
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | The Post Office: Delightful Deliveries
Bob trekked along one of his normal routes, this one following a small village along the edge of the cliffs of the Sundial Terrance. A tiny Fae perched upon a mailbox, perking his head up once he saw the mail sprite approach. “Hello Lucas,” Bob cries out, “Another letter for your sister I assume?” Lucas hands Bob a letter as he replies “Yep! She’s been studying some statues that they unearthed at Hewn City this last month. It sounds super cool” “That certainly does sound fascinating, I’ll make sure that this letter makes it safely into her hands, even if I have to fight off some ghosts to do so! However, I really must be off. Always another parcel to deliver, ay?” “Okay then Mr. Bob, have fun delivering your letters! Bye bye!” [quote name="A Letter Familial Love"] Hi Tasha!!! I really miss you right now! Are you having fun in Hewn City? Is is really haunted like Pete says? Have you seen a ghost??? Also, are the statues cool? What color are they?! Mama and papa are planning a surprise for you, but I’m not supposed to tell you what it is! I’m super excited to see you again soon, and then I can show you how the garden has been doing! I’ve been watering it every day and it’s been super pretty, and I’m super excited for you to see it! Mama, papa and I all really want to see you soon! All the hugs! Lucas [/quote] [i] A note from the postman: From: Lucas Brightbloom, Outskirts of the Sundial Terrance To: Natasha (Tasha) Brightbloom, Department of Artifacts, Hewn City
Bob trekked along one of his normal routes, this one following a small village along the edge of the cliffs of the Sundial Terrance. A tiny Fae perched upon a mailbox, perking his head up once he saw the mail sprite approach.

“Hello Lucas,” Bob cries out, “Another letter for your sister I assume?”

Lucas hands Bob a letter as he replies “Yep! She’s been studying some statues that they unearthed at Hewn City this last month. It sounds super cool”

“That certainly does sound fascinating, I’ll make sure that this letter makes it safely into her hands, even if I have to fight off some ghosts to do so! However, I really must be off. Always another parcel to deliver, ay?”

“Okay then Mr. Bob, have fun delivering your letters! Bye bye!”
A Letter Familial Love wrote:
Hi Tasha!!!
I really miss you right now! Are you having fun in Hewn City? Is is really haunted like Pete says? Have you seen a ghost??? Also, are the statues cool? What color are they?! Mama and papa are planning a surprise for you, but I’m not supposed to tell you what it is! I’m super excited to see you again soon, and then I can show you how the garden has been doing! I’ve been watering it every day and it’s been super pretty, and I’m super excited for you to see it!

Mama, papa and I all really want to see you soon!

All the hugs!
A note from the postman:
From: Lucas Brightbloom, Outskirts of the Sundial Terrance
To: Natasha (Tasha) Brightbloom, Department of Artifacts, Hewn City
I had a lot of Feelings(TM) about today’s prompt and so it’s so long I had to pop it in a google doc so it didn’t take up half a page. Can I be put on the pinglist and can I send you a level 5 tomorrow once I’ve leveled? Thanks in advance!
I had a lot of Feelings(TM) about today’s prompt and so it’s so long I had to pop it in a google doc so it didn’t take up half a page. Can I be put on the pinglist and can I send you a level 5 tomorrow once I’ve leveled? Thanks in advance!
Pinglist please, these are super cute! also oops lore

Familial Love

Anora stared hard at the parchment on before her, as if it had just offended her in every way by just existing.
She was not expecting to see a letter from her father, not after the words they had last exchanged at the very least. With a heavy sigh, she reached a talon out under the wax seal, popping it open before pulling out the paper to give it a quick scan only to stop when it was her mothers hand writing greeting her instead. Blinking away the quick tears that formed, Anora moved to sit down as she read everything else her mother had sent. Asking how she'd been holding up, about the flower shop she now runs, if she's enjoying the life she's struggled so hard to achieve.

Taking a breath and holding the paper close to her heart, she let out a small sigh. She missed her mother dearly, and would give nothing in the to just spend more time with her in the family garden they had. Standing up, Anora quickly found a blank piece of paper and a inkwell before settling down to write a response back.

.......... Dear Mother,

It gladdens my very heart to hear you are well, and first I feel I should apologize for how I didn't even give you enough time to say goodbye to me in person. I wish it hadn't come to it, but Father left me no choice. I miss you dearly, I miss the days we'd spend outside, drinking tea, learning about the world, the things you'd teach me, and most of all I miss your hugs. I don't think I will ever get over that, least, not for the foreseeable future.

All goes well with the shop, Witch Blooms is what we've decided to call it, or well Remina has and constantly runs with it, even Bree as gone along, so seems that's what stuck now. I have a few others who seem interested in working here, so curious to see how that goes.

Life has been- Honestly, life has been more freeing since I have left. I know you said you didn't mind the life there, nor how Father lives, but I wish that maybe one day, you could experience this like I can. Maybe you could visit someday? I'd like that.

You're loving daughter,

Sigh a heavy sigh, Anora poured the wax seal on the letter, quickly apply the seal. Once it had dried, she walked back downstairs, outside the shop and looked around, hoping to catch Bob on his route near her shop. The letter had come in yesterday and she hadn't had the energy to read it then or else she would have sent a reply instantly back if she had truly known the sender. A merry tune caught her ear to the right, before looking and catching sight of the tiny mailman and waving to him.

"Good Morning Bob, I have a letter I'd like to send out, but before that, I do have a question. The one who gave you the letter to send to me, who was it?"

"Morning Anora! And she said she was a maid of the castle, and was asked that this be sent to you, everything alright? You seemed a little down-"

"Yes, I'm fine" Anora quickly interrupted the poor man before walking closer to him, "I cannot write who this is from, but can you see it is given to that same exact person, it's important to me."

