The fact that the exalt button for dragons you own is in the same place as the scry button for dragons you don't own has led to many near-mistakes and today I actually clicked all the way through on a project hatchling I've been breeding for for nearly seven years. Luckily I was able to restore him right away, but I just can't imagine the thought process behind putting any other button near the "get rid of this dragon forevrr" button.
The reason I think this should be a user-specific setting is so that anyone used to the current positioning won't start accidentally exalting dragons they mean to scry.
The fact that the exalt button for dragons you own is in the same place as the scry button for dragons you don't own has led to many near-mistakes and today I actually clicked all the way through on a project hatchling I've been breeding for for nearly seven years. Luckily I was able to restore him right away, but I just can't imagine the thought process behind putting any other button near the "get rid of this dragon forevrr" button.
The reason I think this should be a user-specific setting is so that anyone used to the current positioning won't start accidentally exalting dragons they mean to scry.
I'm kinda meh on this solely because I don't like change and I always put at least a scene on any dragon I don't plan on getting rid of. Scenes specifically, because they can be put on any dragon including hatchlings and ancients and if you place a familiar on a dragon they get permanently tagged as "Find A Friend!" in the Which Waystone which is kinda annoying.
I also totally see where you're coming from because admittedly, yeah, having the scry and exalt buttons directly next to each other is a pretty poor design choice. Having a billion user-specific settings would be kind of annoying with how many suggestions have it but I'd be down for this if it didn't have to change for me.
TLDR: This should've been a thing in the first place but I would also be kind of annoyed at a sudden change in button placement, but also a catch-all toggle option would work fine for me I suppose.
I do also think that "just add a toggle!" is a kind of cheap(?) way to fix user disagreement but at the same time does kind of work, but I don't feel like going into depth about that here. Maybe on something I support less.
I'm kinda meh on this solely because I don't like change and I always put at least a scene on any dragon I don't plan on getting rid of. Scenes specifically, because they can be put on any dragon including hatchlings and ancients and if you place a familiar on a dragon they get permanently tagged as "Find A Friend!" in the Which Waystone which is kinda annoying.
I also totally see where you're coming from because admittedly, yeah, having the scry and exalt buttons directly next to each other is a pretty poor design choice. Having a billion user-specific settings would be kind of annoying with how many suggestions have it but I'd be down for this if it didn't have to change for me.
TLDR: This should've been a thing in the first place but I would also be kind of annoyed at a sudden change in button placement, but also a catch-all toggle option would work fine for me I suppose.
I do also think that "just add a toggle!" is a kind of cheap(?) way to fix user disagreement but at the same time does kind of work, but I don't feel like going into depth about that here. Maybe on something I support less.
[quote name="Niceless" date="2024-05-02 07:40:43" ]
I also totally see where you're coming from because admittedly, yeah, having the scry and exalt buttons directly next to each other is a pretty poor design choice. Having a billion user-specific settings would be kind of annoying with how many suggestions have it but I'd be down for this if it didn't have to change for me.
The biggest thing that makes this a problem is the fact that, when you don't own a dragon, the scry button is moved down to be in the same place as the exalt button. Clicking the same spot on the screen that you click to scry for dragons you don't own should also scry dragons you own. It especially should not exalt them. Buttons that only show up when you own a dragon should not affect the placements of buttons that show up on every dragon. It isn't just that they're next to each other, it's that the exalt button is put in the same place as the scry button would be if the dragon wasn't yours.
Niceless wrote on 2024-05-02 07:40:43:
I also totally see where you're coming from because admittedly, yeah, having the scry and exalt buttons directly next to each other is a pretty poor design choice. Having a billion user-specific settings would be kind of annoying with how many suggestions have it but I'd be down for this if it didn't have to change for me.
The biggest thing that makes this a problem is the fact that, when you don't own a dragon, the scry button is moved down to be in the same place as the exalt button. Clicking the same spot on the screen that you click to scry for dragons you don't own should also scry dragons you own. It especially should not exalt them. Buttons that only show up when you own a dragon should not affect the placements of buttons that show up on every dragon. It isn't just that they're next to each other, it's that the exalt button is put in the same place as the scry button would be if the dragon wasn't yours.
