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TOPIC | [drawing] sunset's 3rd family reunion!
PetalFall and Citrine head to Simera’s hot springs for a nice soak before Aurora's stargazing. Relaxed and enjoying the festivities they listen to the story awed by her voice. They're very much enjoying the reunion and Laharin is happy to be here for the first time. Excited having met as much family they never knew they had.
PetalFall and Citrine head to Simera’s hot springs for a nice soak before Aurora's stargazing. Relaxed and enjoying the festivities they listen to the story awed by her voice. They're very much enjoying the reunion and Laharin is happy to be here for the first time. Excited having met as much family they never knew they had.
@nothingtown @Vickypedia [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Pepo left a blanket and a cup of tea on a small table nearby where the slightly ill looking dragon was hopefully sure to find it. He hadn’t answered her questions, which with most grownups probably meant that he was thinking about grownup things. She hoped he would be okay. [/columns] Looking around she saw a few other younger dragons and went over to introduce herself. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [columns] “Hi, I’m Pepo!” She announced with no hesitation. “And this is Prell. She’s a Bagwitch, but I really don’t know what that means other than she collects a lot of things and I’m not actually sure how she manages to carry them all. I think my sister went somewhere to not be around all the grownups but I’m not sure where that is. Do you know?” [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] From the little bagwitch came the single comment. “Collector.” Which seemed to be both agreement and pride. (OOC I have several offspring who I intended to let out for adoption but now after RP, I’m finding myself much less enamored with that idea)
Pepo left a blanket and a cup of tea on a small table nearby where the slightly ill looking dragon was hopefully sure to find it. He hadn’t answered her questions, which with most grownups probably meant that he was thinking about grownup things. She hoped he would be okay.
Looking around she saw a few other younger dragons and went over to introduce herself.

89783916.png 89783918.png

“Hi, I’m Pepo!” She announced with no hesitation. “And this is Prell. She’s a Bagwitch, but I really don’t know what that means other than she collects a lot of things and I’m not actually sure how she manages to carry them all. I think my sister went somewhere to not be around all the grownups but I’m not sure where that is. Do you know?”

From the little bagwitch came the single comment. “Collector.” Which seemed to be both agreement and pride.

(OOC I have several offspring who I intended to let out for adoption but now after RP, I’m finding myself much less enamored with that idea)
w8o0xW1.pngjYu7GSS.png XdKddgH.png DC: SQ9MAS6.png FR+0
@Newtinmpls @Vickypedia [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] "Let's dance!" someone calls, and with a smile and a nod, [url=]Calida [/url]starts strumming a jaunty two-step tune from her perch overhead. Caelina looks to StoneFire, who nods, and they step to the center of the cavern floor. A few other emboldened youths, including a young pair of sisters, join in from around the room! Despite their significant height difference, Caelina assumes the position of lead, stepping and spinning StoneFire around the dance floor. She seems to be pretty focused on placing her feet in the right place, but glances up once or twice to check that her dance partner is enjoying herself. The two brown-coated sisters are dancing together too, clumsily trying to follow along with the two-step. "This is fun!" one says to the other. "I'm so glad mom didn't forget us!" her sister replies. [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
@Newtinmpls @Vickypedia

"Let's dance!" someone calls, and with a smile and a nod, Calida starts strumming a jaunty two-step tune from her perch overhead. Caelina looks to StoneFire, who nods, and they step to the center of the cavern floor. A few other emboldened youths, including a young pair of sisters, join in from around the room!

Despite their significant height difference, Caelina assumes the position of lead, stepping and spinning StoneFire around the dance floor. She seems to be pretty focused on placing her feet in the right place, but glances up once or twice to check that her dance partner is enjoying herself.

The two brown-coated sisters are dancing together too, clumsily trying to follow along with the two-step. "This is fun!" one says to the other.

