
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | A Dragon a Day Share (Star-watchers)
[center]@pinglist-9133[/center] [center][size=6][b]Today is 19 May[/b][/size] I will be buying all of [url=]Bochra[/url]’s genes ([s][gamedb item=559][/s], [gamedb item=29722], [s][gamedb item=41800], and [gamedb item=8093][/s]), assuming the MP plays nice. Update: It was playing real nice. and today's dragon is [size=6][color=#555555][font=georgia][b]ALOYSIUS OUTMOST[/b][/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#555555][color=#DFB71E]calculating[/color] | [color=#DFB71E]abrasive[/color] | [color=#DFB71E]blithe[/color] [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][item=Book of Eldritch Horror] [b][url=][img][/img][/url][color=#4CBCD2] counter[/color][/b][/center] simple arithmetic and complicated relationships [b]Age:[/b] 79 years old [b]MBTI:[/b] [url=]ISTJ[/url] [b]Strengths[/b] - practical and deeply compassionate [b]Weaknesses[/b] - depressed and arthritic [/columns] [img][/img][/center] I got Aloysius specifically to wear this skin, and he came with his name. He came with all his genes. Basically, I think I haven’t changed this guy at all. I like him as-is. Which is true for a lot of my dragons, just for some reason it seems weirder for Aloysius. Maybe I think his genes are plain? Do I not like Skink? I don’t know, but at this point, I think it’d be too weird to change him. This is Aloysius. And I’ve had him… for a while. Not his whole life, because I’m not responsible for any of his hatchlings. But I’ve had him several years, I’m sure. Aloysius is a ticket-taker at a circus (at least he was until he ran away with the circus’s resident “Emperor,” Marskull. Who I hope we will meet in a few days. Aloysius wasn’t really a fan of the circus and some of the stuff they were doing, but he felt kind of powerless to change it. It wasn’t until he found out he had allies standing with him that he took it into his own claws to change something. He stuck with Marskull after they escaped and came upon my band of monster hunters. Since he’s not actually able to fight very well, he functions as the group’s treasurer. Turns out that his work at the circus kinda paid off after all. Show off a dragon that works in a [b]Circus[/b]! A ticket-taker like Aloysius, a ring-leader, or an acrobat! The guy that sells cotton candy or tames elephants. Or maybe they’re just a clown. [center]Tomorrow we celebrate [b]Prophets[/b] with [url=]Isaiah[/url].[/center]
Today is 19 May
I will be buying all of Bochra’s genes (Breed Change: Ridgeback, Primary Gene: Laced, Secondary Gene: Eel, and Tertiary Gene: Okapi), assuming the MP plays nice.
Update: It was playing real nice.

and today's dragon is
calculating | abrasive | blithe


Book of Eldritch Horror
NaWGh2t.png counter
simple arithmetic and complicated relationships

Age: 79 years old

Strengths - practical and deeply compassionate
Weaknesses - depressed and arthritic

I got Aloysius specifically to wear this skin, and he came with his name. He came with all his genes. Basically, I think I haven’t changed this guy at all. I like him as-is. Which is true for a lot of my dragons, just for some reason it seems weirder for Aloysius. Maybe I think his genes are plain? Do I not like Skink?

I don’t know, but at this point, I think it’d be too weird to change him. This is Aloysius. And I’ve had him… for a while. Not his whole life, because I’m not responsible for any of his hatchlings. But I’ve had him several years, I’m sure.

Aloysius is a ticket-taker at a circus (at least he was until he ran away with the circus’s resident “Emperor,” Marskull. Who I hope we will meet in a few days. Aloysius wasn’t really a fan of the circus and some of the stuff they were doing, but he felt kind of powerless to change it. It wasn’t until he found out he had allies standing with him that he took it into his own claws to change something.

He stuck with Marskull after they escaped and came upon my band of monster hunters. Since he’s not actually able to fight very well, he functions as the group’s treasurer. Turns out that his work at the circus kinda paid off after all.

