
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | A Fiendish Raffle (FINI, drawing prizes)
Congrats to all the winners!
Congrats to all the winners!
Oh sweet! Thank you @Devilbaby
Also congrats to all the other winners!
Especially @Wicca!
Oh sweet! Thank you @Devilbaby
Also congrats to all the other winners!
Especially @Wicca!

I won an Earth Sprite!? SO COOOL! I can't wait to receive the little booper!


I won an Earth Sprite!? SO COOOL! I can't wait to receive the little booper!

@chocopie @trulyteru @Nekomori @Riko @Disbounded @Geminiderp @yumehisakawa @Emberglo @Smithieaan @Serelinda @Frostpebble @stealthclaw @MoogleSam @Butcher @Morphini @LilacDreams @Urbenjokester @Shulk @eriophora @metalwrath @acheronta @Verikarma @Charmein @Teletraan @EnchantingCurse @EnmakuFloof @FairyMaster @HighEnchantress @TimeBlossom @Adu @tstroyerfosho @Elilara @JellyfishPrince @ClockworkEclipse @AloriD @birb @SolarMoon59 @Rha @Runeward @mummy @Mariscka @Gje @scyfy @PlushiePalooza @ShadowEclipse @Darlnim @Smoothy @Dragonlaird @Orgetzu @Parkakid @Ashtraska @SolarPhoenix @Lunila @kimbeloo @luccamajere @RosaleenDhu @chinapiggy @carcinoCell @russmond @Lesbohemian @Candor @Uberdruidxx @emaster012 @MmeLibertine @Harbinger @sabakunogaaraai @FluffyPoiSin @Mothgil @Silvanuyx @KaizerQueen @Tophie @Darkfeather @wowfish @DemonicDuchess @Astraya @LaraAelric @sensiblesoap @Nryenth @HellsPurestDevil @ineffabird @DarkNymfa @TwiliShewolf @implodingpotato @Outsanical @SaphireWolf @caelumdeity @Zeco5000 @Solderwings @Anguish @IsildaMistwood @Shienvien @PrancingPitfiend @Kenkou @Cerimonster @Kamishii @JovaniSkye @mudkip @Yoyumi @Wicca @Ririterasu @doowoopsy @9r7g5h @Kaial @MizuDrop @TheWarden @SadSushi @Dragonweaver @Sandia @Hoopoe @Piratewolfie @BallpointTattoos @swanpukin @hapro @Lynchly @aliena @Wolfsong1994 @anorith @AetherSeer @Moami @JennaQuinn @Miiduutheunicorn @Melodious @Bombervickie @Kitsu @Asilas @ToriChibi @wrobles4 @Bioluminous @Schefflera @SporkLord @MarquiseCarabas @Subtraction @Dev @SenchaDrake @Blazikenite @Nakkurusu @Windshade @LittleLionFire @FancyNames @Ripley77690 @PhoenixEgg @Ruination @lightly @Kozar @Celestia912 @Lexifer @OkamiKohai @Cainine @Lapillus @AerysTargaryen @sabinelagrande @brain4puzzles @Yast @Ryuluce @Archaic @RiBear @empressdawn @FallenDuske @SnailMuffin @Wherehause13 @Amerretti @Manarion @MissAri @Axikor @Chouhesi @razrroth @mus @PsydrateSky @MadameVastra @Draziwrok @Oszs @Drytil @mylilpazuzu @psychocanes @Bombervickie @Frailty @NightmaricZor @VoodooTea @Kedia @dizmo @obscuresoul @jbdapirate @R4GR0K @Gabbitrabbit @kariann02 @venvargie, @Higuchi @jaclynhyde @AllosaurCoffee @crazyRedFire @Eskiwen @tefphoenix @Cygnatii @daintyboots @aelith @Wildswirls @Scourge @MelanaShadow @psychofruitcake @Dierdre @Elimgarak @EvilCopepod @Niblet @ArokhDragon @Lambflop @Katalia @SimFeetUnder @Sparx @CephaloCoop @Syleye @Sonicookie WINNER'S CIRCLE, PART 2 I'm back, you're back, we're back! AND WE HAVE MORE PRIZES TO DISTRIBUTE so if you didn't get a tiered prize, don't fret. There are literally [i]dozens[/i] of prizes waiting to go home with some very lucky people. As I mentioned in part 1, the untiered prizes are a going to be distributed a bit differently. There are 52 prizes to give out, below are 52 numbers. If your name is called, please ping me with the random number you have chosen. Once a number is claimed the prize behind it is revealed and it is inactive. First come, first served. (and please don't make me provide 52 sceenshots that took forever just for the tiered prizes.) [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=Loga] [item=journeyman satchels] [item=?] [item=loga] [item=nature sprite] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] 8. ?[item=?] [item=nature sprite] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=manticore] [item=nature sprite] [item=Unhatched nocturne egg] 14. ?