
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Seagull Dating: HOW'S IT GOING, BIRDS?
My [url=]gullsona[/url] presents a [url=]bouquet[/url] of french fries to Miss Kittywake: [img][/img]
My gullsona presents a bouquet of french fries to Miss Kittywake:

//oooh look here fresh tasty writing wip

Rose seemed intrigued at your offer, giggling as primly as you'd expect a gull like her to. She seemed so perfect despite her tardiness, like she was just waiting for the right moment to appear.

She walked over, gait delicate as she approached. She took the skates from you, smiling politely.

You were slightly surprised when she accepted the date offer. She'd risk ruffling her feathers? for someone like you? It sounded ridiculous. Yet here she was, eyes eager and putting on the rental skates. They weren't a pretty pair, but somehow she worked them into her outfit flawlessly.

And yet. She suited up and sat next to you, and watched the other teams compete with bright eyes. It was a dizzying whirl of gulls, all skating at top speeds to beat out their opponents. You couldn't help but notice how everyone was wing to wing, jostling each other. Nobody had fallen onto the shiny wood ring yet, but. It made you worry for your date. And about falling on your beak and totally embarrassing yourself in front of Rose.

This... was a bit of a ragtag team if you were honest. Both of you were beginners, and had brought along a few other friends. Nobody *really* knew what they were doing, just that they wanted to have fun. You included. But this fun prrrobably came with the price of bruises. You didn't see how Rose thought this was romantic. You just thought it'd be fun.

And finally, it was your team's turn to go up. You nodded (in what you hoped was a cool way) to Rose, shooting her some phrase of encouragement. And the two teams were off, skating rapidly.

You could feel yourself speed up, almost uncontrollably. Rose seemed to be graceful. But you couldn't pay attention. Crashing was a much more present issue in your mind, between the loud party music, the bright lights, the exertion, and the crowd of people just barely managing to dodge you. They whizzed by, eyes locked ahead of them. They barely registered you. Rose was doing good.

//you crash trying to keep Rose safe. Unfortunately, you also bowl her over hard. Her perfect appearance is marred by your mistake. There is only anxiety in your head. You just made a fool of yourself, and how would she ever love a sk8r boi like you if you couldn't even sk8?

She smiled, out of breath. She didn't even care that you both were sweaty and out of breath as you collapsed onto the battered benches. You were hard pressed not to notice how she leaned against you, feathers brushing against yours.
//oooh look here fresh tasty writing wip

Rose seemed intrigued at your offer, giggling as primly as you'd expect a gull like her to. She seemed so perfect despite her tardiness, like she was just waiting for the right moment to appear.

She walked over, gait delicate as she approached. She took the skates from you, smiling politely.

You were slightly surprised when she accepted the date offer. She'd risk ruffling her feathers? for someone like you? It sounded ridiculous. Yet here she was, eyes eager and putting on the rental skates. They weren't a pretty pair, but somehow she worked them into her outfit flawlessly.

And yet. She suited up and sat next to you, and watched the other teams compete with bright eyes. It was a dizzying whirl of gulls, all skating at top speeds to beat out their opponents. You couldn't help but notice how everyone was wing to wing, jostling each other. Nobody had fallen onto the shiny wood ring yet, but. It made you worry for your date. And about falling on your beak and totally embarrassing yourself in front of Rose.

This... was a bit of a ragtag team if you were honest. Both of you were beginners, and had brought along a few other friends. Nobody *really* knew what they were doing, just that they wanted to have fun. You included. But this fun prrrobably came with the price of bruises. You didn't see how Rose thought this was romantic. You just thought it'd be fun.

And finally, it was your team's turn to go up. You nodded (in what you hoped was a cool way) to Rose, shooting her some phrase of encouragement. And the two teams were off, skating rapidly.

You could feel yourself speed up, almost uncontrollably. Rose seemed to be graceful. But you couldn't pay attention. Crashing was a much more present issue in your mind, between the loud party music, the bright lights, the exertion, and the crowd of people just barely managing to dodge you. They whizzed by, eyes locked ahead of them. They barely registered you. Rose was doing good.

//you crash trying to keep Rose safe. Unfortunately, you also bowl her over hard. Her perfect appearance is marred by your mistake. There is only anxiety in your head. You just made a fool of yourself, and how would she ever love a sk8r boi like you if you couldn't even sk8?

She smiled, out of breath. She didn't even care that you both were sweaty and out of breath as you collapsed onto the battered benches. You were hard pressed not to notice how she leaned against you, feathers brushing against yours.
I quickly shake off my gaze from Rose and flash her a quick smile, "You ready to skate? I got your shoes already!"

"Oh you! I was going to grab our skates!" she scoffs and puts her wings on her hips. It's menacing... in a soft cute kind of way. The pouting lip, the squinted gaze, all of that just warms your heart a little more.

"That just means food later is on you~" you compromise. At least the food is mostly free from the pier, as long as you don't get caught.

We pass the rest of the night away bumping into each other and laughing as the 80's style music continues. Even the slow songs are met with some slow spinning and closeness. However, her eyes widen as they announce the last song. "We're going to dance this one together, right?"

