Bergara And Onion have one egg, Redwood and Tegan have two eggs, Maestro and Ammanas have three, and Rajin and Vesta have one
Bergara And Onion have one egg, Redwood and Tegan have two eggs, Maestro and Ammanas have three, and Rajin and Vesta have one
Peyp I have 5 nature nests open! (going to try and do this again), would like gems and food (meat if you can) please!
Peyp I have 5 nature nests open! (going to try and do this again), would like gems and food (meat if you can) please!
Peyp Oh! I'm very happy :)
I'd like to ask for a Breed Change: Spiral. Thank You!
Peyp Oh! I'm very happy :)
I'd like to ask for a Breed Change: Spiral. Thank You!
Peyp I have 2 nests open. Gems preferred and no food. ^^
Peyp I have 2 nests open. Gems preferred and no food. ^^
Empyrean Reflection: Kaveh, the Light of Kshahrewar
6 eggs in total this time.
6 eggs in total this time.
Empyrean Reflection: Kaveh, the Light of Kshahrewar
My nests are open! All five so feel free to send
My nests are open! All five so feel free to send