
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Purge Pain
After the aether dropped I finally had a reason to go mono lair for my own flight's ancient dragons, and now, after weeks of fighting my urges to keep other dragons I finally dumped almost all dragons that were not extremely special for me in the auction house.

Looking at the "59 empty slots available" feels so surreal after months of struggling with a full clan!

Ignore the non-aether in the first tab, my coli team and for the love of our space-daddy don't look at my hibden full of shame keeps

Now excuse me figuring out what to do with the tons of apparel I have... and how to get more aether while being perpetually broke.
After the aether dropped I finally had a reason to go mono lair for my own flight's ancient dragons, and now, after weeks of fighting my urges to keep other dragons I finally dumped almost all dragons that were not extremely special for me in the auction house.

Looking at the "59 empty slots available" feels so surreal after months of struggling with a full clan!

Ignore the non-aether in the first tab, my coli team and for the love of our space-daddy don't look at my hibden full of shame keeps

Now excuse me figuring out what to do with the tons of apparel I have... and how to get more aether while being perpetually broke.
ArCANe but ArSHOULDN'Te. ArDOESe it anyway.
Check out the gayest dragon you'll ever see here
you should give me all of your apparel (this is a joke please don't,,,,,, i mean,, unless,,? jkjk)

you should sell your apparel to get more aether :D
you should give me all of your apparel (this is a joke please don't,,,,,, i mean,, unless,,? jkjk)

you should sell your apparel to get more aether :D
///////// //
c a r r o t
he / him | FR + 3
art shop | skinshop
the arcade | aesthetic rising
Congratulations! And seconding the selling apparel thing; maybe you could use some of your earnings to get UMAs, or on lair/den slots so you can have more aethers?
Congratulations! And seconding the selling apparel thing; maybe you could use some of your earnings to get UMAs, or on lair/den slots so you can have more aethers?
Dude, I'm feeling the squeeze because of my aether adoration too! I've so far been coping by just buying more slots, but I fear the days of purging are looming nearer...
Dude, I'm feeling the squeeze because of my aether adoration too! I've so far been coping by just buying more slots, but I fear the days of purging are looming nearer...
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Thank you all! These little buggers are the best dragons in my opinion and I need [i]more.[/i] If they ever add Wasp/Bee to their genes I would be eternally happy. [quote name="MoonFlames" date="2023-06-11 20:38:16" ] maybe you could use some of your earnings to get UMAs [/quote] I'll have to look up what UMAs are, saw that word floating around here but never found out what it meant.
Thank you all! These little buggers are the best dragons in my opinion and I need more. If they ever add Wasp/Bee to their genes I would be eternally happy.
MoonFlames wrote on 2023-06-11 20:38:16:
maybe you could use some of your earnings to get UMAs

I'll have to look up what UMAs are, saw that word floating around here but never found out what it meant.
ArCANe but ArSHOULDN'Te. ArDOESe it anyway.
@Ascar UMA == "User Made Accent", aka a custom skin/accent made with a Skin/Accent Blueprint and sold through forums/AH instead of being available in the marketplace etc.

They're a great way to dress up Ancients, but they can also be a huge money sink, so... forewarned/forearmed etc.
@Ascar UMA == "User Made Accent", aka a custom skin/accent made with a Skin/Accent Blueprint and sold through forums/AH instead of being available in the marketplace etc.

They're a great way to dress up Ancients, but they can also be a huge money sink, so... forewarned/forearmed etc.
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, but not mass ones.
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

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