
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | notn swap hub!
Have: [item=snappish planting] [item=littlest snapdragon] [item=treacherous irons] [item=entrapping shackles] [item=wallowing willow] [item=dismayed devilwood] [item=ponder orb] [item=crystal curiosity] [item=venom ring] [item=nutcracker] [item=book swarm] [item=conjured timepiece] [item=fanciful casting] [item=first wish] Want: [item=scroll stealer] [item=dirge fiddlefiend] [item=overwatered seedling] Just send a CR or ping.
Have: Snappish Planting Littlest Snapdragon Treacherous Irons Entrapping Shackles Wallowing Willow Dismayed Devilwood Ponder Orb Crystal Curiosity Venom Ring Nutcracker Book Swarm Conjured Timepiece Fanciful Casting First Wish
Want: Scroll Stealer Dirge Fiddlefiend Overwatered Seedling

Just send a CR or ping.
[quote name="BlurryReality" date="2023-12-27 20:03:47" ] [b]WANT[/b] [item=Strange Chest][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg] I'm looking for what most people are looking for during NotN. Strange Chests! I'm putting their value at 20g. Or Noc Eggs at 200g. I'm only listing fams of particular significance or NotN related because that's uh... a lot. You're welcome to inquire about non-listed non-fest fams also in my bestiary I'll see if I have a double. [b]HAVE[/b] [b]Fest Fams[/b] [item=Conflagrant Ambassador][Item=Marble Lightweaver][item=Porphyry Flamecaller][item=Granite Earthshaker][item=Flourite Windsinger][item=Larimar Tidelord][item=Malachite Gladekeeper][item=Shardback Slink][item=fossilback slink][item=brambleback slink][item=Peony of Rockbreaker] [b]General Fams[/b] [item=Bookworm] [b]Silkstrewn[/b] [item=Sunset Buttersnake][item=Nightsong Bard][item=Flighted Molecricket][item=Mith Spellstealer][item=Mith Loremaster][item=Maple Bagwitch][item=Shy bagwitch][item=Roving jelly Jewel][item=Jelly Jewel][item=Striped Crecko][item=Illumination Crecko][item=Watchful Viperpillar][item=Hornworm Viperpillar][item=Glow Worm Swarm][item=Catercroak][item=Scarlet Hamble][item=Colony Killer] [b]HibDen Fams[/b] [item=Cockatrice][item=Brown River Flight][item=Tengu][item=Clown Charger][item=Blue Dragon Reef Snail][item=Crowned Bonepriest][item=Warcat Protector][item=Iridescent Scaleback][item=Death's=Head Stag][item=Bamboo Phytocat][item=Sunspot Clouddancer][item=Salve kamaitachi][item=Sickle kamaitachi][item=Common Podid][item=Fungalhoof Qiriq][item=Greatshell][item=Dodo][item=Brush Dodo][item=Greenroot janustrap][item=Raptorik Warrior][item=Wintermane Spearman][item=Sentinel Mith][item=Budwing Morpho][item=Manticore Screamer][item=Deadwood Boar][item=Longneck Hunter][item=Tigerblood Foo][item=Parda][item=Crystalplate Stinger][item=Centaur Berserker][item=Fan Scorpion][item=Wraith Hound][item=Goldenplains Poodle Mith][item=Augite Protector][item=Vivid Wavehopper][item=Ultraram][item=Ragepuff][item=Chipskink][item=Petalmane Floron][item=Aspen Gall Dryad][item=Moonlight Fungi][item=Travelling Garden][item=Princess Petal Gecko][item=Condorwing Champion][item=Greattusk][item=Pale Greattusk][item=Wintermane Minstrel][item=Bell Goat][item=Dunerunner][item=Fennec Kitsune][item=Tricolor Viperpillar][item=Scarlet-Crested Woodoon][item=Bonecarver Ancient][item=Harpy Ancestor][item=Proto-Roc][item=Pet Roc][item=Fancy Terror Bird][item=Mundane Terror Bird][item=Abyss Wanderer][item=Fossil Hunter][item=Walking Fish][item=Eel of the Depths][item=Seaweed nautilus][item=Deepglow Nautilus][item=Carcass Cleaner][item=Filter Fiend][item=Trench Siren][item=abyssal Bard] [b]NotN Fams[/b] [item=Snarling