"I'm so glad mom didn't forget us!" her sister replies.
[center][ @perfectoranges I have a question for my RP for tomorrow: when you say [url=]Caelina[/url] only wants young dragons in her cave, how old is the cutoff for this? Jett is turning 2 years old this December, and Sirena is 7 months right now. Can they visit her cove tomorrow or no? Thanks! ][/center] [quote=Day 3 Recap] [LIST] [*]Jett wakes a little late and worries over whether Sirena will arrive in time for stargazing. [*]He discovers he enjoys tea, and makes a mental note to ask around his clan at home to convince someone to start practicing teamaking. [*]He browses the library for most of the day. [*]Sirena arrives just in time for stargazing, and loves the stars and the music. [*]Jett and Sirena fall asleep on the cliff face among Jett's family. [*]Jett wants to gift Sirena a music-related gift before they leave. [/LIST][/quote] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Jett woke up, blinking at the light filtering in through the den entrance. The den was rather empty - the realization of which woke him up even faster. He started to worry that he had missed the day’s activities before remembering that today was reserved for stargazing. Then he thought of how much [url=]Sirena[/url] would love to watch the stars, which sent a wave of worried knots through his stomach as he remembered how small the timeframe would be. Would she even get the letter in time? Would she even [i]want[/i] to come here? Jett shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts. Why was he so worked up about this anyways? He’d be fine on his own. Sure, he hadn’t yet spotted anyone familiar or similar to him in appearance, but the dragons here were nice. He’d held conversations with one or two about their home clans… but that just made him long for a familiar face even more… [i]“Stupid,”[/i] he thinks. [i]“Stop thinking of them for just a few days.”[/i] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]He stretches and leaves the den, going to the local tea shop for a late breakfast. The shop has a couple dragons here and there, but it must be too late in the morning for most dragons to be worried about tea - they're likely all out exploring and socializing. The imperial at the counter looks up at Jett when he enters, a slight glint in his eye that Jett senses is an expression of a dragon looking for something to do. Jett smiles.[/columns] “Hello, I haven’t been here before… I’d like whatever you recommend. I’m not picky.” The imperial gets a smile on his face and nods before disappearing behind his tools and contraptions. It takes a little while, but he returns with a cup of dull greenish tea. “Try this,” he says, handing Jett the cup. Jett takes it and lifts it to his mouth, sipping the warm, sweet liquid. “Mmm. It’s good!” Jett nods happily. “I haven’t had this before. In fact, my clan doesn’t even have a tea shop or cafe, or anything like this.” The imperial looks a little shocked. “No tea shop? That’s a shame.” He nods to the cup Jett is holding. “I enjoy green tea. I’m not sure where you’re from, but if you ever get a chance, you should try matcha. Don’t let my mentor Tyme know, but matcha is my favorite. I’m Aen, by the way.” “I’m Jett. It’s nice to meet you.” Jett finds a seat and enjoys his tea quietly for the rest of the morning, making a mental note to convince one of his clanmates to open a tea shop. ----- Jett spends most of the day exploring the clan on his own, and spends quite some time in the [url=]Glittering Library[/url]. He mostly browses books on ancient ships, pirate legends, and stars... although he finds his paws wrapped around one or two books on music as well, bringing his thoughts back to Sirena. As the sun arched high overhead, then began dipping towards the opposite horizon, Jett grew more and more worried that she wouldn’t make it in time for the stargazing tonight. It isn’t until the sun is mostly set that he began to lose hope. It's likely that she didn’t want to join. He doesn't blame her, and honestly isn’t surprised. She's quiet and introverted. A place like this would likely be the opposite of what she wanted to do this week, or any week for that matter. [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]When the moons start to grow visible in the sky, and dragons start to gather atop a cliff above the grotto, Jett spreads his wings and flies to the top, seating himself a little bit away from most of the others. Just as the first few stars begin to appear in the sky, Jett notices a figure flying from the north. The dragon is dark, but the moonlight highlights her figure just enough for Jett to recognize her.