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TOPIC | Second Tertiary
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I know similar things have been suggested before but I wanted to expand on the idea a little and see what people think.

It could be cool if there was space for another tertiary, maybe a spot you have to buy to apply to a dragon.
Perhaps it's like a coli stone, where you can apply it and remove it and that second tertiary. (first tert doesn't change in function)
-You can choose to layer it over or under first tertiary gene
-Does not carry down to offspring
-original tertiary on a dragon is otherwise not effected by second tertiary gene stone.

Could be useful for genes like Stained and Augment(Skeletal or Filigree), where Stained can be applied to primary and secondary genes but the Augment can be layered over Stained so it does not change color and sort of "pops."

Stained could also be used layered over another tert to help blend it into the rest of the dragon.
I know similar things have been suggested before but I wanted to expand on the idea a little and see what people think.

It could be cool if there was space for another tertiary, maybe a spot you have to buy to apply to a dragon.
Perhaps it's like a coli stone, where you can apply it and remove it and that second tertiary. (first tert doesn't change in function)
-You can choose to layer it over or under first tertiary gene
-Does not carry down to offspring
-original tertiary on a dragon is otherwise not effected by second tertiary gene stone.

Could be useful for genes like Stained and Augment(Skeletal or Filigree), where Stained can be applied to primary and secondary genes but the Augment can be layered over Stained so it does not change color and sort of "pops."

Stained could also be used layered over another tert to help blend it into the rest of the dragon.
i feel like this is one of those suggestions we’re unlikely to see implemented, esp. until staff finds a way to make the massive list of genes more accessible to scroll through/differentiate in the scrying workshop/AH—BUT darn this isn’t one of my most wanted features too.

so many genes don’t feel complete without underbelly but then you can never have any of the other fun terts. sure i’m not the first to suggest it but i’d love to be able combine terts either in baldwin or some grand exchange shop.

they’d have to named/labeled in way that clearly indicates which gene gets inherited—maybe underbelly (recessive branches / branches mutation).
i feel like this is one of those suggestions we’re unlikely to see implemented, esp. until staff finds a way to make the massive list of genes more accessible to scroll through/differentiate in the scrying workshop/AH—BUT darn this isn’t one of my most wanted features too.

so many genes don’t feel complete without underbelly but then you can never have any of the other fun terts. sure i’m not the first to suggest it but i’d love to be able combine terts either in baldwin or some grand exchange shop.

they’d have to named/labeled in way that clearly indicates which gene gets inherited—maybe underbelly (recessive branches / branches mutation).
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I think a second tert for ancients would be good- splitting it into "patterns" and "line breakers" (still pulling from 1 color) thus making ancients more unique by simply being ancients, and as well, possibly, being able to layer the "line breaker" over the eyes, this curing multigaze clipping edit: an example i made a while ago, though topcoat might not count as a linebreaker, i don't know. [img][/img]
I think a second tert for ancients would be good- splitting it into "patterns" and "line breakers" (still pulling from 1 color) thus making ancients more unique by simply being ancients, and as well, possibly, being able to layer the "line breaker" over the eyes, this curing multigaze clipping
an example i made a while ago, though topcoat might not count as a linebreaker, i don't know.
Almandine Andesine Chrysoberyl Prehnite Jade

[quote name="Gemmi" date="2024-05-23 03:34:05" ] I think a second tert for ancients would be good- splitting it into "patterns" and "line breakers" (still pulling from 1 color) thus making ancients more unique by simply being ancients, and as well, possibly, being able to layer the "line breaker" over the eyes, this curing multigaze clipping [/quote] oooH that would be cool tho [emoji=fae love size=1] [img][/img] (batty over okapi) [img][/img] (beard over stained, also over multigaze) ouh but also moderns....... imagine........... [img][/img] (contour over veined) [img][/img] (koi over wish, excuse the poor edit xD)
Gemmi wrote on 2024-05-23 03:34:05:
I think a second tert for ancients would be good- splitting it into "patterns" and "line breakers" (still pulling from 1 color) thus making ancients more unique by simply being ancients, and as well, possibly, being able to layer the "line breaker" over the eyes, this curing multigaze clipping

oooH that would be cool tho

(batty over okapi)
(beard over stained, also over multigaze)

ouh but also moderns....... imagine...........

