

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Belly-Up Signature Adopts [OPEN]
@spacecat hi hello i return!! [b]Username:[/b] AssassinQueen [b]Payment:[/b] treasure [b]Sponsoring gene:[/b] Yes [b]if so, which:[/b] lionfish [b]Dragon ID:[/b] 84271307 [b]Dragon image:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Other:[/b] i was here last opening to substitute lionfish for basic. id love to finally get all her genes done :D
@spacecat hi hello i return!!

Username: AssassinQueen
Payment: treasure
Sponsoring gene: Yes
if so, which: lionfish
Dragon ID: 84271307
Dragon image: 84271307_350.png
Other: i was here last opening to substitute lionfish for basic. id love to finally get all her genes done :D
[b]Username:[/b] OfAshenSnow [b]Payment:[/b] USD [b]Sponsoring gene:[/b] Yes [b]if so, which:[/b] Smirch & Flair [b]Dragon ID:[/b] 7636793 [b]Dragon image:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Other:[/b] A couple notes about Adam: -If possible can you exclude the skull from his apparel but leave the scraggly mane? -Can you possibly include his little incense whisps? Even if they just swirl along the edges of his head and feets. -If there's any chance would you consider closing his lil mouth? He's a very subdued and soft boi. (: I'm happy to pay whatever extra you'd like to charge in exchange for his little extras. I have quite a few references in his bio too.
Username: OfAshenSnow
Payment: USD
Sponsoring gene: Yes
if so, which: Smirch & Flair
Dragon ID: 7636793
Dragon image: 7636793_350.png
A couple notes about Adam:
-If possible can you exclude the skull from his apparel but leave the scraggly mane?
-Can you possibly include his little incense whisps? Even if they just swirl along the edges of his head and feets.
-If there's any chance would you consider closing his lil mouth? He's a very subdued and soft boi.

(: I'm happy to pay whatever extra you'd like to charge in exchange for his little extras. I have quite a few references in his bio too.
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@AssassinQueen welcome back! :) can do this for you, just 300'000t for you

@OfAshenSnow hmm yeah i can do those changes, for 5$ extra which brings your total to 18$ :) if that sounds ok you can dm me your psypal email
@AssassinQueen welcome back! :) can do this for you, just 300'000t for you

@OfAshenSnow hmm yeah i can do those changes, for 5$ extra which brings your total to 18$ :) if that sounds ok you can dm me your psypal email
[b]Username:[/b] ENS0NYA [b]Payment:[/b] gems [b]Sponsoring gene:[/b] no [b]Dragon ID:[/b] 86877795 [b]Dragon image:[/b][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Other:[/b] I would like her accent included if possible
Username: ENS0NYA
Payment: gems
Sponsoring gene: no
Dragon ID: 86877795
Dragon image:86877795_350.png
Other: I would like her accent included if possible
@ENS0NYA i can do that accent though it will be stylized and simplified. I can either follow the way its drawn (water at bottom of hair primarily) or stylize it so it looks like she is fully laying in water on her back with the fish/lillypads around her! Lmk which youd prefer or if youd just like to leave it up to me.

I'll charge 600 extra for it as theres a lot of small parts to draw, bringing your total to 1300g. If that sounds good you can go ahead and send payment
@ENS0NYA i can do that accent though it will be stylized and simplified. I can either follow the way its drawn (water at bottom of hair primarily) or stylize it so it looks like she is fully laying in water on her back with the fish/lillypads around her! Lmk which youd prefer or if youd just like to leave it up to me.

I'll charge 600 extra for it as theres a lot of small parts to draw, bringing your total to 1300g. If that sounds good you can go ahead and send payment
@spacecat - The second option sounds great! About what I had in mind. I'll go ahead and send the CR, thank you [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
@spacecat - The second option sounds great! About what I had in mind. I'll go ahead and send the CR, thank you
@spacecat sorry for the wait, payment sent!
@spacecat sorry for the wait, payment sent!
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[b]Username:[/b] Tikal [b]Payment:[/b] Gems [b]Sponsoring gene:[/b] Yes [b]if so, which:[/b] Sludge [b]Dragon ID:[/b] #45359230 [b]Dragon image:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Other:[/b] Would you be able to include any parts of his accent? [b]Username:[/b] Tikal [b]Payment:[/b] Gems [b]Sponsoring gene:[/b] Yes [b]if so, which:[/b] Bright, Vivid, Capsule [b]Dragon ID:[/b] #71612741 [b]Dragon image:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Other:[/b] n/a
Username: Tikal
Payment: Gems
Sponsoring gene: Yes
if so, which: Sludge
Dragon ID: #45359230
Dragon image:
Other: Would you be able to include any parts of his accent?

Username: Tikal
Payment: Gems
Sponsoring gene: Yes
if so, which: Bright, Vivid, Capsule
Dragon ID: #71612741
Dragon image:
Other: n/a
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@Tikal can do! Love the colors on the coatl, i can do every part of his accent for 300g, 1300g for him total and 1600 for the veilspun. So your total is 2'900! Send CR whenever
@Tikal can do! Love the colors on the coatl, i can do every part of his accent for 300g, 1300g for him total and 1600 for the veilspun. So your total is 2'900! Send CR whenever