Feel Better Corner
Voronwis' Clan
Goodbye to 6 years of failed reference
Clan Info
So I wrote a book:
This small clan is led by a wise Guardian female-Ember. With help of her progenitor mate Ash, she leads her clanmates for the greater glory of the Flamecaller. Though fierce in battle, the dragons from this clan are taught from hatchling to show kindness to all dragonkind.
GalaPyre made this:
My dragon trade stall:
Mountainash sings:
My namesake:
Wish granter document:
Octavia's thread:
Make a wish thread: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/1939814/57
Buy-a-kid: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/2259228
Stuff I want to have at some point:
Baroque Prince for Dust
. Voronwism~Clan .
This small clan is led by a wise Guardian female-Ember. With help of her progenitor mate Ash, she leads her clanmates for the greater glory of the Flamecaller. Though fierce in battle, the dragons from this clan are taught from hatchling to show kindness to all dragonkind.
GalaPyre made this:
My dragon trade stall:
Mountainash sings:
My namesake:
Wish granter document:
Octavia's thread:
Make a wish thread: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/1939814/57
Buy-a-kid: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/2259228
Stuff I want to have at some point:
Baroque Prince for Dust
. Voronwism~Clan .
L o r e Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tincidunt feugiat felis, non pretium leo dictum ac. Etiam vestibulum dui id dui efficitur blandit. Mauris dignissim magna dolor, sed sodales turpis laoreet sed. Nulla accumsan tortor lectus, vulputate convallis dui venenatis vitae. Fusce commodo leo ut orci malesuada, id lacinia quam porttitor. |
Nulla elementum sollicitudin lacus et vehicula. Nulla nec ante elit. Sed sed sem sit amet lacus mattis aliquam. Etiam vitae efficitur elit, nec porttitor sem. Sed maximus condimentum feugiat. Donec consequat placerat tempus. In a elementum elit. Morbi lorem leo, mattis non laoreet eu, luctus nec sapien. Aenean lorem purus, porta eget porttitor vel, ultricies vitae enim. Nunc et leo ultrices, vehicula risus a, luctus lectus. |
Recent Comments
Thank you for the kind words about Dale!
Haha, thank you so much for your comment about Dart! He doesn't get a lot of love, and I really appreciate it~ c': If I can return the compliment... Nizarut is so lovely and eye-catching! That skin looks made for him, and the way you've dressed him is perfect!
thank you so much omg!! i'm so so proud of him :D
sure thing! ill send him over now in a CR ^_^ enjoy!! :-D
aw thank you so much! if you are interested in adopting him, id be happy to send him your way -- he is fodder, so he'll be sent to the windsinger otherwise haha X-D
Landsknecht was on the Random Dragon!
Migma was on front page
Thank you! That's very kind of you~ I really love GlitterGrace, she reminds me of my own light rep. :)
Thank you so much for the compliment! <3 He's my custom progen and I'm never getting rid of him heh. I left a few likes on your page, I love your dragons' bios, and visually especially Ash and Coal made an impression on me, Piernik and Migma are also extremely cute :3
Thank you! You have a lovely lair too <3 BrilliantFlame is especially beautiful :3
Thank you! I'm glad you think Wren looks great. I kept her outfit mostly the same as her previous owner had.
Nice ID! #88456789
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