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TOPIC | Triskele Nests - New Thread!
@mothrave @Thrawn @CrystalUmbra @Firestone115

Hi, I am looking for a lightning nest :3
@mothrave @Thrawn @CrystalUmbra @Firestone115

Hi, I am looking for a lightning nest :3
Seeking another nature nest! This wildclaw project is killing me XD will tip extra and edit when found
Seeking another nature nest! This wildclaw project is killing me XD will tip extra and edit when found
TntJeP6.png xxx

@SakuraDryad Hi! I used to be Firestone115. I can take your lightning nest :)

@SakuraDryad Hi! I used to be Firestone115. I can take your lightning nest :)
Uhh what to put here.. Hi? XD I love Wildclaws, Veilspuns and Sansurge dragons.
I have a nest for you
I have a nest for you
@DismasYves happy to help with your wildclaw project!
@DismasYves happy to help with your wildclaw project!
@trashsquatch did you get that plague nest? If not I’m open
@trashsquatch did you get that plague nest? If not I’m open
@Mode I did not! tysm, I'll send them over ^^
@Mode I did not! tysm, I'll send them over ^^
On FR server time, but I keep weird hours

Triskele Nests
@avodkabottle If you still need a Nature nest, I have one open!
@avodkabottle If you still need a Nature nest, I have one open!
sgWnNRy.png Shroom | FR +15/16
> Avatar by Ekocoon #330303
> I don't mind pings

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__ tumblr_inline_n6kdukB9pN1qlye38.gif
Sapling Hub
Flag by Wakor
__ TzSdlFL.png _ dNCLmdm.png
[size=1]-pings snipped-[/size] [emoji=light rune] [s]Hello! I'm looking for one Light nest, please ^^[/s] found, thank you!
-pings snipped-

Hello! I'm looking for one Light nest, please ^^ found, thank you!
23839.png probablynx #310083
• she/her • fr +9 •
@Probablynx I have a nest open for you!
@Probablynx I have a nest open for you!
A Coatl with Rose Cherub, Rose Seraph, Banana Stained and Bright Light eyes, swaying it's tail and spreading it's wings. nO0P8i8.png 813n0kF.png