
Bug Report Forums

Report bugs and errors to the Flight Rising development team.
TOPIC | Gathering Bug
I potentially clicking through my gathering turns too quickly..... and I got an error page I've never had before but I kind of always click through very quickly I was gathering in Light I'm using fully updated Chrome [img][/img] Error text: [quote] Well, this is embarassing It looks like something went wrong. The place to let us know about this would be in the bug report forum. If you post a report, please include the following information: SQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction (SQL: update `gathering` set `count` = 11 where `userid` = 137468) in /Connection.php Line 631 [/quote] I managed to go back and finish my gathering turns no problem but I thought it would be good to let y'all know about it instead of maybe finding it in your logs. Also, I could be very wrong but should we probably not be seeing detailed error messages with SQL commands?
I potentially clicking through my gathering turns too quickly..... and I got an error page I've never had before
but I kind of always click through very quickly

I was gathering in Light
I'm using fully updated Chrome

Error text:
Well, this is embarassing
It looks like something went wrong. The place to let us know about this would be in the bug report forum.

If you post a report, please include the following information:

SQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction (SQL: update `gathering` set `count` = 11 where `userid` = 137468) in /Connection.php Line 631

I managed to go back and finish my gathering turns no problem but I thought it would be good to let y'all know about it instead of maybe finding it in your logs.

Also, I could be very wrong but should we probably not be seeing detailed error messages with SQL commands?

Tales of Terror
you encountered one of the most common errors: a "Deadlock" error (recognizable by the word 'Deadlock' in the error message). this happens when you and another user try to do the same thing at the same time and the site gets confused. it's completely harmless and usually simply trying again will fix it. if you see it again, you can safely ignore it.
you encountered one of the most common errors: a "Deadlock" error (recognizable by the word 'Deadlock' in the error message). this happens when you and another user try to do the same thing at the same time and the site gets confused. it's completely harmless and usually simply trying again will fix it. if you see it again, you can safely ignore it.
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