
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Merry Christmas.
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i can only imagine what other wonders you might have to raffle! if i may suggest, it could be interesting to work something in with fr turning 10 this year – could be something like a top-ten, or could be something along the lines of what's your favorite memory (site-related or otherwise) from the past ten years, or what's the biggest difference between you now and you 10 years ago!

i can only imagine what other wonders you might have to raffle! if i may suggest, it could be interesting to work something in with fr turning 10 this year – could be something like a top-ten, or could be something along the lines of what's your favorite memory (site-related or otherwise) from the past ten years, or what's the biggest difference between you now and you 10 years ago!
they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!
Hello! My favorite plant are lithops. I really enjoy them since they don't need much care and I am very bad at caring for plants. Also, they look like little butts, and I think that's very funny.

I am also sending a cr with 20kt for 2 more tix!
Hello! My favorite plant are lithops. I really enjoy them since they don't need much care and I am very bad at caring for plants. Also, they look like little butts, and I think that's very funny.

I am also sending a cr with 20kt for 2 more tix!
(Seems the rules have been updated, so I added to my previous post and submitted the form just in case)
(Seems the rules have been updated, so I added to my previous post and submitted the form just in case)
Oh wow.
My favorite plant is the holly. It's leaves are shaped in such a way that it can redirect lightning around the outside of the bush. Only female hollies have berries. The berries hold toxins that break down after repeated frosts, so they're most often eaten by birds in late winter and early spring, and even then only in small amounts at a time.
Have a great day!
Oh wow.
My favorite plant is the holly. It's leaves are shaped in such a way that it can redirect lightning around the outside of the bush. Only female hollies have berries. The berries hold toxins that break down after repeated frosts, so they're most often eaten by birds in late winter and early spring, and even then only in small amounts at a time.
Have a great day!
Wow! What an amazing opportunity!

I believe my favorite plant is the white clover. It is great for replenishing nitrogen in farm fields and adding variety to parks and lawns. The plants are also capable of having far more than four leaves, with the world record being over 60 leaves on one stem! Scientists have not been able to figure out what causes clover stems to sprout extra leaves, as the plants are genetically complex, so the finding of a clover with extra leaves is still a feat of good luck. I have found quite a few 4- and 5-leaved clovers over the years, and three 6-leaved stems are currently in my possession. Finding these clovers is simply a matter of scanning through patches and looking for patterns: 3-leaved stems form a triangle, while any others form a different shape. Stems with irregularly sized leaves may be more likely to have extras. In the end, though, it's up to this natural embodiment of RNG as to what you might find.
Wow! What an amazing opportunity!

I believe my favorite plant is the white clover. It is great for replenishing nitrogen in farm fields and adding variety to parks and lawns. The plants are also capable of having far more than four leaves, with the world record being over 60 leaves on one stem! Scientists have not been able to figure out what causes clover stems to sprout extra leaves, as the plants are genetically complex, so the finding of a clover with extra leaves is still a feat of good luck. I have found quite a few 4- and 5-leaved clovers over the years, and three 6-leaved stems are currently in my possession. Finding these clovers is simply a matter of scanning through patches and looking for patterns: 3-leaved stems form a triangle, while any others form a different shape. Stems with irregularly sized leaves may be more likely to have extras. In the end, though, it's up to this natural embodiment of RNG as to what you might find.
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Let the Odyssey begin! May we set sail for treasure and glory... but mostly treasure.
Thanks for the opportunity :V I'll be coming back to buy a few tickets but wanted to get this post in while I remember.

My favorite flower is a mum. As a kid it is a flower that my mom used to plant a lot in the fall and I associate them with memories of gardening with my mother because of that. I planted some that came back annually despite mums be a perennial for 15+ years. My mom dug them up one day and nothing has ever grown in that spot since. IDK what karma exists in the universe but it seems me and the mums are cosmically aligned at least.
Thanks for the opportunity :V I'll be coming back to buy a few tickets but wanted to get this post in while I remember.

My favorite flower is a mum. As a kid it is a flower that my mom used to plant a lot in the fall and I associate them with memories of gardening with my mother because of that. I planted some that came back annually despite mums be a perennial for 15+ years. My mom dug them up one day and nothing has ever grown in that spot since. IDK what karma exists in the universe but it seems me and the mums are cosmically aligned at least.
Thank you for the opportunity! I'll be sending a cr with 40kt for 4 more tickets.

I think my favourite plant is the money tree (the houseplant variety). I have one myself, it was a tiny thing at first, but now it's grown quite a bit and the large, fanned out leaves look quite pretty. Something about the light shining through its thin, green leaves is appealing to me. I hope it grows to become as large as my aunt and uncle's, theirs is quite a big one.
Thank you for the opportunity! I'll be sending a cr with 40kt for 4 more tickets.

I think my favourite plant is the money tree (the houseplant variety). I have one myself, it was a tiny thing at first, but now it's grown quite a bit and the large, fanned out leaves look quite pretty. Something about the light shining through its thin, green leaves is appealing to me. I hope it grows to become as large as my aunt and uncle's, theirs is quite a big one.
my favorite plant is the hydrangea. theyre my husbands favorite and he has 2 he takes care of in our yard. so every time i see one i think of him. [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
my favorite plant is the hydrangea. theyre my husbands favorite and he has 2 he takes care of in our yard. so every time i see one i think of him.
Fascinating! My favorite plant is probably anubias nana, I think. I have a bunch of anubias species, but the simple, common nana is just... hardy and kind of immortal with the way its rhizome spreads. The fact you can just... chop them up and they start growing new plants is truly impressive, and they'll just climb all over anything they can grip their roots on. You can even just toss them in and let them free float. Love them. I have a few in one of my fish tanks that have been growing and climbing the landscape for a few years, they're holding the display together at this point. They're taking over. It's not a fish tank anymore it's an anubias tank.
Fascinating! My favorite plant is probably anubias nana, I think. I have a bunch of anubias species, but the simple, common nana is just... hardy and kind of immortal with the way its rhizome spreads. The fact you can just... chop them up and they start growing new plants is truly impressive, and they'll just climb all over anything they can grip their roots on. You can even just toss them in and let them free float. Love them. I have a few in one of my fish tanks that have been growing and climbing the landscape for a few years, they're holding the display together at this point. They're taking over. It's not a fish tank anymore it's an anubias tank.
my favorite plant is kinda obvious given the name i go by online. my favorite flower is a rose, or like, just any rose types. theyre honestly the prettiest plant and was part of the reason i decided to make it my given name. oh, and i really like tulips too. :D
my favorite plant is kinda obvious given the name i go by online. my favorite flower is a rose, or like, just any rose types. theyre honestly the prettiest plant and was part of the reason i decided to make it my given name. oh, and i really like tulips too. :D
The Avenger

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”
Old username: NecroticroseQT
fr +2
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