Show off a dragon that works in a Circus! A ticket-taker like Aloysius, a ring-leader, or an acrobat! The guy that sells cotton candy or tames elephants. Or maybe they’re just a clown.

Tomorrow we celebrate Prophets with Isaiah.
Cheerful Chime Almedha | share project
Lore Starts Here (WIP)
I collect Pulsing Relics!
candle-smol.png ____
You know, we always forget the ticket sellers (despite it being my IRL job right now lmao) but that's actually a great idea for a dragon!! I'm really curious about the circus and why he didn't like what they were doing now!! ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] So this is my girl Mime. At first, I got that skin and tried to find a dragon to look pretty in it, and thought that a monochrome kind of look would be great! I like mimes!! So she used to be a guardian so I gened her completely (lol my poor wallet) Then I gave her glowing eyes so she's look evil, cuz it's cool as hell. And [i]then[/i], I relistened to all of TMA and just had to make her a fanderg of The Stranger (if you don't know The Magnus Archive, it's a horror podcast, and the Stranger is one of the fears, and it's ritual is a huge circus that's supposed to change reality) So yeah. Love her <3
You know, we always forget the ticket sellers (despite it being my IRL job right now lmao) but that's actually a great idea for a dragon!! I'm really curious about the circus and why he didn't like what they were doing now!!


So this is my girl Mime. At first, I got that skin and tried to find a dragon to look pretty in it, and thought that a monochrome kind of look would be great! I like mimes!! So she used to be a guardian so I gened her completely (lol my poor wallet) Then I gave her glowing eyes so she's look evil, cuz it's cool as hell.

And then, I relistened to all of TMA and just had to make her a fanderg of The Stranger (if you don't know The Magnus Archive, it's a horror podcast, and the Stranger is one of the fears, and it's ritual is a huge circus that's supposed to change reality)

So yeah. Love her <3
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Here's Tranquil! He needs a name change, lol. I'm not entirely sure what his backstory is, but he's certainly circus-y! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Here's Tranquil! He needs a name change, lol. I'm not entirely sure what his backstory is, but he's certainly circus-y!
[center]@pinglist-9133[/center] [center][size=6][b]Today is 20 May[/b][/size] Never was in the same place at the same time as [url=]Bochra[/url]’s [s][gamedb item=29722][/s]. I also forgot this very guy here looked different than I expected so I had to put up the treasure I was going to use for Bochra’s Laced to get Cinder and Points for Isaiah. So. We did it? and today's dragon is [size=6][color=#555555][font=georgia][b]ISAIAH GOLDONE[/b][/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#555555][color=#D3C10C]prescient[/color] | [color=#D3C10C]attentive[/color] | [color=#D3C10C]blunt[/color] [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][item=Hank of Emu Fiber] [b][url=][img][/img][/url][color=#9B3296] Prophet[/color][/b][/center] looking to the future and solving the present [b]Age:[/b] 18 years [b]MBTI:[/b] [url=]INTP[/url] [b]Strengths[/b] - very clear eyes, doesn’t back down [b]Weaknesses[/b] - not incredibly straightforward speech [/columns] [img][/img][/center] I got Isaiah as a Skydancer. He looked like [url=]this[/url]. And granted, I think he might look better in these genes as a Skydancer than he does as a Fae, but I really wanted to use this skin and look. He looks good. And Fae dragons are cute. And so is Isaiah. Anyways, so I have a problem. And it’s that I apparently don’t like the idea of Water dragons being the seers apparently? I don’t know why, but I’m routinely making my seer-type dragons any other element. Arcane is a new one for me (I otherwise like Wind and Light because I can more easily tie these to Water… for lore reasons, I guess?). And I’m not sure what exactly to do with this, how to explain how he can see the future in a way I like? But I’ll figure it out! I can [i]feel[/i] it. It will happen. I think I’m going to do something with the stained glass skin. I really want to do something like that. Show me a [b]Prophet[/b]! A dragon that knows the future. Points out where we went wrong and where to go right. Tell me about where they get their future-seeing, also, if you please! [center]Tomorrow we celebrate [b]Memorials[/b] with [url=]Ashur[/url].[/center]
Today is 20 May
Never was in the same place at the same time as Bochra’s Primary Gene: Laced.
I also forgot this very guy here looked different than I expected so I had to put up the treasure I was going to use for Bochra’s Laced to get Cinder and Points for Isaiah. So. We did it?