With an ear twitch, Bob nodded, taking the letter from Anora's hand.

"Only on one condition-" Anora moved back as Bob raised a tiny hand, holding a finger up. "Smile, it's near the holidays miss, no need to have that dreadful look on your face!" A small scoff escaped Anora before she smiled.

"You're correct, however, you know that means I'll be busy, and seeing you more often... Which I need to make sure Remina hasn't blown anything up the morning. And Bob-" Bob stopped, already having started to walk off. "Thank you. This means so much to me." Both smiled at each other before going their separate ways.
Pinglist please, these are super cute! also oops lore

Familial Love

Anora stared hard at the parchment on before her, as if it had just offended her in every way by just existing.
She was not expecting to see a letter from her father, not after the words they had last exchanged at the very least. With a heavy sigh, she reached a talon out under the wax seal, popping it open before pulling out the paper to give it a quick scan only to stop when it was her mothers hand writing greeting her instead. Blinking away the quick tears that formed, Anora moved to sit down as she read everything else her mother had sent. Asking how she'd been holding up, about the flower shop she now runs, if she's enjoying the life she's struggled so hard to achieve.

Taking a breath and holding the paper close to her heart, she let out a small sigh. She missed her mother dearly, and would give nothing in the to just spend more time with her in the family garden they had. Standing up, Anora quickly found a blank piece of paper and a inkwell before settling down to write a response back.

.......... Dear Mother,

It gladdens my very heart to hear you are well, and first I feel I should apologize for how I didn't even give you enough time to say goodbye to me in person. I wish it hadn't come to it, but Father left me no choice. I miss you dearly, I miss the days we'd spend outside, drinking tea, learning about the world, the things you'd teach me, and most of all I miss your hugs. I don't think I will ever get over that, least, not for the foreseeable future.

All goes well with the shop, Witch Blooms is what we've decided to call it, or well Remina has and constantly runs with it, even Bree as gone along, so seems that's what stuck now. I have a few others who seem interested in working here, so curious to see how that goes.

Life has been- Honestly, life has been more freeing since I have left. I know you said you didn't mind the life there, nor how Father lives, but I wish that maybe one day, you could experience this like I can. Maybe you could visit someday? I'd like that.

You're loving daughter,

Sigh a heavy sigh, Anora poured the wax seal on the letter, quickly apply the seal. Once it had dried, she walked back downstairs, outside the shop and looked around, hoping to catch Bob on his route near her shop. The letter had come in yesterday and she hadn't had the energy to read it then or else she would have sent a reply instantly back if she had truly known the sender. A merry tune caught her ear to the right, before looking and catching sight of the tiny mailman and waving to him.

"Good Morning Bob, I have a letter I'd like to send out, but before that, I do have a question. The one who gave you the letter to send to me, who was it?"

"Morning Anora! And she said she was a maid of the castle, and was asked that this be sent to you, everything alright? You seemed a little down-"

"Yes, I'm fine" Anora quickly interrupted the poor man before walking closer to him, "I cannot write who this is from, but can you see it is given to that same exact person, it's important to me."

With an ear twitch, Bob nodded, taking the letter from Anora's hand.

"Only on one condition-" Anora moved back as Bob raised a tiny hand, holding a finger up. "Smile, it's near the holidays miss, no need to have that dreadful look on your face!" A small scoff escaped Anora before she smiled.

"You're correct, however, you know that means I'll be busy, and seeing you more often... Which I need to make sure Remina hasn't blown anything up the morning. And Bob-" Bob stopped, already having started to walk off. "Thank you. This means so much to me." Both smiled at each other before going their separate ways.
Entry for Sunday! And toss me on the daily pinglist, please! :)

The twisted territory of the Foxfire Bramble is no place for a Light Sprite to be gallivanting about. Bob knows this, of course, but a postman stops for nothing.

"Neither rain nor shine," he mutters to himself, a mantra as he picks through the vines, ducking under and flitting over what he can, "nor gloom of night shall stop the mail."

He only has the light that his own body has to guide him. At this rate, he's more afraid of getting lost than he is of being injured. Usually, this kind of delivery wouldn't be on his route at all... the dragon who had tasked him with it wasn't even of the Light Flight herself, and was simply passing through the Sunbeam Ruins with her clan. She was so sweet, though, and something about the way she asked just made Bob so compelled to help her...

Regardless, Bob likes delivering mail! Challenges are a part of the job.

And now a new challenge arises in the form of a dragon suddenly lunging at him, practiced claws pinning him to the rough earth. This dragon is another Mirror with familiar markings down their hide... Bob smiles.

"What are you doing here?" the Mirror questions, tail lashing.

Bob manages to wriggle his arm free, and holds up the envelope the other Mirror had given him back in Light territory, and chirps, "delivering the mail!"
Dear Tile,

Hello there, brother of mine! I know it hasn't been too long since we last spoke, but I found a mailman and figured I'd take the opportunity to write. I really would like to remain in contact with you, as inconvenient as it may become.

Currently, me and the others are just approaching the Emperor's Wake. I'm not sure I like it out here in the Sunbeam Ruins. I guess I really am a Shadow dragon, huh? I think we'll keep our stay here brief.

How are things back home? How's Mom? Dad, dare I ask? I still don't know how to feel about... all of that. How are you? I really wish you had decided to come with us. I don't think you'd like it out here either, but at least then we could complain about it together!

I'll try to send more letters as frequently as I can. I have to go now, though. Lots of ground to cover and all. I hope this makes it to you!

Signed, your dearest sister!
Entry for Sunday! And toss me on the daily pinglist, please! :)

The twisted territory of the Foxfire Bramble is no place for a Light Sprite to be gallivanting about. Bob knows this, of course, but a postman stops for nothing.