"Oh, absolutely!" I'd been waiting for this moment. Being able to be so close you can smell the roses, quite literally, had been on my mind for the past oh I don't know... since you got there? It felt so nice being close, feathers against feathers with her head resting on your wing over your shoulder. You can feel her relaxing as we casually spin into the night.

As the last few notes left the speakers, you both pause. With the night almost over, we smile and look at each other. "You ready for some boba by the seaside? I hear the humans usually enjoy those by the sunset, and there may be a few half empty cups for us to enjoy."

Taking off into the sunset, you both fly wing to wing. The breeze smells faintly of roses, and of course boba.

(It's been... a while since I've written something! Feels kinda good actually!)
I quickly shake off my gaze from Rose and flash her a quick smile, "You ready to skate? I got your shoes already!"

"Oh you! I was going to grab our skates!" she scoffs and puts her wings on her hips. It's menacing... in a soft cute kind of way. The pouting lip, the squinted gaze, all of that just warms your heart a little more.

"That just means food later is on you~" you compromise. At least the food is mostly free from the pier, as long as you don't get caught.

We pass the rest of the night away bumping into each other and laughing as the 80's style music continues. Even the slow songs are met with some slow spinning and closeness. However, her eyes widen as they announce the last song. "We're going to dance this one together, right?"

"Oh, absolutely!" I'd been waiting for this moment. Being able to be so close you can smell the roses, quite literally, had been on my mind for the past oh I don't know... since you got there? It felt so nice being close, feathers against feathers with her head resting on your wing over your shoulder. You can feel her relaxing as we casually spin into the night.

As the last few notes left the speakers, you both pause. With the night almost over, we smile and look at each other. "You ready for some boba by the seaside? I hear the humans usually enjoy those by the sunset, and there may be a few half empty cups for us to enjoy."

Taking off into the sunset, you both fly wing to wing. The breeze smells faintly of roses, and of course boba.

(It's been... a while since I've written something! Feels kinda good actually!)
Ookamiotoko.gif tumblr_ojyji38sW31rlzsw1o6_r2_75sq.png
*Gender Neutral*
*He/ They*
*Old Wind Council*
*FR + 2*

"COME ON LETS SKATE!" I yell to her, catching her offguard. Didn't expect me to be so bold.
I infact was a shy mess and just played tough to get a chance she might look at me....and she did.

"Ohhh ofcourse, lets skate" Rose smiles at me. Skating towards me. We looked a bit akward.
Two seagulls skating...I think this will be fine. I might not be the best skater here but hey !
It's something atleast.

I notice quickly how rusty I was...ufff I hope Rose doesn't find me too late...oh no
"Hey watch out" She yells after me when I trip and fall hard on the ground.
That hurt! I see stars....but then I feel Rose helping me up.

"Oh no, did you get hurt badly? Lets put the skates away and rest...I'll get you some fries okay?" Rose tells me. Making sure I waited for her...
I didn't think I feel to badly...but to be fair I do see double...two roses that bringing me 2 this heaven?

So bascically I was a fool and tripped, hurt my head and Rose brought me fries to cheer me up.

"Man I am sorry...I runied this whole thing" I tell her sadly but Rose shakes her head, opening the ketchup dip she bought with her.
"No it's fine really, you didnt get hurt on purpose ....and it's nice sharing fries with you....wait share? Ohhh we get to share it together!
I smile back at her....enjoying that we get to share fries...

"Hey you know...I kinda think we could just...relax here for a bit...maybe go out for a walk and see where this leads us?" I ask her, but Rose looks at me confused.

"But your head? Doesnt it hurt" Her wings touching my head gently...she was worried for me.

"It's not okay yet ...but I could hold onto your wings I don't trip?" I wonder if she would say yes....then we could hold "hands"

" know what? Thats a great idea. Come on lets get you going, fresh air is great for your head" Rose shines as we walk...

During the walk we saw some nice things, pretty tress and lakes. Many different kinds of people....then we reached the beach. The sun was going down and I thought this would be great to watch.

"Could we take a break here ? The's so beautifull. The orange and yellow is ...just amazing to see...but it isn't as beautiful as you Rose" I tell her, smilling, hoping this wasn't too cheesy....

"O-oh" Rose blushes, looking away for a moment "Thank are pretty too"
Now it was my turn to blush and look away. We both sit down after a while....our wings touching as the sun goes down

"COME ON LETS SKATE!" I yell to her, catching her offguard. Didn't expect me to be so bold.
I infact was a shy mess and just played tough to get a chance she might look at me....and she did.

"Ohhh ofcourse, lets skate" Rose smiles at me. Skating towards me. We looked a bit akward.
Two seagulls skating...I think this will be fine. I might not be the best skater here but hey !
It's something atleast.

I notice quickly how rusty I was...ufff I hope Rose doesn't find me too late...oh no
"Hey watch out" She yells after me when I trip and fall hard on the ground.
That hurt! I see stars....but then I feel Rose helping me up.