and today's dragon is
prescient | attentive | blunt


Hank of Emu Fiber
Dg3u2u3.png Prophet
looking to the future and solving the present

Age: 18 years

Strengths - very clear eyes, doesn’t back down
Weaknesses - not incredibly straightforward speech

I got Isaiah as a Skydancer. He looked like this. And granted, I think he might look better in these genes as a Skydancer than he does as a Fae, but I really wanted to use this skin and look. He looks good. And Fae dragons are cute.

And so is Isaiah.

Anyways, so I have a problem. And it’s that I apparently don’t like the idea of Water dragons being the seers apparently? I don’t know why, but I’m routinely making my seer-type dragons any other element. Arcane is a new one for me (I otherwise like Wind and Light because I can more easily tie these to Water… for lore reasons, I guess?). And I’m not sure what exactly to do with this, how to explain how he can see the future in a way I like?

But I’ll figure it out! I can feel it. It will happen. I think I’m going to do something with the stained glass skin. I really want to do something like that.

Show me a Prophet! A dragon that knows the future. Points out where we went wrong and where to go right. Tell me about where they get their future-seeing, also, if you please!

Tomorrow we celebrate Memorials with Ashur.
Cheerful Chime Almedha | share project
Lore Starts Here (WIP)
I collect Pulsing Relics!
candle-smol.png ____
[center]Aloysius is really well put together, the skin accents around the feet and tail along with the skink looks great! Really awesome job coordinating the purples and gold and well, 10/10 arthritic ticketmaster right there xD Here is Carnivale... A dishonest little whip that helps the booth masters cheat honest dergs out of their hard-earned prizes! [url=][img][/img][/url] [/Center]
Aloysius is really well put together, the skin accents around the feet and tail along with the skink looks great!
Really awesome job coordinating the purples and gold and well, 10/10 arthritic ticketmaster right there xD

Here is Carnivale... A dishonest little whip that helps the booth masters cheat honest dergs out of their hard-earned prizes!
[center]@pinglist-9133[/center] [center][size=6][b]Today is 21 May[/b][/size] I don’t know. It’s been a long day. and today's dragon is [size=6][color=#555555][font=georgia][b]ASHUR GOODBOY[/b][/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#555555][color=#D9BF5D]happy[/color] | [color=#D9BF5D]adventurous[/color] | [color=#D9BF5D]optimistic[/color] [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][item=Tattered Interloper Scrap] [b][url=][img][/img][/url][color=#DB4A00] Tent-maker[/color][/b][/center] traveling the world, making home wherever he goes [b]Age:[/b] 60 years old [b]MBTI:[/b] [url=]ESFP[/url] [b]Strengths[/b] - endlessly optimistic, indiscriminately loving, gives the best hug [b]Weaknesses[/b] - literally none [/columns] [img][/img][/center] Five years ago I lost my pup. He wasn’t actually a puppy anymore, but he was at heart. Not the dumbest dog I ever met, but he was up there. But, good news. He just wanted to make people happy. You tell that dog to “lie down” he would cycle through everything he’d ever been taught hoping to land on the right thing. (My other dog at the same time - stunningly intelligent. However, she became an old lady at about eight months old. She would sooner let a ball bounce off her face than chase it.) (She did like walks, though.) Anyways, I came home from the animal hospital that day and hatched all the eggs I’d vaulted for who-knows-why. I kept this one. Because he’s beautiful. As such, he doesn’t really look like my dog, but it’s okay. He reminds me of him anyway. This dragon, I decided, was a tent-maker. I’m not really sure. I just had this image of my clan, nomadic, all setting up their tents in this beautiful meadow and I wondered, “Where do they get those?” And so why not give that job to my new one, this one? He travels around with my most favorite dragon (my avatar dragon), and basically just loves everyone. He’s just a giant puppy. But if you toss a stick for him, he’ll forget to bring it back. Show me a [b]Memorial[/b]! A dragon that represents something important to you. A memorial dragon for bonus points. [center]Tomorrow we celebrate [b]Emperors[/b] with [url=]Marskull[/url].[/center]
Today is 21 May
I don’t know. It’s been a long day.