Mimic][item=Ectoplasmime][item=Jawlocker] [item=Serpentine Lamp][item=Vulpine Lamp][item=Animated Armor][item=Spirit Armor] [item=Glowing Globe][item=Living Luminance][item=Masked Phantom][item=Veiled Vision] [item=Crystal Carrier][item=Orbiting Spirit][item=Enchanted Armaments][item=Sorcerous Arms] [item=Ball-Jointed Bogsneak][item=Bogsneak Puppet][item=Calculating Candelabra][item=Smoldering Sconce] [item=Unlikely Alliance][item=Opposing Forces][item=Axe Mimic][item=Crooked Hatchet] [item=Animated Statue][item=Living Sculpture][item=Deadly Reflection][item=Magic Mirror] [item=Wooden Marionette][item=Painted Marionette][item=Spellbound Tome][item=Ensorcelled Volume] [item=Antique Chair][item=Spidered Seat][item=Colubrid Column][item=Serthis Support] [item=Curious Kettle][item=Ravenous Cauldron][item=Inquisitive Shroud][item=Valorous Cape] [item=Poltergeist Pile][item=Transmuted Treasure][item=Tick-Tock][item=Time Devourer] [item=Dirge Fiddlefiend][item=Ghosthost Viola][item=Tricky Telescope][item=Mischievous Magnifier] [item=Pinpush Mirror Doll][item=Four-Eyed Phylactery][item=Scroll Stealer][item=Kyorinrin] [item=Blooming Hedgehide][item=Overwatered Seedling][item=Vigilant Spear][item=Apparition Lance] [item=Banshee Brooch][item=Cryptic Cameo][item=Dancing Chalice][item=Vigorous Goblet] [item=Swinging Chandelier][item=Pitfall Fixture][item=Spritely Portrait][item=Furious Faun] [item=Seething Stove][item=Bouncy Broiler][item=Battered Vase][item=Glazed Sentry] [item=Manticore's Might][item=Catty Cannon][item=Wicker Dragon][item=Tinder Toy] [item=Silverstring Harp][item=Veilspun Verse][item=Bewildered Broom][item=Steadfast Sweeper] [item=Magic Carpet][item=Raucous Runner][item=Poltergeist Piano][item=Killer Keyboard] [item=Writer's Aid][item=Encouraging Quill][item=Rock Paper Scissors][item=Decision Maker] [item=Leisure Loaf][item=Danger Decor][item=Brass Knocker][item=Guest Greeter] [item=Curious Parasol][item=Splendiferous Sunshade][item=Book Hoard][item=Book Swarm] [item=Sugar and Spice][item=Salt and Pepper][item=Undertide Fidget Toy][item=Articulated Fidget Toy] [item=Nutcracker][item=Snapper Nutcracker][item=Formal Tea Set][item=Afternoon Tea] [item=band of companionship][item=venom ring][item=crystal curiosity][item=ponder orb] [item=dismayed devilwood][item=wallowing willow][item=eerie baubles][item=enchanted jewelry] [item=entrapping shackles][item=treacherous irons][item=littlest snapdragon][item=snappish planting] [item=rogue apparel][item=whimsical ensemble] [b]Fest Apparel[/b] [item=Crystalclaw Sheathe][item=Plague aura][item=Earth Aura] [b]NotN Apparel[/b] [item=conjured timepiece][item=fanciful casting][item=first wish] [item=Plasmpool Armet][item=Plasmpool Spikescarf][item=Plasmpool Flightshroud][item=Plasmpool Tasset] [item=Plasmpool Grimplate][item=Plasmpool Tailspine][item=Plasmpool Hindcallouses][item=Plasmpool Forecallouses] [item=Haunting Amber Ghastcrown][item=Haunting Amber Pendants][item=Haunting Amber Grasp][item=Haunting Amber Forejewels] [item=Haunting Amber Taildecor][item=Haunting Amber Clawrings][item=Haunting Amber Nightshroud] [item=Ghost Flame Candles][item=Ghost Flame Cloak][item=Ghost Flame Collar][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece] [item=Ghost Flame Tail Jewel][item=Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon][item=Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon] [item=Conjurer's Cloak][item=Conjurer's Cobwebs][item=Conjurer's Hat][item=Conjurer's Herb Pouch][item=Conjurer's Staff] [item=Jolly Jester's Cap][item=Jolly Jester's