[/columns] "Sirena!" Jett yelps, leaping in the air. She hovers in place, backing away from him a bit. He approaches enough to see her clearly, but not too close as to make her uncomfortable. "I didn't think you'd make it!" Several dragons close enough to see the interaction smile and wave. Sirena ducks her head. "I didn't think I was going to join you. It's... not that I didn't want to, I just..." She trails off. "Don't worry, I know. This isn't your cup of tea." He tilts his head with a grin. "Have you ever tried tea? There's a tea shop here we can visit tomorrow-" [i]"Shhh!"[/i] One of the other dragons in the crowd shushes him excitedly. "Look at the stars, they're starting to come out!" Small gasps of "Oooh," and "Ahh" come from the crowd, and Jett motions Sirena to follow as he lands. They look up at the stars, following Aurora's pointing claw. She tells the story of the constellation she's gesturing to, and soft music starts to play. Jett can't help but smile and glance at Sirena at his side, sitting closer than she usually would. Her eyes are wide, and her mouth is slightly agape. She glances between the musicians and the sky, breathing heavily from her flight all the way from the Starwood Strand. Jett sighs contently, looking back up at the stars as Aurora starts to tell the crowd another story. [i]"Wow,"[/i] Sirena says faintly. Jett looks at her again. "I... I'm glad I came here. This is beautiful." She pries her blue eyes away from the stars to meet his gaze. He can't remember when she's ever looked so content and happy. He smiles, finally feeling comfortable here. "I'm glad you came too." ----- Around midnight, when many dragons have already started dozing on one another, Aurora concludes the storytelling. The musicians play a soft and comforting tune, and any dragons still awake either leave for their dens or curl up right here on the cliff face to sleep under the stars. Jett scrapes the stone to get Sirena's attention. She's nodding off, visibly tired from her journey. She snaps awake and looks at him with wide eyes, as if she thought she were in trouble. "Do you want to stay here or would you rather I show you the dens?" Jett asks, and she relaxes a little. "I like it out here. It's pretty." Jett nods and makes himself comfortable on the stone ground. Most dragons would find it uncomfortable to sleep on, but luckily he was an obelisk, and she was used to sleeping on stone. He wraps his tail over his nose and breaths out a content sigh. Sirena shifts next to him, making herself comfortable as well. Jett glances over and sees that she looks around at the other dragons a bit defensively, before looking at Jett and deciding that it's okay to sleep here. She lowers herself to the ground a couple feet away from him, using him as a barrier to most of the other dragons, and tucks her head over one of her wings, gazing up at the sky for a moment longer before her eyelids close sleepily. Jett smiles and closes his own eyes, slipping into sleep. Before he drifts off, he makes another mental note: to find a musical gift for Sirena during their time here.
[ @perfectoranges I have a question for my RP for tomorrow: when you say Caelina only wants young dragons in her cave, how old is the cutoff for this? Jett is turning 2 years old this December, and Sirena is 7 months right now. Can they visit her cove tomorrow or no? Thanks! ]
Day 3 Recap wrote:
  • Jett wakes a little late and worries over whether Sirena will arrive in time for stargazing.
  • He discovers he enjoys tea, and makes a mental note to ask around his clan at home to convince someone to start practicing teamaking.
  • He browses the library for most of the day.
  • Sirena arrives just in time for stargazing, and loves the stars and the music.
  • Jett and Sirena fall asleep on the cliff face among Jett's family.
  • Jett wants to gift Sirena a music-related gift before they leave.


