[b]1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?[/b] Blessing #96479813
[b]2) How are you exalting the dragon? [/b] oof raffle!
[b]3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?[/b] I'm fine with it! Blessing has three siblings also sent in; Thana, Aix, and Vage. She is the least accident prone, so, you know..................... hopefully..............................
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted? Blessing #96479813
2) How are you exalting the dragon? oof raffle!
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)? I'm fine with it! Blessing has three siblings also sent in; Thana, Aix, and Vage. She is the least accident prone, so, you know..................... hopefully..............................
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted? Garuna, 93072265
2) How are you exalting the dragon? Sent to OOFR.
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)? Go ahead and use her, her many eyes will surely help with situational awareness!
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted? Garuna, 93072265
2) How are you exalting the dragon? Sent to OOFR.
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)? Go ahead and use her, her many eyes will surely help with situational awareness!
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?
2) How are you exalting the dragon?
Exalting them myself
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon?
Yes! He’s just a fodder dragon, so feel free to make anything up :D
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?

2) How are you exalting the dragon?
Exalting them myself
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon?
Yes! He’s just a fodder dragon, so feel free to make anything up :D
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?
Nicoli #94605648
2) How are you exalting the dragon? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
Sent to OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?
Nicoli #94605648
2) How are you exalting the dragon? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
Sent to OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?
Moon #96415354
2) How are you exalting the dragon?
Self Exalt
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Of course <3 No special information
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?
Moon #96415354
2) How are you exalting the dragon?
Self Exalt
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Of course <3 No special information
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted? Dawn #95163617
2) How are you exalting the dragon? OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon? If you'd like! She's just fodder though, so I don't have lore for her.
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted? Dawn #95163617
2) How are you exalting the dragon? OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon? If you'd like! She's just fodder though, so I don't have lore for her.
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?
Ponting #95897545
2) How are you exalting the dragon?
Sent to the OOFR!
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Yes! Just a fodder dragon, so anything works :)
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?
Ponting #95897545
2) How are you exalting the dragon?
Sent to the OOFR!
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Yes! Just a fodder dragon, so anything works :)
Day 1
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted? Stinger 88151851
2) How are you exalting the dragon? OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? Yep
Day 2
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted? Steve 83232072, Olonon 92695941, Kekki 91188457
2) How are you exalting the dragon? OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? Yep
Day 1
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted? Stinger 88151851
2) How are you exalting the dragon? OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? Yep
Day 2
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted? Steve 83232072, Olonon 92695941, Kekki 91188457
2) How are you exalting the dragon? OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? Yep
Dragons used: @Vaszarraena, @Fragariavesca, @kirathekat
[font=meiryo][size=3]Also featured: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/96466377]Sasha[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/96486511]Bakool[/url]
[left][font=meiryo][size=4][color=transparent].....[/color]Blessing fidgets, following SafetyDance through the parched desert air, toward the Tempest Spire. The two dragons take a meandering route that remains over land, traveling from the Starfall Isles to the Shifting Expanse, and Blessing begins to get tired. Thunderstorms tumble off in the distance, tossing and turning across the dunes, but the air around Blessing and SafetyDance contains nothing more than listless static.
[color=transparent].....[/color]It reminds Blessing of root beer, which in turn reminds her of how her siblings teased her for the brown wave patterns on her wings, claiming they looked like root beer – Foam is not as dominant a gene as Blaze, and she is the only one of her four nest-mates to have it.
[color=transparent].....[/color]She realizes that she misses the three of them terribly. Vage, Aix, Thana... will she ever see them again?
[color=transparent].....[/color]Still, she had been the only one who wanted to take SafetyDance’s strange offer and earn a forklift certification, and she is willing to go through with it, even as part of her screams that she should turn around and return to her siblings, to protect them – they’re clumsier than her, any accident could happen to them as interns in a realm full of strange technology...
[color=transparent].....[/color]Blessing shakes her head and continues on.