Collar][item=Jolly Jester's Cape][item=Jolly Jester's Gloves] [item=Jolly Jester's Stockings][item=Jolly Jester's Tail Bell][item=Jolly Jester's Wing Cover] [item=Woeful Footpads][item=Woeful Gambeson][item=Woeful Gloves][item=Woeful Hood] [item=Woeful Vial][item=Woeful Tools][item=Woeful Presence] [item=Sky Crystal][item=Basic Book Collection][item=Golden Starswirl] [item=Enchanted Wolf Necklace][item=Enchanted Orca necklace][item=Enchanted Raven Necklace] [item=Enchanted Owl Necklace][item=Enchanted Cat Necklace][item=Enchanted Stag Necklace] [item=Candle Cascade][item=Black Candle Cascade] [b]Specialty[/b] [item=Tertiary Gene: Smirch][item=Primary Gene: Fern][item=Secondary Gene: Paisley][item=Breed Change: Nocturne] [b]Fest Skins[/b][columns] Auraboa [item=Skin: Stone Shed] Aberration [skin=44206][item=Accent: Aberrant Kraken][item=Accent: ThunderRing][item=Accent: Dark Bramble Lurkers][item=Accent: Obscured Follower] Banescale [skin=44208][item=Accent: C.A.C.T.U.S.] Bogsneak [item=Accent: Centellia] Pearlcatcher [item=Accent: Malum Immortalis][item=Accent: A Pearl's Refraction][item=Skin: Sunlit Ruin][item=Skin: Coaxial Kirin] Fae [item=Accent: Mistflight][item=Skin: Deffwibbon] Gaoler [item=Skin: Pumbleboundy Bree][item=Accent: Answer of the Millennium][item=Skin: Chiming In] Guardian [item=Accent: Gilded Void][item=Accent: Mountain Mover] [nextcol]Mirror [item=Accent: Lost In Thought] Wildclaw [item=Accent: Creeping Violets][skin=40663][item=Accent: Winter Wings][item=Accent: At Second Glance] Obelisk [item=Accent: Lake Baikal][skin=42326][item=Accent: Beast of the Abyss][item=Accent: Full moon winter][item=Accent: Frigid Nobility][item=Accent: Marsh Tigris] Nocturne [item=Skin: Lunar occultae][item=Skin: Ancient Painter][item=Accent: Galetouched Revelry][item=Skin: Spirit of the Shore][item=Accent: Midnight Jester] Skydancer [item=Accent: West Wind Regalia][item=Skin: Madam Monarchy][item=Skin: Snowy Night] Snapper [item=Skin: Penumbral Pantomime] Spiral [item=Accent: Ginkgo Biloba Butterfly][item=Accent: Mossy Greens] Undertide [item=Accent: Aurora's Breath][item=Accent: Umbral Wing][item=Accent: Unwind] Veilspun [item=Accent: Shadowy Embrace][item=Accent: Heritage of Suns][item=Accent: Industrial Organism][/columns] [b]Vistas/Scenes[/b] [item=Vista: Bamboo Falls][item=Vista: Mire][item=Vista: Conjurer's hat][item=Vista: Gossamer Flame][item=Vista: Jester][item=Vista: Spectral Shroud][item=Vista: Plasmpool Armor][item=Vista: Spidered Seat][item=Vista: Broken Spear][item=Vista: Mire II][item=Vista: Deepsea Dive][item=Vista: Snarling Mimic][item=Vista: Ancient Aerie][item=Vista: Rainsong Jungle][item=Vista: Kelp Beds][item=Vista: Sandswept Delta][item=Scene: Strange Chests][item=Scene: Mire][item=Scene: Frigidfin Expedition][item=Scene: Enchanted Dungeon][item=Scene: Witch's Kitchen][item=Scene: Silk-Strewn Wreckage] [b]Trade Items[/b] [item=Mirror]x21 stacks [item=Night Flame]x14 stacks [item=Leporidae Guise]x7 stacks [item=Weathered Grimoire]x21 stacks I'm placing each stack at a value of 16g. I'll give you a stack for a strange chest. 12 stacks for an egg. Food trade items at a 2:1 ratio. [/quote]
BlurryReality wrote on 2023-12-27 20:03:47:
Strange Chest Unhatched Nocturne Egg
I'm looking for what most people are looking for during NotN. Strange Chests! I'm putting their value at 20g. Or Noc Eggs at 200g. I'm only listing fams of particular significance or NotN related because that's uh... a lot. You're welcome to inquire about non-listed non-fest fams also in my bestiary I'll see if I have a double.

