1) What are the names and IDs (or URLs) of the dragons you are sending to be exalted?
2) How are you exalting the dragons?
3) Are you comfortable with these dragons being used in tomorrow’s lore update?
no lore!
1) What are the names and IDs (or URLs) of the dragons you are sending to be exalted?

2) How are you exalting the dragons?
3) Are you comfortable with these dragons being used in tomorrow’s lore update?
no lore!
1) What are the names and IDs (or URLs) of the dragons you are sending to be exalted?
Rothen, and
2) How are you exalting the dragons? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
Sent to OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with these dragons being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about them (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Sure, no specific lore
1) What are the names and IDs (or URLs) of the dragons you are sending to be exalted?
Rothen, and
2) How are you exalting the dragons? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
Sent to OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with these dragons being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about them (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Sure, no specific lore
1) What are the names and IDs (or URLs) of the dragons you are sending to be exalted?
LostEmber: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/96405957][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/964060/96405957_350.png[/img][/url]
Genesius: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/96506496][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/965065/96506496_350.png[/img][/url]
Bula: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/96484329][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/964844/96484329_350.png[/img][/url]
Spinel: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/96466778][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/964668/96466778_350.png[/img][/url]
Caryl: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/96535387][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/965354/96535387_350.png[/img][/url]
Ammanas: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/93248837][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/932489/93248837_350.png[/img][/url]
2) How are you exalting the dragons? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
3) Are you comfortable with these dragons being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about them? Always! If unlisted no lore.
LostEmber: Heard fire, came SCREAMING and RUNNING not to help put it out but to CREATE MORE really why are you born in nature and not fire no one will ever know
Spinel: Chaos Child.
1) What are the names and IDs (or URLs) of the dragons you are sending to be exalted?
2) How are you exalting the dragons? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
3) Are you comfortable with these dragons being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about them? Always! If unlisted no lore.
LostEmber: Heard fire, came SCREAMING and RUNNING not to help put it out but to CREATE MORE really why are you born in nature and not fire no one will ever know
Spinel: Chaos Child.

she/they| FR+2
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?
Shesh (#96104311)
Fang (#95814109)
Harmoni (#95918606)
Kelvhan (#95995260)
Jables (#96104313)
Amberline (#95590809)
2) How are you exalting the dragon? Exalting myself
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)? Sure, I have nothing in mind because they're all fodder lol
2) Sending to Lightning OOF receiver TacoTequila
3)Use as desired!
I think Shaula the Aether would be the type to get reprimanded for stripping wires with her teeth instead of using pliers.
Miller the Auraboa thinks it's fun to use her floating geodes that make up her rockbreaker tert to hit switches and manipulate objects, even though it's wildly impractical. She thinks it's a neat skill/party trick.
Elcid the Skydancer has not yet discovered that she likes to drive as though she's operating a race car, given the lack of them in Sornieth. That's about to change.
Hirini the Spiral is a serial hobbyist; he's getting manufacturing training because his clan won't keep paying for new hobby equipment every month. To be fair he does keep up with some of them, and that fancy airbrush kit is looking [i]very[/i] tempting
Pamela the Fae is saving up for a name change and a wildclaw scroll. She's going to pick the most embarrassingly on the nose metalhead name dragonkind will have ever seen.
Martyn the Auraboa has strong opinions about organizational methods. He can streamline a workspace or macguyver up a solution to a problem with stunning competence, but other dragons are loathe to admit that his "stupid" ideas are often effective.
2) Sending to Lightning OOF receiver TacoTequila
3)Use as desired!
I think Shaula the Aether would be the type to get reprimanded for stripping wires with her teeth instead of using pliers.
Miller the Auraboa thinks it's fun to use her floating geodes that make up her rockbreaker tert to hit switches and manipulate objects, even though it's wildly impractical. She thinks it's a neat skill/party trick.
Elcid the Skydancer has not yet discovered that she likes to drive as though she's operating a race car, given the lack of them in Sornieth. That's about to change.
Hirini the Spiral is a serial hobbyist; he's getting manufacturing training because his clan won't keep paying for new hobby equipment every month. To be fair he does keep up with some of them, and that fancy airbrush kit is looking
very tempting
Pamela the Fae is saving up for a name change and a wildclaw scroll. She's going to pick the most embarrassingly on the nose metalhead name dragonkind will have ever seen.
Martyn the Auraboa has strong opinions about organizational methods. He can streamline a workspace or macguyver up a solution to a problem with stunning competence, but other dragons are loathe to admit that his "stupid" ideas are often effective.
1) What are the names and IDs of the dragons you are sending to be exalted?
2) How are you exalting the dragons?
3) Are you comfortable with these dragons being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about them?
Talo was an evil scientist in the past who for his crimes has been sent to work on forklifts for the rest of his life. Never again shall he experiment on dragon kind.
Rune is Talo's son who has been sent to keep an eye on his dad.
Coldblade is a retired general who is looking for a new more peaceful career to dedicate his life too.
Feodora and Tarinkain are twins who thought this job would be a good way to get out of school.
Sandrile is a dragon who just likes to learn how machines work and is super excited to be a part of this certification program.
1) What are the names and IDs of the dragons you are sending to be exalted?