Jett woke up, blinking at the light filtering in through the den entrance. The den was rather empty - the realization of which woke him up even faster. He started to worry that he had missed the day’s activities before remembering that today was reserved for stargazing. Then he thought of how much Sirena would love to watch the stars, which sent a wave of worried knots through his stomach as he remembered how small the timeframe would be. Would she even get the letter in time? Would she even want to come here?

Jett shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts. Why was he so worked up about this anyways? He’d be fine on his own. Sure, he hadn’t yet spotted anyone familiar or similar to him in appearance, but the dragons here were nice. He’d held conversations with one or two about their home clans… but that just made him long for a familiar face even more…

“Stupid,” he thinks. “Stop thinking of them for just a few days.”

70520730.png He stretches and leaves the den, going to the local tea shop for a late breakfast. The shop has a couple dragons here and there, but it must be too late in the morning for most dragons to be worried about tea - they're likely all out exploring and socializing. The imperial at the counter looks up at Jett when he enters, a slight glint in his eye that Jett senses is an expression of a dragon looking for something to do. Jett smiles.

“Hello, I haven’t been here before… I’d like whatever you recommend. I’m not picky.”

The imperial gets a smile on his face and nods before disappearing behind his tools and contraptions. It takes a little while, but he returns with a cup of dull greenish tea. “Try this,” he says, handing Jett the cup. Jett takes it and lifts it to his mouth, sipping the warm, sweet liquid.

“Mmm. It’s good!” Jett nods happily. “I haven’t had this before. In fact, my clan doesn’t even have a tea shop or cafe, or anything like this.”

The imperial looks a little shocked. “No tea shop? That’s a shame.” He nods to the cup Jett is holding. “I enjoy green tea. I’m not sure where you’re from, but if you ever get a chance, you should try matcha. Don’t let my mentor Tyme know, but matcha is my favorite. I’m Aen, by the way.”

“I’m Jett. It’s nice to meet you.” Jett finds a seat and enjoys his tea quietly for the rest of the morning, making a mental note to convince one of his clanmates to open a tea shop.

Jett spends most of the day exploring the clan on his own, and spends quite some time in the Glittering Library. He mostly browses books on ancient ships, pirate legends, and stars... although he finds his paws wrapped around one or two books on music as well, bringing his thoughts back to Sirena.

As the sun arched high overhead, then began dipping towards the opposite horizon, Jett grew more and more worried that she wouldn’t make it in time for the stargazing tonight. It isn’t until the sun is mostly set that he began to lose hope. It's likely that she didn’t want to join. He doesn't blame her, and honestly isn’t surprised. She's quiet and introverted. A place like this would likely be the opposite of what she wanted to do this week, or any week for that matter.

84317990.png When the moons start to grow visible in the sky, and dragons start to gather atop a cliff above the grotto, Jett spreads his wings and flies to the top, seating himself a little bit away from most of the others.

Just as the first few stars begin to appear in the sky, Jett notices a figure flying from the north. The dragon is dark, but the moonlight highlights her figure just enough for Jett to recognize her.

"Sirena!" Jett yelps, leaping in the air. She hovers in place, backing away from him a bit. He approaches enough to see her clearly, but not too close as to make her uncomfortable. "I didn't think you'd make it!" Several dragons close enough to see the interaction smile and wave. Sirena ducks her head.

"I didn't think I was going to join you. It's... not that I didn't want to, I just..." She trails off.

"Don't worry, I know. This isn't your cup of tea." He tilts his head with a grin. "Have you ever tried tea? There's a tea shop here we can visit tomorrow-"

"Shhh!" One of the other dragons in the crowd shushes him excitedly. "Look at the stars, they're starting to come out!"

Small gasps of "Oooh," and "Ahh" come from the crowd, and Jett motions Sirena to follow as he lands. They look up at the stars, following Aurora's pointing claw. She tells the story of the constellation she's gesturing to, and soft music starts to play. Jett can't help but smile and glance at Sirena at his side, sitting closer than she usually would. Her eyes are wide, and her mouth is slightly agape. She glances between the musicians and the sky, breathing heavily from her flight all the way from the Starwood Strand. Jett sighs contently, looking back up at the stars as Aurora starts to tell the crowd another story.

"Wow," Sirena says faintly. Jett looks at her again. "I... I'm glad I came here. This is beautiful." She pries her blue eyes away from the stars to meet his gaze. He can't remember when she's ever looked so content and happy. He smiles, finally feeling comfortable here.

"I'm glad you came too."

Around midnight, when many dragons have already started dozing on one another, Aurora concludes the storytelling. The musicians play a soft and comforting tune, and any dragons still awake either leave for their dens or curl up right here on the cliff face to sleep under the stars. Jett scrapes the stone to get Sirena's attention. She's nodding off, visibly tired from her journey. She snaps awake and looks at him with wide eyes, as if she thought she were in trouble.

"Do you want to stay here or would you rather I show you the dens?" Jett asks, and she relaxes a little.

"I like it out here. It's pretty."