Fest Fams
Conflagrant Ambassador Marble Lightweaver Porphyry Flamecaller Granite Earthshaker Larimar Tidelord Malachite Gladekeeper Shardback Slink Fossilback Slink Brambleback Slink Peony of Rockbreaker

General Fams

Sunset Buttersnake Nightsong Bard Flighted Molecricket Mith Spellstealer Mith Loremaster Maple Bagwitch Shy Bagwitch Roving Jelly Jewel Jelly Jewel Striped Crecko Illumination Crecko Watchful Viperpillar Hornworm Viperpillar Glow Worm Swarm Catercroak Scarlet Hamble Colony Killer

HibDen Fams
Cockatrice Brown River Flight Tengu Clown Charger Blue Dragon Reef Snail Crowned Bonepriest Warcat Protector Iridescent Scaleback Bamboo Phytocat Sunspot Clouddancer Salve Kamaitachi Sickle Kamaitachi Common Podid Fungalhoof Qiriq Greatshell Dodo Brush Dodo Greenroot Janustrap Raptorik Warrior Wintermane Spearman Sentinel Mith Budwing Morpho Manticore Screamer Deadwood Boar Longneck Hunter Tigerblood Foo Parda Crystalplate Stinger Centaur Berserker Fan Scorpion Wraith Hound Goldenplains Poodle Mith Augite Protector Vivid Wavehopper Ultraram Ragepuff Chipskink Petalmane Floron Aspen Gall Dryad Moonlight Fungi Travelling Garden Princess Petal Gecko Condorwing Champion Greattusk Pale Greattusk Wintermane Minstrel Bell Goat Dunerunner Fennec Kitsune Tricolor Viperpillar Scarlet-Crested Woodoon Bonecarver Ancient Harpy Ancestor Proto-Roc Pet Roc Fancy Terror Bird Mundane Terror Bird Abyss Wanderer Fossil Hunter Walking Fish Eel of the Depths Seaweed Nautilus Deepglow Nautilus Carcass Cleaner Filter Fiend Trench Siren Abyssal Bard

NotN Fams
Snarling Mimic Ectoplasmime Jawlocker
Serpentine Lamp Vulpine Lamp Animated Armor Spirit Armor
Glowing Globe Living Luminance Masked Phantom Veiled Vision
Crystal Carrier Orbiting Spirit Enchanted Armaments Sorcerous Arms
Ball-Jointed Bogsneak Bogsneak Puppet Calculating Candelabra Smoldering Sconce
Unlikely Alliance Opposing Forces Axe Mimic Crooked Hatchet
Animated Statue Living Sculpture Deadly Reflection Magic Mirror
Wooden Marionette Painted Marionette Spellbound Tome Ensorcelled Volume
Antique Chair Spidered Seat Colubrid Column Serthis Support
Curious Kettle Ravenous Cauldron Inquisitive Shroud Valorous Cape
Poltergeist Pile Transmuted Treasure Tick-Tock Time Devourer
Dirge Fiddlefiend Ghosthost Viola Tricky Telescope Mischievous Magnifier
Pinpush Mirror Doll Four-Eyed Phylactery Scroll Stealer Kyorinrin
Blooming Hedgehide Overwatered Seedling Vigilant Spear Apparition Lance
Banshee Brooch Cryptic Cameo Dancing Chalice Vigorous Goblet
Swinging Chandelier Pitfall Fixture Spritely Portrait Furious Faun
Seething Stove Bouncy Broiler Battered Vase Glazed Sentry
Manticore's Might Catty Cannon Wicker Dragon Tinder Toy
Silverstring Harp Veilspun Verse Bewildered Broom Steadfast Sweeper
Magic Carpet Raucous Runner Poltergeist Piano Killer Keyboard
Writer's Aid Encouraging Quill Rock Paper Scissors Decision Maker
Leisure Loaf Danger Decor Brass Knocker Guest Greeter
Curious Parasol Splendiferous Sunshade Book Hoard Book Swarm
Sugar and Spice Salt and Pepper Undertide Fidget Toy Articulated Fidget Toy
Nutcracker Snapper Nutcracker Formal Tea Set Afternoon Tea
Band of Companionship Venom Ring Crystal Curiosity Ponder Orb
Dismayed Devilwood Wallowing Willow Eerie Baubles Enchanted Jewelry
Entrapping Shackles Treacherous Irons Littlest Snapdragon Snappish Planting
Rogue Apparel Whimsical Ensemble