"Neither rain nor shine," he mutters to himself, a mantra as he picks through the vines, ducking under and flitting over what he can, "nor gloom of night shall stop the mail."

He only has the light that his own body has to guide him. At this rate, he's more afraid of getting lost than he is of being injured. Usually, this kind of delivery wouldn't be on his route at all... the dragon who had tasked him with it wasn't even of the Light Flight herself, and was simply passing through the Sunbeam Ruins with her clan. She was so sweet, though, and something about the way she asked just made Bob so compelled to help her...

Regardless, Bob likes delivering mail! Challenges are a part of the job.

And now a new challenge arises in the form of a dragon suddenly lunging at him, practiced claws pinning him to the rough earth. This dragon is another Mirror with familiar markings down their hide... Bob smiles.

"What are you doing here?" the Mirror questions, tail lashing.

Bob manages to wriggle his arm free, and holds up the envelope the other Mirror had given him back in Light territory, and chirps, "delivering the mail!"
Dear Tile,

Hello there, brother of mine! I know it hasn't been too long since we last spoke, but I found a mailman and figured I'd take the opportunity to write. I really would like to remain in contact with you, as inconvenient as it may become.

Currently, me and the others are just approaching the Emperor's Wake. I'm not sure I like it out here in the Sunbeam Ruins. I guess I really am a Shadow dragon, huh? I think we'll keep our stay here brief.

How are things back home? How's Mom? Dad, dare I ask? I still don't know how to feel about... all of that. How are you? I really wish you had decided to come with us. I don't think you'd like it out here either, but at least then we could complain about it together!

I'll try to send more letters as frequently as I can. I have to go now, though. Lots of ground to cover and all. I hope this makes it to you!

Signed, your dearest sister!
Q1bYOLK.pngxxxxxx FR+0 | PREVIOUSLY @GlitchedFox


Subbed to all my own threads!
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Friendship[/b][/center] Much akin to family are the family of the heart: Friends. Whether near or far, old or new, friends often hold things together when even families fall apart. So spin letters between friends, whether starting new adventures or concluding old ones, or simply inviting someone over for dinner to share all the news. [center][img][/img][/center] Bob trudged out the long prominatory to the gleaming arch of the Moonportal. The green an brightness was a balm to his soul after the plague lands. He shivered. That was the one place he was tempted to simply drop letters off at their main office and let their own handle it. A pair of the newly awakened Undertides flew above the end of the prominatory, what they were doing he couldn't see, but they seemed to have... buckets strapped to them? Well, none of his business. This was a busy clan and they'd built much since comming here. "Ho! Bob! Letters for us?" A shimmering, cheerful voice greeted him. Lightspinner, matriarch of the clan, greeted from where she was doing... something.. with one of the trees. The Fairy dragon's ripping blues and pale wings, fading to the same blue-green, always put Bob in mind of water dragons. "Yes, ma'am. One for your husband fore most, but a few others." He called out. "He's up at the main lair, and you come in good time. The soup should be ready as you get there. Should be something to your taste. It's the least we can do for you comming all the way out here!" She fluttered down, not much bigger than he was. "You look all worn in, so take a breather. We'll have chairs in your size as well as Stoneshield's!" Bob tipped his hat, heart lifting at the sound of 'soup'. He had to take lunch somewhere, and the soup would be quite welcome. "Business first, of course." "Of course, but it'll be easier to find everyone in the Hall at lunch." Well she knew how to make it easy for him to make his mind up. With a lighter step he worked his way to the cliffside-lair. It was easier than it had been last time he had been here. They had a proper road and several of the beastclan folk were walking down it for their share of the luncheon. The great hall spread above and around, carved of stone and polished smooth to something that looked made rather than something left crude and desparate. The great grey-green guardian that was the clan leader stood by the soup line and Bob worked his way around, noting a few others he had letters for. "Letter for you, sir." Bob offered the letter up, and up and up... Guardians were almost as bad for height as Obelisks. "Ah! Bob, thank you! Stay for the soup, it..." His voice cut off as he saw the address and then he recovered himself. "It should be quite good, we've got our herb gardens going with the help of a few of the newer members." With that he stepped back and Bob quickly delivered his other messages. What had that been all about? He found himself glancing back towards Stoneshield as he read his letter. Just as Bob was getting his own soup all the tensions seemed to go aout of the Guardian dragon. Relaxing himself, so news that could have been bad but was good. He liked those. Better days. Now to the wonder that is... Soup! [center]* * * [/center] Stoneshield, brother of my heart, I know you disapproved when I took up my guardianship of this grove of wonders. Your heart called you elsewhere. It may be that you were right for the grove is no more. I should have known nothing green would survive [u]here[/u]. I am coming home. You wrote that your clan had settled near the moon portal? Well if Shadow allows passage that might cut some travel time off my return, assuming you want me. My hunting skills are still keen, and I've managed to avoid the usual problems of living so close to Plague. It will be good to see you and Lightspinner again. Your weary brother in arms, Aesir [quote][size=1]@TETRAHEDR0N @yulivia @lansly @stolen @bunnysox @xenofaun @Medievalredragon @Meanderlin @RangerLexi @Bxy26 @sockmonkeygerald @GlitchedFox @cynosural @Evet [/size][/quote]

Much akin to family are the family of the heart: Friends. Whether near or far, old or new, friends often hold things together when even families fall apart. So spin letters between friends, whether starting new adventures or concluding old ones, or simply inviting someone over for dinner to share all the news.

Bob trudged out the long prominatory to the gleaming arch of the Moonportal. The green an brightness was a balm to his soul after the plague lands. He shivered. That was the one place he was tempted to simply drop letters off at their main office and let their own handle it.
A pair of the newly awakened Undertides flew above the end of the prominatory, what they were doing he couldn't see, but they seemed to have... buckets strapped to them? Well, none of his business. This was a busy clan and they'd built much since comming here.