Jett nods and makes himself comfortable on the stone ground. Most dragons would find it uncomfortable to sleep on, but luckily he was an obelisk, and she was used to sleeping on stone. He wraps his tail over his nose and breaths out a content sigh. Sirena shifts next to him, making herself comfortable as well. Jett glances over and sees that she looks around at the other dragons a bit defensively, before looking at Jett and deciding that it's okay to sleep here. She lowers herself to the ground a couple feet away from him, using him as a barrier to most of the other dragons, and tucks her head over one of her wings, gazing up at the sky for a moment longer before her eyelids close sleepily. Jett smiles and closes his own eyes, slipping into sleep.

Before he drifts off, he makes another mental note: to find a musical gift for Sirena during their time here.
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@xGemDragonx it's a little hand-wave-y, some of my "young" dragons have offspring and some of my baby dragons are years old - like Minnow, for example! so, my answer: those young in lore or young at heart are welcome to join in ^__^ no one's going to be turned away! maybe i'll even try to get Sunset to sneak off over there at some point, show these yearlings how to party!
@xGemDragonx it's a little hand-wave-y, some of my "young" dragons have offspring and some of my baby dragons are years old - like Minnow, for example! so, my answer: those young in lore or young at heart are welcome to join in ^__^ no one's going to be turned away! maybe i'll even try to get Sunset to sneak off over there at some point, show these yearlings how to party!
@perfectoranges :O Yay! They're gonna be giggling like little kids anyways... my little lovebirds are going to love it there <3 ....ehem who said that?!?! Who would spoil their RP plans like that?!!
@perfectoranges :O Yay! They're gonna be giggling like little kids anyways... my little lovebirds are going to love it there <3 ....ehem who said that?!?! Who would spoil their RP plans like that?!!
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@perfectoranges (continuing the familiar switch-up situation / this is getting hard to keep up with aaa)

"It's nice to meet you too! I'm Aspen, and that's Bellus." Aspen introduces. "You're... a very pretty dragon, if I'm allowed to say so. You're colorful, just like Bellus. Usually she always stands out in a crowd, but here, in the water amidst you and your familiars, I'm the unusual one! And that even though she isn't related to any of you."

"Well, my kind is known for looking similar to this species of fish. In fact, I was named after them. My parents weren't very creative," Bellus admits. "Despite looking like one, I've struggled for so long to find a Bellus Glamourtail. And now, there's two right here."

"Two?" Aspen asks, "I think I see three."


She gestures at Bellus and the familiars. "Three of them, and they look almost identical. How will we tell them apart?"


Bellus was not impressed.


The Fae was too shy to reply, so her sister decided to take the initiative. "No idea. We just got here. Mom forgot we were invited so she went without us first. And she still hasn't named us yet," she sighs. "Well, she remembered. So now we're here!"

So far we've discovered that Aspen might be bad at motherhood. Interesting development.

Anyway. My hands are starting to cramp so I have to call it a day. I wanted to have Aspen and Bellus join the stargazing too. I might remember to write that tomorrow before rollover. Right now I need a break and sleep.
@perfectoranges (continuing the familiar switch-up situation / this is getting hard to keep up with aaa)

"It's nice to meet you too! I'm Aspen, and that's Bellus." Aspen introduces. "You're... a very pretty dragon, if I'm allowed to say so. You're colorful, just like Bellus. Usually she always stands out in a crowd, but here, in the water amidst you and your familiars, I'm the unusual one! And that even though she isn't related to any of you."

"Well, my kind is known for looking similar to this species of fish. In fact, I was named after them. My parents weren't very creative," Bellus admits. "Despite looking like one, I've struggled for so long to find a Bellus Glamourtail. And now, there's two right here."

"Two?" Aspen asks, "I think I see three."


She gestures at Bellus and the familiars. "Three of them, and they look almost identical. How will we tell them apart?"


Bellus was not impressed.


The Fae was too shy to reply, so her sister decided to take the initiative. "No idea. We just got here. Mom forgot we were invited so she went without us first. And she still hasn't named us yet," she sighs. "Well, she remembered. So now we're here!"