Fest Apparel
Plague Aura Earth Aura

NotN Apparel
Conjured Timepiece Fanciful Casting First Wish
Plasmpool Armet Plasmpool Spikescarf Plasmpool Flightshroud Plasmpool Tasset
Plasmpool Grimplate Plasmpool Tailspine Plasmpool Hindcallouses Plasmpool Forecallouses
Haunting Amber Ghastcrown Haunting Amber Pendants Haunting Amber Grasp Haunting Amber Forejewels
Haunting Amber Taildecor Haunting Amber Clawrings Haunting Amber Nightshroud
Ghost Flame Candles Ghost Flame Cloak Ghost Flame Collar Ghost Flame Headpiece
Ghost Flame Tail Jewel Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon
Conjurer's Cloak Conjurer's Cobwebs Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's Herb Pouch Conjurer's Staff
Jolly Jester's Cap Jolly Jester's Collar Jolly Jester's Cape Jolly Jester's Gloves
Jolly Jester's Stockings Jolly Jester's Tail Bell Jolly Jester's Wing Cover
Woeful Footpads Woeful Gambeson Woeful Gloves Woeful Hood
Woeful Vial Woeful Tools Woeful Presence
Sky Crystal Basic Book Collection Golden Starswirl
Enchanted Wolf Necklace Enchanted Orca Necklace Enchanted Raven Necklace
Enchanted Owl Necklace Enchanted Cat Necklace Enchanted Stag Necklace
Candle Cascade Black Candle Cascade

Tertiary Gene: Smirch Primary Gene: Fern Secondary Gene: Paisley Breed Change: Nocturne

Fest Skins
Skin: Stone Shed

Accent: Aberrant Kraken Accent: ThunderRing Accent: Dark Bramble Lurkers Accent: Obscured Follower

Accent: C.A.C.T.U.S.

Accent: Centellia

Accent: Malum Immortalis Accent: A Pearl's Refraction Skin: Sunlit Ruin Skin: Coaxial Kirin

Accent: Mistflight Skin: DeffWibbon

Skin: Pumbleboundy Bree Accent: Answer of the Millennium Skin: Chiming In

Accent: Gilded Void Accent: Mountain Mover
Accent: Lost in Thought

Accent: Creeping Violets Accent: Winter Wings Accent: At Second Glance

Accent: Lake Baikal Accent: Beast of the Abyss Accent: Full moon winter Accent: Frigid Nobility Accent: Marsh Tigris

Skin: Lunar Occultae Skin: Ancient Painter Accent: Galetouched Revelry Skin: Spirit of the Shore Accent: Midnight Jester

Accent: West Wind Regalia Skin: Madam Monarchy Skin: Snowy Night

Skin: Penumbral Pantomime

Accent: Ginkgo Biloba Butterfly Accent: Mossy Greens

Accent: Umbral Wing Accent: UNWIND

Accent: Shadowy Embrace Accent: Heritage of Suns Accent: Industrial organism

Vista: Bamboo Falls Vista: Mire Vista: Conjurer's Hat Vista: Gossamer Flame Vista: Jester Vista: Spectral Shroud Vista: Plasmpool Armor Vista: Spidered Seat Vista: Broken Spear Vista: Mire II Vista: Deepsea Dive Vista: Snarling Mimic Vista: Ancient Aerie Vista: Rainsong Jungle Vista: Kelp Beds Vista: Sandswept Delta Scene: Strange Chests Scene: Mire Scene: Frigidfin Expedition Scene: Enchanted Dungeon Scene: Witch's Kitchen Scene: Silk-Strewn Wreckage

Trade Items
Mirror x21 stacks Night Flame x14 stacks
Leporidae Guise x7 stacks Weathered Grimoire x21 stacks

