
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Closed. Drawing now.
Glad you stuck around that long. I wish you a great year, and many more to come! News here is that I got an overly ambitious art project going on. Backstory: I learned about nature journaling and intend to start with that later this year. I'm already outside a lot and enjoying nature, so putting my observations and thoughts about to paper seems like the next logical step. This, however, is not the project I'm talking about. While looking up some stuff about birds, I came across this wikipedia page: It's an officially recognised list of all birds of my home country. This includes rare occurences and birds that might be recently extinct in Germany, so it's very thorough. Now, before starting a nature journal, I had this idea of practicing drawing songbirds, and this gave me an idea: I'll draw all the songbirds on this list, on one page. 209 in total. Got thirteen so far. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] This will take a while, but it's a nice thing that I can work on bit by bit. Don't need to hurry. And when it's done, it's gonna be something great. Also, one thing I want to share is the [url=]youtube channel[/url] of [url=]John Muir Laws[/url]. He is one of the leading people in the nature journaling community, and his youtube channel got a lot of amazing tutorials on how to make simple, yet accurate drawings of animals, plants, fungi and landscapes. Especially a lot birds. He is an American, so I'm not very familiar with a lot of the species he covers, but they're often close relatives of animals I see here, so it is still very helpful. And, in any case, he's great at explaining the basics.
Glad you stuck around that long. I wish you a great year, and many more to come!

News here is that I got an overly ambitious art project going on.
Backstory: I learned about nature journaling and intend to start with that later this year. I'm already outside a lot and enjoying nature, so putting my observations and thoughts about to paper seems like the next logical step.
This, however, is not the project I'm talking about.

While looking up some stuff about birds, I came across this wikipedia page:
It's an officially recognised list of all birds of my home country. This includes rare occurences and birds that might be recently extinct in Germany, so it's very thorough.
Now, before starting a nature journal, I had this idea of practicing drawing songbirds, and this gave me an idea: I'll draw all the songbirds on this list, on one page. 209 in total. Got thirteen so far.
This will take a while, but it's a nice thing that I can work on bit by bit. Don't need to hurry. And when it's done, it's gonna be something great.

Also, one thing I want to share is the youtube channel of John Muir Laws. He is one of the leading people in the nature journaling community, and his youtube channel got a lot of amazing tutorials on how to make simple, yet accurate drawings of animals, plants, fungi and landscapes. Especially a lot birds.
He is an American, so I'm not very familiar with a lot of the species he covers, but they're often close relatives of animals I see here, so it is still very helpful. And, in any case, he's great at explaining the basics.
@Amordel He looks good enough to LICC! @DarknessFalls Yay for being pain free![emoji=firework size=1] I know hown it feels although in a small way(got a recurring pain and until finaly managed to get a doctor that took it seriously). Here it is to a better life! Which one is real and which one is stuffed? Hmmmm...eeee...mmmm? I'm assuming you don't have an unicorn for a pet? Or do you?...Whoa! Your cat came from the internetz? Talk about convenient! And those pups better make some room for me to squeeze between them. One of my dreams involve sleeping in a pile of dogs and those bois look mighty comfy! @Xionahri Good to have you all those years^^ Whoa that is a lot going on with you I see. Are you going to put your journal online? Because I'd be interested in looking at that. Liste der Vogel...oh man it's GIGANTIC! It will take forever and then some but it seems like you're doing well. I love those pics! And that guy's channel looks super useful. I always welcome stuff that will make my IBtS doodles better:P On my side, I promise that The Opals of Narasiff will come out this year. I'm bogged down with IBtS sequel(probably in two parts since it grew so big) but I'm making that happen.
He looks good enough to LICC!

Yay for being pain free! I know hown it feels although in a small way(got a recurring pain and until finaly managed to get a doctor that took it seriously). Here it is to a better life!

Which one is real and which one is stuffed? Hmmmm...eeee...mmmm? I'm assuming you don't have an unicorn for a pet? Or do you?...Whoa! Your cat came from the internetz? Talk about convenient! And those pups better make some room for me to squeeze between them. One of my dreams involve sleeping in a pile of dogs and those bois look mighty comfy!

Good to have you all those years^^
Whoa that is a lot going on with you I see. Are you going to put your journal online? Because I'd be interested in looking at that.

Liste der Vogel...oh man it's GIGANTIC! It will take forever and then some but it seems like you're doing well. I love those pics! And that guy's channel looks super useful. I always welcome stuff that will make my IBtS doodles better:P

On my side, I promise that The Opals of Narasiff will come out this year. I'm bogged down with IBtS sequel(probably in two parts since it grew so big) but I'm making that happen.

