I'm doing good! Sorry about the delay. To put it shortly, a good amount of stuff happened in the past few days.
I'm doing good! Sorry about the delay. To put it shortly, a good amount of stuff happened in the past few days.
I'm good! Just came back from camping and I think I'll wait for Elizabeth's post before posting Marx's since he might come and help if they start making a raft~
I'm good! Just came back from camping and I think I'll wait for Elizabeth's post before posting Marx's since he might come and help if they start making a raft~
Thank you @
yagyuu. I'll reply once I get home :)
Thank you @
yagyuu. I'll reply once I get home :)
"My dragons have much to learn about themselves in Sornieth.
Before, inevitably, the shade claims them for her own."
Art Shop
Yeah. My job just kicked into high gear and I'm lovin' it! :D
Yeah. My job just kicked into high gear and I'm lovin' it! :D
yagyuu I'm good over here! Been unsure how Kirian would react here, but will get a post up tomorrow!
yagyuu I'm good over here! Been unsure how Kirian would react here, but will get a post up tomorrow!
Yagyuu I'm unable to join and as far as I know the thread is closed, but just wanted to duck in and say I'm really liking the plot you've fleshed out!
*awkwardly scurries off backwards into the distance*
Yagyuu I'm unable to join and as far as I know the thread is closed, but just wanted to duck in and say I'm really liking the plot you've fleshed out!
*awkwardly scurries off backwards into the distance*
BlackStatic You can join on the third arc which will hopefully be soon.
.w./ Would you like me to ping you when the third arc happens?
BlackStatic You can join on the third arc which will hopefully be soon.
.w./ Would you like me to ping you when the third arc happens?
Yagyuu aaaaa that'd be great! I don't know how busy I'll be but I'll still be lurking the threads as a spectator while I can.
Yagyuu aaaaa that'd be great! I don't know how busy I'll be but I'll still be lurking the threads as a spectator while I can.
Last call for replies before I reply tomorrow.
Last call for replies before I reply tomorrow.