
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [NatDom] Welcome the Wood Dragons
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[quote]Tell me something good you're looking forward to or that happened recently, FR or IRL. <3[/quote] Honestly, I'm so excited for the marketing and release date for Dragon Age 4 we're supposed to be getting sometime this summer that I'm having a hard time thinking of anything sooner XD But it's convention season, and I'm looking forward to meeting Liam O'Brien at Emerald City in March!
Tell me something good you're looking forward to or that happened recently, FR or IRL. <3

Honestly, I'm so excited for the marketing and release date for Dragon Age 4 we're supposed to be getting sometime this summer that I'm having a hard time thinking of anything sooner XD But it's convention season, and I'm looking forward to meeting Liam O'Brien at Emerald City in March!
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Qotd: I'm looking forward to the total solar eclipse in April! I'm making a special trip to watch it with a friend from college.
Qotd: I'm looking forward to the total solar eclipse in April! I'm making a special trip to watch it with a friend from college.
QotD: I'm hanging blinds tomorrow! Which sounds like an incredibly boring-adult thing to be excited about, but considering that I've lived here for weeks with nothing to cover all the windows facing busy roads, blinds are going to be a massive improvement in my life lol. My neighbors don't need front-row seats to me sitting on the floor eating chips for dinner.
QotD: I'm hanging blinds tomorrow! Which sounds like an incredibly boring-adult thing to be excited about, but considering that I've lived here for weeks with nothing to cover all the windows facing busy roads, blinds are going to be a massive improvement in my life lol. My neighbors don't need front-row seats to me sitting on the floor eating chips for dinner.
QotD late entry, but!
My close friends and roommate have recently lost pets (like, within the past week) which has been really hard on everyone. But as a result we've all been hanging out to support each other and take everyone's minds off of the grief for a little while at least. I'm very grateful they're in my life and despite everything, I always look forward to spending time with all of them!
QotD late entry, but!
My close friends and roommate have recently lost pets (like, within the past week) which has been really hard on everyone. But as a result we've all been hanging out to support each other and take everyone's minds off of the grief for a little while at least. I'm very grateful they're in my life and despite everything, I always look forward to spending time with all of them!


Saturday QotD late as well-
positive irl thing - our community irl experienced a not great thing last weekend and we got a group of therapists together yesterday to help people process and it went really really great. I was dreading it but it was really awesome.
positive fr thing - @nerdmom and I both had never run an event before this one but I think it went pretty well and everyone's participation makes me smile

our last nest will be tallied up soon & I will post winners and do pings, probably in the same post as a wrap up/count your raffle tickets/raffle info post to avoid double pings.
Saturday QotD late as well-
positive irl thing - our community irl experienced a not great thing last weekend and we got a group of therapists together yesterday to help people process and it went really really great. I was dreading it but it was really awesome.
positive fr thing - @nerdmom and I both had never run an event before this one but I think it went pretty well and everyone's participation makes me smile

our last nest will be tallied up soon & I will post winners and do pings, probably in the same post as a wrap up/count your raffle tickets/raffle info post to avoid double pings.
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - black and yellow 'floral' Gaoler
sorry for the delay everyone. [center][img][/img][/center] With those silky strands everywhere and underfoot, Veilspun hatchlings may have an easier time learning to fly than learning to walk without tripping. When their branches’ petals slip free, do they create their own delicate flowerfall as they traverse from one place to another? [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] ginger | camo | brick tarnish | algae | magenta Their ranges were a bit more spread out. No 3-match winner, and FOUR 2-match hits - but one clear tiebreaker. @Sonoch takes the top spot yet again - thanks for lending the support of extra entries in this nest. That 2-match included the difficult wide tertiary and adds 40 raffle tickets. 80kt + 5g @jbapple @dracosauria and @CaityJay landed the more common Primary x Secondary and gained 12 tickets each. 1-matches gained 1 or more for badges everyone who entered and are still working up to 7. [center][img][/img][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] oilslick | green | spruce oilslick | swamp | turquoise I don't have a write up about the Darkwood Boas but basically since the primary was guaranteed and no one guessed the tertiary, there's a 12-way tie for everyone who guessed either green or swamp. If no one objects, I propose we re-absorb the funds from this pair and put it towards reimbursing the personal funds that @Nerdmom added since she wanted no one who tied to get less than the full pot. [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Hey everyone Ive moved the Tickets tab to be the first tab on the spreadsheet so check it out and let me know either here with a tag or via PM if you're missing any tickets. [url=][img alt="Spreadsheet"][/img] [/url] @pinglist-20753 @pinglist-20752
sorry for the delay everyone.

With those silky strands everywhere and underfoot, Veilspun hatchlings may have an easier time learning to fly than learning to walk without tripping. When their branches’ petals slip free, do they create their own delicate flowerfall as they traverse from one place to another?


ginger | camo | brick
tarnish | algae | magenta

Their ranges were a bit more spread out. No 3-match winner, and FOUR 2-match hits - but one clear tiebreaker.

@Sonoch takes the top spot yet again - thanks for lending the support of extra entries in this nest. That 2-match included the difficult wide tertiary and adds 40 raffle tickets. 80kt + 5g

@jbapple @dracosauria and @CaityJay landed the more common Primary x Secondary and gained 12 tickets each.

1-matches gained 1 or more for badges everyone who entered and are still working up to 7.


oilslick | green | spruce
oilslick | swamp | turquoise

I don't have a write up about the Darkwood Boas but basically since the primary was guaranteed and no one guessed the tertiary, there's a 12-way tie for everyone who guessed either green or swamp. If no one objects, I propose we re-absorb the funds from this pair and put it towards reimbursing the personal funds that @Nerdmom added since she wanted no one who tied to get less than the full pot.

