

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Heroes of Lyra (IC) [Reboot]
| AJ | Dining Room | Interacting with: Monk (Sephyra and North mentioned)| @BalticDeerOwl

AJ blinked at Monk. "Oh, umm, bud? You seem uncomfortable. Is it..." she lowered her voice, as if out of embarrassment or shame "Is it the blood? You don't like it?" The griffin hybrid gasped as he pressed onto the wound. "Is that really necessary? It-" she inhaled deeply. "It stings. A lot. Can I do it myself, please?"
She paused, staring at Sephyra. "I'm getting doctor vibes. Is she a doctor?" AJ gestured at her, her voice still lowered, now more fearful. "I-AJ doesn't like doctors. AJ really, really doesn't like doctors." She ruffled her wings, the feathers that grew from her ears flicking a little.

Problem 2:
The very friendly fuzzy guy helping her seemed to be afraid of blood. How could someone be afraid of blood? The liquid of life, the creators had called it. Nothing more, nothing less. Was he gonna be okay? She really, really didn't need the fuz-guy fainting.
She perked up. "Wait, you're fuz-guy in my head, but do you have a name?" She still gripped her knife tightly, watching North's abilities with an excited expression. Cool. Resurrection/necromancy/whatever that was. "I'm AJ M. Griff, if you will."
| AJ | Dining Room | Interacting with: Monk (Sephyra and North mentioned)| @BalticDeerOwl

AJ blinked at Monk. "Oh, umm, bud? You seem uncomfortable. Is it..." she lowered her voice, as if out of embarrassment or shame "Is it the blood? You don't like it?" The griffin hybrid gasped as he pressed onto the wound. "Is that really necessary? It-" she inhaled deeply. "It stings. A lot. Can I do it myself, please?"
She paused, staring at Sephyra. "I'm getting doctor vibes. Is she a doctor?" AJ gestured at her, her voice still lowered, now more fearful. "I-AJ doesn't like doctors. AJ really, really doesn't like doctors." She ruffled her wings, the feathers that grew from her ears flicking a little.

Problem 2:
The very friendly fuzzy guy helping her seemed to be afraid of blood. How could someone be afraid of blood? The liquid of life, the creators had called it. Nothing more, nothing less. Was he gonna be okay? She really, really didn't need the fuz-guy fainting.
She perked up. "Wait, you're fuz-guy in my head, but do you have a name?" She still gripped her knife tightly, watching North's abilities with an excited expression. Cool. Resurrection/necromancy/whatever that was. "I'm AJ M. Griff, if you will."
[columns] [color=transparent]___________[/color] [emoji=sun size=1] [emoji=firework size=1] [nextcol] [size=4][u][b] Monk [/b][/u][/size] Interactions: AJ (@Griffinaregold) [/columns] Monk looked up at her. " it really...that obvious?" He made a sound somewhere between a shallow breath and a nervous laugh. "I don't like looking at it...but I'll be okay." Well, he'd be okay for the time being. Again, help now, freak out later. He tilted his head at her questioning of his methods. "Well, yeah...if you want to stop the bleeding...pressure is necessary. But if you really want to do it yourself, sure. Just keep that pressed down for a few minutes." The boy was beginning to regain his breath, despite the fact that the spot where the dark spike had hit him definitely still hurt. "Fuz-guy?" Monk snickered. "That's a new one. But I do have a name. You can call me Monk. Nice to meet you, AJ. I can call you AJ, yes?" He gave her a friendly, yet slightly pained smile.

Interactions: AJ (@Griffinaregold)

Monk looked up at her. " it really...that obvious?" He made a sound somewhere between a shallow breath and a nervous laugh. "I don't like looking at it...but I'll be okay." Well, he'd be okay for the time being. Again, help now, freak out later.

He tilted his head at her questioning of his methods. "Well, yeah...if you want to stop the bleeding...pressure is necessary. But if you really want to do it yourself, sure. Just keep that pressed down for a few minutes." The boy was beginning to regain his breath, despite the fact that the spot where the dark spike had hit him definitely still hurt.

"Fuz-guy?" Monk snickered. "That's a new one. But I do have a name. You can call me Monk. Nice to meet you, AJ. I can call you AJ, yes?" He gave her a friendly, yet slightly pained smile.
Baltic | He/Him | FR Time +2
Siffrin-sprite.png please come talk to me about ISAT that game has a hold on me rn Siffrin-sprite.png
I look another moment, tearing my eyes away from the snappy woman to assess the damage, everyone gathered around, the injuries- the blood, so much blood- and the strong scent of... fear. I picked at the furs on me, and suddenly I did understand why the shaman wanted to wear the stuffy eilkabou furs that looked so much different from the more wilder ones I wore. I frowned, my snout bunching up as I sniffed at the air some more. The sharp tint iron tint of blood I smelled mostly, the undertones of sweaty fear, and... a unrecognizable scent. I tilted my head back slightly, sniffing more aggressively. what was that?
I look another moment, tearing my eyes away from the snappy woman to assess the damage, everyone gathered around, the injuries- the blood, so much blood- and the strong scent of... fear. I picked at the furs on me, and suddenly I did understand why the shaman wanted to wear the stuffy eilkabou furs that looked so much different from the more wilder ones I wore. I frowned, my snout bunching up as I sniffed at the air some more. The sharp tint iron tint of blood I smelled mostly, the undertones of sweaty fear, and... a unrecognizable scent. I tilted my head back slightly, sniffing more aggressively. what was that?
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Castle Underground
“Haha, if that’s what you want to do, then Ivan is probably the right person for that,” Lexi said, beckoning Zerina to follow.