So far we've discovered that Aspen might be bad at motherhood. Interesting development.

Anyway. My hands are starting to cramp so I have to call it a day. I wanted to have Aspen and Bellus join the stargazing too. I might remember to write that tomorrow before rollover. Right now I need a break and sleep.
@Stermwind All good...sometimes my life is also very busy. [img][/img] Happiness shines from Tui's face as gazes upon his mother. "Yes, it is me mother! I never thought to see you again!" @BubblyOstrich No pressure to RP, if you don't want to. I just wanted to acknowledge the relationship.


All good...sometimes my life is also very busy.


Happiness shines from Tui's face as gazes upon his mother. "Yes, it is me mother! I never thought to see you again!"


No pressure to RP, if you don't want to. I just wanted to acknowledge the relationship.
[center]@perfectoranges [b][u]Day 3[/u][/b] [item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][item=Wolpertinger][/center] After the expedition and a little nap, Deimos spent the rest of his second day working on an egg-holding sash to place the egg in. With a little persuasion from Chioni, he was going to [i]attempt[/i] to hatch the egg. But being stuck in an underwater cave for who-knows-how-long, he had a hunch that if it did hatch, it would be a while. Initially, the plan was to go hang out at the hot springs, mostly to help the egg along. And while they all went there at first, Montoli and Chioni lost interest in sticking around. And though they know it might be better off going to the library, the girls decide to go seek out [url=]Verdigris[/url], curious about who in the crowds of dragons surrounding them is related to their friend. Deimos remains at the hot springs - hopefully eggs are allowed! ----- Originally the group wasn't planning on going to the stargazing event, but as it starts, they find themselves navigating there, curious about all the noise. Deimos and Chioni don't stay, but Montoli gladly sits through it all, enamoured by the theatrics of the performance.
Day 3
Unhatched Nocturne Egg 88331556p.png88711457p.png Wolpertinger
After the expedition and a little nap, Deimos spent the rest of his second day working on an egg-holding sash to place the egg in. With a little persuasion from Chioni, he was going to attempt to hatch the egg. But being stuck in an underwater cave for who-knows-how-long, he had a hunch that if it did hatch, it would be a while.

Initially, the plan was to go hang out at the hot springs, mostly to help the egg along. And while they all went there at first, Montoli and Chioni lost interest in sticking around. And though they know it might be better off going to the library, the girls decide to go seek out Verdigris, curious about who in the crowds of dragons surrounding them is related to their friend.

Deimos remains at the hot springs - hopefully eggs are allowed!

Originally the group wasn't planning on going to the stargazing event, but as it starts, they find themselves navigating there, curious about all the noise. Deimos and Chioni don't stay, but Montoli gladly sits through it all, enamoured by the theatrics of the performance.

wip sig pls bear with i'm new to this stuff
[center]@perfectoranges Quelian samples a bit of the food today, getting more adventurous as he converses with some of the other dragons attending the reunion event. As the sun begins to set in the sky, he even decides to join the group of starwatchers listening intently to Aurora, finding his own spot near the back and gazing up into the heavens. It really [i]was[/i] beautiful here, and he found himself actually feeling happy for the first time in a long time. As the embers of the large fire die down to a dim glow, everyone heads off to carry out their respective nighttime activities, but Quelian stays for a while longer. Slinking closer to the warmth of the flickering coals, he lays down, looking out over the cliffside and just watching. Yeah...this was nice. [url=][img][/img][/url]
@perfectoranges Quelian samples a bit of the food today, getting more adventurous as he converses with some of the other dragons attending the reunion event. As the sun begins to set in the sky, he even decides to join the group of starwatchers listening intently to Aurora, finding his own spot near the back and gazing up into the heavens.

It really was beautiful here, and he found himself actually feeling happy for the first time in a long time.

As the embers of the large fire die down to a dim glow, everyone heads off to carry out their respective nighttime activities, but Quelian stays for a while longer. Slinking closer to the warmth of the flickering coals, he lays down, looking out over the cliffside and just watching.

Yeah...this was nice.
