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TOPIC | Reformat Den Tasks like Achievements?
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I don't know if I'm the only one, but I find it really frustrating when I'm slowly but surely working towards one item den slot task when a Coliseum stage gets updated and a whole bunch of new tasks get thrown onto my list, shoving the tasks I was working on back into the unreachable background.

Would there be some way to reformat the item den slot tasks like achievements, where they can all be viewed, and the ones that you have the items for come to the front of the list where you can submit for them?

There are stacks of items I've been holding on to for YEARS because I know there's a task for them way down the line-- I would REALLY love to just get those items submitted!


I definitely see what y'all mean about progression balance in re: the more challenging tasks and definitely agree about that part + how important it is to the system not to allow all of the tasks to be done at once. Some thoughts:
  • I still think it'd be nice to have a held item system like Astaraela mentioned, or something where you can submit the items you have progressing towards a task, even if you can't complete it until it's "on deck," so they're not clogging up your hoard. Even if nothing else got changed about the task system, I would be extremely happy just with that.
  • I also think the way we view den slot tasks could use an update, because as it stands it's extremely cumbersome to click through the list-- and there's no way to even sort it between complete and incomplete tasks.
  • In addition, I think one of my main frustrations is when a coliseum venue gets added or updated and a bunch of new tasks shunt the ones you're working on back into the queue.

I understand we can't fix that last bullet point by adding the new tasks to the back end of the queue, because like LordJeanliness mentioned the difficulty is supposed to gradually ramp up and putting a lower level venue's stuff at the end messes that up.

A simple compromise could be bumping the number of available tasks up to 15. I have two more complex ideas, the first of which I quickly realized is a bunch of guff after typing out, but I'm still going to see it through for the sake of stimulating discussion and ideas. The second one I have a lot more faith in.

1. Perhaps the task page could offer some sort of system to "shuffle" a task-- for a cost, you could send a single task you find difficult back into the queue while retrieving a random one to take its place. This still preserves the difficulty progression, in my mind, because the gene/egg tasks still start to pile up even with one delayed-- and when you complete the shuffled task the next one in the regular progression (the one you delayed earlier) would pop back up where it's supposed to be.

2. Instead of increasing the total number of tasks offered, just offer one new "random task" in addition to the normal ten. It picks one task from somewhere in the queue, offers it, and upon completion selects a new random task to offer in its stead. That way when new tasks are added, say from a venue addition or update, at the very least that one random task is not affected and can still be worked towards.
I don't know if I'm the only one, but I find it really frustrating when I'm slowly but surely working towards one item den slot task when a Coliseum stage gets updated and a whole bunch of new tasks get thrown onto my list, shoving the tasks I was working on back into the unreachable background.

Would there be some way to reformat the item den slot tasks like achievements, where they can all be viewed, and the ones that you have the items for come to the front of the list where you can submit for them?

There are stacks of items I've been holding on to for YEARS because I know there's a task for them way down the line-- I would REALLY love to just get those items submitted!


I definitely see what y'all mean about progression balance in re: the more challenging tasks and definitely agree about that part + how important it is to the system not to allow all of the tasks to be done at once. Some thoughts:
  • I still think it'd be nice to have a held item system like Astaraela mentioned, or something where you can submit the items you have progressing towards a task, even if you can't complete it until it's "on deck," so they're not clogging up your hoard. Even if nothing else got changed about the task system, I would be extremely happy just with that.
  • I also think the way we view den slot tasks could use an update, because as it stands it's extremely cumbersome to click through the list-- and there's no way to even sort it between complete and incomplete tasks.
  • In addition, I think one of my main frustrations is when a coliseum venue gets added or updated and a bunch of new tasks shunt the ones you're working on back into the queue.

I understand we can't fix that last bullet point by adding the new tasks to the back end of the queue, because like LordJeanliness mentioned the difficulty is supposed to gradually ramp up and putting a lower level venue's stuff at the end messes that up.

A simple compromise could be bumping the number of available tasks up to 15. I have two more complex ideas, the first of which I quickly realized is a bunch of guff after typing out, but I'm still going to see it through for the sake of stimulating discussion and ideas. The second one I have a lot more faith in.

1. Perhaps the task page could offer some sort of system to "shuffle" a task-- for a cost, you could send a single task you find difficult back into the queue while retrieving a random one to take its place. This still preserves the difficulty progression, in my mind, because the gene/egg tasks still start to pile up even with one delayed-- and when you complete the shuffled task the next one in the regular progression (the one you delayed earlier) would pop back up where it's supposed to be.