Before she left though, there was a slight spark of telepathy between her and the king, though it was just barely noticeable. She passed through a few corridors, “Let’s see he should be in the underground labs, and if I remember correctly…” She stopped at a rather inconspicuous hall. It seemed to have escaped unscathed due to being further inwards in the castle. She took out a key from her gloves, which had a magical energy that seemed to resonate with one of the tiles of the floor, causing it to open up like a trapdoor.

"Watch your step," Lexi said as she climbed down the ladder.

The room was certainly dark, only the light from the castle peeking through at first. Once she had climbed all the way down though, the key resonated once more, causing the room to light up all at once. Now that it was illuminated, it was clear just how messy the room was. Piles of papers and books were strewn about, most of the writing being nigh illegible even without the factor of being in a different language. There was also a chalkboard covered in diagrams and writing with a few photos and documents tacked on. Though it seemed quite haphazard, one thing that repeatedly appeared amongst the mess was Deimos' mark. Small eye-like symbols peeked out all throughout the room, seeming to stare back at onlookers.

In the center of the room stood a small low table, with a pile of books stacked high and some sort of stitched hide laid out. There were also long strips of white fabric with faded writing on them. These were in English surprisingly enough, seeming to have been machine printed with a few handwritten annotations surrounding it. There was also a quill and the skid marks of an ink bottle which had been knocked over and shattered on the ground. Lexi clicked her tongue, holding out her hand as the remnants of the shattered glass sucked up into her gloves. She then stepped over the messy piles of paper to the couch, where a man was lying haphazardly. He too, had a few books and papers piled on him, but looked to simply be asleep rather than suffocating in piles of literature.

"Ivan! Wake up!" Lexi shouted.

The man jolted awake, sitting up and causing a few books to fall to the floor. He squinted from behind his messy black bangs, looking confused for a moment before he saw Lexi. Rather than seeming annoyed at getting disturbed from his sleep, he beamed and jumped up excitedly, grabbing Lexi’s hand.

"Lexi, just who I wanted to see! Have you got that sample of skin that-" He was cut off as Lexi retracted her hands, glaring.

"You have guests Ivan…" Lexi said, “I swear you need to wear your glasses more, your eyesight’s getting worse.”

The man seemingly finally noticed the other people in the room, scratching his head a little. “Oh, so I do,” He squinted, looking around haphazardly for his glasses but not really seeming committed, “Mm… I would if I could find them. They’re just annoying to keep track of.”

((will post with another for Sephyra later just wanted to get this post out quickly for y'all))
Castle Underground
“Haha, if that’s what you want to do, then Ivan is probably the right person for that,” Lexi said, beckoning Zerina to follow.

Before she left though, there was a slight spark of telepathy between her and the king, though it was just barely noticeable. She passed through a few corridors, “Let’s see he should be in the underground labs, and if I remember correctly…” She stopped at a rather inconspicuous hall. It seemed to have escaped unscathed due to being further inwards in the castle. She took out a key from her gloves, which had a magical energy that seemed to resonate with one of the tiles of the floor, causing it to open up like a trapdoor.

"Watch your step," Lexi said as she climbed down the ladder.

The room was certainly dark, only the light from the castle peeking through at first. Once she had climbed all the way down though, the key resonated once more, causing the room to light up all at once. Now that it was illuminated, it was clear just how messy the room was. Piles of papers and books were strewn about, most of the writing being nigh illegible even without the factor of being in a different language. There was also a chalkboard covered in diagrams and writing with a few photos and documents tacked on. Though it seemed quite haphazard, one thing that repeatedly appeared amongst the mess was Deimos' mark. Small eye-like symbols peeked out all throughout the room, seeming to stare back at onlookers.

In the center of the room stood a small low table, with a pile of books stacked high and some sort of stitched hide laid out. There were also long strips of white fabric with faded writing on them. These were in English surprisingly enough, seeming to have been machine printed with a few handwritten annotations surrounding it. There was also a quill and the skid marks of an ink bottle which had been knocked over and shattered on the ground. Lexi clicked her tongue, holding out her hand as the remnants of the shattered glass sucked up into her gloves. She then stepped over the messy piles of paper to the couch, where a man was lying haphazardly. He too, had a few books and papers piled on him, but looked to simply be asleep rather than suffocating in piles of literature.

"Ivan! Wake up!" Lexi shouted.

The man jolted awake, sitting up and causing a few books to fall to the floor. He squinted from behind his messy black bangs, looking confused for a moment before he saw Lexi. Rather than seeming annoyed at getting disturbed from his sleep, he beamed and jumped up excitedly, grabbing Lexi’s hand.

"Lexi, just who I wanted to see! Have you got that sample of skin that-" He was cut off as Lexi retracted her hands, glaring.

"You have guests Ivan…" Lexi said, “I swear you need to wear your glasses more, your eyesight’s getting worse.”

The man seemingly finally noticed the other people in the room, scratching his head a little. “Oh, so I do,” He squinted, looking around haphazardly for his glasses but not really seeming committed, “Mm… I would if I could find them. They’re just annoying to keep track of.”

((will post with another for Sephyra later just wanted to get this post out quickly for y'all))
Aurous Castle
“Good, as long as you understand that,” Sephyra said.