"Ho! Bob! Letters for us?" A shimmering, cheerful voice greeted him. Lightspinner, matriarch of the clan, greeted from where she was doing... something.. with one of the trees. The Fairy dragon's ripping blues and pale wings, fading to the same blue-green, always put Bob in mind of water dragons.

"Yes, ma'am. One for your husband fore most, but a few others." He called out.

"He's up at the main lair, and you come in good time. The soup should be ready as you get there. Should be something to your taste. It's the least we can do for you comming all the way out here!" She fluttered down, not much bigger than he was. "You look all worn in, so take a breather. We'll have chairs in your size as well as Stoneshield's!"

Bob tipped his hat, heart lifting at the sound of 'soup'. He had to take lunch somewhere, and the soup would be quite welcome. "Business first, of course."

"Of course, but it'll be easier to find everyone in the Hall at lunch."

Well she knew how to make it easy for him to make his mind up. With a lighter step he worked his way to the cliffside-lair. It was easier than it had been last time he had been here. They had a proper road and several of the beastclan folk were walking down it for their share of the luncheon.

The great hall spread above and around, carved of stone and polished smooth to something that looked made rather than something left crude and desparate. The great grey-green guardian that was the clan leader stood by the soup line and Bob worked his way around, noting a few others he had letters for.

"Letter for you, sir." Bob offered the letter up, and up and up... Guardians were almost as bad for height as Obelisks.

"Ah! Bob, thank you! Stay for the soup, it..." His voice cut off as he saw the address and then he recovered himself. "It should be quite good, we've got our herb gardens going with the help of a few of the newer members."

With that he stepped back and Bob quickly delivered his other messages. What had that been all about? He found himself glancing back towards Stoneshield as he read his letter. Just as Bob was getting his own soup all the tensions seemed to go aout of the Guardian dragon.

Relaxing himself, so news that could have been bad but was good. He liked those. Better days. Now to the wonder that is... Soup!
* * *
Stoneshield, brother of my heart,
I know you disapproved when I took up my guardianship of this grove of wonders. Your heart called you elsewhere. It may be that you were right for the grove is no more. I should have known nothing green would survive here. I am coming home.

You wrote that your clan had settled near the moon portal? Well if Shadow allows passage that might cut some travel time off my return, assuming you want me. My hunting skills are still keen, and I've managed to avoid the usual problems of living so close to Plague. It will be good to see you and Lightspinner again.

Your weary brother in arms,

Wanted to enter this for Sunday's prompt before the new one, but I was just a bit too late. Ah well, it's fun to write and fun to post. I'd like to try doing one for most days if I can.

Could i be on the daily ping list also, please?

Familial Love

A light plateau breeze blew warm through Bob's flutter-buzzing wings and bushy mustache, and he couldn't help the little twirl as he approached the little encampment. Traveling tribes were oft the hardest to deliver to, but it helped when they kept a schedule on what flights they might venture through next— and much as he loved something different about each and every place he might stop stop by, some days there were those just a bit more fun than others. Today was such one day.

And so Bob touched down with his usual aplomb and then some among the colorful tent-buildings of thick hide and rope, waving at the inhabitants milling about the camp. As he tweaked his hat and triple-checked his worn bag's latch— The satchel was old by now, a companion of countless deliveries both big and small, and he wondered how much longer he could ask the old reliable thing to bear with him— a pale serpentine head slithered from one and affixed the sprite with a wide scrutinizing eye.

"...oh, hello Bob!" Upon recognizing the postman, the spiral broke into a grin. "Its been a while! I hope you didn't have a hard time finding us today."

"Not at all, not at all." He beamed back, mustache twitching. "We all at Lanternea Port post thank you migjty for that schedule— it really does help, you know."

"Glad for it." His head bobbed. "Well, I won't keep you, I have a hunch on who your delivery is for and I wouldn't rob you of the honors. Be well out there, won't you?"

"Thank you, Weiben. Give those girls of yours my hello!"

With a quick glance about to orient himself, Bob strolled between the tents, whistling jauntily. Dragons and beastclan alike waved and called out hellos he returned, though he didn't slow until he finally came upon his destination. The tent bore sworls of deep blue and purple interspersed with dots and stripes of pale yellow, with the entrance flap's top more than a few Bobs off the ground. Two names stood out embroidered in neat white near the bottom edge, *Feri'um* and *Edyne*. He wasted no time rapping against the thick material as he called out;

"Special delivery!"

From within, the scrape of heavy sheets. Then footsteps, and the shift of the flap, and at last the massive form of an old obelisk emerged from the depths with an awl clutched absently in one hand, her scales and mane not far from the shades of her home. Her shirt wrinkles spoke to long hours leaned over a worktable, the smell of treated hides clinging to the folds, the broken two-toned horns on her right a testament to old childhood escapades gone wrong. She peered down at Bob, eyes bright.

"Hello, postman," Edyne said softly. "A letter for me?"

"A bit more than that!" With a bright wink, Bob threw his bag open and pulled not just an envelope but a small thin package, carefully bound in string and glue. The reaction came instantaneous— the lift of her shoulders, the sudden bounce to her mane, the haste with which she tucked the tool into her belt as she accepted the two with bright beaming joy.

"Oh, my baby..." She sniffed. "Thank you for this. I know it can't be easy to follow us at odd times of the year, but you've never failed to bring joy to my doorstep."

"It's all part of the job, ma'am!" Bob gave a little salute, spritely tail flicking. "Do you have anything else you'll be sending yourself? I can take it for processing while I'm here, save you the trip."

"Ah, as a matter of fact..." Edyne's lips curved into a sly smile. "Wait a moment here, please."