[color=transparent].....[/color]Eventually, she and SafetyDance arrive at the Spire. The air is thick with electricity, and Blessing feels it surge through her as she and SafetyDance touch down in a large, empty area of desert near the Spire. There are several other dragons of all flights and breeds gathered, and a fleet of shiny forklifts is arrayed next to where the dragons are congregating.
[color=transparent].....[/color]“All right!” A crimson Imperial shouts out, touching down after barreling out the window of a nearby building, “I finally got through all that paperwork! Now I can drive forklifts instead!! Numbers sure make my head hurt...”
[color=transparent].....[/color]The Imperial trots over to Blessing. “Name’s Sasha. Are you ready to drive these forklifts??”
[color=transparent].....[/color]Blessing gives a hesitant grin. “Yes...?” She’d never even seen a forklift before.
[color=transparent].....[/color]Sasha nods, as if that’s the only acceptable response. “Well, SafetyDance, tell Ivan thank you for me. There’s a ton of dragons here! Anybody else, or are we ready to start the training?”
[color=transparent].....[/color]“This is everyone,” SafetyDance responds. Something about its voice... what is going on with this dragon?
[color=transparent].....[/color]SafetyDance walks up to the nearest forklift, inspecting the controls, the wheels, and the forks, then frowns as it opens a panel and examines the machine’s engine. “There will be a slight delay,” SafetyDance announces to the gathered dragons, “As these forklifts may have been assembled incorrectly. I will need to gather inspectors and mechanics to ensure that the machines can run smoothly. Training will proceed tomorrow.”
[color=transparent].....[/color]“Oh, come on!” Sasha shouts, “Nothing gets done around here! Either someone hallucinates from replacing sleep with coffee, or some poor Fae gets electrocuted by mistake, or [i]Bakool from Dragon Resources[/i] falls over and breaks the darned printer!”
[color=transparent].....[/color]“Hey!” Shouts the leftmost head of a nearby Abberation, “That wasn’t my fault!”
[color=transparent].....[/color]“Was too,” argues the rightmost head, “You were the one controlling the body. I was crunching numbers.”
[color=transparent].....[/color]“You were [i]EATING SPREADSHEETS[/i],” the leftmost head quips, “That’s not what “crunching numbers” means!!”
[color=transparent].....[/color]“Quiet,” SafetyDance commands.
[color=transparent].....[/color]Blessing feels a chill go through her. The words were not spoken very loudly, but every single dragon stops what they’re doing and listens to the strange Ridgeback.
[color=transparent].....[/color]“Lodging is provided for all of you. I will show you where it is, then depart to recruit more assistance for this task.”
[color=transparent].....[/color]Blessing nods, falling into the group of dragons as they all trail behind SafetyDance toward a nearby cluster of buildings.
[size=5][b]Thank you to all participants from Day 1![/b][/size]
[size=4]You have earned the following badge: [OH NO]
[left][font=meiryo]*If you are joining in today, please send a total of [b]three [3][/b] dragons to be exalted in Lightning.
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3354514/1#post_57230078]<- Previous[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3354514/8#post_57241065]Next ->[/url]
@TCC 2024 Forklift Certification
Dragons used: @Vaszarraena, @Fragariavesca, @kirathekat

Also featured: Sasha | Bakool
.....Blessing fidgets, following SafetyDance through the parched desert air, toward the Tempest Spire. The two dragons take a meandering route that remains over land, traveling from the Starfall Isles to the Shifting Expanse, and Blessing begins to get tired. Thunderstorms tumble off in the distance, tossing and turning across the dunes, but the air around Blessing and SafetyDance contains nothing more than listless static.
.....It reminds Blessing of root beer, which in turn reminds her of how her siblings teased her for the brown wave patterns on her wings, claiming they looked like root beer – Foam is not as dominant a gene as Blaze, and she is the only one of her four nest-mates to have it.
.....She realizes that she misses the three of them terribly. Vage, Aix, Thana... will she ever see them again?
.....Still, she had been the only one who wanted to take SafetyDance’s strange offer and earn a forklift certification, and she is willing to go through with it, even as part of her screams that she should turn around and return to her siblings, to protect them – they’re clumsier than her, any accident could happen to them as interns in a realm full of strange technology...
