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TOPIC | Opinions Wanted!Tell Me About My Dragon!
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So, I have this uniquely matchy Odyssey Fathom I picked up off the AH for super cheap. (I know he's an Odyssey Fathom because at 4 days old he was an adult G1 without a breeding cooldown.) He's pretty cool. Also, he started out with Faded eyes (probably my favorite eye type, but I actually wanted Common for him. XD So he has those now. They match the orange colors in his primary and secondary.) The more I look at him, the more I think "Gee, he really is a cool, unique-looking dragon." (Also, he's only the third dragon with his colors and the only one not exalted.) BUT. (And maybe this is because I am currently kind of tired.) At the same time, I'm not sure what to think of him. I feel like I maybe have a sense for who he is, but at the same time, it feels kind of out of reach... So, I want your opinions. What do you think of this dragon? What does he make you think of? What do you think he's like? Artistic? Stoic? Expressive? Strong? A daydreamer? A hunter? A scholar? An artist? A Fathom who enjoys interacting with lots of dragons? A Fathom who spends all his time underwater and can't be bothered with those land-walking or sky-flying dragons? A loner? A dragon who prefers the company of beastclans? GIVETH UNTO ME THINE IMPRESSIONS! Please. Thanks. ilu. Or something. ... :D HERE'S THE GUY('s gene plan, which I am not altering even though it includes Stained and I am super broke)! [url=][img][/img][/url] And here's an outfit I put together that I'm considering but reserve the right to totally overhaul if I wish to. [img],32292,311,30076,15708,317,15740,329,47434&xt=dressing.png[/img] Well, that's all from me for now. Thanks for reading, and if you tell me about what you think my dragon's like, super thanks (even if I don't make canon what you think of him in the end. Heck, even just "Wow! I didn't expect those colors to go so well together!" or whatever is nice to read and appreciated!)
So, I have this uniquely matchy Odyssey Fathom I picked up off the AH for super cheap. (I know he's an Odyssey Fathom because at 4 days old he was an adult G1 without a breeding cooldown.) He's pretty cool. Also, he started out with Faded eyes (probably my favorite eye type, but I actually wanted Common for him. XD So he has those now. They match the orange colors in his primary and secondary.)

The more I look at him, the more I think "Gee, he really is a cool, unique-looking dragon." (Also, he's only the third dragon with his colors and the only one not exalted.)

BUT. (And maybe this is because I am currently kind of tired.) At the same time, I'm not sure what to think of him. I feel like I maybe have a sense for who he is, but at the same time, it feels kind of out of reach...

So, I want your opinions. What do you think of this dragon? What does he make you think of? What do you think he's like? Artistic? Stoic? Expressive? Strong? A daydreamer? A hunter? A scholar? An artist? A Fathom who enjoys interacting with lots of dragons? A Fathom who spends all his time underwater and can't be bothered with those land-walking or sky-flying dragons? A loner? A dragon who prefers the company of beastclans?

GIVETH UNTO ME THINE IMPRESSIONS! Please. Thanks. ilu. Or something. ... :D

HERE'S THE GUY('s gene plan, which I am not altering even though it includes Stained and I am super broke)!


And here's an outfit I put together that I'm considering but reserve the right to totally overhaul if I wish to.


Well, that's all from me for now. Thanks for reading, and if you tell me about what you think my dragon's like, super thanks (even if I don't make canon what you think of him in the end. Heck, even just "Wow! I didn't expect those colors to go so well together!" or whatever is nice to read and appreciated!) one has an opinion? one has an opinion?
I get artistic vibes. Maybe he likes to dance, the fluidity of movements reminding him of being underwater? He seems like he'd probably be pretty expressive too. Kind, definitely daydreams too much sometimes.

Also that Pear Chrysocolla looks amazing!
I get artistic vibes. Maybe he likes to dance, the fluidity of movements reminding him of being underwater? He seems like he'd probably be pretty expressive too. Kind, definitely daydreams too much sometimes.

Also that Pear Chrysocolla looks amazing!
@Cryoluxa You boy does give merman vibes!! love it I have my own merdreg [url=][img][/img][/url] maybe your boy could benifit from a weapon [item = Deeprealm Trident] or some fishies [item = Warmwater Wanderers] I also found that if you swap the teal starsilk cloak for the lagoon it matches his unicorn hair :D as for what he does I get a strong sence hes guarding something underwater, lost treasure, something dangerous or something wierd that only he understands???

You boy does give merman vibes!! love it
I have my own merdreg

maybe your boy could benifit from a weapon Deeprealm Trident or some fishies Warmwater Wanderers
I also found that if you swap the teal starsilk cloak for the lagoon it matches his unicorn hair :D as for what he does I get a strong sence hes guarding something underwater, lost treasure, something dangerous or something wierd that only he understands???
24150311784_01c837ffd2_o.png Please don't send me traveling Dragons outside the Dragons off to see the world thread t5termq.gif

Thanks! Maybe he has some artistic elements to him, even if that's just particular tastes in how he dresses or something. I'll think about it!

And I appreciate the compliment. ^_^ Pear Chrysocolla really does match Marigold Morph amazingly well! The former has orange thin lines and the latter has green thin lines, so it's almost like an inversion!


We're on the same wavelength. XD I thought about giving him a weapon, but I haven't found one that works to my taste yet. (I'll give more thought to one of the tridents, though.) Maybe in April the Water Sword will look good! (Though I was thinking more trident, yeah. I'll try those out!)