“Now now, Sephyra, you’re scaring the poor thing,” Endar said, “Besides, it would be best to focus on the living for now, no? I know you have strong feelings towards necromancy, but you’re most needed in healing rather than management like this. I’ll help the other priests take care of the funeral, alright?”

She sighed, muscles relaxing as she slumped slightly, “Yes, you’re right. I’m very sorry,” She massaged her head, “I didn’t mean to… I just, nevermind…”

She cleared her throat. She was definitely more relaxed now but there was still a bit of tension in her movement. She looked at alert to AJ and Monk, nodding. “Of course, let me take care of that wound for you.” A soft light surrounded AJ’s hand as it healed, then Sephyra took out a cloth. It as pure white and glimmered with what seemed to be very minor magic, “I can see that you’re a little uncomfortable with me, so please use this to clean off your hand. It’s been enchanted to be able to absorb blood, so don’t worry about dirtying it.”

A few priests had come to gather the corpses, being directed by Endar and moving them carefully. Meanwhile guards accompanied by what seemed to be earth mages were helping with the rubble. The scent of blood and nectar in the castle seemed to intensify as time went on, though for anyone not sensitive to those things, it would hardly be noticeable. Sephyra had started to check over the other heroes when another priest had come in. She seemed to be in rather a hurry and made a beeline for Sephyra, ignoring everyone else.

“The silver maiden has collapsed!” She said, “I know you said to keep an eye on how much blood she’s been using but she was hiding it much better than usual. Most of the patients in the castle have stabilized but she’s still worried about those at the church and she’s even spoken about- about using the elixir.”

“I…” Sephyra’s eyes widened, there was a clear fear and worry in her face, though she gripped her staff and spoke calmly, “I’ll try to talk some sense into Lifa.” She looked ready to simply rush off, though she paused and remembered the heroes, “Ah.. I’m very sorry, I need to leave.”
Aurous Castle
“Good, as long as you understand that,” Sephyra said.

“Now now, Sephyra, you’re scaring the poor thing,” Endar said, “Besides, it would be best to focus on the living for now, no? I know you have strong feelings towards necromancy, but you’re most needed in healing rather than management like this. I’ll help the other priests take care of the funeral, alright?”

She sighed, muscles relaxing as she slumped slightly, “Yes, you’re right. I’m very sorry,” She massaged her head, “I didn’t mean to… I just, nevermind…”

She cleared her throat. She was definitely more relaxed now but there was still a bit of tension in her movement. She looked at alert to AJ and Monk, nodding. “Of course, let me take care of that wound for you.” A soft light surrounded AJ’s hand as it healed, then Sephyra took out a cloth. It as pure white and glimmered with what seemed to be very minor magic, “I can see that you’re a little uncomfortable with me, so please use this to clean off your hand. It’s been enchanted to be able to absorb blood, so don’t worry about dirtying it.”

A few priests had come to gather the corpses, being directed by Endar and moving them carefully. Meanwhile guards accompanied by what seemed to be earth mages were helping with the rubble. The scent of blood and nectar in the castle seemed to intensify as time went on, though for anyone not sensitive to those things, it would hardly be noticeable. Sephyra had started to check over the other heroes when another priest had come in. She seemed to be in rather a hurry and made a beeline for Sephyra, ignoring everyone else.

“The silver maiden has collapsed!” She said, “I know you said to keep an eye on how much blood she’s been using but she was hiding it much better than usual. Most of the patients in the castle have stabilized but she’s still worried about those at the church and she’s even spoken about- about using the elixir.”

“I…” Sephyra’s eyes widened, there was a clear fear and worry in her face, though she gripped her staff and spoke calmly, “I’ll try to talk some sense into Lifa.” She looked ready to simply rush off, though she paused and remembered the heroes, “Ah.. I’m very sorry, I need to leave.”
I moved back from the cleaners, unsure of what I should do with myself. My shoulders where pulled up, and the scent of irony blood and something that almost smelled like spring- which was a bit odd- stuck into my nostrils, and I moved away from the strict woman, leaving her to her conversation.
The scales on my body raised as I glanced down, pressing a paw pad to my nostrils and taking a big breath. So that was the scent.
Magic. I think.
I moved back from the cleaners, unsure of what I should do with myself. My shoulders where pulled up, and the scent of irony blood and something that almost smelled like spring- which was a bit odd- stuck into my nostrils, and I moved away from the strict woman, leaving her to her conversation.
The scales on my body raised as I glanced down, pressing a paw pad to my nostrils and taking a big breath. So that was the scent.
Magic. I think.
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Luther & Aida
Location: Dining room
Interactions: Open

Luther's attention snapped towards Sephyra and the other priestess, genuine concern in his eyes as he thought,
F-CK! NO! This is going horribly as I KNOW what that means when it comes to blood loss.
He then said with a hit of panic,
"Wait! I-I… I might be able to help with massive blood loss. So long as we're compatible I could give some of mine to get her back to functioning, and let the weak regenerative properties it carries do the rest."
He started after Sephyra, trying not to focus on the smell of blood or the creeping bit of nausea that was starting up.

"At least tell her the full truth about your regeneration Luther. So that the risk can be evaluated."
Aida said, fast walking to keep up with her brother as she thought,
I don't want everyone to hate you and actively try to kill you here because you pushed things too far and actually drained someone.
She was starting to get rather anxious about the whole situation, but she knew that there really was no stopping her brother from trying to help people, even at his own expense.