Hey everyone Ive moved the Tickets tab to be the first tab on the spreadsheet so check it out and let me know either here with a tag or via PM if you're missing any tickets.


@Welcome the Wood Dragons: LDP
@Welcome the Wood Dragons: Daily Ping
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - black and yellow 'floral' Gaoler
I'm fine with reabsorbing the pot - question though: will we be able to buy badges we missed once they go out? I like to complete collections but I'm unsure what I'll get until it's sent out... xD
I'm fine with reabsorbing the pot - question though: will we be able to buy badges we missed once they go out? I like to complete collections but I'm unsure what I'll get until it's sent out... xD
@Sketchy yep! Great question. The original plan for the egg/hatchling badges was [i]definitely[/i] "win if possible, buy if needed". That felt like it would be the most fun, the spice of winning without the dismay of being incomplete or unobtainable. Egg badge shop is staying open the rest of this week, no worries! Though this mostly only affects the folk who joined for only 1 nest, because the majority who participated, really, [i]really[/i] dove in with 7 days and even multiples. [emoji=auraboa star size=1] That much support means a lot!
@Sketchy yep! Great question. The original plan for the egg/hatchling badges was definitely "win if possible, buy if needed". That felt like it would be the most fun, the spice of winning without the dismay of being incomplete or unobtainable.

Egg badge shop is staying open the rest of this week, no worries!

Though this mostly only affects the folk who joined for only 1 nest, because the majority who participated, really, really dove in with 7 days and even multiples. That much support means a lot!
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png
[center][img][/img] [b][u]Badge Results[/u][/b][/center] For the most part, players who purchased an entry for each nest won the full set... several times over. Assuming we host again in May and if the esteemed @Perscitia is up for it, maybe next time can include recolor bonus tiers. (Edited: if you were awake and caught the original post without replying to let me know you were here, shhhhh) [u]Official Count[/u] - this info is from Sheets, but in case it's more clear this way... @Addmon - 6, entered Modern nest only @BronchitisBoy - "24" (beyond max) @CaityJay - "31" (beyond max) @camwyn - 7 @CaptainDrakken - "37" (beyond max) @Dracosauria - "32" (beyond max) @dragonflare92 - "10" (beyond max) @DrShadowC - "17" (beyond max) @Golden - "36" (beyond max) @Graceling13 - "27" (beyond max) @jbapple - "15" (beyond max) @Kieren - "35" (beyond max) @kilorechoy - 1, entered Auraboa Darkwood only @Kvon - "25" (beyond max) @Mryst - "47" (beyond max) - thanks for SUCH support. Since you pre-purchased badges as well, reach out if you need that refunded, but otherwise it's a grateful donation to Nature Dom and counts towards this event's raffle tickets. @OrchardPurple - 4, entered Gaolers only @Perscitia - just for fun in case you were wondering how lucky your entries were compared to other players, your count came at 10 :D @Polty - "26" (beyond max) @SilentWanderer - "26" (beyond max) @Sketchy - "30" (beyond max) @Sonoch - "32" (beyond max) @theredhood - 3, entered Gaolers only @valerianroot - "15" (beyond max) @ZimeBelle - 2, entered Auraboa Brightwood, Auraboa Darkwood and Modern Skydancer-Spiral, but wasn't getting those Pair of the Day double-entries
Badge Results

For the most part, players who purchased an entry for each nest won the full set... several times over. Assuming we host again in May and if the esteemed @Perscitia is up for it, maybe next time can include recolor bonus tiers.
(Edited: if you were awake and caught the original post without replying to let me know you were here, shhhhh)

Official Count - this info is from Sheets, but in case it's more clear this way...

@Addmon - 6, entered Modern nest only
@BronchitisBoy - "24" (beyond max)
@CaityJay - "31" (beyond max)
@camwyn - 7
@CaptainDrakken - "37" (beyond max)
@Dracosauria - "32" (beyond max)
@dragonflare92 - "10" (beyond max)
@DrShadowC - "17" (beyond max)
@Golden - "36" (beyond max)
@Graceling13 - "27" (beyond max)
@jbapple - "15" (beyond max)
@Kieren - "35" (beyond max)
@kilorechoy - 1, entered Auraboa Darkwood only
@Kvon - "25" (beyond max)
@Mryst - "47" (beyond max) - thanks for SUCH support. Since you pre-purchased badges as well, reach out if you need that refunded, but otherwise it's a grateful donation to Nature Dom and counts towards this event's raffle tickets.
@OrchardPurple - 4, entered Gaolers only
@Perscitia - just for fun in case you were wondering how lucky your entries were compared to other players, your count came at 10 :D
@Polty - "26" (beyond max)
@SilentWanderer - "26" (beyond max)
@Sketchy - "30" (beyond max)
@Sonoch - "32" (beyond max)
@theredhood - 3, entered Gaolers only
@valerianroot - "15" (beyond max)
@ZimeBelle - 2, entered Auraboa Brightwood, Auraboa Darkwood and Modern Skydancer-Spiral, but wasn't getting those Pair of the Day double-entries
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png
I am confused by how the non-daily badges work. If my name says "6"... what does that mean exactly, for badges earned?

I entered all 7 days of QotD and I think sent in an entry for one day of hatchling color guessing, where I think I got 3 "hits".

Ignore me, I posted this right before you sent your PM with the badges.
I am confused by how the non-daily badges work. If my name says "6"... what does that mean exactly, for badges earned?

I entered all 7 days of QotD and I think sent in an entry for one day of hatchling color guessing, where I think I got 3 "hits".

Ignore me, I posted this right before you sent your PM with the badges.
Art by Drytil
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