"Oh no, did you get hurt badly? Lets put the skates away and rest...I'll get you some fries okay?" Rose tells me. Making sure I waited for her...
I didn't think I feel to badly...but to be fair I do see double...two roses that bringing me 2 this heaven?

So bascically I was a fool and tripped, hurt my head and Rose brought me fries to cheer me up.

"Man I am sorry...I runied this whole thing" I tell her sadly but Rose shakes her head, opening the ketchup dip she bought with her.
"No it's fine really, you didnt get hurt on purpose ....and it's nice sharing fries with you....wait share? Ohhh we get to share it together!
I smile back at her....enjoying that we get to share fries...

"Hey you know...I kinda think we could just...relax here for a bit...maybe go out for a walk and see where this leads us?" I ask her, but Rose looks at me confused.

"But your head? Doesnt it hurt" Her wings touching my head gently...she was worried for me.

"It's not okay yet ...but I could hold onto your wings I don't trip?" I wonder if she would say yes....then we could hold "hands"

" know what? Thats a great idea. Come on lets get you going, fresh air is great for your head" Rose shines as we walk...

During the walk we saw some nice things, pretty tress and lakes. Many different kinds of people....then we reached the beach. The sun was going down and I thought this would be great to watch.

"Could we take a break here ? The's so beautifull. The orange and yellow is ...just amazing to see...but it isn't as beautiful as you Rose" I tell her, smilling, hoping this wasn't too cheesy....

"O-oh" Rose blushes, looking away for a moment "Thank are pretty too"
Now it was my turn to blush and look away. We both sit down after a while....our wings touching as the sun goes down
Date with Rose
-So you yelled to her? Over all that noise??
-Well, yes, what else I should have done?

I stared at my friend in my typical dumbfounded manner. He shook his head in disbelief, sighed and looked at me with some pity. I was actually asking, but as per usual, he left with no answer.

-What happened after then? She heard you and you two rolled around?
-Yes... and no. Rose got all cheery seeing me, coming right my way. Her wings were beautiful, nearly shining, as her feathers reflected the colorful light nearby. Her eyes so beautiful; they outshined the flower that adored her head. Ahh, and if you only could hear her voice---!
-Ekhem, not to ruin your moment, as I belive it was amazing, but can you get to the point?
-....Sure. She came to me, put on the skates, and we managed barely in time for the start of derby. It was so much fun! We managed to skate, but also chitchat, and even when no words left our beaks, I could feel her presence nearby and it was just so beautiful.... However, somewhere on the way, I decided to look at her and uh, well, I hit something. Maybe someone. I'm not sure, I lost consciousness for a moment.
-What??! How irresponsible can you be! You could have hurt someone, you know?

He rose his voice, because of which a passing by murder of crows looked at us. I ruffled my feathers slightly and looked at him angrily, but I knew deep inside he was right.

-Shhush! No need to scream about that. No one got hurt after all.
-But could! Either you or someone could end up badly. Broken wings aren't so easy to heal.
-I know, I know... However, if you would allow me to continue...
-Sure, eh, go ahead.
-Great! Once I woke up, I was lying on the wooden floor near where the derby took place. There were no loud noises or lights anymore, so it must have taken me a while. I was worried. For what happened but also about Rose. It must have been such a terrific but also disappointing sight! On the first thought, I was sure she had already gone home. Sad, regretful of the date, and I was sure I would never see her beautiful eyes and feathers again. Oh, how wrong I was! When I woke up, she was sitting right there beside me. Her wings touching mine, as she was gently sleeping. My heart nearly jumped out of me, and I could feel blush all over my beak and face! I looked away immediately and wanted to run away, but then she slightly leaned on me and... Well, I totally had no idea what to do.
-You didn't wake her up?
-How could I?! You wouldn't either if you were in my legs. I remained lying there, allowing her to rest. She woke up soon though, as a group of loud pidgeons cooed above us. Gosh, those guys always are on my nerves...! Rose woke up and upon seeing me, smiled so widely! She asked if I was alright and explained what happened. I felt bad, but she said it was alright and that we still had a lot of time to spend together. You would never be able to understand what I felt at that moment. Never, I tell you.
-That's great for you, buddy. What did the two of you do next? Some good food looting or something like that?
-Ha, no! I know my good spots for food that don't spoil quickly and are safe from others. I took her to one of those. Not to give too many hints about where it was, but it's important so I will say. It was on the beach. The sun was slowly setting, so the sky and waves were just as magnificent as she was. All the way there we were talking, joking, exchanging our poetic thoughts and hobbies. Rose is similarly romantic as I, you know? It was a blast. Then I showed her a bunch of still fresh french fries, with some oldish but still good ketchup. I even opened a bag of chips I had... We enjoyed a romantic meal together, watching the sun, and listening to the waves splashing on the stones....

At that moment, I fell silent. Memories of that day, of that moment, filled my whole being. Rose was just perfect. Her romantic soul, delicate thoughts and words, and gentle and caring personality were all one could ever desire. We spent so much time there, our discussion on various topics being neverending. I was not able to recall how much time went on, but it felt both like eternity and as if it ended too quickly. At one point, as the colder evening wind passed through us, she shared her scarf with me, putting us closer together - bonding us, one could say. Up until there were starts on the sky, we were in that warm and joyful position. However as the moon and starts smiled upon us, I proposed a walk. Rose was more than happy, and seeing her like that made me happy in return.