Luther glanced back at Aida with a hint of annoyance as he replied,
"What about it?"

Aida rolled her eyes as she said,
"You know damn well what I'm talking about."
Zerina & Scar
Location: Castle Underground
Interactions: If you're there then you're part of this. Accept it.

Zerina smiled a bit as she went with the others deeper into the castle, as she kinda liked getting to look at older buildings. And while this castle might be modern here, for her it was like seeing a pristine 'ruin' so she was all for it. Paired with a hidden trapdoor? Get out of here, that's awesome.
Zerina excitedly climbed down the ladder, noticing that the actual full blooded Blood Wyvern was actually letting others go first. Interesting since while she'd already figured he was a bit more civil than the species was made out for, she didn't expect this level of it. Once in the room below however, you could see the instant fascination and interest in her blue eyes as she first walked over to the chalkboard, simultaneously p-ssed she couldn't read it and impressed that someone else had done this as well. Zerina pulled out her own notebook and said softly,
"Oh wow… I'm not insane then. Other people do this too."

Scar stood near the trap door for a few minutes, sort of to let anyone else that wanted in first through. But it was more to try and gauge the distance and if he'd be able to fit his shoulders through or not. As Blood Wyverns are a bit like cats in that if they can get their shoulders in they are able to squeeze through that space. And there are a lot of spaces you'd really think they couldn't fit into that they can. After a moment Scar stuck his head and a front leg in opposite to the ladder and from there clung to the wall, since he didn't want to destroy the ladder with his talons. After a moment he slid out onto the floor in a very cat-like manner, talons clicking softly against the tiled floor. He didn't at all look offended by Ivan's reaction, if anything kinda feeling it himself as he thought,
Sir, I felt that. Waking up excited to see something new and… Oh it's just someone with a cough.
Scar then said,
"Not exactly skin, but you'll essentially have a wyvern pellet that has dulled off bits of glass and a complete demon's arm skeleton. Haven't really eaten anything else that'd show up in a pellet… Even if I really want to."
There was a slight pause before he added,
"If you find your glasses I could try enchanting them to conveniently return to the same spot after being lost for a certain amount of time. That'd have to be more of a trade but still."
Tristan Graves
Location: Dining room
Interactions: Open

Look man, my guy is still over here moving rubble like the introverted champion he is. By all means feel free to see what happens when you acknowledge him in any way.
Luther & Aida
Location: Dining room
Interactions: Open

Luther's attention snapped towards Sephyra and the other priestess, genuine concern in his eyes as he thought,
F-CK! NO! This is going horribly as I KNOW what that means when it comes to blood loss.
He then said with a hit of panic,
"Wait! I-I… I might be able to help with massive blood loss. So long as we're compatible I could give some of mine to get her back to functioning, and let the weak regenerative properties it carries do the rest."
He started after Sephyra, trying not to focus on the smell of blood or the creeping bit of nausea that was starting up.

"At least tell her the full truth about your regeneration Luther. So that the risk can be evaluated."
Aida said, fast walking to keep up with her brother as she thought,
I don't want everyone to hate you and actively try to kill you here because you pushed things too far and actually drained someone.
She was starting to get rather anxious about the whole situation, but she knew that there really was no stopping her brother from trying to help people, even at his own expense.

Luther glanced back at Aida with a hint of annoyance as he replied,
"What about it?"

Aida rolled her eyes as she said,
"You know damn well what I'm talking about."
Zerina & Scar
Location: Castle Underground
Interactions: If you're there then you're part of this. Accept it.

Zerina smiled a bit as she went with the others deeper into the castle, as she kinda liked getting to look at older buildings. And while this castle might be modern here, for her it was like seeing a pristine 'ruin' so she was all for it. Paired with a hidden trapdoor? Get out of here, that's awesome.
Zerina excitedly climbed down the ladder, noticing that the actual full blooded Blood Wyvern was actually letting others go first. Interesting since while she'd already figured he was a bit more civil than the species was made out for, she didn't expect this level of it. Once in the room below however, you could see the instant fascination and interest in her blue eyes as she first walked over to the chalkboard, simultaneously p-ssed she couldn't read it and impressed that someone else had done this as well. Zerina pulled out her own notebook and said softly,
"Oh wow… I'm not insane then. Other people do this too."

Scar stood near the trap door for a few minutes, sort of to let anyone else that wanted in first through. But it was more to try and gauge the distance and if he'd be able to fit his shoulders through or not. As Blood Wyverns are a bit like cats in that if they can get their shoulders in they are able to squeeze through that space. And there are a lot of spaces you'd really think they couldn't fit into that they can. After a moment Scar stuck his head and a front leg in opposite to the ladder and from there clung to the wall, since he didn't want to destroy the ladder with his talons. After a moment he slid out onto the floor in a very cat-like manner, talons clicking softly against the tiled floor. He didn't at all look offended by Ivan's reaction, if anything kinda feeling it himself as he thought,
Sir, I felt that. Waking up excited to see something new and… Oh it's just someone with a cough.
Scar then said,
"Not exactly skin, but you'll essentially have a wyvern pellet that has dulled off bits of glass and a complete demon's arm skeleton. Haven't really eaten anything else that'd show up in a pellet… Even if I really want to."
There was a slight pause before he added,
"If you find your glasses I could try enchanting them to conveniently return to the same spot after being lost for a certain amount of time. That'd have to be more of a trade but still."
Tristan Graves
Location: Dining room
Interactions: Open

Look man, my guy is still over here moving rubble like the introverted champion he is. By all means feel free to see what happens when you acknowledge him in any way.
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Dress up
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Basilisks
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif She/her
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Writer/artist

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Lady, Smiles
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Theatre Kid/FR+ 3
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Roleplayer - Kamura Kingdom (Open)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Blood Wyverns

The slight down draft caused by the hovering creature shifted Amira's sparrow. She grabbed the handlebar and stabilized the vehicle, holding onto it as she looked at the creature. She hadn't encountered much with flight, but she assumed her could shoot it down with her bow if she needed to. As a grenade launcher and a Rocket Launcher would be pointless. Though currently, she didn't need to fire.