Before Bob could answer she turned and plunged back into the tent's depths. As requested, the messenger sprite bobbed in the spot for a moment, checking over that all hairs were in place, coat straight and hat neat, fiddling again with the clasp on his delivery bag. Edyne often sent back trinkets and things in exchange for letters, belts and bracelets and the occasional handbound notebook for her child, a traveller far outside the bounds of the little nomadic tribe. He wondered what it could be today— a jacket? A sash? Another book?

Finally, Edyne re-emerged from the depths, claws gently curled around her latest work. She leaned down and unfurled her clutched fingers to reveal a beautiful bag, edges etched in tiny filigree and the front emblazoned with the image of an unopened letter. The strap was wide and clearly padded, hooked together by a sturdy clasp— easily removable with a bit of dexterity, but not going anywhere otherwise. Most importantly, the bag was much, *much* too small for any recipient he could think of.

"It's for you," Edyne explained. "Yours is well made, but I know the signs of wear— this one isn't enchanted I'm afraid, but I'd assumed you might know someone who could do that bit for you."

"I—" He floundered for a moment, speechless, hands fluttering over the gift, though not quite touching it yet. She pushed it closer to him.

"You bring me reassurance and joy each time you come here bearing news from my child," she said. "Let me pay back even a sliver of it."

And what could he say to that? After a long hesitation, Bob sighed and picked up the bag (light, smooth, stiff in all the right places) and hooked it over his shoulder to join his old one. He took a moment to adjust the straps so they might fit better, then looked up and beamed.

"Delivering that joy is what I love the most about this job!" He gave her a little salute and fluttered up. "Thank you, miss Edyne. All of you take care, now!"

"And you along the wind. Dawn speed the way." Edyne waved, and with that Bob returned to the skies, ready to seek out the next recipient on his list.

....perhaps with a little detour for the office, he thought, as he tweaked the new bag. Someone there would know the protocol, probably. And it would be nice to not worry about his bag splitting open partway there.


Dear mom,

The far reaches of the Glade are beautiful this time of year— far more than our guides and tribesmen could describe. It makes me wish I had you with me right now, but.... baby steps. Maybe everyone can come by someday, if we get permission.

Oh, we met with a serthis elder the other day! Very serious, thar lot, but kind for the time we needed to pass through. It was good of them to let us hold up during some storms, I wouldn't have fancied walking through it.

G'avan is the same as ever, and in plenty good spirits and health to match! She beat me in a hunting contest (we were looking for dragonflies) but I got off first blow in sparring, so it evens out. Things are a lot more fun with my best friend around, so I'm glad. She keeps asking about when we'll come visit you again, so maybe we'll have to in the coming months.

I'm doing okay. My arm is all better after the last letter, and the doctors I've been able to find as we go say I should be good to return to normal soon, except maybe with a brace I need to wear sometimes. Promise I'm not taking any risks I shouldn't (G'av would kill me before you do).

Love you lots! Tell everyone I say hi!

(Enclosed alongside the letter are many photographs on glossy paper, many depicting a gold-purple pearlcatcher. Several are of the environments they have passed through, and the rest host a variety of others who are presumably their friends.)

Wanted to enter this for Sunday's prompt before the new one, but I was just a bit too late. Ah well, it's fun to write and fun to post. I'd like to try doing one for most days if I can.

Could i be on the daily ping list also, please?

Familial Love

A light plateau breeze blew warm through Bob's flutter-buzzing wings and bushy mustache, and he couldn't help the little twirl as he approached the little encampment. Traveling tribes were oft the hardest to deliver to, but it helped when they kept a schedule on what flights they might venture through next— and much as he loved something different about each and every place he might stop stop by, some days there were those just a bit more fun than others. Today was such one day.

And so Bob touched down with his usual aplomb and then some among the colorful tent-buildings of thick hide and rope, waving at the inhabitants milling about the camp. As he tweaked his hat and triple-checked his worn bag's latch— The satchel was old by now, a companion of countless deliveries both big and small, and he wondered how much longer he could ask the old reliable thing to bear with him— a pale serpentine head slithered from one and affixed the sprite with a wide scrutinizing eye.

"...oh, hello Bob!" Upon recognizing the postman, the spiral broke into a grin. "Its been a while! I hope you didn't have a hard time finding us today."

"Not at all, not at all." He beamed back, mustache twitching. "We all at Lanternea Port post thank you migjty for that schedule— it really does help, you know."

"Glad for it." His head bobbed. "Well, I won't keep you, I have a hunch on who your delivery is for and I wouldn't rob you of the honors. Be well out there, won't you?"

"Thank you, Weiben. Give those girls of yours my hello!"

With a quick glance about to orient himself, Bob strolled between the tents, whistling jauntily. Dragons and beastclan alike waved and called out hellos he returned, though he didn't slow until he finally came upon his destination. The tent bore sworls of deep blue and purple interspersed with dots and stripes of pale yellow, with the entrance flap's top more than a few Bobs off the ground. Two names stood out embroidered in neat white near the bottom edge, *Feri'um* and *Edyne*. He wasted no time rapping against the thick material as he called out;

"Special delivery!"

From within, the scrape of heavy sheets. Then footsteps, and the shift of the flap, and at last the massive form of an old obelisk emerged from the depths with an awl clutched absently in one hand, her scales and mane not far from the shades of her home. Her shirt wrinkles spoke to long hours leaned over a worktable, the smell of treated hides clinging to the folds, the broken two-toned horns on her right a testament to old childhood escapades gone wrong. She peered down at Bob, eyes bright.

"Hello, postman," Edyne said softly. "A letter for me?"

"A bit more than that!" With a bright wink, Bob threw his bag open and pulled not just an envelope but a small thin package, carefully bound in string and glue. The reaction came instantaneous— the lift of her shoulders, the sudden bounce to her mane, the haste with which she tucked the tool into her belt as she accepted the two with bright beaming joy.