and today's dragon is
happy | adventurous | optimistic


Tattered Interloper Scrap
ui5ZgY1.png Tent-maker
traveling the world, making home wherever he goes

Age: 60 years old

Strengths - endlessly optimistic, indiscriminately loving, gives the best hug
Weaknesses - literally none

Five years ago I lost my pup. He wasn’t actually a puppy anymore, but he was at heart. Not the dumbest dog I ever met, but he was up there. But, good news. He just wanted to make people happy. You tell that dog to “lie down” he would cycle through everything he’d ever been taught hoping to land on the right thing. (My other dog at the same time - stunningly intelligent. However, she became an old lady at about eight months old. She would sooner let a ball bounce off her face than chase it.) (She did like walks, though.)

Anyways, I came home from the animal hospital that day and hatched all the eggs I’d vaulted for who-knows-why. I kept this one. Because he’s beautiful. As such, he doesn’t really look like my dog, but it’s okay. He reminds me of him anyway.

This dragon, I decided, was a tent-maker. I’m not really sure. I just had this image of my clan, nomadic, all setting up their tents in this beautiful meadow and I wondered, “Where do they get those?” And so why not give that job to my new one, this one? He travels around with my most favorite dragon (my avatar dragon), and basically just loves everyone. He’s just a giant puppy. But if you toss a stick for him, he’ll forget to bring it back.

Show me a Memorial! A dragon that represents something important to you. A memorial dragon for bonus points.

Tomorrow we celebrate Emperors with Marskull.
Cheerful Chime Almedha | share project
Lore Starts Here (WIP)
I collect Pulsing Relics!
candle-smol.png ____
[center] My girl, Ember. This March marked one year without her. She was only 3, which is its own little tragedy within a tragedy, but at the same time I don't think I could ever fathom her being old and slow. She was mostly legs and built for speed. She made me laugh every day. I have memory problems, and I'm already losing the echo of her voice, what her weight and warmth in my arms used to feel like. I still wish I would've taken more photos and videos; I thought I'd have all the time in the world to take as many as I wished. Now I treasure every scrap I have. Every hair I find still lingering on my clothes, her little pineapple collar, even her favorite rabbit toy we bought for her on her first day home that is nothing but a shred of fabric. Her crate and her blankets still sit untouched, though her scent has long faded. Even her own little food container we doodled her name onto still sits in the same spot on the floor near the pantry, untouched. Oh, little dog, asleep in a sunbeam caressing our little planet, I hope you comprehend you are forever loved beyond your wildest dreams. Billions of years of time and space fell together just to bring you to my arms, if only for a moment, and it was the most important and most profound moment in all of history, just for me. [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img]
My girl, Ember. This March marked one year without her. She was only 3, which is its own little tragedy within a tragedy, but at the same time I don't think I could ever fathom her being old and slow. She was mostly legs and built for speed. She made me laugh every day. I have memory problems, and I'm already losing the echo of her voice, what her weight and warmth in my arms used to feel like. I still wish I would've taken more photos and videos; I thought I'd have all the time in the world to take as many as I wished. Now I treasure every scrap I have. Every hair I find still lingering on my clothes, her little pineapple collar, even her favorite rabbit toy we bought for her on her first day home that is nothing but a shred of fabric. Her crate and her blankets still sit untouched, though her scent has long faded. Even her own little food container we doodled her name onto still sits in the same spot on the floor near the pantry, untouched.