I did just try the other starsilk as per your suggestion, but it felt a bit less cohesive with his other colors.

And thanks for the thoughts on what he's like, too! I considered something like that. Maybe that really is the right direction! I'll explore it further.

Thanks for the opinions! It really helps me in my search for just who this dragon is. ^_^ I'll look into those routes and see what sticks!

Still looking for more opinions, though! ^_^

Thanks! Maybe he has some artistic elements to him, even if that's just particular tastes in how he dresses or something. I'll think about it!

And I appreciate the compliment. ^_^ Pear Chrysocolla really does match Marigold Morph amazingly well! The former has orange thin lines and the latter has green thin lines, so it's almost like an inversion!


We're on the same wavelength. XD I thought about giving him a weapon, but I haven't found one that works to my taste yet. (I'll give more thought to one of the tridents, though.) Maybe in April the Water Sword will look good! (Though I was thinking more trident, yeah. I'll try those out!)

I did just try the other starsilk as per your suggestion, but it felt a bit less cohesive with his other colors.

And thanks for the thoughts on what he's like, too! I considered something like that. Maybe that really is the right direction! I'll explore it further.

Thanks for the opinions! It really helps me in my search for just who this dragon is. ^_^ I'll look into those routes and see what sticks!

Still looking for more opinions, though! ^_^
I love his colors! Honestly he gives off collector vibes. Not sure what he would collect, but I feel like it would be a variety of things.
I love his colors! Honestly he gives off collector vibes. Not sure what he would collect, but I feel like it would be a variety of things.
his primary makes him look like he has a furrowed brow, and the blue stained vibrant colors remind me of how coral looks deep under water.
maybe a guard for an underwater palace? A merman who tends to coral reefs?
his primary makes him look like he has a furrowed brow, and the blue stained vibrant colors remind me of how coral looks deep under water.
maybe a guard for an underwater palace? A merman who tends to coral reefs?
Without the outfits, there splotched pattern reminds me of something that is both trying to hide, but also signal that theyre dangerous.. perhaps theyve been on theyre own and are a durvivalist only freshly i troduced to society, keeping at the fringes of fathom voyages or maybe ended up doing their own thing for the most part?
Without the outfits, there splotched pattern reminds me of something that is both trying to hide, but also signal that theyre dangerous.. perhaps theyve been on theyre own and are a durvivalist only freshly i troduced to society, keeping at the fringes of fathom voyages or maybe ended up doing their own thing for the most part?
Hello.. I'm Sab, an RPer and worldbuilder. Just came back from a hiatus and would love to know whats new. Please DM me on discord since I'm more active there. Also, rp request from anyone under 18 will not abe accepted. Thank you.
Sab | any pronouns | 21 | unsure what to put here. Sorry.
Big WIP. Sorry

Ohh right, you know, actually, that matched with Fathom lore, too! They like collecting things! (And wearing them, usually.) I'll definitely sense that out for this guy to see if he does that/if so, which things he collects. Thanks a bunch! And I'm glad you like his colors! ^_^


Very cool idea! Yeah, what if he has a sort of secret reef (or something) he protects? I'll for sure keep that in mind! I feel like that may really help place where he lives/his general setting. :D


Yeah, some sort of "loner" vibes seems to match him. Like, "I don't trust them new-fangled land-walking dragons! They somehow misplaced the Tidelord. Who does that?!" Or something (but more serious and less comedic. I guess I'm just being silly in summarizing it, but it would boil down more to mistrust. What if something happened to him that made him lose trust in others? Or maybe he feels uncomfortable with change.) This is definitely a thought route I'll explore! Thank you! :D

Ohh right, you know, actually, that matched with Fathom lore, too! They like collecting things! (And wearing them, usually.) I'll definitely sense that out for this guy to see if he does that/if so, which things he collects. Thanks a bunch! And I'm glad you like his colors! ^_^


Very cool idea! Yeah, what if he has a sort of secret reef (or something) he protects? I'll for sure keep that in mind! I feel like that may really help place where he lives/his general setting. :D


Yeah, some sort of "loner" vibes seems to match him. Like, "I don't trust them new-fangled land-walking dragons! They somehow misplaced the Tidelord. Who does that?!" Or something (but more serious and less comedic. I guess I'm just being silly in summarizing it, but it would boil down more to mistrust. What if something happened to him that made him lose trust in others? Or maybe he feels uncomfortable with change.) This is definitely a thought route I'll explore! Thank you! :D
Swamp. My first thought was swamp. Like the Fathoms want to send him to a swamp because he'll blend in with all the frogs and he totally won't mind getting icky. And he's all "there's no way the tidelord is here" and they'll like "but you're so perfect for it!" Then he just hangs out quietly in the reeds looking at vines and measuring algae growth. His face reads with a "I'm not entirely happy about this but I'll accept it." I couldn't help it. Had to put frogs on him. [img],21045,21046,1395,22667,15311,15313,22665,22666,22668,22669,22670,22671,22672,22673&xt=dressing.png[/img]
Swamp. My first thought was swamp. Like the Fathoms want to send him to a swamp because he'll blend in with all the frogs and he totally won't mind getting icky. And he's all "there's no way the tidelord is here" and they'll like "but you're so perfect for it!" Then he just hangs out quietly in the reeds looking at vines and measuring algae growth. His face reads with a "I'm not entirely happy about this but I'll accept it."

I couldn't help it. Had to put frogs on him.

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