"Oh, my baby..." She sniffed. "Thank you for this. I know it can't be easy to follow us at odd times of the year, but you've never failed to bring joy to my doorstep."

"It's all part of the job, ma'am!" Bob gave a little salute, spritely tail flicking. "Do you have anything else you'll be sending yourself? I can take it for processing while I'm here, save you the trip."

"Ah, as a matter of fact..." Edyne's lips curved into a sly smile. "Wait a moment here, please."

Before Bob could answer she turned and plunged back into the tent's depths. As requested, the messenger sprite bobbed in the spot for a moment, checking over that all hairs were in place, coat straight and hat neat, fiddling again with the clasp on his delivery bag. Edyne often sent back trinkets and things in exchange for letters, belts and bracelets and the occasional handbound notebook for her child, a traveller far outside the bounds of the little nomadic tribe. He wondered what it could be today— a jacket? A sash? Another book?

Finally, Edyne re-emerged from the depths, claws gently curled around her latest work. She leaned down and unfurled her clutched fingers to reveal a beautiful bag, edges etched in tiny filigree and the front emblazoned with the image of an unopened letter. The strap was wide and clearly padded, hooked together by a sturdy clasp— easily removable with a bit of dexterity, but not going anywhere otherwise. Most importantly, the bag was much, *much* too small for any recipient he could think of.

"It's for you," Edyne explained. "Yours is well made, but I know the signs of wear— this one isn't enchanted I'm afraid, but I'd assumed you might know someone who could do that bit for you."

"I—" He floundered for a moment, speechless, hands fluttering over the gift, though not quite touching it yet. She pushed it closer to him.

"You bring me reassurance and joy each time you come here bearing news from my child," she said. "Let me pay back even a sliver of it."

And what could he say to that? After a long hesitation, Bob sighed and picked up the bag (light, smooth, stiff in all the right places) and hooked it over his shoulder to join his old one. He took a moment to adjust the straps so they might fit better, then looked up and beamed.

"Delivering that joy is what I love the most about this job!" He gave her a little salute and fluttered up. "Thank you, miss Edyne. All of you take care, now!"

"And you along the wind. Dawn speed the way." Edyne waved, and with that Bob returned to the skies, ready to seek out the next recipient on his list.

....perhaps with a little detour for the office, he thought, as he tweaked the new bag. Someone there would know the protocol, probably. And it would be nice to not worry about his bag splitting open partway there.


Dear mom,

The far reaches of the Glade are beautiful this time of year— far more than our guides and tribesmen could describe. It makes me wish I had you with me right now, but.... baby steps. Maybe everyone can come by someday, if we get permission.

Oh, we met with a serthis elder the other day! Very serious, thar lot, but kind for the time we needed to pass through. It was good of them to let us hold up during some storms, I wouldn't have fancied walking through it.

G'avan is the same as ever, and in plenty good spirits and health to match! She beat me in a hunting contest (we were looking for dragonflies) but I got off first blow in sparring, so it evens out. Things are a lot more fun with my best friend around, so I'm glad. She keeps asking about when we'll come visit you again, so maybe we'll have to in the coming months.

I'm doing okay. My arm is all better after the last letter, and the doctors I've been able to find as we go say I should be good to return to normal soon, except maybe with a brace I need to wear sometimes. Promise I'm not taking any risks I shouldn't (G'av would kill me before you do).

Love you lots! Tell everyone I say hi!

(Enclosed alongside the letter are many photographs on glossy paper, many depicting a gold-purple pearlcatcher. Several are of the environments they have passed through, and the rest host a variety of others who are presumably their friends.)

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(This got away with me a bit, but Clara was determined to write to all the town's residents, so here we are!) [url=]Clara's[/url] tea shop doubled as the drop-off point for all the Lower Town's letters, which made it much easier for Postman Bob to collect them all. Plus, Clara was usually waiting for him with a sample of whatever biscuits she had baked that morning. And there she was, plate in paw, standing by the mailbox. "Right on time, Mr. Postman," she greeted him with a smile. "Good morning, Clara," he replied. "I'm afraid I don't have any letters for you today." "Oh, that's alright," she said. "I've got plenty for you to deliver. And you won't even have to go far to get them where they need to go!" Bob looked at her quizzically while selecting a cookie off her plate. "Is that so, ma'am?" She leaned in, as if telling him a great secret. "I've decided to spread some cheer for Valightine's Day. I'm sending anonymous notes to all my friends." Knowing Clara, "all my friends" meant everyone in the clan. "We need some happiness and hope around here, that's for sure." "I'm glad to be a part of your scheme, Miss Clara." It would mean a bit more delivery than usual, but she was right- this town seemed to be quieter and sadder than Bob remembered, and if he could have any part in cheering up its residents, Postman Bob would be happy to oblige. Taking another cookie in one paw and the stack of notes in the other, Bob said his goodbyes to Clara and trotted off to deliver to the rest of the town. [center][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]~ [emoji=old parchment size=1] ~ Dear Acting Troupe Team, Happy Valightine's Day! Your last performance was simply stunning, and I cannot wait until the next one. [url=]Autumn[/url], you were dazzling as always. [url=]Misty[/url] and [url=]Blackberry[/url], your on-stage romance brought me to tears. And of course, dear [url=]Nylac[/url], the script was wonderful, your writing skills never fail to astound. It all came together beautifully. From, an anonymous admirer. ~ [emoji=old parchment size=1] ~ To the Library staff, [url=]Kayda[/url], [url=]Saeya[/url], and [url=]Archivist[/url] Happy Valightine's Day! Thank you for always being there to preserve our history and help the rest of us find whatever resources we need. You are appreciated more than you know! From, an anonymous Library-goer. ~ [emoji=old parchment size=1] ~ Dearest [url=]Elroy[/url], Happy Valightine's Day! Your services to our little town are invaluable, and we appreciate you greatly. From, an anonymous citizen. ~ [emoji=old parchment size=1] ~ Dear [url=]Ravenna[/url], Happy Valightine's Day! Your wisdom and vision make you a wonderful addition to our clan. Thank you for helping to protect and lead us. From, an anonymous townsperson. ~ [emoji=old parchment size=1] ~ Dear [url=]Terris[/url], Happy Valightine's Day! I hope you know how your inventions have literally brightened my life, as well as making all of our lives easier here. Thank you! From, an anonymous client. ~~[/center][/font] Only one letter was different from the rest. While the other envelopes were decorated with dozens of hearts and sparkles, this one had only one simple heart design on the front. Although it was unassuming, Bob could tell that this one, more than any of the rest, came from the heart. [center][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]~ [emoji=old parchment size=1] ~ To [url=]Rex[/url], How time flies. It seems only a few months ago that we were together, and all was right with the world. And now I realize that all that was years ago, and now our town is struggling through harder times than either of us could have imagined back then. But I have to admit, having you as a friend by my side is one of the things keeping me going some days. This Valightine's Day, I want you to know how much you mean to me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Love from, Clara
(This got away with me a bit, but Clara was determined to write to all the town's residents, so here we are!)