(contour over veined)
(koi over wish, excuse the poor edit xD)
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That's not a half bad way of implementing it, and the examples above are really compelling. It might need tweaking, and I have no idea how much of a load it would be technically, but...yeah, just being able to have something like Peacock and Underbelly, or Polkadots and Points paired up? Yeah, I'd be here for that.

I assume with ancients you couldn't have two line-breaking genes together because they could conflict, and you'd need to have any line breaking gene always go above a non-line breaker, so that might be a kind of a pain to categorize them that way, but it would definitely add something really valuable to ancient customization if you could have two tertiaries.
That's not a half bad way of implementing it, and the examples above are really compelling. It might need tweaking, and I have no idea how much of a load it would be technically, but...yeah, just being able to have something like Peacock and Underbelly, or Polkadots and Points paired up? Yeah, I'd be here for that.

I assume with ancients you couldn't have two line-breaking genes together because they could conflict, and you'd need to have any line breaking gene always go above a non-line breaker, so that might be a kind of a pain to categorize them that way, but it would definitely add something really valuable to ancient customization if you could have two tertiaries.
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Suggestions to layer tertiaries have come up before, and I would love to be able to have multiple terts on a dragon. Underbelly, Capsule, Glimmer, Sparkle, Stained, Ghost, Points, Scales, Spines, Firebreather, Polkadots... are just some of the tertiaries that would benefit from being able to pair up.
Suggestions to layer tertiaries have come up before, and I would love to be able to have multiple terts on a dragon. Underbelly, Capsule, Glimmer, Sparkle, Stained, Ghost, Points, Scales, Spines, Firebreather, Polkadots... are just some of the tertiaries that would benefit from being able to pair up.
shadow_banner.pngA shadowy dragon which is representative of Zenzic's persona. An original design.shadow_banner.png
Imagination is the reality of our dreamscape.
Would the second tert be the same color as the first tert? Of not, I can see players rioting that their XXX Pearl now has Murk as a second tert.
Would the second tert be the same color as the first tert? Of not, I can see players rioting that their XXX Pearl now has Murk as a second tert.
[quote name="mithrel" date="2024-05-24 15:50:37" ] Would the second tert be the same color as the first tert? Of not, I can see players rioting that their XXX Pearl now has Murk as a second tert. [/quote] @mithrel you'd hope so xD i don't think i could handle trying to get a quadruple X g1, can u even imagine the [i]chaos[/i] @_@
mithrel wrote on 2024-05-24 15:50:37:
Would the second tert be the same color as the first tert? Of not, I can see players rioting that their XXX Pearl now has Murk as a second tert.

@mithrel you'd hope so xD i don't think i could handle trying to get a quadruple X g1, can u even imagine the chaos @_@
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Good question! I was originally thinking both terts would be the same color. Having 4 color slots on a dragon sounds like hell on earth (or it would definitely be made to seem like it lol)
Good question! I was originally thinking both terts would be the same color. Having 4 color slots on a dragon sounds like hell on earth (or it would definitely be made to seem like it lol)
support, especially for ancients!!! the idea of having a second tert that'll go over the eyes & fix the multigaze clipping issue is absolutely genius, and it'd be absolutely invaluable as a customization feature as a whole (:

lord knows how many times i've wished i could combine a pattern tert with a linebreaking one lol
support, especially for ancients!!! the idea of having a second tert that'll go over the eyes & fix the multigaze clipping issue is absolutely genius, and it'd be absolutely invaluable as a customization feature as a whole (:

lord knows how many times i've wished i could combine a pattern tert with a linebreaking one lol
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