Amira pulled her bow, laying an arrow on the string. Not to shoot, not yet at least. But she didn't want to be caught off guard. Her facial expressions hidden beneath her visor that was only visibly transparent from the side she looked through. She seemed paranoid, in all actuality. Her hand seeming ready to pull the string back, she seemed attentive, listening for something to go wrong.

"You mean the place full of random people I don't know?" Her voice sounding harsh, though technically unintentional, it was a side effect of her damaged vocal cords and her relatively Russian accent. "I'm not really interested, thanks for your, 'offer'."

Kassius Locklade

I'm not sure what to list for Kass, but it isn't anywhere near interaction of sorts, so I guess I'll leave it

Cyra Xeoniph

Cyra took the cloak from Lexi and put it on. She seemed a bit weary, hoping the cloak didn't catch fire. She felt it press her wings into her back, the pain causing her to wince. She closely followed Lexi, letting out a small thank you. As the room darkened, the light of Cyra's flames became slightly more noticeable. Though they didn't disappear once the light came on. She looked cautious, the flammable paper seemed like a hazard to Cyra. To her surprise, nothing caught fire. She seemed like a weight was taken off her shoulder, her caution replaced by curiosity. She didn't want to thank Lexi again, but for the 3rd time, Cyra felt some sort of joy, or happiness. She recognized the weird giddy feeling from back when she first met Avery. Cyra seemed lost in her own world, thinking about something to anyone around her.

Auryon Usoro

Auryon tore up part of her right sleeve, using it to pull the glass out of her with her left hand. She felt slightly off from the blood loss as well, as she was mostly human. She carefully wrapped what she could, holding pressure on some of the wounds. She could make a tourniquet for her right arm, as it was the one with the most injury. She tore a bit of her pant leg with her knife despite the difficult of doing it one handed. She grabbed a fork from the table and made a makeshift tourniquet, tightening it and binding it to prevent it from moving. Hopefully someone with some form of medical experience could remove it before she lost her arm. She wouldn't do it herself, as the blood in her arm would become poisonous if let back into her bloodstream. Though losing an arm was better then loosing a life.


'Humorous, I guess. Although an aversion to necromancy seems quite strange. Wonder what'd they'd think of me? Whatever, They'll find out eventually, or they wont.' She felt the presence of magic surround her, detect magic telling her what was going on. She felt a slight change, nothing much though. She noticed the slight panic of Sephyra, and her curiosity peaked. She twisted her ring, wondering if she'd use it. She approached Sephyra, not directly as that'd look weird. Blink would be useful from this distance, and while in the ascendant plane, she could improve her stealth capabilities with a few spells. She'd be making the attempt to follow her either way.


The slight down draft caused by the hovering creature shifted Amira's sparrow. She grabbed the handlebar and stabilized the vehicle, holding onto it as she looked at the creature. She hadn't encountered much with flight, but she assumed her could shoot it down with her bow if she needed to. As a grenade launcher and a Rocket Launcher would be pointless. Though currently, she didn't need to fire.

Amira pulled her bow, laying an arrow on the string. Not to shoot, not yet at least. But she didn't want to be caught off guard. Her facial expressions hidden beneath her visor that was only visibly transparent from the side she looked through. She seemed paranoid, in all actuality. Her hand seeming ready to pull the string back, she seemed attentive, listening for something to go wrong.

"You mean the place full of random people I don't know?" Her voice sounding harsh, though technically unintentional, it was a side effect of her damaged vocal cords and her relatively Russian accent. "I'm not really interested, thanks for your, 'offer'."

Kassius Locklade

I'm not sure what to list for Kass, but it isn't anywhere near interaction of sorts, so I guess I'll leave it

Cyra Xeoniph

Cyra took the cloak from Lexi and put it on. She seemed a bit weary, hoping the cloak didn't catch fire. She felt it press her wings into her back, the pain causing her to wince. She closely followed Lexi, letting out a small thank you. As the room darkened, the light of Cyra's flames became slightly more noticeable. Though they didn't disappear once the light came on. She looked cautious, the flammable paper seemed like a hazard to Cyra. To her surprise, nothing caught fire. She seemed like a weight was taken off her shoulder, her caution replaced by curiosity. She didn't want to thank Lexi again, but for the 3rd time, Cyra felt some sort of joy, or happiness. She recognized the weird giddy feeling from back when she first met Avery. Cyra seemed lost in her own world, thinking about something to anyone around her.