Watching the black and darkness surround us, we talked alongside the coast. Some minutes we spoke about stars, some we remained silent, simply enjoying our presence. Even now, although days passed from that experience, I still can't properly put in words how it felt. Ethereal? Was it a blast? A pure joy? Perhaps, pure love? I'm too simple of a gull to know that, but I was sure it was a special moment - something I would never forget.

-Heeey? Do you hear me? What happened after?
-Huh? Oh, right. S-sorry... I spaced out for a moment, didn't I?
-Yeah. I was calling out to you, but it felt like you weren't there anymore. All is gut?
-Of course, of course. Sorry. We just spent together a lot of time. It was a lot of fun. Later we flew back to her place, said goodbye and thanked each other for great time.
-So, are you two now together? Will you meet up again?
-I don't know.
-You-- You don't know?
-I don't know.
-Don't repeat yourself! What does that mean??
-I didn't ask her about that when we said goodbye! I was so happy, drunk on the moment, that I just saw her off and went back home.
-Can't you just meet up again and ask her about it???
-I... I forgot where she lives... It was quite a way from here and I just... Plus it was already a few days since then.... and... Ah, I'm so hopeless!
-Well, heck yeah, you are! Terribly hopeless!
-Oi, aren't you my friend? Shouldn't you have negated that and said it's not that bad?!
-But it's terrible bro! You were on an awesome date, with an awesome gullfriend, but you just-- Forgot to ask her if you will meet again? You don't even KNOW if you two are together? And you can't meet her because you FORGOT where she lives??
-Y-you are rubbing salt and lemon into my wounded heart right now!
-I HOPE SO! On all the flying chickens, what do you plan to do now?
-Well... that's why I wanted to meet with you. I hoped, you know, that you could help me out.

My friend stayed silent for a moment, his face bewildered and shocked. I saw his beak move a bit, as if he wanted to say something, probably some bad names for me and my actions. After a few, he closed his eyes, fixed his position and some feathers on his head and sighed. Again. Then he quickly opened his eyes and stood up, walk-flied over to me, as before we sat in front of each other, and put a wing over my back. He looked at me with some pity but also with his usual kind and witty smile.

-You know I have a weakness for you, buddy, so of course I will help you. That said, we need to work on your memory too, otherwise one day you will forget you have such a great friend like me!
-Ahaha, you're right. That would be terrible! I would be probably eating cold hot-dogs without your kindness... Truly, thank you.
-No need, buddy. First, we will try to find the place she lives at. It will take some time, but together we can do it. In return though, I would like you to help me find a gullfriend too. Someone wild and full of energy - Oh! Someone like Kittywake from The Gullettes!
-That loud gull? You really have an odd taste, but who I am to judge you. You would probably not have much fun with Rose.
-That's correct. Boring chats about love and poetry ain't my thing. Action and emotion is more what I crave.
-Heh, sure. After you help me find Rose, I will help you. Who knows, maybe you will even have a chance to go on a date with Kittywake herself?
-As if someone like you could help me meet her.
-Maybe you're right... But who knows?
-Enough of this talking. Let's finish eating and fly to find your love. It's a long journey before us.
Date with Rose
-So you yelled to her? Over all that noise??
-Well, yes, what else I should have done?

I stared at my friend in my typical dumbfounded manner. He shook his head in disbelief, sighed and looked at me with some pity. I was actually asking, but as per usual, he left with no answer.

-What happened after then? She heard you and you two rolled around?
-Yes... and no. Rose got all cheery seeing me, coming right my way. Her wings were beautiful, nearly shining, as her feathers reflected the colorful light nearby. Her eyes so beautiful; they outshined the flower that adored her head. Ahh, and if you only could hear her voice---!
-Ekhem, not to ruin your moment, as I belive it was amazing, but can you get to the point?
-....Sure. She came to me, put on the skates, and we managed barely in time for the start of derby. It was so much fun! We managed to skate, but also chitchat, and even when no words left our beaks, I could feel her presence nearby and it was just so beautiful.... However, somewhere on the way, I decided to look at her and uh, well, I hit something. Maybe someone. I'm not sure, I lost consciousness for a moment.
-What??! How irresponsible can you be! You could have hurt someone, you know?

He rose his voice, because of which a passing by murder of crows looked at us. I ruffled my feathers slightly and looked at him angrily, but I knew deep inside he was right.