Clara's tea shop doubled as the drop-off point for all the Lower Town's letters, which made it much easier for Postman Bob to collect them all. Plus, Clara was usually waiting for him with a sample of whatever biscuits she had baked that morning.

And there she was, plate in paw, standing by the mailbox. "Right on time, Mr. Postman," she greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, Clara," he replied. "I'm afraid I don't have any letters for you today."

"Oh, that's alright," she said. "I've got plenty for you to deliver. And you won't even have to go far to get them where they need to go!"

Bob looked at her quizzically while selecting a cookie off her plate. "Is that so, ma'am?"

She leaned in, as if telling him a great secret. "I've decided to spread some cheer for Valightine's Day. I'm sending anonymous notes to all my friends." Knowing Clara, "all my friends" meant everyone in the clan. "We need some happiness and hope around here, that's for sure."

"I'm glad to be a part of your scheme, Miss Clara." It would mean a bit more delivery than usual, but she was right- this town seemed to be quieter and sadder than Bob remembered, and if he could have any part in cheering up its residents, Postman Bob would be happy to oblige.

Taking another cookie in one paw and the stack of notes in the other, Bob said his goodbyes to Clara and trotted off to deliver to the rest of the town.
~ ~

Dear Acting Troupe Team,

Happy Valightine's Day! Your last performance was simply stunning, and I cannot wait until the next one. Autumn, you were dazzling as always. Misty and Blackberry, your on-stage romance brought me to tears. And of course, dear Nylac, the script was wonderful, your writing skills never fail to astound. It all came together beautifully.

From, an anonymous admirer.

~ ~

To the Library staff, Kayda, Saeya, and Archivist

Happy Valightine's Day! Thank you for always being there to preserve our history and help the rest of us find whatever resources we need. You are appreciated more than you know!

From, an anonymous Library-goer.

~ ~

Dearest Elroy,

Happy Valightine's Day! Your services to our little town are invaluable, and we appreciate you greatly.

From, an anonymous citizen.

~ ~

Dear Ravenna,

Happy Valightine's Day! Your wisdom and vision make you a wonderful addition to our clan. Thank you for helping to protect and lead us.

From, an anonymous townsperson.

~ ~

Dear Terris,

Happy Valightine's Day! I hope you know how your inventions have literally brightened my life, as well as making all of our lives easier here. Thank you!

From, an anonymous client.


Only one letter was different from the rest. While the other envelopes were decorated with dozens of hearts and sparkles, this one had only one simple heart design on the front. Although it was unassuming, Bob could tell that this one, more than any of the rest, came from the heart.
~ ~

To Rex,

How time flies. It seems only a few months ago that we were together, and all was right with the world. And now I realize that all that was years ago, and now our town is struggling through harder times than either of us could have imagined back then. But I have to admit, having you as a friend by my side is one of the things keeping me going some days. This Valightine's Day, I want you to know how much you mean to me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Love from,
Lexi | she/her | FR+3
[b]Friendship[/b] As the Light Flight is conquesting for Valightine’s The LIGHTWEAVER called on all beings in Scintillate (The Clan) “PARTAKE OF THY OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS THY CONCERNS TO THY CLAN.” A Light Sprite with a white beard and white mage hat (Dr. Makoto) had the entire week to oversee, sanctify and purify lights that would be sent to BEINGS by using a singing melody. The Spirit of Light [item=Spirit of Light]would send the messages from one being to another. Upon a calling for [url=]Bryath[/url] to send a message to [url=]Ebon[/url], Bryath had been nervous as writing scared thee. Approaching Dr. Makoto, Bryath asked for help in writing a letter that the Spirit of Light would send to Ebon. [quote]“[s]Dear[/s] Fellow Ebon, It has been some time since we were last intimate like this. I remember the days when there would be so much light given to the Elemental Feast Weeks that now that Scintillate rarely commemorates the elemental feast weeks as before, with a new dragon incoming and celebrating with a dragon dressing up, it feels like we’ve lost [s]heart[/s] spirit. Remember when you had shown me around during Brightshine when I was a hatchling with Alabaster. I sometimes miss those days of celebrating as things were before, except now with better light. You are a friend that I want to trust more Ebon but some things are confusing to me. I want clarification over certain channeled messages. Maybe before Valentine’s Day we can meet up and help bring BEINGs to see the LIGHT more clearly. From Bryath [/quote] Dr. Makoto sent the letter to the Spirit of Light. "Beware, for this one needs love." Dr. Makoto said before handing the letter to the Spirit of Light Who would send it to Ebon.
As the Light Flight is conquesting for Valightine’s The LIGHTWEAVER called on all beings in Scintillate (The Clan) “PARTAKE OF THY OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS THY CONCERNS TO THY CLAN.” A Light Sprite with a white beard and white mage hat (Dr. Makoto) had the entire week to oversee, sanctify and purify lights that would be sent to BEINGS by using a singing melody. The Spirit of Light Spirit of Light would send the messages from one being to another.
Upon a calling for Bryath to send a message to Ebon, Bryath had been nervous as writing scared thee. Approaching Dr. Makoto, Bryath asked for help in writing a letter that the Spirit of Light would send to Ebon.
Dear Fellow Ebon,
It has been some time since we were last intimate like this. I remember the days when there would be so much light given to the Elemental Feast Weeks that now that Scintillate rarely commemorates the elemental feast weeks as before, with a new dragon incoming and celebrating with a dragon dressing up, it feels like we’ve lost heart spirit. Remember when you had shown me around during Brightshine when I was a hatchling with Alabaster. I sometimes miss those days of celebrating as things were before, except now with better light. You are a friend that I want to trust more Ebon but some things are confusing to me. I want clarification over certain channeled messages. Maybe before Valentine’s Day we can meet up and help bring BEINGs to see the LIGHT more clearly.
From Bryath