[item=?] [item=glossy duskrat] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=loga] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=dappled dunhoof] [item=nature sprite] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=speedy] [item=Coarsefur Yeti] [item=nature sprite] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=loga] [item=wave sweeper] [item=mock firebird] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=nature sprite] [item=unicorn guise] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=dappled dunhoof] [item=nature sprite] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=nature sprite] [item=driftwood baron] [item=Loga] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=hippojay] [item=nature sprite] [item=nature sprite] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=Dunhoof Ambassador] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=darktouched chimera] [item=unicorn guise] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=loga] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=winter wolf cape] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] [item=nature sprite] [item=speedy] (Yeah I know I just said there were 52 prizes now there's 55 I like tidy numbers you got a problem with that? Didn't think so.) Winners: First Ten: #1965 @DarkNymfa , #40579 @Syleye , #2273 @Kenkou, #12979 @anorith, #30716 @Oszs, #29850 @Elimgarak, #29052 @FallenDuske, #16701 @MadameVastra, #1366 @RosaleenDhu, #31981 @Katalia Next ten: #29381 @AllosaurCoffee, #13496 @MarquiseCarabas, #40769 @Nekomori, #29327 @Ashtraska , #29866 @JovaniSkye, #2509 @sabakunogaaraai, #40800 @Mothgil, #40571 @scyfy, #299998 @Rha, #17837 @SnailMuffin Next ten: #16854 @razrroth, #15786 @Yast #28143 @daintyboots #40646 @CephaloCoop #28857 @Scourge #21@trulyteru, #1863 @Nryenth, #23412 @Riko, #31811 @chinapiggy, #40629 @Ruination Next ten: #23751 @Higuchi, #383 @Emberglo, #1099 @PlushiePalooza, #16628 @luccamajere, #13797 @empressdawn, #40793 @Frailty, #29846 @Dierdre, #30875 @MmeLibertine, #40718 @Piratecat, #1199 @Dragonlaird Next ten: #924 @JellyfishPrince, #29851 @russmond, #1443 @Harbinger, #29101 @ClockworkEclipse, #22974 @venvargie, #548 @eriophora, #16484 @Drytil #30971 @Zeco5000 #1350 @Lunila #40812 @FluffyPoiSin Final Five: #15756 @AerysTargaryen,, #870 @EnmakuFloof, #13533 @SenchaDrake, #12864 @swanpukin, #28430 @Grimlok
@chocopie @trulyteru @Nekomori @Riko @Disbounded @Geminiderp @yumehisakawa @Emberglo @Smithieaan @Serelinda @Frostpebble @stealthclaw @MoogleSam @Butcher @Morphini @LilacDreams @Urbenjokester @Shulk @eriophora @metalwrath @acheronta @Verikarma @Charmein @Teletraan @EnchantingCurse @EnmakuFloof @FairyMaster @HighEnchantress @TimeBlossom @Adu @tstroyerfosho @Elilara @JellyfishPrince @ClockworkEclipse @AloriD @birb @SolarMoon59 @Rha @Runeward @mummy @Mariscka @Gje @scyfy @PlushiePalooza @ShadowEclipse @Darlnim @Smoothy @Dragonlaird @Orgetzu @Parkakid @Ashtraska @SolarPhoenix @Lunila @kimbeloo @luccamajere @RosaleenDhu @chinapiggy @carcinoCell @russmond @Lesbohemian @Candor @Uberdruidxx @emaster012 @MmeLibertine @Harbinger @sabakunogaaraai @FluffyPoiSin @Mothgil @Silvanuyx @KaizerQueen @Tophie @Darkfeather @wowfish @DemonicDuchess @Astraya @LaraAelric @sensiblesoap @Nryenth @HellsPurestDevil @ineffabird @DarkNymfa @TwiliShewolf @implodingpotato @Outsanical @SaphireWolf @caelumdeity @Zeco5000 @Solderwings @Anguish @IsildaMistwood @Shienvien @PrancingPitfiend @Kenkou @Cerimonster @Kamishii @JovaniSkye @mudkip @Yoyumi @Wicca @Ririterasu @doowoopsy @9r7g5h @Kaial @MizuDrop @TheWarden @SadSushi @Dragonweaver @Sandia @Hoopoe @Piratewolfie @BallpointTattoos @swanpukin @hapro @Lynchly @aliena @Wolfsong1994 @anorith @AetherSeer @Moami @JennaQuinn @Miiduutheunicorn @Melodious @Bombervickie @Kitsu @Asilas @ToriChibi @wrobles4 @Bioluminous @Schefflera @SporkLord @MarquiseCarabas @Subtraction @Dev @SenchaDrake @Blazikenite @Nakkurusu @Windshade @LittleLionFire @FancyNames @Ripley77690 @PhoenixEgg @Ruination @lightly @Kozar @Celestia912 @Lexifer @OkamiKohai @Cainine @Lapillus @AerysTargaryen @sabinelagrande @brain4puzzles @Yast @Ryuluce @Archaic @RiBear @empressdawn @FallenDuske @SnailMuffin @Wherehause13 @Amerretti @Manarion @MissAri @Axikor @Chouhesi @razrroth @mus @PsydrateSky @MadameVastra @Draziwrok @Oszs @Drytil @mylilpazuzu @psychocanes @Bombervickie @Frailty @NightmaricZor @VoodooTea @Kedia @dizmo @obscuresoul @jbdapirate @R4GR0K @Gabbitrabbit @kariann02 @venvargie, @Higuchi @jaclynhyde @AllosaurCoffee @crazyRedFire @Eskiwen @tefphoenix @Cygnatii @daintyboots @aelith @Wildswirls @Scourge @MelanaShadow @psychofruitcake @Dierdre @Elimgarak @EvilCopepod @Niblet @ArokhDragon @Lambflop @Katalia @SimFeetUnder @Sparx @CephaloCoop @Syleye @Sonicookie


I'm back, you're back, we're back! AND WE HAVE MORE PRIZES TO DISTRIBUTE so if you didn't get a tiered prize, don't fret. There are literally dozens of prizes waiting to go home with some very lucky people.

