

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | More Gathering
i feel like you should get more turns for gathering with the more dragons you have/space you unlock.. i cant ever get enough to feed them all.
i feel like you should get more turns for gathering with the more dragons you have/space you unlock.. i cant ever get enough to feed them all.
I personally think it would be better to adjust the gathering system somewhat than just add more turns. With some of the suggested tweaks to the gathering system, there might be less of a need for more turns.

Probably one of the easiest ways to improve the gathering system would be as you level up change the minimum number of pulls and minimum number of items in a stack for items that stack and possibly also increase the maximum potential pulls in the higher levels. That would reward you for levelling up, and also help those who gather for food, get more food.

My biggest concern with more gathering turns for the space unlocked is its not unusual for players to use all their turns on digging and scavenging in hopes of chests and eggs; so the players that do this would continue to do this with extra gather turns and still complain they can't feed their dragons. There was a suggestion floating around about adding extra 'food only' turns based on the lair size which I think might be a nice compromise to adding more turns. Here's the thread that discussed food only turns, there's a mock up halfway down the first page. There was also a suggestion about earning gather turns which was a nice one.

I personally think it would be better to adjust the gathering system somewhat than just add more turns. With some of the suggested tweaks to the gathering system, there might be less of a need for more turns.

Probably one of the easiest ways to improve the gathering system would be as you level up change the minimum number of pulls and minimum number of items in a stack for items that stack and possibly also increase the maximum potential pulls in the higher levels. That would reward you for levelling up, and also help those who gather for food, get more food.

My biggest concern with more gathering turns for the space unlocked is its not unusual for players to use all their turns on digging and scavenging in hopes of chests and eggs; so the players that do this would continue to do this with extra gather turns and still complain they can't feed their dragons. There was a suggestion floating around about adding extra 'food only' turns based on the lair size which I think might be a nice compromise to adding more turns. Here's the thread that discussed food only turns, there's a mock up halfway down the first page. There was also a suggestion about earning gather turns which was a nice one.

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#UnnamedIsValid .:. Nature Sales Thread .:. Strider Subspecies
A hint : Stop digging and scavenging, gather in the other four professions, and you should be able to have enough food to feed your dragons.

Digging and Scavenging have a CHANCE of giving you something worthwhile. Foraging, Hunting, Fishing and Bug Catching are always, always going to give you something useful, because you gotta feed your dragons.
A hint : Stop digging and scavenging, gather in the other four professions, and you should be able to have enough food to feed your dragons.

Digging and Scavenging have a CHANCE of giving you something worthwhile. Foraging, Hunting, Fishing and Bug Catching are always, always going to give you something useful, because you gotta feed your dragons.
You should be able to gather for food and get enough daily no problem. If you are not getting enough to feed 47 dragons you are probably gathering in places that do not give food
You should be able to gather for food and get enough daily no problem. If you are not getting enough to feed 47 dragons you are probably gathering in places that do not give food