[quote name="M73" date="2024-05-02 09:34:54" ]
[quote name="Niceless" date="2024-05-02 07:40:43" ]
I also totally see where you're coming from because admittedly, yeah, having the scry and exalt buttons directly next to each other is a pretty poor design choice. Having a billion user-specific settings would be kind of annoying with how many suggestions have it but I'd be down for this if it didn't have to change for me.
The biggest thing that makes this a problem is the fact that, when you don't own a dragon, the scry button is moved down to be in the same place as the exalt button. Clicking the same spot on the screen that you click to scry for dragons you don't own should also scry dragons you own. It especially should not exalt them. Buttons that only show up when you own a dragon should not affect the placements of buttons that show up on every dragon. It isn't just that they're next to each other, it's that the exalt button is put in the same place as the scry button would be if the dragon wasn't yours.
Oh sorry yeah that's what I meant, I just typed it bad.
M73 wrote on 2024-05-02 09:34:54:
Niceless wrote on 2024-05-02 07:40:43:
I also totally see where you're coming from because admittedly, yeah, having the scry and exalt buttons directly next to each other is a pretty poor design choice. Having a billion user-specific settings would be kind of annoying with how many suggestions have it but I'd be down for this if it didn't have to change for me.
The biggest thing that makes this a problem is the fact that, when you don't own a dragon, the scry button is moved down to be in the same place as the exalt button. Clicking the same spot on the screen that you click to scry for dragons you don't own should also scry dragons you own. It especially should not exalt them. Buttons that only show up when you own a dragon should not affect the placements of buttons that show up on every dragon. It isn't just that they're next to each other, it's that the exalt button is put in the same place as the scry button would be if the dragon wasn't yours.
Oh sorry yeah that's what I meant, I just typed it bad.
It sounds like the actual solution to this is to change the location of the scry button for dragons you don't own, so that there's no muscle memory stuff getting crossed at all.
If memory serves, the sell/exalt buttons used to be way away from all the other ones (up in the upper right, while everything else was in the lower left). Perhaps a reversion is in order, if it can be made to play nice with scenes and such?
It sounds like the actual solution to this is to change the location of the scry button for dragons you don't own, so that there's no muscle memory stuff getting crossed at all.
If memory serves, the sell/exalt buttons used to be way away from all the other ones (up in the upper right, while everything else was in the lower left). Perhaps a reversion is in order, if it can be made to play nice with scenes and such?
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.
An entire setting for this seems excessive when there are already many ways to prevent a dragon from being able to be exalted.
An entire setting for this seems excessive when there are already many ways to prevent a dragon from being able to be exalted.
once you hit the exalt button you then have to hit okay on a whole nother confirmation popup to actually exalt the dragon. so i don't see the need for any other safeguards here.
once you hit the exalt button you then have to hit okay on a whole nother confirmation popup to actually exalt the dragon. so i don't see the need for any other safeguards here.
Rather than swapping the scry and exalt buttons, I'd like to be able to swap the exalt and "scenic mode" buttons. I've accidentally clicked exalt on mobile a few times while trying to tap the scry button, and while I have yet to actually exalt a dragon by mistake, it gives me a heart attack each time. [emoji=guardian scared size=1]
Moving the exalt button to the upper right corner of the screen where it's the [i]only[/i] button would save me a lot of anxiety.
I recommend to give your dragons familiars if you are afraid of exalting them accidentally.
I recommend to give your dragons familiars if you are afraid of exalting them accidentally.
I still regularly misclick into scrying when I'm exalting. I'm already everything has a scene or fan so I don't mistakenly exalt.
Please hit boxes are small and if they could be more distant from each other, that'd be great (even if it was just an option I could select to hide scry button/hide exalt button).
I still regularly misclick into scrying when I'm exalting. I'm already everything has a scene or fan so I don't mistakenly exalt.
Please hit boxes are small and if they could be more distant from each other, that'd be great (even if it was just an option I could select to hide scry button/hide exalt button).