Auryon Usoro

Auryon tore up part of her right sleeve, using it to pull the glass out of her with her left hand. She felt slightly off from the blood loss as well, as she was mostly human. She carefully wrapped what she could, holding pressure on some of the wounds. She could make a tourniquet for her right arm, as it was the one with the most injury. She tore a bit of her pant leg with her knife despite the difficult of doing it one handed. She grabbed a fork from the table and made a makeshift tourniquet, tightening it and binding it to prevent it from moving. Hopefully someone with some form of medical experience could remove it before she lost her arm. She wouldn't do it herself, as the blood in her arm would become poisonous if let back into her bloodstream. Though losing an arm was better then loosing a life.


'Humorous, I guess. Although an aversion to necromancy seems quite strange. Wonder what'd they'd think of me? Whatever, They'll find out eventually, or they wont.' She felt the presence of magic surround her, detect magic telling her what was going on. She felt a slight change, nothing much though. She noticed the slight panic of Sephyra, and her curiosity peaked. She twisted her ring, wondering if she'd use it. She approached Sephyra, not directly as that'd look weird. Blink would be useful from this distance, and while in the ascendant plane, she could improve her stealth capabilities with a few spells. She'd be making the attempt to follow her either way.

Space was so Cool~
So Cool~
But it won't even live in a Memory
Universe Unspooled~
So Cruel~
To be Leaving with only a Melody~
Castle Underground
“Hm yes, a good suggestion. I only got them recently though, and enchanting such a delicate object when it’s not designed to be is kind of troublesome,” Ivan shrugged, “Besides, I can usually get Lexi to find them for me.”

Lexi rolled her eyes in response but held out her palms to the room. In a few seconds, a pair of glasses came flying out of one of the piles of books and she caught them before they could be sucked into her gloves.

“I’m not always going to be here to do that for you, you know?” Lexi said with a slight sigh, handing it to him.

Ivan put them on but apparently couldn't help fidgeting with them as he looked at the group properly. He seemed a bit surprised at Cyra, perhaps because she was wearing a royal artifact, though he didn't say anything. He was also a bit interested in Zerina's book, but was quickly distracted.

“An arm skeleton?!” He wasn't even questioning how and why Scar had come across such a thing nor why it was going to be in a pellet.

“Yeah, I would’ve gotten you the whole arm but one of our heroes had to go and eat it,” Lexi said. She adjusted her gloves slightly as there was a spark of telepathy between her and Ivan. He promptly got even more excited.

“Really? You’ll really give them to me?” He asked, grasping her hands again, “Oh, I’m so lucky today! Let’s do it right now!”

Lexi cleared her throat loudly, “We can’t do it now, it’ll probably take time unless you want to cut open the stomach of one of our heroes,” She said.

Ivan’s attention shifted from Lexi to Scar. He stared at the wyvern, seeming to be considering it for a moment, though he was pulled out of that thought as Lexi continued speaking.

“But in the meantime, it would probably be helpful for them to learn more about the demons, they might even be able to help with your research,” Lexi said, “It’s why I let them tag along in the first place.”
Aurous Castle
“I’m sorry, thank you,” Sephyra spoke, “I hope it won’t be bad enough for that to be needed though.” She turned to the other priest, “Please take care of the heroes in my stead.”

She nodded in response, turning to the other heroes. “I’m Evena, I may not be as talented as Sephyra but please allow me to help,” She said, bowing slightly. She walked over to Auryon, a gentle light surrounding her arm wound as it started to close. It felt calming, an effect to try and slow down the loss of blood. There was a slight numbing sensation around the area when she was done, then she moved on to the smaller scratches. “I also have iron supplements if needed.”

Meanwhile Sephyra was walking briskly, just a few steps from breaking into a full run. In one of the side rooms was a young teenager who was practically being forced to sit down, not that it was very hard to do so as when she tried to stand, it was clear that she wasn't in any shape to be walking. She had long pale hair tied up into a bun and silver eyes which seemed to shimmer with bits of pink and red. As Sephyra came into the room, she groaned and crossed her arms, slumping back into her chair. The other priests sighed in relief that she had stopped. Meanwhile, she was avoiding eye contact with Sephyra, persistently glaring at the floor.

“Lifa, I told you not to push yourself, did I not?” Sephyra said, “I allowed you to continue your work on the condition that you would not use more than a cup of your blood and you would tell me if you intended to use the elixir. You’ve broken both of those conditions.”

“But I’m the silver maiden,” Lifa said, “How can I just stand by and do nothing? Besides, it’s my authority to use the elixir, not yours.”

“Rest is just as important as your responsibilities as silver maiden,” Sephyra said.

“Then what about you?!” She snapped, “You’re constantly running all over and even though we’re already busy with the demon attack from before, the stupid king ordered a summoning ritual! You just went along with it even though you know it’s way more work than everything else! If you can do that, then why can’t I do something as simple as this?”
Just outside the castle
“What? Er well, I guess that makes sense actually. Don't really know what you mean by offer though,” She said, scratching her head.

The girl swooped down, landing with precision on Amira’s vehicle and making herself comfortable by sitting on it as if it was completely natural. It didn’t seem she had any ill intentions, but her sense of stranger danger was definitely questionable. At this point, her wing scarf had neatly wrapped itself around her neck.

“But where are you going? Just gonna wander around? What’s this thing? A fancy broom? You’re a hero right?” She was bubbling with questions, “What kind of world did you come from? It looks like it’s quite far away from how much distortion there’s around you. Ah, do you know of anyone called Sparrow? My last name comes from him, I’m Aerie Sparrow! He was a hero but I never got to meet him,” She sighed, “And I’ve never been able to meet any other heroes up until now.”
Castle Underground
“Hm yes, a good suggestion. I only got them recently though, and enchanting such a delicate object when it’s not designed to be is kind of troublesome,” Ivan shrugged, “Besides, I can usually get Lexi to find them for me.”