-Shhush! No need to scream about that. No one got hurt after all.
-But could! Either you or someone could end up badly. Broken wings aren't so easy to heal.
-I know, I know... However, if you would allow me to continue...
-Sure, eh, go ahead.
-Great! Once I woke up, I was lying on the wooden floor near where the derby took place. There were no loud noises or lights anymore, so it must have taken me a while. I was worried. For what happened but also about Rose. It must have been such a terrific but also disappointing sight! On the first thought, I was sure she had already gone home. Sad, regretful of the date, and I was sure I would never see her beautiful eyes and feathers again. Oh, how wrong I was! When I woke up, she was sitting right there beside me. Her wings touching mine, as she was gently sleeping. My heart nearly jumped out of me, and I could feel blush all over my beak and face! I looked away immediately and wanted to run away, but then she slightly leaned on me and... Well, I totally had no idea what to do.
-You didn't wake her up?
-How could I?! You wouldn't either if you were in my legs. I remained lying there, allowing her to rest. She woke up soon though, as a group of loud pidgeons cooed above us. Gosh, those guys always are on my nerves...! Rose woke up and upon seeing me, smiled so widely! She asked if I was alright and explained what happened. I felt bad, but she said it was alright and that we still had a lot of time to spend together. You would never be able to understand what I felt at that moment. Never, I tell you.
-That's great for you, buddy. What did the two of you do next? Some good food looting or something like that?
-Ha, no! I know my good spots for food that don't spoil quickly and are safe from others. I took her to one of those. Not to give too many hints about where it was, but it's important so I will say. It was on the beach. The sun was slowly setting, so the sky and waves were just as magnificent as she was. All the way there we were talking, joking, exchanging our poetic thoughts and hobbies. Rose is similarly romantic as I, you know? It was a blast. Then I showed her a bunch of still fresh french fries, with some oldish but still good ketchup. I even opened a bag of chips I had... We enjoyed a romantic meal together, watching the sun, and listening to the waves splashing on the stones....

At that moment, I fell silent. Memories of that day, of that moment, filled my whole being. Rose was just perfect. Her romantic soul, delicate thoughts and words, and gentle and caring personality were all one could ever desire. We spent so much time there, our discussion on various topics being neverending. I was not able to recall how much time went on, but it felt both like eternity and as if it ended too quickly. At one point, as the colder evening wind passed through us, she shared her scarf with me, putting us closer together - bonding us, one could say. Up until there were starts on the sky, we were in that warm and joyful position. However as the moon and starts smiled upon us, I proposed a walk. Rose was more than happy, and seeing her like that made me happy in return.

Watching the black and darkness surround us, we talked alongside the coast. Some minutes we spoke about stars, some we remained silent, simply enjoying our presence. Even now, although days passed from that experience, I still can't properly put in words how it felt. Ethereal? Was it a blast? A pure joy? Perhaps, pure love? I'm too simple of a gull to know that, but I was sure it was a special moment - something I would never forget.

-Heeey? Do you hear me? What happened after?
-Huh? Oh, right. S-sorry... I spaced out for a moment, didn't I?
-Yeah. I was calling out to you, but it felt like you weren't there anymore. All is gut?
-Of course, of course. Sorry. We just spent together a lot of time. It was a lot of fun. Later we flew back to her place, said goodbye and thanked each other for great time.
-So, are you two now together? Will you meet up again?
-I don't know.
-You-- You don't know?
-I don't know.
-Don't repeat yourself! What does that mean??
-I didn't ask her about that when we said goodbye! I was so happy, drunk on the moment, that I just saw her off and went back home.
-Can't you just meet up again and ask her about it???
-I... I forgot where she lives... It was quite a way from here and I just... Plus it was already a few days since then.... and... Ah, I'm so hopeless!
-Well, heck yeah, you are! Terribly hopeless!
-Oi, aren't you my friend? Shouldn't you have negated that and said it's not that bad?!
-But it's terrible bro! You were on an awesome date, with an awesome gullfriend, but you just-- Forgot to ask her if you will meet again? You don't even KNOW if you two are together? And you can't meet her because you FORGOT where she lives??
-Y-you are rubbing salt and lemon into my wounded heart right now!
-I HOPE SO! On all the flying chickens, what do you plan to do now?
-Well... that's why I wanted to meet with you. I hoped, you know, that you could help me out.

My friend stayed silent for a moment, his face bewildered and shocked. I saw his beak move a bit, as if he wanted to say something, probably some bad names for me and my actions. After a few, he closed his eyes, fixed his position and some feathers on his head and sighed. Again. Then he quickly opened his eyes and stood up, walk-flied over to me, as before we sat in front of each other, and put a wing over my back. He looked at me with some pity but also with his usual kind and witty smile.