As I mentioned in part 1, the untiered prizes are a going to be distributed a bit differently. There are 52 prizes to give out, below are 52 numbers. If your name is called, please ping me with the random number you have chosen. Once a number is claimed the prize behind it is revealed and it is inactive. First come, first served.

(and please don't make me provide 52 sceenshots that took forever just for the tiered prizes.)

Unhatched Nocturne Egg Loga Journeyman Satchels Loga

Nature Sprite Unhatched Nocturne Egg 8. ? Nature Sprite Unhatched Nocturne Egg

Manticore Nature Sprite Unhatched Nocturne Egg 14. ? Glossy Duskrat

Unhatched Nocturne Egg Loga Unhatched Nocturne Egg Dappled Dunhoof Nature Sprite

Unhatched Nocturne Egg Speedy Coarsefur Yeti Nature Sprite Unhatched Nocturne Egg

Loga Wave Sweeper Mock Firebird Unhatched Nocturne Egg Nature Sprite

Unicorn Guise Unhatched Nocturne Egg Dappled Dunhoof Nature Sprite Unhatched Nocturne Egg

Nature Sprite Driftwood Baron Loga Unhatched Nocturne Egg Hippojay

Nature Sprite Nature Sprite Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg Dunhoof Ambassador

Unhatched Nocturne Egg Darktouched Chimera Unicorn Guise Unhatched Nocturne Egg Loga

Unhatched Nocturne Egg Winter Wolf Cape Unhatched Nocturne Egg Nature Sprite Speedy

(Yeah I know I just said there were 52 prizes now there's 55 I like tidy numbers you got a problem with that? Didn't think so.)


First Ten:

#1965 @DarkNymfa , #40579 @Syleye , #2273 @Kenkou, #12979 @anorith, #30716 @Oszs, #29850 @Elimgarak, #29052 @FallenDuske, #16701 @MadameVastra, #1366 @RosaleenDhu, #31981 @Katalia

Next ten:

#29381 @AllosaurCoffee, #13496 @MarquiseCarabas, #40769 @Nekomori, #29327 @Ashtraska , #29866 @JovaniSkye, #2509 @sabakunogaaraai, #40800 @Mothgil, #40571 @scyfy, #299998 @Rha, #17837 @SnailMuffin

Next ten:

#16854 @razrroth, #15786 @Yast #28143 @daintyboots #40646 @CephaloCoop #28857 @Scourge #21@trulyteru, #1863 @Nryenth, #23412 @Riko, #31811 @chinapiggy, #40629 @Ruination

Next ten:

#23751 @Higuchi, #383 @Emberglo, #1099 @PlushiePalooza, #16628 @luccamajere, #13797 @empressdawn, #40793 @Frailty, #29846 @Dierdre, #30875 @MmeLibertine, #40718 @Piratecat, #1199 @Dragonlaird

Next ten:

#924 @JellyfishPrince, #29851 @russmond, #1443 @Harbinger, #29101 @ClockworkEclipse, #22974 @venvargie, #548 @eriophora, #16484 @Drytil #30971 @Zeco5000 #1350 @Lunila #40812 @FluffyPoiSin

Final Five:

#15756 @AerysTargaryen,, #870 @EnmakuFloof, #13533 @SenchaDrake, #12864 @swanpukin, #28430 @Grimlok


Eeee, thank you so much, I'm so excited to have won even a consolation prize :D And congrats to all the other winners of course!

Eeee, thank you so much, I'm so excited to have won even a consolation prize :D And congrats to all the other winners of course!
M i s s A r i #29593
windie at heart | familiar collector | master of trades
A pixel adoptable of an Aqua/Rose Skydancer from Wind flight. She is wearing pearly jewellery and pink arm silks.
Oh this is an awesome thing, so excited.....I'm going with #32
Oh this is an awesome thing, so excited.....I'm going with #32

Uhm let's go with 27! *crosses fingers*

Uhm let's go with 27! *crosses fingers*
@Devilbaby Oooh, a thing! Um, #29, please. And thank you!!
@Devilbaby Oooh, a thing! Um, #29, please. And thank you!!
under construction...
@Devilbaby woot! I'd like to go with #17 please!
@Devilbaby woot! I'd like to go with #17 please!
Ack, come on raffle gods! Give me a break?
Ack, come on raffle gods! Give me a break?
Just as a helpful hint when pinging me, there is no extra I in my name ^^