Lexi rolled her eyes in response but held out her palms to the room. In a few seconds, a pair of glasses came flying out of one of the piles of books and she caught them before they could be sucked into her gloves.

“I’m not always going to be here to do that for you, you know?” Lexi said with a slight sigh, handing it to him.

Ivan put them on but apparently couldn't help fidgeting with them as he looked at the group properly. He seemed a bit surprised at Cyra, perhaps because she was wearing a royal artifact, though he didn't say anything. He was also a bit interested in Zerina's book, but was quickly distracted.

“An arm skeleton?!” He wasn't even questioning how and why Scar had come across such a thing nor why it was going to be in a pellet.

“Yeah, I would’ve gotten you the whole arm but one of our heroes had to go and eat it,” Lexi said. She adjusted her gloves slightly as there was a spark of telepathy between her and Ivan. He promptly got even more excited.

“Really? You’ll really give them to me?” He asked, grasping her hands again, “Oh, I’m so lucky today! Let’s do it right now!”

Lexi cleared her throat loudly, “We can’t do it now, it’ll probably take time unless you want to cut open the stomach of one of our heroes,” She said.

Ivan’s attention shifted from Lexi to Scar. He stared at the wyvern, seeming to be considering it for a moment, though he was pulled out of that thought as Lexi continued speaking.

“But in the meantime, it would probably be helpful for them to learn more about the demons, they might even be able to help with your research,” Lexi said, “It’s why I let them tag along in the first place.”
Aurous Castle
“I’m sorry, thank you,” Sephyra spoke, “I hope it won’t be bad enough for that to be needed though.” She turned to the other priest, “Please take care of the heroes in my stead.”

She nodded in response, turning to the other heroes. “I’m Evena, I may not be as talented as Sephyra but please allow me to help,” She said, bowing slightly. She walked over to Auryon, a gentle light surrounding her arm wound as it started to close. It felt calming, an effect to try and slow down the loss of blood. There was a slight numbing sensation around the area when she was done, then she moved on to the smaller scratches. “I also have iron supplements if needed.”

Meanwhile Sephyra was walking briskly, just a few steps from breaking into a full run. In one of the side rooms was a young teenager who was practically being forced to sit down, not that it was very hard to do so as when she tried to stand, it was clear that she wasn't in any shape to be walking. She had long pale hair tied up into a bun and silver eyes which seemed to shimmer with bits of pink and red. As Sephyra came into the room, she groaned and crossed her arms, slumping back into her chair. The other priests sighed in relief that she had stopped. Meanwhile, she was avoiding eye contact with Sephyra, persistently glaring at the floor.

“Lifa, I told you not to push yourself, did I not?” Sephyra said, “I allowed you to continue your work on the condition that you would not use more than a cup of your blood and you would tell me if you intended to use the elixir. You’ve broken both of those conditions.”

“But I’m the silver maiden,” Lifa said, “How can I just stand by and do nothing? Besides, it’s my authority to use the elixir, not yours.”

“Rest is just as important as your responsibilities as silver maiden,” Sephyra said.

“Then what about you?!” She snapped, “You’re constantly running all over and even though we’re already busy with the demon attack from before, the stupid king ordered a summoning ritual! You just went along with it even though you know it’s way more work than everything else! If you can do that, then why can’t I do something as simple as this?”
Just outside the castle
“What? Er well, I guess that makes sense actually. Don't really know what you mean by offer though,” She said, scratching her head.

The girl swooped down, landing with precision on Amira’s vehicle and making herself comfortable by sitting on it as if it was completely natural. It didn’t seem she had any ill intentions, but her sense of stranger danger was definitely questionable. At this point, her wing scarf had neatly wrapped itself around her neck.

“But where are you going? Just gonna wander around? What’s this thing? A fancy broom? You’re a hero right?” She was bubbling with questions, “What kind of world did you come from? It looks like it’s quite far away from how much distortion there’s around you. Ah, do you know of anyone called Sparrow? My last name comes from him, I’m Aerie Sparrow! He was a hero but I never got to meet him,” She sighed, “And I’ve never been able to meet any other heroes up until now.”
Zerina & Scar
Location: Castle Underground
Interactions: If you're there then you're part of this. Accept it.

"Really wouldn't recommend stabbing me in the stomach."
Scar said before continuing,
"I ate the last guy to try that and don't plan on ending that pattern."
He chirped softly before twitching his wings a bit and taking up a position similar to that of a cat 'loafing' and thought,
Nope, now you've made me have a funny thought and I want to see it through. Because I've seen humans lose their glasses in the same dumb place countless times.
He then added in a mix of his normal rasp with some of his accent showing,
"Mate, it's no issue for me. I literally picked up enchanting because I was bored and a vocal mimic. Besides I have the perfect idea for it. So if you're interested feel free to bother me for it… Even during the day since I'm willing to talk if you bring me any sort of food."
His tail flicked, loosley pulling away from Crya's direction on instinct. Scar then looked at a piece of paper on the floor, trying to see if he could decipher the writing… As he at one time had horrible handwriting and knew more than one language.