-You know I have a weakness for you, buddy, so of course I will help you. That said, we need to work on your memory too, otherwise one day you will forget you have such a great friend like me!
-Ahaha, you're right. That would be terrible! I would be probably eating cold hot-dogs without your kindness... Truly, thank you.
-No need, buddy. First, we will try to find the place she lives at. It will take some time, but together we can do it. In return though, I would like you to help me find a gullfriend too. Someone wild and full of energy - Oh! Someone like Kittywake from The Gullettes!
-That loud gull? You really have an odd taste, but who I am to judge you. You would probably not have much fun with Rose.
-That's correct. Boring chats about love and poetry ain't my thing. Action and emotion is more what I crave.
-Heh, sure. After you help me find Rose, I will help you. Who knows, maybe you will even have a chance to go on a date with Kittywake herself?
-As if someone like you could help me meet her.
-Maybe you're right... But who knows?
-Enough of this talking. Let's finish eating and fly to find your love. It's a long journey before us.
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[quote name="tarshaan" date="2024-05-11 10:19:34" ] [center] [b][font="Comic Sans MS"][size="7"][color=#3C16D4]a[/color] [color=#631CC4]d[/color][color=#7620BD]a[/color][color=#8A23B5]t[/color][color=#9D26AE]e[/color] [color=#C42D9E]w[/color][color=#D83197]i[/color][color=#EB348F]t[/color][color=#FF3788]h[/color][color=#FD4B82].[/color][color=#FC5F7D].[/color][color=#FB7377].[/color] [color=#F99B6D]K[/color][color=#F8AF67]I[/color][color=#F7C362]T[/color][color=#F6D75C]T[/color][color=#F5EB57]Y[/color][color=#F4FF52]![/color][/size][/font][/b] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] you're seated at your table, watching the door for your date to arrive, hiding your nerves by fiddling with the tablecloth, trying not to leave fingerprint smudges on the fancy and expensive-looking glass you're drinking from. Just as you're taking a sip, a loud [b][font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color=#3C16D4]H[/color][color=#7D21BA]U[/color][color=#BE2CA1]Z[/color][color=#FF3887]Z[/color][color=#FB7A75]A[/color][color=#F7BC63]H[/color][/size][/font][/b] comes from behind you, and you startle, choking slightly on your water and dropping your glass so it shatters on the floor. You turn just enough to catch a blur of bright yellow coming in the window, dive past your head, and rebound off the far wall into the chair opposite you. "[b][font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color=#3C16D4]H[/color][color=#4F19CC]O[/color][color=#631CC4]W[/color] [color=#8A23B5]Y[/color][color=#9D26AE]A[/color] [color=#C42D9E]D[/color][color=#D83197]O[/color][color=#EB348F]I[/color][color=#FF3788]N[/color][color=#FD4B82]'[/color][color=#FC5F7D],[/color] [color=#FA8772]P[/color][color=#F99B6D]U[/color][color=#F8AF67]N[/color][color=#F7C362]K[/color][color=#F6D75C]?[/color][color=#F5EB57]![/color][/size][/font][/b]" Kitty demands, perching energeticaly on the chair back. "[b][font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color=#3C16D4]W[/color][color=#4217D1]H[/color][color=#4918CE]E[/color][color=#5019CC]R[/color][color=#561AC9]E[/color][color=#5D1BC6]'[/color][color=#641DC4]S[/color] [color=#711FBF]T[/color][color=#7820BC]E[/color][color=#7F21B9]H[/color] [color=#8C24B4]F[/color][color=#9325B1]R[/color][color=#9A26AF]I[/color][color=#A027AC]E[/color][color=#A728AA]s[/color][color=#AE29A7]?[/color] [color=#BB2CA2]T[/color][color=#C22D9F]h[/color][color=#C92E9C]e[/color] [color=#D63097]M[/color][color=#DD3295]U[/color][color=#E43392]S[/color][color=#EA348F]I[/color][color=#F1358D]C[/color][color=#F8368A]![/color] [color=#FE3E86]L[/color][color=#FE4584]e[/color][color=#FD4C82]t[/color][color=#FD5380]'[/color][color=#FD5A7E]s[/color] [color=#FC687A]g[/color][color=#FB6E79]e[/color][color=#FB7577]t[/color] [color=#FA8373]t[/color][color=#FA8A71]h[/color][color=#FA916F]i[/color][color=#F9986D]s[/color] [color=#F8A56A]d[/color][color=#F8AC68]a[/color][color=#F8B366]t[/color][color=#F7BA64]e[/color] [color=#F7C860]R[/color][color=#F6CE5F]O[/color][color=#F6D55D]C[/color][color=#F5DC5B]K[/color][color=#F5E359]I[/color][color=#F5EA57]N[/color][color=#F4F155]G[/color][color=#F4F853]![/color][/size][/font][/b]" You can feel the eyes of every being in the restaurant boring into your back, but you take a deep breath, focus only on Kitty (not hard, with that yellow accent brightening the entire room) and extend your hand. "[b][font="Comic Sans MS"][size="4"][color=#3C16D4]H[/color][color=#631CC4]i[/color][color=#8A23B5],[/color] [color=#D83197]I[/color][color=#FF3788]'[/color][color=#FC5F7D]m[/color][color=#FA8772]-[/color][color=#F8AF67]-[/color][color=#F6D75C]-[/color][/size][/font][/b]" [center] [img][/img] [/center] [center] [img][/img] [/center] [center] [b][font="Comic Sans MS"][size="5"][color=#3C16D4]W[/color][color=#5119CB]h[/color][color=#671DC3]a[/color][color=#7D21BA]t[/color] [color=#A828A9]h[/color][color=#BE2CA1]a[/color][color=#D33098]p[/color][color=#E93490]p[/color][color=#FE3887]e[/color][color=#FD4E81]n[/color][color=#FC647B]s[/color] [color=#FA906F]n[/color][color=#F8A669]e[/color][color=#F7BC63]x[/color][color=#F6D25D]t[/color][color=#F5E857]?[/color][color=#F3FF51]![/color][/size][/font][/b] YOU tell US! in [i][font="Comic Sans MS"][size="5"][color=#3C16D4]a[/color][color=#4718CF]n[/color][color=#521ACB]y[/color] [color=#691EC2]f[/color][color=#7520BD]o[/color][color=#8022B9]r[/color][color=#8C24B4]m[/color][color=#9726B0]a[/color][color=#A328AB]t[/color] [color=#BA2CA2]y[/color][color=#C52E9E]o[/color][color=#D13099]u[/color] [color=#E83490]l[/color][color=#F3368C]i[/color][color=#FE3888]k[/color][color=#FE4384]e[/color][color=#FD4F81][/i], write up your diary entry, draw us a picture, memeify it, write up a newspaper crime and/or arrest report, make a papier mache model, a comic, rp your entire date(s), put up your toddler's fridge art picture of it, there is absolutely no requirement on format other than you have fun! [/center] [/quote] I think Kitty seems so fun! A fancy restaurant doesn't seem to be her scene, with all that energy, so maybe a game of laser tag or some karaoke? Let's get out of here before the waiter asks us to order the expensive bread! We walk together for a while, looking at all the pretty lights, and chat as night falls. We finally find a 24/7 karaoke place and sing and laugh for hours, eating plenty of extra salty fish and chips!
tarshaan wrote on 2024-05-11 10:19:34:
a date with... KITTY!