I'm placing each stack at a value of 16g. I'll give you a stack for a strange chest. 12 stacks for an egg. Food trade items at a 2:1 ratio.
oy11GHf.png tumblr_inline_ny7iugii4Q1qmzhvw_540.png
Wishlist | Lore Shop

@Plantagenet could I send you a [item=vigorous goblet] for a [item=ponder orb]?
@Plantagenet could I send you a Vigorous Goblet for a Ponder Orb ?
andi | they/them
fr time +3
@andromidia I've set up the CR for you.
@andromidia I've set up the CR for you.
Have: [item=Strange Chest] (enough to trade for 23 eggs) Want: [item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg] Ratio is 11:1 at the moment
Have: Strange Chest (enough to trade for 23 eggs)

Want: Unhatched Nocturne Egg

Ratio is 11:1 at the moment
Sales Thread
Gen 1 Adoption
Tailwind Services (leveling/brewing&more)
Project Tracker
@Ceradenja I have the following if you still need them [quote name="Ceradenja" date="2023-12-29 10:18:56" ] [center] [item=enchanted jewelry] [item=vigilant spear] [item=apparition lance] [item=opposing forces] [/center] [/quote] I will trade 1 for 1 for stuff from the list of items I am collecting. Except Flutterbun which I will give all the above for 1. [quote name="Collecting" date="2023-12-19" ] GIVE ME ALL OF THESE [item=strange chest] unlimited [item=*glazed sentry] [item=magic carpet] Upto 8 [item=overwatered Seedling] Upto 5 [item=pitfall fixture] Upto 5 [item=unlikely alliance] Upto 4 [item=deadly reflection] Upto 14 [item=ravenous cauldron] Upto 10 [item=flutterbun] Upto 18 [item=Splendiferous Sunshade] upto 5 [item=Danger Decor] Upto 12 [item=calculating candelabra] Upto 15 [/quote]
@Ceradenja I have the following if you still need them
Ceradenja wrote on 2023-12-29 10:18:56:

Enchanted Jewelry Vigilant Spear Apparition Lance Opposing Forces

I will trade 1 for 1 for stuff from the list of items I am collecting. Except Flutterbun which I will give all the above for 1.
Collecting wrote on 2023-12-19:
Strange Chest unlimited

Magic Carpet Upto 8
Overwatered Seedling Upto 5
Pitfall Fixture Upto 5
Unlikely Alliance Upto 4
Deadly Reflection Upto 14
Ravenous Cauldron Upto 10
Flutterbun Upto 18
Splendiferous Sunshade upto 5
Danger Decor Upto 12
Calculating Candelabra Upto 15
tumblr_nxz6n6mNKg1tc68dzo1_250.png If you are tagging me take note there are 2 r's in my name.
@BlurryReality Hi, how many familiars for one egg? Is it 1:1? I have a few eggs and I'd love to trade for [item=Porphyry Flamecaller] [item=Lightback Slink] [item=Runeback Slink] [item=Vigorous Goblet]

Hi, how many familiars for one egg? Is it 1:1? I have a few eggs and I'd love to trade for Porphyry Flamecaller Lightback Slink Runeback Slink Vigorous Goblet
@Thuviel Yup! Three eggs and you can take the goblet for free since it's 12g on AH. Unless you want to pay that - up to you I don't mind.
@Thuviel Yup! Three eggs and you can take the goblet for free since it's 12g on AH. Unless you want to pay that - up to you I don't mind.
oy11GHf.png tumblr_inline_ny7iugii4Q1qmzhvw_540.png
Wishlist | Lore Shop

@Plantagenet Trade you my [item=Apparition Lance] for your [item=Entrapping Shackles]? I also have the other familiars, if you'd prefer one of those

Trade you my Apparition Lance for your Entrapping Shackles ?

I also have the other familiars, if you'd prefer one of those
need: [item=pinpush mirror doll][item=pitfall fixture][item=dismayed devilwood][item=catty cannon][item=bouncy broiler] have: lots of double NOTN familiars, both old and new! Let me know what you're looking for
Pinpush Mirror Doll Pitfall Fixture Dismayed Devilwood Catty Cannon Bouncy Broiler

lots of double NOTN familiars, both old and new! Let me know what you're looking for