Zerina tapped her foot out of habit as she said,
"Yes, I'll let you read some of my demon notes… They should be legible since the enchantments are to prevent certain creatures from getting more than a word salad or a call out."
She closed her notebook and came over a bit closer as she continued,
"Though I'll probably only give some page copies until I feel like information won't get accidentally passed along."
She then tapped the cover to produce a pencil clearly interested in the idea of hearing more about the demons of this land.
Luther & Aida
Location: Castle in general
Interactions: Open

Luther looked at Sephyra as they were walking and said,
"It's literally my job to deal with blood based issues. Most of the time when someone passes out that is not a good thing."
That also makes for an easier victim…
No, you shut the f-ck up. That also means there won't be as much to feed on. Also, you whiny bas-ard, this would be THE most frowned upon moment to bite someone.

He thought, trying to use shame to contain his more unsavory instincts at the moment.

Aida was half-running to keep up as she said,
"Luther, I know this is easy for you but I'm the one the predatory genetics skipped over. I can't run like you do."
She wasn't really struggling all that much, but it was clear that Aida couldn't run as well as her older brother.
She then thought,
I know what you're about to say and I'm nervous to punch you for it at the moment.

"Sis, you want to investigate crime scenes. Don't you ever get concerned the murderer will still be there? Then you'll have to run since last I checked you can't regenerate and lack true fangs."
Luther replied to his sister.

Aida then shot back,
"I want to punch you but also don't want to get bitten."

Luther shook his head and listened to the argument between Sephyra and Lifa for a moment before he said,
"Because this isn't Russia back in the world war times. Where they just yeeted a child for blood transfusions. Actually, I'm not sure if they'd still do that but that's not the point.
If you passed out from blood loss you need to sit and rest for a bit before running around giving more of it. As I really don't want to be treating a totally preventable case of blood loss, as I do something far worse when I've stressed my regeneration to its limits. And it's really not great for anyone that hasn't received my blood. Just use less traditionally magical methods at the very least to continue helping… It's what I'm stuck with due to my own abilities aside from my bodily fluids all carrying some form of healing.
Don't know what the elixir is so I'm not gonna touch that as alchemy never was my thing."
He swallowed hard and tried to act like he wasn't as 'sick' as he really was.
Zerina & Scar
Location: Castle Underground
Interactions: If you're there then you're part of this. Accept it.

"Really wouldn't recommend stabbing me in the stomach."
Scar said before continuing,
"I ate the last guy to try that and don't plan on ending that pattern."
He chirped softly before twitching his wings a bit and taking up a position similar to that of a cat 'loafing' and thought,
Nope, now you've made me have a funny thought and I want to see it through. Because I've seen humans lose their glasses in the same dumb place countless times.
He then added in a mix of his normal rasp with some of his accent showing,
"Mate, it's no issue for me. I literally picked up enchanting because I was bored and a vocal mimic. Besides I have the perfect idea for it. So if you're interested feel free to bother me for it… Even during the day since I'm willing to talk if you bring me any sort of food."
His tail flicked, loosley pulling away from Crya's direction on instinct. Scar then looked at a piece of paper on the floor, trying to see if he could decipher the writing… As he at one time had horrible handwriting and knew more than one language.

Zerina tapped her foot out of habit as she said,
"Yes, I'll let you read some of my demon notes… They should be legible since the enchantments are to prevent certain creatures from getting more than a word salad or a call out."
She closed her notebook and came over a bit closer as she continued,
"Though I'll probably only give some page copies until I feel like information won't get accidentally passed along."
She then tapped the cover to produce a pencil clearly interested in the idea of hearing more about the demons of this land.
Luther & Aida
Location: Castle in general
Interactions: Open

Luther looked at Sephyra as they were walking and said,
"It's literally my job to deal with blood based issues. Most of the time when someone passes out that is not a good thing."
That also makes for an easier victim…
No, you shut the f-ck up. That also means there won't be as much to feed on. Also, you whiny bas-ard, this would be THE most frowned upon moment to bite someone.

He thought, trying to use shame to contain his more unsavory instincts at the moment.

Aida was half-running to keep up as she said,
"Luther, I know this is easy for you but I'm the one the predatory genetics skipped over. I can't run like you do."
She wasn't really struggling all that much, but it was clear that Aida couldn't run as well as her older brother.
She then thought,
I know what you're about to say and I'm nervous to punch you for it at the moment.

"Sis, you want to investigate crime scenes. Don't you ever get concerned the murderer will still be there? Then you'll have to run since last I checked you can't regenerate and lack true fangs."
Luther replied to his sister.

Aida then shot back,
"I want to punch you but also don't want to get bitten."

Luther shook his head and listened to the argument between Sephyra and Lifa for a moment before he said,
"Because this isn't Russia back in the world war times. Where they just yeeted a child for blood transfusions. Actually, I'm not sure if they'd still do that but that's not the point.
If you passed out from blood loss you need to sit and rest for a bit before running around giving more of it. As I really don't want to be treating a totally preventable case of blood loss, as I do something far worse when I've stressed my regeneration to its limits. And it's really not great for anyone that hasn't received my blood. Just use less traditionally magical methods at the very least to continue helping… It's what I'm stuck with due to my own abilities aside from my bodily fluids all carrying some form of healing.
Don't know what the elixir is so I'm not gonna touch that as alchemy never was my thing."
He swallowed hard and tried to act like he wasn't as 'sick' as he really was.
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Dress up
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Basilisks
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif She/her
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Writer/artist

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Lady, Smiles
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Theatre Kid/FR+ 3
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Roleplayer - Kamura Kingdom (Open)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Blood Wyverns