.....Blessing shakes her head and continues on.
.....Eventually, she and SafetyDance arrive at the Spire. The air is thick with electricity, and Blessing feels it surge through her as she and SafetyDance touch down in a large, empty area of desert near the Spire. There are several other dragons of all flights and breeds gathered, and a fleet of shiny forklifts is arrayed next to where the dragons are congregating.
.....“All right!” A crimson Imperial shouts out, touching down after barreling out the window of a nearby building, “I finally got through all that paperwork! Now I can drive forklifts instead!! Numbers sure make my head hurt...”
.....The Imperial trots over to Blessing. “Name’s Sasha. Are you ready to drive these forklifts??”
.....Blessing gives a hesitant grin. “Yes...?” She’d never even seen a forklift before.
.....Sasha nods, as if that’s the only acceptable response. “Well, SafetyDance, tell Ivan thank you for me. There’s a ton of dragons here! Anybody else, or are we ready to start the training?”
.....“This is everyone,” SafetyDance responds. Something about its voice... what is going on with this dragon?
.....SafetyDance walks up to the nearest forklift, inspecting the controls, the wheels, and the forks, then frowns as it opens a panel and examines the machine’s engine. “There will be a slight delay,” SafetyDance announces to the gathered dragons, “As these forklifts may have been assembled incorrectly. I will need to gather inspectors and mechanics to ensure that the machines can run smoothly. Training will proceed tomorrow.”
.....“Oh, come on!” Sasha shouts, “Nothing gets done around here! Either someone hallucinates from replacing sleep with coffee, or some poor Fae gets electrocuted by mistake, or Bakool from Dragon Resources falls over and breaks the darned printer!”
.....“Hey!” Shouts the leftmost head of a nearby Abberation, “That wasn’t my fault!”
.....“Was too,” argues the rightmost head, “You were the one controlling the body. I was crunching numbers.”
.....“You were EATING SPREADSHEETS,” the leftmost head quips, “That’s not what “crunching numbers” means!!”
.....“Quiet,” SafetyDance commands.
.....Blessing feels a chill go through her. The words were not spoken very loudly, but every single dragon stops what they’re doing and listens to the strange Ridgeback.
.....“Lodging is provided for all of you. I will show you where it is, then depart to recruit more assistance for this task.”
.....Blessing nods, falling into the group of dragons as they all trail behind SafetyDance toward a nearby cluster of buildings.
Thank you to all participants from Day 1!
You have earned the following badge: [OH NO]
*If you are joining in today, please send a total of three [3] dragons to be exalted in Lightning.
.....The next morning, SafetyDance is back in your lair.
.....“You again...?” You mumble. It’s early.
.....“There has been a delay with the certification process. Ivan requests the assistance of two additional dragons to ensure that everything proceeds smoothly.”
.....You stand there and stare.
.....“Would anyone in your lair be willing to inspect and repair defective forklifts?”
**Please send two [2] dragons to a Lightning lair to be exalted! Make a post to this thread with the following information:
1) What are the names and IDs (or URLs) of the dragons you are sending to be exalted?
2) How are you exalting the dragons? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
3) Are you comfortable with these dragons being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about them (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Thank you!
PS if anyone can tell me why the font keeps breaking, that would be great... it's supposed to all be Meiryo, but it keeps switching to what appears to be Aptos...
.....The next morning, SafetyDance is back in your lair.
.....“You again...?” You mumble. It’s early.
.....“There has been a delay with the certification process. Ivan requests the assistance of two additional dragons to ensure that everything proceeds smoothly.”
.....You stand there and stare.
.....“Would anyone in your lair be willing to inspect and repair defective forklifts?”
**Please send two [2] dragons to a Lightning lair to be exalted! Make a post to this thread with the following information:
1) What are the names and IDs (or URLs) of the dragons you are sending to be exalted?
2) How are you exalting the dragons? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
3) Are you comfortable with these dragons being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about them (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Thank you!
PS if anyone can tell me why the font keeps breaking, that would be great... it's supposed to all be Meiryo, but it keeps switching to what appears to be Aptos...