2) How are you exalting the dragons?
3) Are you comfortable with these dragons being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about them?
Talo was an evil scientist in the past who for his crimes has been sent to work on forklifts for the rest of his life. Never again shall he experiment on dragon kind.
Rune is Talo's son who has been sent to keep an eye on his dad.
Coldblade is a retired general who is looking for a new more peaceful career to dedicate his life too.
Feodora and Tarinkain are twins who thought this job would be a good way to get out of school.
Sandrile is a dragon who just likes to learn how machines work and is super excited to be a part of this certification program.
2) Trained and Yeeted locally!
3) Sure! Lore TBA but the imps are sibs of Ajowan, who ran to help with the fire (save the cacti), and sibs followed bc why not.
Kladeos is the serious type and came here to help as best as he can (reasonably) with whatever task he's handed and get paid accordingly.
Sedai is less serious and is seeking out smth fun to do, only interested in "interesting" things. That said, tech and tools. Others are also pairs of siblings.
The Faes are eerily twinny and are absolutely finishing each other's sentences and moving in strange ways. consider them a unit.
2) Trained and Yeeted locally!
3) Sure! Lore TBA but the imps are sibs of Ajowan, who ran to help with the fire (save the cacti), and sibs followed bc why not.
Kladeos is the serious type and came here to help as best as he can (reasonably) with whatever task he's handed and get paid accordingly.
Sedai is less serious and is seeking out smth fun to do, only interested in "interesting" things. That said, tech and tools. Others are also pairs of siblings.
The Faes are eerily twinny and are absolutely finishing each other's sentences and moving in strange ways. consider them a unit.
((ooc: I'm sending them in as I get space cleared. ^.^ lol I'll list them all here.))
[i]After some belated bumbling (and being jumped by random cridders, dragon-eating-plants, and other... [i]things[/i], a LARGE (and late) group from the Shrieking Wilds shows up.[/i]
[b]1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?[/b]
[b]Name:[/b] Hairy
[b]ID: [/b]96224589
Flambouyant Female Aether
Loves Books, especially engineering manuels!
[b]Name:[/b] Dominga
[b]ID: [/b]95865930
Flashy Female-presenting Spiral (They/Them)
Wants to be an author some day!
[b]Name:[/b] Vegasah
[b]ID: [/b]70079665
??? Nocturne... something?
Banana Pudding!!!!!
[b]Name:[/b] Nazir
[b]ID: [/b]70079664
Self-deprecating Male Imperial
'My mother is a "tree" and my father is a "butterfly"....
But I came out looking like a butter-covered vine... *shrugs*'
[b]Name:[/b] Toc
[b]ID: [/b]95865938
Female Aether
Collects scroll cases (after they've been nibbled).
[b]Name:[/b] Oakwood
[b]ID: [/b]96224584
Brutally Honest Female Wildclaw Warrior
Born in the Shrieking Wilds and looking for more adventure!
Oh... wait? Rescue mission? SURE!
[b]Name:[/b] DarkenedWoods
[b]ID: [/b]96508615
Female Guardian that guards....
Dirt? Trees? This group?
Hasn't made up her mind yet.
[b]Name:[/b] Brush
[b]ID: [/b]96508618
Male Tundra.. aahh... ahh.. what?
Who are you again? Oh yeah! Another bush like me!
[b]Name:[/b] Hedd
[b]ID: [/b]95989621
Fae of curiously expressive hands.
Mute, exaggerates body language in order to be "understood".
[b]Name:[/b] Oakwood
[b]ID: [/b]96508619
Guardian, Male, Warrior.
Protector of his mute "brother". Fierce defender wrapped in camo.
Really good at Haiku.
[b]Name:[/b] Tigerlily
[b]ID: [/b]96456730
Female Flower dancer Imp.
"Twin" sister to Tigereye.
Detail oriented.
[b]Name:[/b] Tigereye
[b]ID: [/b]96456731
Female Flower dancer Imp.
"Twin" sister to Tigerlily.
Perfect balance.
[b]Name:[/b] Edryd
[b]ID: [/b]96456744
Flowering Tree Guardian!
Likes rocks and zen gardening.
[b]Name:[/b] Holly
[b]ID: [/b]96456745
Flowering Tree Guardian!
Likes succulents and roses!
[b]Name:[/b] Salty
[b]ID: [/b]96115557
Spiral!!!! Gender Neutral (They Them)
Thinks they are a highspeed Ridgeback ,
Their mom is a ridge back! So yeah. Natural, right?
[b]Name:[/b] Thorn
[b]ID: [/b]96224582
Tree coatl!
Waits for Autumn, hoping to become more colorful!
Forgets they aren't really a tree.
[b]Name:[/b] Shaderain
[b]ID: [/b]96539542
Undertide Male
Not sure why he's here.
Got caught up in the confusion when the 6th day dragons were gathered.
Thinks he's going back to the sea....
[b]Name:[/b] Zenobia
[b]ID: [/b]96540124
Imperial troublemaker...
She can't wait to get into the lands of Lightning!
Her plans are known only to her... or so she thinks.
[b]Name:[/b] Famus
[b]ID: [/b]96540125
Gorgeous, Shiny, Imperial!
She knows she's pretty!
So pretty!
[b]Name:[/b] Abrienne
[b]ID: [/b]96542990
Obs.... just.. a statue?
Maybe? IDK. *shrugs*
[b]Name:[/b] Price
[b]ID: [/b]96485227
Happy Tree Puppers!!!
Just so happy! and vicious... and... OOH what's that?!
[b]2) How are you exalting the dragon? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)[/b]
[b]3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? [/b][i]If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?[/i]
Sure! Can do! All good. I left notes in their mini bios up above just for fun. :)
As I'm playing catch up, I've got a ways to go. So I'm trying to keep it organized. :)
((ooc: I'm sending them in as I get space cleared. ^.^ lol I'll list them all here.))
After some belated bumbling (and being jumped by random cridders, dragon-eating-plants, and other... things, a LARGE (and late) group from the Shrieking Wilds shows up.
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?

