervously did her best to start a conversation. ”I’ve tried to get mine into it but she prefers her veggies frozen.” She smiled and watched his face for any sign that he liked her joke. Though it may have looked like she was staring into his soul.

Chelsea found her room one the same floor as the cell and dropped of her stuff by the door. Before she could make it to the cell she heard a loud and very concerning thud. She rushed over and tangled with the set of keys hastily stuffed into her pocket. The door was unlocked and practically thrown open. It was a bit of an overreaction. What could they have done in the five minutes they have been down here?


”What happened here?” Chelsea asked as she took in the scene. One prisoner stood pretty much right in front of her, looking away. The other was flat on his back in the middle of the room, bleeding from his lip and possibly unconscious.

Magnus’ panicked kick had been at just the right height to hit Clement in the face. That alone did not do much damage, only splitting his lip. It did however send him toppling down to the very hard metal floor. He bonked his head and was out for a solid few seconds.

He blinked awake but couldn’t find the energy to sit up. No, no, the floor was fine. Was the ceiling moving? He turned his head and reflexively smiled at Magnus. Has that lady always been here?
Gritting his teeth he made an attempt to get up. Something wasn’t right, what happened? He managed to sit up and furrowed his brow as he forced his memories to work again.

Magnus kicked him! How could he! Suddenly Clement was furious. If he was able to he would have run over to punch his roommate in the face. Sadly, moving was not working out very well for him. He couldn’t do any more than sitting up without feeling nauseous.

”Step back.” Chelsea commanded Magnus to move away from the door so she could get into the room without fear of him slipping out.
Arabella jumped a little at the sound of Adam’s voice. She smiled shyly at him as a bit of embarrassed pink gently washed over her cheeks. She opens her mouth to inquire about the garden he mentioned but before she could say anything he had already dipped away from the door. Briefly she considered staying put but decided she would rather see what stealing the sun was like. Quietly she followed after him.

”Your- Your grandma was a gardener?” Arabella walked besides him and nervously did her best to start a conversation. ”I’ve tried to get mine into it but she prefers her veggies frozen.” She smiled and watched his face for any sign that he liked her joke. Though it may have looked like she was staring into his soul.

Chelsea found her room one the same floor as the cell and dropped of her stuff by the door. Before she could make it to the cell she heard a loud and very concerning thud. She rushed over and tangled with the set of keys hastily stuffed into her pocket. The door was unlocked and practically thrown open. It was a bit of an overreaction. What could they have done in the five minutes they have been down here?


”What happened here?” Chelsea asked as she took in the scene. One prisoner stood pretty much right in front of her, looking away. The other was flat on his back in the middle of the room, bleeding from his lip and possibly unconscious.

Magnus’ panicked kick had been at just the right height to hit Clement in the face. That alone did not do much damage, only splitting his lip. It did however send him toppling down to the very hard metal floor. He bonked his head and was out for a solid few seconds.

He blinked awake but couldn’t find the energy to sit up. No, no, the floor was fine. Was the ceiling moving? He turned his head and reflexively smiled at Magnus. Has that lady always been here?
Gritting his teeth he made an attempt to get up. Something wasn’t right, what happened? He managed to sit up and furrowed his brow as he forced his memories to work again.

Magnus kicked him! How could he! Suddenly Clement was furious. If he was able to he would have run over to punch his roommate in the face. Sadly, moving was not working out very well for him. He couldn’t do any more than sitting up without feeling nauseous.

”Step back.” Chelsea commanded Magnus to move away from the door so she could get into the room without fear of him slipping out.
Adam walked down the hallway confidently, halfway to the helm. He had multiple classes on how to drive a submarine, thankfully. And all the best teachers; all that fancy jazz.

He smiled at Arabella when she showed up and slowed down so she could catch up. Nodding at the question, he blinked at the joke. "Oh really? It's much cheaper to make your own food. And then you can just freeze it later." He laughed a little, not realizing it was a joke. "Must be a lot of different plants over here, huh?"

The helm was in front of him when Felix walked out. "Scuffle in the prisoner rooms. I have to ask if they need medical assistance." She went back inside.


Her driving went with no hitches. Years of experience taught how to listen to her ship.
While Felix was working, she noticed the camera on the prisoner door be opened by Chelsea. There was no sound, but she seemed to be moving quickly. So she guessed something might of happened.


Magnus began scratching at where Clement poked him, trying to get that horrible feeling off. When the door went open, he took a few steps back, blinking at Chelsea. What did he do? Remembering where he was hard but Chelsea made him remember.

He looked at the prisoner and the realization of what he did hit him. Frowning in worry, he presses up agasint the wall, not wanting the woman to go near him. Plus, his nose was bleeding from running into the door

"Personal space is... important to me." He mouthed at the wall.
So much for friends. He messed that up badly and started scratching harder at his arm. Great. Now he was the troubled prisoner. Which was the exact opposite of what he wanted.
He looked at Clement, frowning. "I tried to tell you. Glad shes here." He sighed and leaned back, wiping the blood off his face.
Adam walked down the hallway confidently, halfway to the helm. He had multiple classes on how to drive a submarine, thankfully. And all the best teachers; all that fancy jazz.

He smiled at Arabella when she showed up and slowed down so she could catch up. Nodding at the question, he blinked at the joke. "Oh really? It's much cheaper to make your own food. And then you can just freeze it later." He laughed a little, not realizing it was a joke. "Must be a lot of different plants over here, huh?"

The helm was in front of him when Felix walked out. "Scuffle in the prisoner rooms. I have to ask if they need medical assistance." She went back inside.


Her driving went with no hitches. Years of experience taught how to listen to her ship.
While Felix was working, she noticed the camera on the prisoner door be opened by Chelsea. There was no sound, but she seemed to be moving quickly. So she guessed something might of happened.


Magnus began scratching at where Clement poked him, trying to get that horrible feeling off. When the door went open, he took a few steps back, blinking at Chelsea. What did he do? Remembering where he was hard but Chelsea made him remember.

He looked at the prisoner and the realization of what he did hit him. Frowning in worry, he presses up agasint the wall, not wanting the woman to go near him. Plus, his nose was bleeding from running into the door

"Personal space is... important to me." He mouthed at the wall.
So much for friends. He messed that up badly and started scratching harder at his arm. Great. Now he was the troubled prisoner. Which was the exact opposite of what he wanted.
He looked at Clement, frowning. "I tried to tell you. Glad shes here." He sighed and leaned back, wiping the blood off his face.

Lore clan × pm friendly × remember to drink water