TOPIC | [CLOSED] Wedding Shower Raffle

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coobert will definitely be coming!
Coobert will be adored at the Shower~
Vowels for Shmrpl! She will find them once again!
Coobert will be adored at the Shower~
Vowels for Shmrpl! She will find them once again!
Coobert will be adored at the Shower~
Vowels for Shmrpl! She will find them once again!
Coobert will be adored at the Shower~
Vowels for Shmrpl! She will find them once again!
The fools would like to send our finest bard, Sourberry, to the wedding shower to sweetly serenade the happy couple as they celebrate their nuptials with their friends and loved ones. <3
Oh wonderful! We've an artist, fortune teller, games host, and now a musician! Welcome Sourberry!
Oh wonderful! We've an artist, fortune teller, games host, and now a musician! Welcome Sourberry!
Oh wonderful! We've an artist, fortune teller, games host, and now a musician! Welcome Sourberry!
Oh wonderful! We've an artist, fortune teller, games host, and now a musician! Welcome Sourberry!
Lady would be delighted to attend!
She loves a fancy event, and even though she will be silently judging everyone’s outfits, she’ll be sure to keep her opinions to herself in the name of love!
(She loves love <3)
Tae is proud to be the Tidebreeze Steppes Clan's representative at this most prestigious wedding, and brings gifts of specially curated tea for the couple!
Oh wonderful! Tea from Tae haha! Carefully selected teas do wonders for the mind and body, I'm sure they will be delighted!
Oh wonderful! Tea from Tae haha! Carefully selected teas do wonders for the mind and body, I'm sure they will be delighted!
Oh wonderful! Tea from Tae haha! Carefully selected teas do wonders for the mind and body, I'm sure they will be delighted!
Oh wonderful! Tea from Tae haha! Carefully selected teas do wonders for the mind and body, I'm sure they will be delighted!

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