Name: Hairy
ID: 96224589
Flambouyant Female Aether
Loves Books, especially engineering manuels!

Name: Dominga
ID: 95865930
Flashy Female-presenting Spiral (They/Them)
Wants to be an author some day!

Name: Vegasah
ID: 70079665
??? Nocturne... something?
Banana Pudding!!!!!

Name: Nazir
ID: 70079664
Self-deprecating Male Imperial
'My mother is a "tree" and my father is a "butterfly"....
But I came out looking like a butter-covered vine... *shrugs*'

Name: Toc
ID: 95865938
Female Aether
Collects scroll cases (after they've been nibbled).

Name: Oakwood
ID: 96224584
Brutally Honest Female Wildclaw Warrior
Born in the Shrieking Wilds and looking for more adventure!
Oh... wait? Rescue mission? SURE!

Name: DarkenedWoods
ID: 96508615
Female Guardian that guards....
Dirt? Trees? This group?
Hasn't made up her mind yet.

Name: Brush
ID: 96508618
Male Tundra.. aahh... ahh.. what?
Who are you again? Oh yeah! Another bush like me!

Name: Hedd
ID: 95989621
Fae of curiously expressive hands.
Mute, exaggerates body language in order to be "understood".

Name: Oakwood
ID: 96508619
Guardian, Male, Warrior.
Protector of his mute "brother". Fierce defender wrapped in camo.
Really good at Haiku.

Name: Tigerlily
ID: 96456730
Female Flower dancer Imp.
"Twin" sister to Tigereye.
Detail oriented.

Name: Tigereye
ID: 96456731
Female Flower dancer Imp.
"Twin" sister to Tigerlily.
Perfect balance.

Name: Edryd
ID: 96456744
Flowering Tree Guardian!
Likes rocks and zen gardening.

Name: Holly
ID: 96456745
Flowering Tree Guardian!
Likes succulents and roses!

Name: Salty
ID: 96115557
Spiral!!!! Gender Neutral (They Them)
Thinks they are a highspeed Ridgeback ,
Their mom is a ridge back! So yeah. Natural, right?

Name: Thorn
ID: 96224582
Tree coatl!
Waits for Autumn, hoping to become more colorful!
Forgets they aren't really a tree.

Name: Shaderain
ID: 96539542
Undertide Male
Not sure why he's here.
Got caught up in the confusion when the 6th day dragons were gathered.
Thinks he's going back to the sea....

Name: Zenobia
ID: 96540124
Imperial troublemaker...
She can't wait to get into the lands of Lightning!
Her plans are known only to her... or so she thinks.

Name: Famus
ID: 96540125
Gorgeous, Shiny, Imperial!
She knows she's pretty!
So pretty!

Name: Abrienne
ID: 96542990
Obs.... just.. a statue?
Maybe? IDK. *shrugs*
Name: Price
ID: 96485227
Happy Tree Puppers!!!
Just so happy! and vicious... and... OOH what's that?!
2) How are you exalting the dragon? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Sure! Can do! All good. I left notes in their mini bios up above just for fun. :)
As I'm playing catch up, I've got a ways to go. So I'm trying to keep it organized. :)
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?
Caedies, 96413729
Snackrifice, 95328316
Corky, 96413730
Snackrifice, 96242733
Jasper, 95005756
Snackrifice, 96272798
2) How are you exalting the dragon? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
Sending to OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Yes, nothing else to add
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?
Caedies, 96413729
Snackrifice, 95328316
Corky, 96413730
Snackrifice, 96242733
Jasper, 95005756
Snackrifice, 96272798
2) How are you exalting the dragon? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
Sending to OOFR
3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Yes, nothing else to add