you're seated at your table, watching the door for your date to arrive, hiding your nerves by fiddling with the tablecloth, trying not to leave fingerprint smudges on the fancy and expensive-looking glass you're drinking from.

Just as you're taking a sip, a loud HUZZAH comes from behind you, and you startle, choking slightly on your water and dropping your glass so it shatters on the floor. You turn just enough to catch a blur of bright yellow coming in the window, dive past your head, and rebound off the far wall into the chair opposite you. "HOW YA DOIN', PUNK?!" Kitty demands, perching energeticaly on the chair back. "WHERE'S TEH FRIEs? The MUSIC! Let's get this date ROCKING!"

You can feel the eyes of every being in the restaurant boring into your back, but you take a deep breath, focus only on Kitty (not hard, with that yellow accent brightening the entire room) and extend your hand. "Hi, I'm---"

What happens next?!

YOU tell US! in any format you like, write up your diary entry, draw us a picture, memeify it, write up a newspaper crime and/or arrest report, make a papier mache model, a comic, rp your entire date(s), put up your toddler's fridge art picture of it, there is absolutely no requirement on format other than you have fun!

I think Kitty seems so fun! A fancy restaurant doesn't seem to be her scene, with all that energy, so maybe a game of laser tag or some karaoke? Let's get out of here before the waiter asks us to order the expensive bread! We walk together for a while, looking at all the pretty lights, and chat as night falls. We finally find a 24/7 karaoke place and sing and laugh for hours, eating plenty of extra salty fish and chips!
qTcP5yI.pngXT6s1Yv.gifBEZgNm.png SQvVy8i.png 5M9CHlS.gif
a date with... KITTY!

Okay, I'll admit, I may not've picked the most fitting place for this date. In my defense though, the restaurant's name was something unpronounceable and I just assumed their tagline "the finest coastal cuisine" was an attempt to hype up their fish and chips.

After awkwardly explaining that to Kitty, I suggested we get out of there and grab something to eat on the boardwalk on the way to an arcade instead. She agreed that plan sounded much better, so we ducked out and hit the boardwalk where we were able to score some free grub. (There was a group of people taking photos with each other not far away, but if you leave food unattended it counts as abandoned, right?)

Anyway, once we got to the arcade we really started to have a blast. The techno music pumping in the background, the gaudy colors everywhere you turned, and the constant noise from the games all created the perfect atmosphere to let loose and have fun. Turns out Kitty's got fiendishly good reflexes so she scored high on just about every game she tried, and even got in the top ten on Space Invaders. I managed a fairly good showing on one of the racing simulators while Kitty enthusiastically cheered me on, and later we noticed a beach-themed Whack-A-Crab game near the back so we teamed up on that.

By the time we were ready to call it quits we'd racked up enough tickets to trade them in at the prize counter for matching neon rubber bracelets (Kitty's looked fabulous hanging around her neck between her spiked collar and bandana) and candy rings the perfect size for a gull's leg as a to-go snack.

The date may not've gone to plan, but we both seemed to have fun and Kitty even invited me to hang out backstage at her band's next show as we were saying our goodbyes, so I think it was a success?
a date with... KITTY!

Okay, I'll admit, I may not've picked the most fitting place for this date. In my defense though, the restaurant's name was something unpronounceable and I just assumed their tagline "the finest coastal cuisine" was an attempt to hype up their fish and chips.