Oh, little dog, asleep in a sunbeam caressing our little planet, I hope you comprehend you are forever loved beyond your wildest dreams. Billions of years of time and space fell together just to bring you to my arms, if only for a moment, and it was the most important and most profound moment in all of history, just for me.


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Ashur is such a lovely dragon, and your dog sounds wonderful. The goodest boy. And a tent-maker! That's a neat backstory. I don't have any memorial dragons, per se. But my great-grandmother made a rocking horse quilt before I was born, to give to her adult grandson (my dad) for his kids. She passed away before I was born, and the quilt went into a cedar chest because my parents hoped it would become an heirloom item (and also because it was nice, and babies are messy, and Great-Grandma made a LOT of quilts, and the rocking horse one looked like it was more for a daughter than the son my mom was convinced I was going to be, so they gave me a blue patchwork quilt instead) (it turned out Mom was right, but it took like 25 years for us to figure that out, lol. Assigned daughter at hospital, assigned son by quilt. The quilt transed my gender. ANYWAY) So the rocking horse quilt went into a cedar chest and I was told of its existence, but not what it was; I would find that out when I got married, they said. And so I did! I have to say, I infinitely prefer my blue patchwork, which is now mostly rags, and I'm not having kids myself. But if my sister has a daughter, I will happily offer it to her as a blanket if she'd like it. Anyway, I have the dragon, but not the genes on it yet (I'm not 100% on the secondary), so here's my current rocking horse quilt scry: [center][img][/img][/center]
Ashur is such a lovely dragon, and your dog sounds wonderful. The goodest boy. And a tent-maker! That's a neat backstory.

I don't have any memorial dragons, per se. But my great-grandmother made a rocking horse quilt before I was born, to give to her adult grandson (my dad) for his kids. She passed away before I was born, and the quilt went into a cedar chest because my parents hoped it would become an heirloom item (and also because it was nice, and babies are messy, and Great-Grandma made a LOT of quilts, and the rocking horse one looked like it was more for a daughter than the son my mom was convinced I was going to be, so they gave me a blue patchwork quilt instead) (it turned out Mom was right, but it took like 25 years for us to figure that out, lol. Assigned daughter at hospital, assigned son by quilt. The quilt transed my gender. ANYWAY)

So the rocking horse quilt went into a cedar chest and I was told of its existence, but not what it was; I would find that out when I got married, they said. And so I did! I have to say, I infinitely prefer my blue patchwork, which is now mostly rags, and I'm not having kids myself. But if my sister has a daughter, I will happily offer it to her as a blanket if she'd like it.

