
Art Sales

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TOPIC | [Temp Closed] Mini Pixel Dragons
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol] [size=7]Mini Pixel Dragons[/size] [size=4]Perfect for your profiles and signatures![/size] ______________________________________________________________ Welcome to my little shop of little things. I've recently found joy in brewing up these little pixel dragons, so I'm now offering them for anyone who would like one of theirs. Each dragon is [b][u]150x100[/u][/b] pixels with your choice of orientation. Due to the size, not everything apparel-wise will be present for simplicity and coherency purposes, but I'll do my best to include what I can to capture most of your dragon's essence! [b]250kt / 250g[/b] [u]Per dragon.[/u] Turn around time: [b]-[/b] Artist Status: [b]Burnt out.[/b] Do not ping for a slot, I am subscribed to the thread. [b]**Payment beforehand is required[/b], if I'm unable to provide you your piece then you will be 100% refunded. I swear to god if you make me draw your entire lair I'm closing. [u][b]Every dragon takes up a slot. Maximum 2 per person at a time.[/b][/u] [Size=4][b]Slots[/b][/size] [LIST] [*][size=3][color=#375892][b]1[/b]: @/ Liluye[/color][/size] [*][size=3][color=#375892][b]2[/b]: @/ Velridor[/color][/size] [*][size=3][color=#375892][b]3[/b]: @/ Emme66[/color][/size] [*][size=3][color=#375892][b]4[/b]: @/ Emme66[/color][/size] [*][size=3][color=#375892][b]5[/b]: @/ Emme66[/color][/size] [*][size=3][color=#375892][b]6[/b]: @/ [/color][/size] [*][size=3][color=#375892][b]7[/b]: @/ [/color][/size] [*][size=3][color=#375892][b]8[/b]: @/ [/color][/size] [*][size=3][color=#375892][b]9[/b]: @/ [/color][/size] [*][size=3][color=#375892][b]10[/b]: @/ [/color][/size] [/LIST] [/columns]
Mini Pixel Dragons
Perfect for your profiles and signatures!

Welcome to my little shop of little things. I've recently found joy in brewing up these little pixel dragons, so I'm now offering them for anyone who would like one of theirs.

Each dragon is 150x100 pixels with your choice of orientation.

Due to the size, not everything apparel-wise will be present for simplicity and coherency purposes, but I'll do my best to include what I can to capture
most of your dragon's essence!

250kt / 250g Per dragon.

Turn around time: -
Artist Status: Burnt out.

Do not ping for a slot, I am subscribed to the thread.

**Payment beforehand is required, if I'm unable to provide you your piece then you will be 100% refunded.

I swear to god if you make me draw your entire lair I'm closing.
Every dragon takes up a slot. Maximum 2 per person at a time.

  • 1: @/ Liluye
  • 2: @/ Velridor
  • 3: @/ Emme66
  • 4: @/ Emme66
  • 5: @/ Emme66
  • 6: @/
  • 7: @/
  • 8: @/
  • 9: @/
  • 10: @/
[center][size=7][b][u]Current Examples[/u][/b][/size] __________________________________________________________________ [/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [/columns][columns][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns][columns][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][/columns][columns][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][/columns][columns][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img][/columns]
Current Examples
YsSm9bu.png 8XhRmjP.png C73Ku7h.png
yTFCl6T.png IdnqRGS.png 20KW6oh.png
BPUw0Cd.png q8uFzJe.png hkeionq.png
APhIqna.png vyPs67b.png FavLbvS.png
VOoWtRI.png SnOsTAX.png KYySvBi.png
XynuFaq.png 8Pb9gGw.png yyt09jk.png
Q6dcSSu.png sgKlDFO.png

When the shop is closed, you are free to request to be on the ping list for when I reopen.

@/ado @/AspenCrow @/creosote @/Phronima @/Pearlgold @/Dytileea @/lostplanetvoltia @/ConsiFS @/Bashett @/Kiwira @/kijyo @/Mizs101 @/oreides @/Megafauna @/Marchwarden @/Oriel @/AWB @/Ordovice @/webcreep

When the shop is closed, you are free to request to be on the ping list for when I reopen.

@/ado @/AspenCrow @/creosote @/Phronima @/Pearlgold @/Dytileea @/lostplanetvoltia @/ConsiFS @/Bashett @/Kiwira @/kijyo @/Mizs101 @/oreides @/Megafauna @/Marchwarden @/Oriel @/AWB @/Ordovice @/webcreep
Hello! I love your pixels so much, they look really nice :> Could I get pixel art of her? Any pose is ok, I’m interested to see her in a style like this :0 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Hello! I love your pixels so much, they look really nice :>
Could I get pixel art of her? Any pose is ok, I’m interested to see her in a style like this :0

These are so cool! I'd love a pixel of any of the following, whichever you'd prefer to work with! [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Thank you!
These are so cool! I'd love a pixel of any of the following, whichever you'd prefer to work with!


Thank you!
Mini dergs by TalonmasterCustom Tiny Dragons! by AmberscaleArtCustom Tiny Dragons! by AmberscaleArt
heyhey !! 50kt/g is very low for any kind of art (thats 50 cents usd) ; i'd highly recommend charging more for your work ^^ ! i'd recommend somewhere around 500g, personally, but you could go higher. you have no obligation to take my advice, of course ; just stating as i find many people are simply not in the know. in any case, i'd love something of this dragon if you're willing to include the skin ; [url=][img][/img][/url]
heyhey !! 50kt/g is very low for any kind of art (thats 50 cents usd) ; i'd highly recommend charging more for your work ^^ ! i'd recommend somewhere around 500g, personally, but you could go higher. you have no obligation to take my advice, of course ; just stating as i find many people are simply not in the know.

in any case, i'd love something of this dragon if you're willing to include the skin ;

kyruiz2.gif kyruiz
they/them | adult | +2 fr time | casual exalter
faq | wishlist | art shop | icon shop | lf art | avatar
Hi there!! Could I get pixel art of my two babies here? Thanks! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Hi there!! Could I get pixel art of my two babies here?
[center][size=2]would like to second kyruiz in encouraging you to adjust your prices ! they are very low , and your pixel work looks really nice , but of course it is up to you what you are comfortable charging . in the meantime , i would like to order pixels of these three dragons , and will tip accordingly . please feel free to simplify them drastically , the only thing i would request to definitely keep is the second one's mustache if possible . thank you ^_^ [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
would like to second kyruiz in encouraging you to adjust your prices ! they are very low , and your pixel work looks really nice , but of course it is up to you what you are comfortable charging .

in the meantime , i would like to order pixels of these three dragons , and will tip accordingly . please feel free to simplify them drastically , the only thing i would request to definitely keep is the second one's mustache if possible . thank you ^_^

Would love one of this boi, and the others are right, you can definitely up the prices! Not sure what pixels cost usually, let them advise you better Based on Thunderplains in Final Fantasy X where little Cactuars allegedly haunt the place, got some pics in bio but yeah for the most part just the derg and skin <3 can pay extra for that, too [url=][img][/img][/url]
Would love one of this boi, and the others are right, you can definitely up the prices! Not sure what pixels cost usually, let them advise you better

Based on Thunderplains in Final Fantasy X where little Cactuars allegedly haunt the place, got some pics in bio but yeah for the most part just the derg and skin <3 can pay extra for that, too

94917153_yhu47ppduaWu6tH.png 94917128_kuOket2iPxO5Td2.png

would love one of this guy ! (or of anybody here if he's too complicated)

would love one of this guy ! (or of anybody here if he's too complicated)
