
Items For Sale

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TOPIC | Crusaders - Coli Services : OPEN &Hiring
1 2 ... 339 340 341 342 343 ... 527 528

Your dragon is all done and waiting in a return CR home.
Thanks for ordering with us!


Your dragon is all done and waiting in a return CR home.
Thanks for ordering with us!


Starting your 2nd fest hour in Harpys Roost shortly.
Expect another ping once loot has been sent out.


Starting your 2nd fest hour in Harpys Roost shortly.
Expect another ping once loot has been sent out.


Your grind is all done and loot has been sent out.
Thanks for ordering with us!


Your grind is all done and loot has been sent out.
Thanks for ordering with us!


Hiya! I'll be starting your ordered 2 Golem Workshop hours today, so expect another ping once your loot is sent out :]

Hiya! I'll be starting your ordered 2 Golem Workshop hours today, so expect another ping once your loot is sent out :]
Celyn | FR+3 | She/They

| Featured Dragon | Wishlist |
unknown.png unknown.png

Your loot has been sent out, thank you so much for ordering with us!

Your loot has been sent out, thank you so much for ordering with us!
Celyn | FR+3 | She/They

| Featured Dragon | Wishlist |
unknown.png unknown.png
@AlcatrazSystem @/Apocracy @/Stormfate @LordMaroo @/Xesei @Ceylenium @Zith @/colieflower @/Victoriasfandoms @NuovoSangue @OlderThanBones @/TheRedPaladin @WolfCrystal @lostthought @LoopyLoopenzoop @Astaraela @mxbird @Adaejha

-» Regular or LvL25 Grind: Regular
-» Grinding Venue [SPECIFY!]: Redrock Cove
-» 30M, 1Hr or 2 Hours: 2 Hours
-» Payment [kt|gems]: treasure, depending on who takes the order I can also take a look at a wishlist!
@AlcatrazSystem @/Apocracy @/Stormfate @LordMaroo @/Xesei @Ceylenium @Zith @/colieflower @/Victoriasfandoms @NuovoSangue @OlderThanBones @/TheRedPaladin @WolfCrystal @lostthought @LoopyLoopenzoop @Astaraela @mxbird @Adaejha

-» Regular or LvL25 Grind: Regular
-» Grinding Venue [SPECIFY!]: Redrock Cove
-» 30M, 1Hr or 2 Hours: 2 Hours
-» Payment [kt|gems]: treasure, depending on who takes the order I can also take a look at a wishlist!
ThL3qDI.png sgriffin-16353-8_32_38_3_5_9.png
Hiring Brewers/Melters + Monthly Raffle
Prizes > Treasure MP genes and more!

Confirming your 2h reg. grinding order in Redrock Cove.
Your total is 208kt. 104kt per 1h.
Expect another ping once our Tomb Raiders are ready to start your orders!


Confirming your 2h reg. grinding order in Redrock Cove.
Your total is 208kt. 104kt per 1h.
Expect another ping once our Tomb Raiders are ready to start your orders!

@Arkeyr79, starting your first hour in the Arena. Depending on time, I may start your second hour as well and expect another ping when loot gets sent over!
@Arkeyr79, starting your first hour in the Arena. Depending on time, I may start your second hour as well and expect another ping when loot gets sent over!
@AlcatrazSystem @/Apocracy @/Stormfate @LordMaroo @Ceylenium @Xesei @LoopyLoopenzoop @OlderThanBones @starmates @Mesai @ThisIsMilkshake @Mistwing608 @Adaejha @BabeRuthless

-» Amount of dragons [max 6] + their LVL: 1 dragon, level 1
-» Equipped battlestones? [Y/N]: No
-» Payment [kt|gems|mixed]: Gems
@AlcatrazSystem @/Apocracy @/Stormfate @LordMaroo @Ceylenium @Xesei @LoopyLoopenzoop @OlderThanBones @starmates @Mesai @ThisIsMilkshake @Mistwing608 @Adaejha @BabeRuthless

-» Amount of dragons [max 6] + their LVL: 1 dragon, level 1
-» Equipped battlestones? [Y/N]: No
-» Payment [kt|gems|mixed]: Gems
dust & bones

step into the sepulcher...
the dusty tombs of long-dead priests lay in the alcoves below,
surmounted by stone effigies, the features eroded by the
passing of time; a reminder of the brevity of life.

[ C O D EL I N KL I N K ]

@AlcatrazSystem @/Apocracy @/Stormfate @LordMaroo @/Xesei @Ceylenium @Zith @/colieflower @/Victoriasfandoms @NuovoSangue @OlderThanBones @/TheRedPaladin @WolfCrystal @lostthought @LoopyLoopenzoop @Astaraela @mxbird @Adaejha

-» Regular or LvL25 Grind: regular
-» Grinding Venue [SPECIFY!]: thunderhead savanna
-» 30M, 1Hr or 2 Hours: 2 hours
-» Payment [kt|gems]: gems
@AlcatrazSystem @/Apocracy @/Stormfate @LordMaroo @/Xesei @Ceylenium @Zith @/colieflower @/Victoriasfandoms @NuovoSangue @OlderThanBones @/TheRedPaladin @WolfCrystal @lostthought @LoopyLoopenzoop @Astaraela @mxbird @Adaejha

-» Regular or LvL25 Grind: regular
-» Grinding Venue [SPECIFY!]: thunderhead savanna
-» 30M, 1Hr or 2 Hours: 2 hours
-» Payment [kt|gems]: gems
1 2 ... 339 340 341 342 343 ... 527 528