2. Instead of increasing the total number of tasks offered, just offer one new "random task" in addition to the normal ten. It picks one task from somewhere in the queue, offers it, and upon completion selects a new random task to offer in its stead. That way when new tasks are added, say from a venue addition or update, at the very least that one random task is not affected and can still be worked towards.
I'd love this! I've been stuck on some of the harder den slots for a while, and I think this would be a much better way to complete the slots.
I'd love this! I've been stuck on some of the harder den slots for a while, and I think this would be a much better way to complete the slots.
Tobias | He/Him | Fiesta de Muertos and The Flying Trapeze (100 hatchling challenges)
Regarding forum games, please only select dragons who have familiars - those are the permanent residents of my lair. Feel free to look through the hibernal den, too
Oh, absolutely. It would also make it a lot easier to see which ones I've completed & which ones I haven't. Support!
Oh, absolutely. It would also make it a lot easier to see which ones I've completed & which ones I haven't. Support!
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Huge support! I too have an excessive amount of "use-these-later" hibden items stored away for after I get those tougher tasks done </3

Additionally (or even alternatively) I'd love it if we could "contribute" items to a task instead of saving them up and turning all of them in at once. That way I wouldn't have to track down how many I have vs how many I need, yknow?
Huge support! I too have an excessive amount of "use-these-later" hibden items stored away for after I get those tougher tasks done </3

Additionally (or even alternatively) I'd love it if we could "contribute" items to a task instead of saving them up and turning all of them in at once. That way I wouldn't have to track down how many I have vs how many I need, yknow?
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Even having finished the current tasks, I'm in full support of this. There was a point where 100% of my tasks were gene and breed scrolls, and it could've ground my progress fully to a halt if it had happened any time other than NOTN, or I didn't have about 3 million treasure at my disposal. It's a weird system that honestly kinda sucks to deal with, and I don't understand why it exists. Especially considering that the Coli tasks naturally have a form of progression already.
Even having finished the current tasks, I'm in full support of this. There was a point where 100% of my tasks were gene and breed scrolls, and it could've ground my progress fully to a halt if it had happened any time other than NOTN, or I didn't have about 3 million treasure at my disposal. It's a weird system that honestly kinda sucks to deal with, and I don't understand why it exists. Especially considering that the Coli tasks naturally have a form of progression already.
wU5i5vK.gif |
Intricate Illustrations (my art shop) |
Support! The current system is hard to navigate and this would make it easier to see what items we need.
Support! The current system is hard to navigate and this would make it easier to see what items we need.
DragonIC_Big.png PsychicIC_Big.png
[quote name="xGemDragonx" date="2024-02-11 19:56:39" ] Huge support! I too have an excessive amount of "use-these-later" hibden items stored away for after I get those tougher tasks done </3 Additionally (or even alternatively) I'd love it if we could "contribute" items to a task instead of saving them up and turning all of them in at once. That way I wouldn't have to track down how many I have vs how many I need, yknow? [/quote] I love this idea! I have so many of something hoarded not knowing if I still need them or not. The ability to "turn them in" for any tasks would be great. Heck, even if the task is still locked (got to complete others first), yet can still turn items in, would be so good. I really don't like this constant "I have to keep hoarding this even if it may no longer be needed for a hibden task" paranoia. I want to KNOW when I'm done with something. Searching the never-ending list of tasks ain't it; I can't remember all that. Please, even a more achievement setup would work, but this idea is the best one I've seen. SUPOORT.
xGemDragonx wrote on 2024-02-11 19:56:39:
Huge support! I too have an excessive amount of "use-these-later" hibden items stored away for after I get those tougher tasks done </3

Additionally (or even alternatively) I'd love it if we could "contribute" items to a task instead of saving them up and turning all of them in at once. That way I wouldn't have to track down how many I have vs how many I need, yknow?
I love this idea! I have so many of something hoarded not knowing if I still need them or not. The ability to "turn them in" for any tasks would be great. Heck, even if the task is still locked (got to complete others first), yet can still turn items in, would be so good.

I really don't like this constant "I have to keep hoarding this even if it may no longer be needed for a hibden task" paranoia. I want to KNOW when I'm done with something. Searching the never-ending list of tasks ain't it; I can't remember all that.

Please, even a more achievement setup would work, but this idea is the best one I've seen. SUPOORT.
Support ! it's really annoying to know that we could complete multiple hibden tasks right now but have to grind for an item that's difficult to get to complete our current tasks
Support ! it's really annoying to know that we could complete multiple hibden tasks right now but have to grind for an item that's difficult to get to complete our current tasks
YfIwYrL.png •Jupiter/Ben
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support!! i'm starting to get a bunch of gene & egg tasks in my list & it's making it harder to see what tasks i can do by grinding in the same venue. i'm putting off the specialty tasks until 1st place dom discount & i'm Not giving up those eggs!!

i'd even appreciate a way to skip or hide certain tasks til later so i can work thru all the coli-based & gathering stuff first
support!! i'm starting to get a bunch of gene & egg tasks in my list & it's making it harder to see what tasks i can do by grinding in the same venue. i'm putting off the specialty tasks until 1st place dom discount & i'm Not giving up those eggs!!

i'd even appreciate a way to skip or hide certain tasks til later so i can work thru all the coli-based & gathering stuff first
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I totally support this - I'm not in a big hurry to get more den spots, so I'm not exactly trying to clear as many of them as I can. Still, I tend to keep various items used for den tasks in my hoard, and as a big HoardSelling Fan, it's a little frustrating to look at that pile of junk piling up. I'd really appreciate being able to dump them all at once in my tasks and to stop hoarding them forever :)
I totally support this - I'm not in a big hurry to get more den spots, so I'm not exactly trying to clear as many of them as I can. Still, I tend to keep various items used for den tasks in my hoard, and as a big HoardSelling Fan, it's a little frustrating to look at that pile of junk piling up. I'd really appreciate being able to dump them all at once in my tasks and to stop hoarding them forever :)
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