I might put the journals online once I finish them! In the near-ish future, I'll have a website for my rockpainting stuff (since twitter has become unusable. I have a bluesky, but I don't think its icon is recognisable enough to put on rocks). I want to have a blog part on there where I put nature photos and such, so the journals would be a perfect fit.

Looking forward to your next works. It's okay if it's taking long. Art shouldn't be rushed.

I might put the journals online once I finish them! In the near-ish future, I'll have a website for my rockpainting stuff (since twitter has become unusable. I have a bluesky, but I don't think its icon is recognisable enough to put on rocks). I want to have a blog part on there where I put nature photos and such, so the journals would be a perfect fit.

Looking forward to your next works. It's okay if it's taking long. Art shouldn't be rushed.
AHHH I almost forgot got caught in traffic!! I'm here! :D

Happy 9th anniversary! Really cool, I'm excited to join you in 9th-year-camp next month. :)

As for something cool um...I've been so busy with school I don't really have anything. ^^; Except! I did get to do a Western Blot in my lab a week or so ago, which was very cool! We basically were able to use antibodies to detect a specific protein of interest. I can send you a picture of the blot paper later if you want!

Hope you have a good anniversary. :)
AHHH I almost forgot got caught in traffic!! I'm here! :D

Happy 9th anniversary! Really cool, I'm excited to join you in 9th-year-camp next month. :)

As for something cool um...I've been so busy with school I don't really have anything. ^^; Except! I did get to do a Western Blot in my lab a week or so ago, which was very cool! We basically were able to use antibodies to detect a specific protein of interest. I can send you a picture of the blot paper later if you want!

Hope you have a good anniversary. :)
An illustration of a blue Fire Flight Mirror dragon with black antlers and black wings, wearing gold jewelry. Blue fire is along the bottom of the picture, and the backdrop is of the Ashfall Waste. Links to progen.
@Deramadus I swear one of those days you WILL miss the deadline and then you'll look like you got your tail stuck in an outhouse![emoji=guardian laughing size=1] What are you doing for your anniversary? And yes I want to see the Blot. I don't think I ever saw one of those.

I swear one of those days you WILL miss the deadline and then you'll look like you got your tail stuck in an outhouse! What are you doing for your anniversary? And yes I want to see the Blot. I don't think I ever saw one of those.
[center]WOOP! WOOP! Thank you all for coming to my raffle. I always have so much fun reading through everyone's replies. You made my special day even more special. I hope to see you soon for another one! And now THE WINNERS: 1. @friesianlover 2. @Wattson 3. @Fehn 4. @ell3phant 5. @Saruhiko 6. @Regxlia 7. @Kothra 8. @Schellis 9. @SilverFlame0711 10. @TFBacon 11. @sprxngmxst [emoji=firework size=1]CONGRATS![emoji=firework size=1] Please make your choices promptly since any delay stops the distribution of the prizes. [/center]
WOOP! WOOP! Thank you all for coming to my raffle. I always have so much fun reading through everyone's replies. You made my special day even more special. I hope to see you soon for another one!

And now

1. @friesianlover
2. @Wattson
3. @Fehn
4. @ell3phant
5. @Saruhiko
6. @Regxlia
7. @Kothra
8. @Schellis
9. @SilverFlame0711
10. @TFBacon
11. @sprxngmxst


Please make your choices promptly since any delay stops the distribution of the prizes.
hi! I'm still not really sure how to list the prizes I would like, but since I'm number 9, I guess it goes like this????
1. prize 2
2. prize 3
3. prize 4
4. pize 7
5. prize 11
6. prize 5
7. prize 8
8. prize 1
9. prize 9!
please someone tell me if I did it right or wrong aargh I should enter raffles more-
@Voronwis if I did this wrong I'm so sorryT^T
hi! I'm still not really sure how to list the prizes I would like, but since I'm number 9, I guess it goes like this????
1. prize 2
2. prize 3
3. prize 4
4. pize 7
5. prize 11
6. prize 5
7. prize 8
8. prize 1
9. prize 9!
please someone tell me if I did it right or wrong aargh I should enter raffles more-
@Voronwis if I did this wrong I'm so sorryT^T
You're doing it correctly:-) After the people in front of you made their choice, you will get the highest numbered prize you have chosen and is still available.
You're doing it correctly:-) After the people in front of you made their choice, you will get the highest numbered prize you have chosen and is still available.
ah- thanks so much! was having a bit of a social anxiety-panic attack, thank goodness
ah- thanks so much! was having a bit of a social anxiety-panic attack, thank goodness
FOUND THE LIST! I'll take number 11
FOUND THE LIST! I'll take number 11