
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | i am so mad
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[item=Hippojay] >:(

Never give up!
Never give up!
33352.png U65gRpm.png EP9270D.png 33351.png
Months of fishing. Months and months.
It does drop eventually 8D
Months of fishing. Months and months.
It does drop eventually 8D
You will get them eventually!! I believe in you!
You will get them eventually!! I believe in you!
At least you don't have to coli for it. I've been in the cove trying to get that charger for months.
At least you don't have to coli for it. I've been in the cove trying to get that charger for months.
let me know if it you get one before 259 days.
let me know if it you get one before 259 days.

Hjönk Hjönk Am Goose
actuallyadinosaur a tiny doodle of a small goose like dinosaur with yellow beak white feathers and red eyes
think i got one recently, didn't even notice i just saw in my inventory xD theyre worth the grind though, dont give up!!
think i got one recently, didn't even notice i just saw in my inventory xD theyre worth the grind though, dont give up!!
took a few years for me, but if you roll the dice enough times, you're bound to get what you want eventually!
took a few years for me, but if you roll the dice enough times, you're bound to get what you want eventually!
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