Dr. Makoto sent the letter to the Spirit of Light.

"Beware, for this one needs love." Dr. Makoto said before handing the letter to the Spirit of Light Who would send it to Ebon.
Pinglist and entry spreadsheet caught up to this point. Thank you all, I love them!
Pinglist and entry spreadsheet caught up to this point. Thank you all, I love them!
Returning an undeliverable letter to its sender was sad, but it was part of Bob's duty as a postman. Sometimes dragons argued that the address couldn't be wrong, despite the fact that all Bob's mail-delivery magic failed to locate the addressee. Mostly, it made everybody involved unhappy. "Prospect?" Bob called into the open doorway in the floating cliffside of a [url=]Hoverview Vale[/url] lair. "Is there a dragon named Prospect here?" A [url=]brown and grey Bogsneak[/url] stuck her head and a third of her long neck out the door. A delighted grin spread over her face, until she read her own writing on the envelope Bob held out to her. The grin faded as she pinched the letter delicately between two claws to take it from him. Her grim expression made Bob's heart ache in sympathy. "You didn't find her, huh?" Prospect asked without looking at the envelope again. Bob didn't apologize, since he'd done his best. "I used every trick I knew in the search." His tone of voice said he was sorry anyway. "Yeah, me too. It was worth a shot." Prospect stuffed the returned letter into a pocket of her lab coat. "Time for me to learn some new tricks." "Good luck," said Bob. Prospect looked so determined. "Perhaps when you find her, you could drop me a note?" "I'll do that!" Prospect smiled, a little. "Thanks for bringing this back." Bob stood straight and arranged his ears neatly over his mailbag. "It's my duty as a postman." [center][emoji=left wing size=1] [b]Friendship[/b] [emoji=right wing size=1][/center] Dear Aeryz, I hope this letter finds you, because I sure can't! Didn't I tell you to write out your plans for magical experiments [i]before[/i] you do them? That way you don't disappear somewhere and leave your friends and pen pals wondering what happened to you! Given the hypothesis you described in your last letter, I'll bet you ended up in some weird magic realm. You'd better give this courier something nice for going to the trouble of bringing this to you. And then write me back! Please. I miss getting excited when the postman brings a letter from you. Waiting impatiently for your next update, Prospect
Returning an undeliverable letter to its sender was sad, but it was part of Bob's duty as a postman. Sometimes dragons argued that the address couldn't be wrong, despite the fact that all Bob's mail-delivery magic failed to locate the addressee. Mostly, it made everybody involved unhappy.

"Prospect?" Bob called into the open doorway in the floating cliffside of a Hoverview Vale lair. "Is there a dragon named Prospect here?"

A brown and grey Bogsneak stuck her head and a third of her long neck out the door. A delighted grin spread over her face, until she read her own writing on the envelope Bob held out to her. The grin faded as she pinched the letter delicately between two claws to take it from him. Her grim expression made Bob's heart ache in sympathy.

"You didn't find her, huh?" Prospect asked without looking at the envelope again.

Bob didn't apologize, since he'd done his best. "I used every trick I knew in the search." His tone of voice said he was sorry anyway.

"Yeah, me too. It was worth a shot." Prospect stuffed the returned letter into a pocket of her lab coat. "Time for me to learn some new tricks."

"Good luck," said Bob. Prospect looked so determined. "Perhaps when you find her, you could drop me a note?"

"I'll do that!" Prospect smiled, a little. "Thanks for bringing this back."

Bob stood straight and arranged his ears neatly over his mailbag. "It's my duty as a postman."


Dear Aeryz,

I hope this letter finds you, because I sure can't! Didn't I tell you to write out your plans for magical experiments before you do them? That way you don't disappear somewhere and leave your friends and pen pals wondering what happened to you!

Given the hypothesis you described in your last letter, I'll bet you ended up in some weird magic realm. You'd better give this courier something nice for going to the trouble of bringing this to you. And then write me back! Please.

I miss getting excited when the postman brings a letter from you.

Waiting impatiently for your next update,

An Arcane-pink, glittering, circular logo with the Arcane symbol and the words Star Fall surrounded by stars
A gray button with the bi flag and SHE/HER
A gray button with the Arcane flight banner and EXALT LAIR
A gray button with a clock icon and FR TIME +1
A gray button with SALES TAB surrounded by gold coins
An Arcane egg and Nest Network Arcane on a bright pink background
Bubbles floating beside the head of a brown Obelisk dragon with blue eyes and a red mane