Anyway, I have the dragon, but not the genes on it yet (I'm not 100% on the secondary), so here's my current rocking horse quilt scry:
[center]@pinglist-9133[/center] [center][size=6][b]Today is 22 May[/b][/size] I have run out of money. Partially because I’m waiting for my dragons exalt bonus to come up before I exalt them. and today's dragon is [size=6][color=#555555][font=georgia][b]MARSKULL[/b][/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#555555][color=#000000]timid[/color] | [color=#000000]shunned[/color] | [color=#000000]playful[/color] [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][item=Arcanist Meteorite Miniature] [b][url=][img][/img][/url][color=#9B3296] Quartermaster[/color][/b][/center] keeping track of stuff with two heads is easier than only one [b]Age:[/b] 102 years [b]MBTI:[/b] [url=]ENTP[/url] [b]Strengths[/b] - optimistic and steel-trap memory [b]Weaknesses[/b] - not confident, mean [/columns] [img][/img][/center] I don’t remember naming Marskull myself, but I do remember being pretty set on having a non-Emperor dragon that other (uninformed) dragons mistook for one. So Marskull was always going to have a name that could be split in two (probably like I’d name an Abe if I had any). I played around with Marskull’s name, I think, more than any other dragon’s and finally decided Marskull was best. Mars and Kull are conjoined-twin Imperials, called Marskull (or Kullmars) as a unit. The rest of their body isn’t separable, and so has a pretty strong appearance of what I imagine is what an Emperor looks like… though distinctly less undead. Because they aren’t dead. They’re very much alive, but they made a “living” in their youth posing as a baby Emperor. It was in the circus where they were forced to play the Emperor and frighten customers that they met [url=]Aloysius[/url]. Aloysius and Marskull became friends. Even though Aloysius is younger than these two, he somehow is more jaded and plays the old man… but, perhaps to everyone’s surprise including Aloysius’s, Marskull can be much more cutting when their patience is tried. Also, he was my first Mosaic. I honestly really love Mosaic and Breakup. Not together, but I find them very nice. Marskull used to look like [url=]this[/url]. And then I think for a few seconds he looked like [url=]this[/url]. Because I love Lionfish. I might give him Noxtide one day, but I want to see what dragon I give him for a mate first. You’d think I’d have planned this better. But some of you have been here for 142 days. You know I don’t plan things. Show me an [b]Emperor[/b]! Alternatively if you don’t have any, a dragon that studies Emperors or fights Emperors or has something to do with Emperors. [center]Tomorrow we celebrate [b]Blindness[/b] with [url=]Geordi[/url].[/center]
Today is 22 May
I have run out of money. Partially because I’m waiting for my dragons exalt bonus to come up before I exalt them.

and today's dragon is
timid | shunned | playful


Arcanist Meteorite Miniature
Dg3u2u3.png Quartermaster
keeping track of stuff with two heads is easier than only one

Age: 102 years

Strengths - optimistic and steel-trap memory
Weaknesses - not confident, mean

I don’t remember naming Marskull myself, but I do remember being pretty set on having a non-Emperor dragon that other (uninformed) dragons mistook for one. So Marskull was always going to have a name that could be split in two (probably like I’d name an Abe if I had any). I played around with Marskull’s name, I think, more than any other dragon’s and finally decided Marskull was best.

Mars and Kull are conjoined-twin Imperials, called Marskull (or Kullmars) as a unit. The rest of their body isn’t separable, and so has a pretty strong appearance of what I imagine is what an Emperor looks like… though distinctly less undead. Because they aren’t dead. They’re very much alive, but they made a “living” in their youth posing as a baby Emperor.

It was in the circus where they were forced to play the Emperor and frighten customers that they met Aloysius. Aloysius and Marskull became friends. Even though Aloysius is younger than these two, he somehow is more jaded and plays the old man… but, perhaps to everyone’s surprise including Aloysius’s, Marskull can be much more cutting when their patience is tried.

Also, he was my first Mosaic. I honestly really love Mosaic and Breakup. Not together, but I find them very nice. Marskull used to look like this. And then I think for a few seconds he looked like this. Because I love Lionfish. I might give him Noxtide one day, but I want to see what dragon I give him for a mate first.

You’d think I’d have planned this better. But some of you have been here for 142 days. You know I don’t plan things.

Show me an Emperor! Alternatively if you don’t have any, a dragon that studies Emperors or fights Emperors or has something to do with Emperors.

Tomorrow we celebrate Blindness with Geordi.
Cheerful Chime Almedha | share project
Lore Starts Here (WIP)
I collect Pulsing Relics!
candle-smol.png ____
[center]Marskull is very lovely! I don't have an emperor dragon per se but my boy Kerberos is the namesake of a mythological dog similar to an emperor. There's a few mythological creatures in Ancient greek mythology that are like an emperor in terms of having multiple heads! [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Marskull is very lovely!

I don't have an emperor dragon per se but my boy Kerberos is the namesake of a mythological dog similar to an emperor. There's a few mythological creatures in Ancient greek mythology that are like an emperor in terms of having multiple heads!