After awkwardly explaining that to Kitty, I suggested we get out of there and grab something to eat on the boardwalk on the way to an arcade instead. She agreed that plan sounded much better, so we ducked out and hit the boardwalk where we were able to score some free grub. (There was a group of people taking photos with each other not far away, but if you leave food unattended it counts as abandoned, right?)

Anyway, once we got to the arcade we really started to have a blast. The techno music pumping in the background, the gaudy colors everywhere you turned, and the constant noise from the games all created the perfect atmosphere to let loose and have fun. Turns out Kitty's got fiendishly good reflexes so she scored high on just about every game she tried, and even got in the top ten on Space Invaders. I managed a fairly good showing on one of the racing simulators while Kitty enthusiastically cheered me on, and later we noticed a beach-themed Whack-A-Crab game near the back so we teamed up on that.

By the time we were ready to call it quits we'd racked up enough tickets to trade them in at the prize counter for matching neon rubber bracelets (Kitty's looked fabulous hanging around her neck between her spiked collar and bandana) and candy rings the perfect size for a gull's leg as a to-go snack.

The date may not've gone to plan, but we both seemed to have fun and Kitty even invited me to hang out backstage at her band's next show as we were saying our goodbyes, so I think it was a success?
_______A winged greyhound wearing a bandana with the words Wind Boarding encircling it. Image links to respective thread.___________________colorful chaosA colorful chibi Mirror dragon. Image links to the dragon itself.
[center][size=5]~_________[u]Sornieth News[/u]_________~[/size][rule] [size=7][font=georgia][u]BREAKING NEWS[/u][/size] [columns][center][font=Georgia][size=5][u]SEAGULL ATTACK[/u][/size][/center] [font=Georgia]Seagull couple attacks locals "in the name of love." Two seagulls attack local diners, stealing food and blasting loud music. One victim states one blasted rock music while the other stole his potato soup and Taki bag, why he was eating those two at once we do not know. Another states he had to cover his ears in fear of going deaf due to how loud the music was. A third states she enjoyed the music but didn't enjoy the seagulls pecking at her bowl of pineapple gummies. Witness states the seagull "Lily" reserved a spot in their diner for a date with the infamous Kitty Wake the Kittiwake. They remember the singer complaining about the lack of music and fries, causing quite the stir. After introducing herself, Lily had gotten up and suggested they go "wreck some havock" in the street nearby. And so the two did, amassing about 20kt's worth of chips, 40kt in soup, and over 100kt in what couple called "shinies." The two seagulls are still at large, until the authorities arrest these two chaotic lovebirds we recommend you do not eat your soups and Takis outside, and keep your shinies at home. [nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=Georgia][u]Sketch of the Seagull, Lily[/u][/columns] [rule]
~_________Sornieth News_________~

Seagull couple attacks locals "in the name of love."

Two seagulls attack local diners, stealing food and blasting loud music. One victim states one blasted rock music while the other stole his potato soup and Taki bag, why he was eating those two at once we do not know. Another states he had to cover his ears in fear of going deaf due to how loud the music was. A third states she enjoyed the music but didn't enjoy the seagulls pecking at her bowl of pineapple gummies.

Witness states the seagull "Lily" reserved a spot in their diner for a date with the infamous Kitty Wake the Kittiwake. They remember the singer complaining about the lack of music and fries, causing quite the stir. After introducing herself, Lily had gotten up and suggested they go "wreck some havock" in the street nearby. And so the two did, amassing about 20kt's worth of chips, 40kt in soup, and over 100kt in what couple called "shinies."

The two seagulls are still at large, until the authorities arrest these two chaotic lovebirds we recommend you do not eat your soups and Takis outside, and keep your shinies at home.
Sketch of the Seagull, Lily


Formally DrShadowCipher
- When using for art games please use scries of my dragons!
- Badge Addict
EEEEE T8jnlRr.jpg
Rose n I skated around for a bit, having to patch me up a few times when i couldn't figure out how to stop. Eventually we got some soda to calm down, having a few laughs along with a sugar buzz!
Rose n I skated around for a bit, having to patch me up a few times when i couldn't figure out how to stop. Eventually we got some soda to calm down, having a few laughs along with a sugar buzz!
f282e074cdf53330182445ba3db1235c26fc602a.gifGIF by @Anivia
within two seconds of me trying to skate, i lose control, slip, fall, attempt to get back up again, slip and fall again, successfully get back up again, then lose control, skating facefirst into a wall in my attempt to impress rose with my MAD SKATING SKILLZ.

i wake up in the hospital hours later and am charged 10,000 dollars to have two (2) bandaids applied to the ouchies on my face. rose was Not Impressed and now i have accumulated massive amounts of medical debt. :,(


within two seconds of me trying to skate, i lose control, slip, fall, attempt to get back up again, slip and fall again, successfully get back up again, then lose control, skating facefirst into a wall in my attempt to impress rose with my MAD SKATING SKILLZ.

i wake up in the hospital hours later and am charged 10,000 dollars to have two (2) bandaids applied to the ouchies on my face. rose was Not Impressed and now i have accumulated massive amounts of medical debt. :,(


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