Naomi Breeders Inc.
Peyp's Clan
All-seeing pink eye!
Clan Info
P e y p The Forsaken Cave Renting nests Always buying food @ 20t per FP, LF transmuting @ 1kt/g per item! About me I'm 9 hours ahead of Flight Rising time. |
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The Forsaken Cave
The Forsaken Cave is massive cave labyrinth hidden under The Scarred Wasteland. Entering the Cave is possible through one of two entrances - through the gate which opens only with the help of Plague Runestone, the underground waterway or the regular-looking cave entrance in the Starwood Strand.The inside of the Cave consists of a few layers, the one first one being named Surface layer for it's proximity to the outside. Surface layer contains many rooms as well as a large underground lake, which is used as the home of some water dragons and creatures, as well as water familiars.
The lower levels are inhabited by descendants of Naomi and Ignis, their various mates and their children. These layers often change shape due to the frequent fights and magic being used. Most of the Glitches don't interact with dragons living in surface layer or outside of the cave, using their time to spread their influence and reach various goals instead.
Members are also allowed to leave whenever they wish, as long as they fulfilled their pledge to the Plaguemother and had at least one red-eyed offspring, or had sent one of the different eye-colored offsprings to fight for the Mother on frontlines, unless they are doing so themselves.
The food is grown next to the lake. Although underground, covered in green plants which provide a home for insects and small creatures. It seems that the light provided by fluorescent algae, growing next to the tiny stream that flows through the room, is enough for the plants to grow with no issues. Even some endemic plants are grown here, as well as some still non-recorded flora and fauna.
Recent Comments
Thank for buying my tundra siblings. I hope they serve you well
Bendito is on the front page!! Gorgeous dragon, SUPER cool lair <3
Bendito was on random dragon! Excellent use of stained, it makes such a lovely color on him.
Hey! Just popping by to let you know I named the Faust baby Physalis, which is a type of fruit! I was going for pale fruits, but didn't want to go with something like Banana :)
Happy birthday!
Destiny was on the front page. So pretty!
hello! just wanted to let you know the hatchlings from the nest you're renting from me have been hatched! sorry for the delay, had to clear out space in my lair so i could hatch them.
Doolik was on the front page, what a fearsome warrior!
Doolik (#33873511) was on the front page!
Doolik was on the front page!! Super cool dragon!!
Sorry for the gap in sending them over, is playing WoW at this point in time.
I hope you like Palomba!
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